# NaiveSolver Prototype
# Utilizing lasso to eliminate variables and allowing lm to be more accurate
# Be warned! This is known to function much better on "larger" data
# solver class defintion
.NaiveSolver <- setClass("NaiveSolver",
contains = "Solver",
slots = c(alpha = "numeric",
lambda = "numeric"))
# solver constructor function
NaiveSolver <- function(mtx.assay = matrix(), targetGene, candidateRegulators,
alpha = 1, lambda = numeric(), quiet = TRUE)
# Remove the targetGene from candidateRegulators
if(any(grepl(targetGene, candidateRegulators)))
candidateRegulators <- candidateRegulators[-grep(targetGene, candidateRegulators)]
# Check to make sure the matrix contains some of the candidates
candidateRegulators <- intersect(candidateRegulators, rownames(mtx.assay))
stopifnot(length(candidateRegulators) > 0)
obj <- .NaiveSolver(mtx.assay = mtx.assay,targetGene = targetGene,
candidateRegulators = candidateRegulators, alpha = alpha,
lambda = lambda, quiet = quiet)
setMethod('show', 'NaiveSolver',
function(obj) {
regulator.count <- length(getRegulators(obj))
if(regulator.count > 10){
regulatorString <- paste(getRegulators(obj)[1:10], collapse=",")
regulatorString <- sprintf("%s...", regulatorString);
regulatorString <- paste(getRegulators(obj), collapse=",")
msg = sprintf("NaiveSolver with mtx.assay (%d, %d), targetGene %s, %d candidate regulators %s, alpha = %f",
nrow(getAssayData(obj)), ncol(getAssayData(obj)),
getTarget(obj), regulator.count, regulatorString, obj@alpha)
cat (msg, '\n', sep='')
# run function
setMethod("run", "NaiveSolver",
function (obj){
# begin with a TReNA object and extract the slots/data
mtx <- getAssayData(obj)
target.gene <- getTarget(obj)
tfs <- getRegulators(obj)
alpha <- obj@alpha
lambda <- obj@lambda
# Check if target.gene is in bottom 10% mean expressions
if(rowMeans(mtx)[target.gene] < stats::quantile(rowMeans(mtx), probs = 0.1)){
warning("Target gene mean expression is in the bottom 10% of all genes in the assay matrix")
# Check if data is optimal
if(dim(mtx)[1] > dim(mtx)[2]){
warning("There are fewer variables than entries (this solver may not be optimal for this data)")
# We also have to make a few checks to determine the data is formatted/submitted properly
stopifnot(target.gene %in% rownames(mtx))
stopifnot(all(tfs %in% rownames(mtx)))
if (length(tfs) == 0)
deleters <- grep(target.gene, tfs)
if (length(deleters) > 0){
tfs <- tfs[-deleters]
if (length(tfs) == 0)
features <- t(mtx[tfs,,drop=FALSE])
target <- as.numeric(mtx[target.gene,])
tf.weights <- rep(1, length(tfs))
# glmnet prep
if( length(lambda) == 0 ) {
# Run Permutation testing to find lambda
if( alpha != 0 )
alpha.perm = alpha
(alpha.perm = 0.1)
target.mixed <- sample(target)
threshold <- 1E-15
lambda.change <- 10^(-4)
lambda <- 1
lambda.list <- numeric(length=50)
for(i in 1:length(lambda.list)){
# Do a binary search
step.size <- lambda/2 # Start at 0.5
while(step.size > lambda.change){
# Get the fit
fit <- glmnet(features, target.mixed, penalty.factor = tf.weights, alpha=alpha.perm, lambda=lambda)
# Case 1: nonsense, need to lower lambda
if(max(fit$beta) < threshold){
lambda <- lambda - step.size
# Case 2: sense, need to raise lambda
lambda <- lambda + step.size
# Halve the step size and re-scramble the target
step.size <- step.size/2
target.mixed <- sample(target)
lambda.list[[i]] <- lambda
# Give lambda as 1 + 1se
lambda <- mean(lambda.list) + (stats::sd(lambda.list)/sqrt(length(lambda.list)))
fit <- glmnet(features, target, penalty.factor=tf.weights, alpha=alpha, lambda=lambda)
else if(is.numeric(lambda)){
fit <- glmnet(features, target, penalty.factor=tf.weights, alpha=alpha, lambda=lambda)
# Pull out the non-zero coefficients and those matching variables
fit.coefs <- as.matrix(stats::coef(fit))
nz.indices <- which(!(fit.coefs == 0))
non.zeroes <- rownames(as.matrix(fit.coefs[nz.indices,,drop=FALSE]))[-1]
non.zeroes <- append(non.zeroes, target.gene)
selected.matrix <- mtx[which(rownames(mtx) %in% non.zeroes),]
# lm the new matrix
selected.matrix <- as.data.frame(t(selected.matrix))
lin.mod <- stats::lm(paste0(target.gene,"~."),data = selected.matrix)
# Create, format, and return the data frame from the lm
coef.summary <- summary(lin.mod)$coefficients
tbl <- data.frame(row.names = rownames(coef.summary),
beta = coef.summary[,1],
p.value = coef.summary[,4])
tbl <- tbl[-1,,drop=FALSE]
tbl <- tbl[order(tbl$p.value),]
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