
#' SeqPlots generic methods
#' Generic operators working with \code{\link{PlotSetArray}}, 
#' \code{\link{PlotSetList}} and \code{\link{PlotSetPair}} to subset or flatten
#' the data structure.
#' @param x an object of class \code{\link{PlotSetArray}}, 
#'   \code{\link{PlotSetList}} or \code{\link{PlotSetPair}}
#' @param j see description for \code{i}
#' @param ... see description for \code{i}
#' @return
#' If \code{x} is \strong{\code{\link{PlotSetArray}}} class: \itemize{ \item
#' \code{x[1:2,1:2]} produces \code{\link{PlotSetArray}} with 2 feature(s) and
#' 2 tracks. \item \code{x[1:2]} produces \code{\link{PlotSetList}} with 2
#' feature/tracks pairs. \item \code{x[[1]]} produces single
#' \code{\link{PlotSetPair}}. \item
#' \code{x$as.array()} produces the matrix of \code{\link{PlotSetPair}} classes
#' with all feature/tracks pairs. }
#' If \code{x} is \strong{\code{\link{PlotSetList}}} class: \itemize{ \item
#' \code{x[1:2]} produces \code{\link{PlotSetList}} with 2 feature/tracks 
#' pairs.
#' \item \code{x[[1]]} produces single \code{\link{PlotSetPair}}. }
#' @inheritParams base::Extract
#' @name seqplots-generic
#' @seealso \code{\link[base]{Extract}}

#' Generic plot function for SeqPlots package calsses
#' @param x This argument should be one of SeqPlots classes:
#'  \code{\link{PlotSetArray}}, \code{\link{PlotSetList}} or
#'  \code{\link{PlotSetPair}}
#' @param y For plotting SeqPlots classes this argument is ignored, used for 
#'  default functionality of \code{\link[graphics]{plot}} function.
#' @param what This argument takes a character determining if avareange 
#'  plot (\code{"a"}, default) or heatmap (\code{"h"}) will be plotted.
#' @param ... Other parameters controlong the plot, see 
#'  \code{\link{plotAverage}} for avareange plot and \code{\link{plotHeatmap}}
#'  for heatmaps.
#' @return
#' Returns \code{NULL} for avareange plot and cluster report \code{data.frame} 
#' for hetamap - see \code{\link{plotHeatmap}} for details.  
#' @seealso \code{\link{getPlotSetArray}}
#' @family plotting functions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #load precalculated PlotSetArrays "plotset1" and "plotset2", usually these 
#' #objects are the output of getPlotSetArray function
#' load(system.file("extdata", "precalc_plotset.Rdata", package="seqplots"))
#' #plot with default values
#' plot(plotset2) #Average plot
#' plot(plotset2[1,], what='h') #Heatmap
#' #setting plot options
#' plot(plotset2, main='Title', xlab='Relative position [bp]', ylab='Signal', 
#'      colvec=rainbow(6, 0.7, 0.5), labels=LETTERS, legend_ext=TRUE, 
#'      legend_ext_pos='topright', legend_pos='topleft', ln.h=9)
#' plot(plotset2[2,], what='h', main="The heatmap", labels=LETTERS,
#'      ord = c(3,1,2), sortrows = TRUE, clusters = 2, clstmethod = "hclust", 
#'      cex.main = 20, cex.lab = 12, cex.legend = 12, xlab = "Rel. pos. [bp]", 
#'      ylab = "Signal", autoscale = FALSE, zmin = 0, zmax = 20, 
#'      clspace = rev(rainbow(4, 0.7, 0.5)) )

#' @describeIn plot Method plot for signature 'PlotSetPair'
#' @include PlotSetPair-class.R
setMethod(plot, c("PlotSetPair"), function(x, what='a', ...) 
    x$plot(what=what, ...) )

#' @describeIn plot Method plot for signature 'PlotSetList'
#' @include PlotSetList-class.R
setMethod(plot,   c("PlotSetList"), function(x, what='a', ...) 
    x$plot(what=what, ...) )

#' @describeIn plot Method plot for signature 'PlotSetPair'
#' @include PlotSetList-class.R
setMethod(plot,   c("PlotSetArray"), function(x, what='a', ...) 
    x$plot(what=what, ...) )

#' @rdname seqplots-generic
#' @include PlotSetList-class.R
setMethod("[", c("PlotSetList", "ANY"), function(x, i, ...) x$get(i) )

#' @rdname seqplots-generic
#' @include PlotSetList-class.R
setMethod("[[", c("PlotSetList", "ANY"), function(x, i, ...) {
    if(length(i) > 1 ) stop('recursive indexing not allowed')
    do.call(PlotSetPair, x$data[[i]])

#' @rdname seqplots-generic
#' @include PlotSetList-class.R
    "[", signature(x = "PlotSetArray", i = "ANY", j = "missing"),
    function (x, i, j, ...) {
        if((na <- nargs()) == 2)
        else if(na == 3)
            x$get(i, 1:x$ntracks())
        else stop("invalid nargs()= ",na)

#' @rdname seqplots-generic
#' @include PlotSetArray-class.R
setMethod("[", c("PlotSetArray", "ANY", "vector"), function(x, i, j) 
    x$get(i, j) )

#' @rdname seqplots-generic
#' @include PlotSetArray-class.R
    "[[", c("PlotSetArray", "ANY"), function(x, i, ...) {
        if(length(i) > 1 ) stop('recursive indexing not allowed')
        do.call(PlotSetPair, x$getByID(i)$data[[1]])
Przemol/seqplots documentation built on May 14, 2022, 6:47 a.m.