# Get metadata for JASPAR 2022
getIDs <- function()
f <- "JASPAR2022_CORE_non-redundant_pfms_jaspar.txt"
cmd <- sprintf("grep '>' %s", f)
ids.raw <- system(cmd, intern=TRUE)
length(ids.raw) # 1956
ids.cooked <- sub(">", "", ids.raw)
tokens <- strsplit(ids.cooked, "\t")
ids <- unlist(lapply(tokens, "[", 1))
} # getIDs
ncbiTaxonimicCodeToBiocLinnaean <- function(code)
code <- as.character(code)
lookup <- list("3702" = "Athaliana",
"3888" = "Psativum",
"4094" = "Nsp.",
"4102" = "Phybrida",
"4151" = "Amajus",
"4513" = "Hvulgare",
"4565" = "Taestivam",
"4577" = "Zmays",
"4932" = "Scerevisiae",
"6239" = "Celegans",
"7227" = "Dmelanogaster",
"7729" = "Hroretzi",
"7742" = "Vertebrata",
"8022" = "Omykiss",
"8355" = "Xlaevis",
"8364" = "Stropicalis",
"9031" = "Ggallus",
"9606" = "Hsapiens",
"9913" = "Btaurus",
"9986" = "Ocuniculus",
"10090" = "Mmusculus",
"10116" = "Rnorvegicus",
"10117" = "Rrattus")
if (code %in% names(lookup))
} # ncbiTaxonimicCodeToLinnaean
# Bring in a single matrix with its metadata
getMatrixMetaData <- function(matrix.id, verbose=FALSE)
if(verbose) message(sprintf("%s", matrix.id))
url <- sprintf("http://jaspar.genereg.net/api/v1/matrix/%s/", matrix.id)
result <- fromJSON(url)
result$pfm <- NULL # Get rid of PFM data
# Split the species and convert the tax ID to the species we want
result$tax_id <- result$species$tax_id
result$species <- lapply(result$species$tax_id, ncbiTaxonimicCodeToBiocLinnaean)
# Shorten the list
desired.cols <- c("matrix_id", "name", "family", "species", "class", "uniprot_ids", "type", "pubmed_ids")
short.result <- result[desired.cols]
# Turn empty lists into "NA"
idx <- sapply(short.result, function(x) length(x) == 0)
short.result[idx] <- NA
# Collapse things with multiple entries
short.result <- lapply(short.result, paste0, collapse = ";")
# Turn it into a row in a matrix and then a data.frame
tbl <- as.data.frame(matrix(unlist(short.result), nrow = 1))
names(tbl) <- desired.cols
} # getMatrixMetaData
test_getMatrixMetaData <- function()
# Test with 25 matrices
test.motifs <- head(getIDs(), n=5)
tbl <- getMatrixMetaData(test.motifs[1], verbose=TRUE)
checkEquals(colnames(tbl), c("matrix_id", "name", "family", "species", "class", "uniprot_ids",
"type", "pubmed_ids"))
# make sure no factors
checkTrue(all(unlist(lapply(tbl, class), use.names=FALSE) == "character"))
c("MA0004.1", "Arnt", "PAS domain factors", "Mmusculus",
"Basic helix-loop-helix factors (bHLH)", "NA", "SELEX", "7592839"))
system.time(tbls <- lapply(test.motifs, getMatrixMetaData)) # About 7.8 seconds
tbl <- do.call(rbind, tbls)
checkEquals(dim(tbl), c(5, 8))
# Test with parallel process
test.motifs <- head(getIDs(), n=10)
register(MulticoreParam(workers = 3))
system.time(tbls <- bplapply(test.motifs, getMatrixMetaData)) # About 2.2 seconds
tbl <- do.call(rbind, tbls)
checkEquals(dim(tbl), c(10, 8))
} # test_getMatrixMetaData
getAll <- function()
motif.ids <- getIDs()
register(MulticoreParam(workers = 4))
tbls <- bplapply(motif.ids, function(id) getMatrixMetaData(id, verbose=TRUE))
#tbls <- lapply(motif.ids, function(id) getMatrixMetaData(id, verbose=TRUE))
tbl.md <- do.call(rbind, tbls)
save(tbl.md, file="metaData.RData")
} # getAll
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