# jaspar/test.R
# notes: 3 matrices come w/o speciesID, tax = 'vertebrates'. not our problem to fix, at least not yet.
# TBP, HNF4A and CEBPA (MA0108.2, MA0114.1, MA0102.2)
library (RUnit)
run.tests = function (dataDir)
dataDir <- file.path(dataDir, "jaspar")
x.tbl.rmat <<- test.readRawMatrices (dataDir)
x.matrices <<- test.convertRawMatricesToStandard (x.tbl.rmat)
x.tbl.anno <<- test.createAnnotationTable (dataDir)
test.assignGeneId (dataDir)
x.tbl.md <<- test.createMetadataTable (x.tbl.anno, x.matrices)
x.matrices.renamed <<- test.renameMatrices (x.matrices, x.tbl.md, x.tbl.anno)
x.matrices.normalized <<- test.normalizeMatrices (x.matrices.renamed)
} # run.tests
test.readRawMatrices = function (dataDir)
print ('--- test.readMatrices')
tbl.rmat = readRawMatrices (dataDir)
checkEquals (ncol (tbl.rmat), 4)
checkEquals (colnames (tbl.rmat), c ('id', 'base', 'pos', 'count'))
checkEquals (class (tbl.rmat$id), 'character')
checkEquals (class (tbl.rmat$base), 'character')
checkEquals (class (tbl.rmat$pos), 'numeric')
checkEquals (class (tbl.rmat$count), 'numeric')
checkTrue (nrow (tbl.rmat) > 18000) # about 450 motifs, each represeted by 4 rows (ACGT) and about 10 positions
checkTrue (length (unique (tbl.rmat$id)) > 450)
invisible (tbl.rmat)
} # test.readRawMatrices
test.convertRawMatricesToStandard = function (tbl.rmat)
print ('--- test.convertRawMatricesToStandard')
# get just the first two raw matrices
first.two.ids = head (unique (tbl.rmat$id), n=2)
rows = nrow (subset (tbl.rmat, id %in% first.two.ids))
matrices = convertRawMatricesToStandard (tbl.rmat [1:rows,])
checkEquals (length (matrices), 2)
checkEquals (names (matrices), first.two.ids)
# it will not always be true, but IS true for the first two matrices, currently "9229" and "9231", that there
# are an equal number of nucleotides at each position.
checkTrue (all (colSums (matrices [[1]]) == 97))
checkTrue (all (colSums (matrices [[2]]) == 185))
# now run all the matrices through
matrices = convertRawMatricesToStandard (tbl.rmat)
checkEquals (length (matrices), 459)
checkEquals (names (matrices)[1:2], first.two.ids)
invisible (matrices)
} # test.convertRawMatricesToStandard
test.createAnnotationTable = function (dataDir)
print ('--- test.createAnnotationTable')
tbl.anno = createAnnotationTable (dataDir)
checkEquals (dim (tbl.anno), c (513, 13))
expected = c ("fullID", "id", "category", "mID", "version", "binder", "speciesID", "proteinID", "family", "tax", "class", "pubmed", "type")
checkEquals (colnames (tbl.anno), expected)
checkEquals (head (tbl.anno$fullID), c ("MA0001.1", "MA0003.1", "MA0004.1", "MA0005.1", "MA0006.1", "MA0006.1"))
invisible (tbl.anno)
} # test.createAnnotationTable
test.createMetadataTable = function (tbl.anno, matrices)
print ('--- test.createMetadataTable')
# try it first with just two matrices
tbl.md = createMetadataTable (tbl.anno, matrices [1:2])
checkEquals (dim (tbl.md), c (2, 15))
checkEquals (colnames (tbl.md), c ("providerName", "providerId", "dataSource", "geneSymbol", "geneId", "geneIdType",
"proteinId", "proteinIdType", "organism", "sequenceCount", "bindingSequence",
"bindingDomain", "tfFamily", "experimentType", "pubmedID"))
checkEquals (tbl.md$proteinId, c ('P29383', 'P05549'))
checkEquals (tbl.md$proteinIdType, c ('UNIPROT', 'UNIPROT'))
# now use the whole table
tbl.md = createMetadataTable (tbl.anno, matrices)
checkEquals (dim (tbl.md), c (length (matrices), 15))
# test for proper conversion of speciesID = NA or '-' to Vertebrata
checkEquals (which (is.na (tbl.md$organism)), integer (0))
checkEquals (grep ('-', tbl.md$organism), integer (0))
# Mmusculus-JASPAR_CORE-NF-kappaB-MA0061.1 had 'NA' for proteinID, not <NA>. fixed?
checkEquals (grep ('NA', tbl.md$proteinId), integer (0))
invisible (tbl.md)
} # test.createMetadataTable
test.renameMatrices = function (matrices, tbl.md, tbl.anno)
# try it with just the first two matrices
matrix.pair = matrices [1:2]
tbl.md = createMetadataTable (tbl.anno, matrix.pair)
checkEquals (dim (tbl.md), c (2, 15))
old.matrix.names = names (matrix.pair)
matrices.renamed = renameMatrices (matrix.pair, tbl.md)
# test: the old name is an id, '9229'. find, in tbl.anno, the fullID, 'MA0001.1'. then make sure 'MA000.1' is
# in the new name of that same matrix
for (i in 1:length (matrix.pair)) {
fullID = subset (x.tbl.anno, id==old.matrix.names [i])$fullID
checkTrue (length (grep (fullID, names (matrices.renamed) [i])) == 1)
} # for i
# now try it for the whole set, with selective focused tests
tbl.md = createMetadataTable (tbl.anno, matrices)
checkEquals (nrow (tbl.md), length (matrices))
old.matrix.names = names (matrices)
matrices.renamed = renameMatrices (matrices, tbl.md)
checkEquals (nrow (tbl.md), length (matrices.renamed))
checkEquals (length (grep ('-MA0', names (matrices.renamed))), length (matrices.renamed))
invisible (matrices.renamed)
} # test.renameMatrices
test.convertTaxonCode = function ()
print ('--- test.convertTaxonCode')
checkEquals (convertTaxonCode ('9606'), 'Hsapiens')
checkEquals (convertTaxonCode (9606), 'Hsapiens')
# anomalous codes, which an examination of the jaspar website reveals as 'vertebrates'
checkEquals (convertTaxonCode (NA), 'Vertebrata')
checkEquals (convertTaxonCode ('NA'), 'Vertebrata')
checkEquals (convertTaxonCode (NA_character_), 'Vertebrata')
checkEquals (convertTaxonCode ('-'), 'Vertebrata')
} # test.convertTaxonCode
test.guessProteinIdentifierType = function (moleculeName)
print ('--- test.guessProteinIdentifierType')
checkEquals (guessProteinIdentifierType ('P29383'), 'UNIPROT')
all.types = sapply (x.tbl.anno$proteinID, guessProteinIdentifierType)
checkTrue (length (which (is.na (all.types))) < 12) # got most of them.
} # test.guessProteinIdentifierType
test.normalizeMatrices = function (matrices)
print ('--- test.normalizeMatrices')
colsums = as.integer (sapply (matrices, function (mtx) as.integer (mean (round (colSums (mtx))))))
#checkTrue (all (colsums > 1))
matrices.norm = normalizeMatrices (matrices)
colsums = as.integer (sapply (matrices.norm, function (mtx) as.integer (mean (round (colSums (mtx))))))
checkTrue (all (colsums == 1))
invisible (matrices.norm)
} # test.normalizeMatrices
test.assignGeneId = function (dataDir, proteinId)
print ('--- test.assignGeneId')
uniprot.ids = c ('Q9GRA5', 'P31314', 'AAC18941', 'O49397')
refseq.ids = c ('NP_995315.1', 'NP_032840', 'NP_599022')
yeast.ids = c ('YKL112W', 'YMR072W', 'YLR131C')
checkEquals (assignGeneId ('NP_995315.1'), list (geneId='4782', type='ENTREZ'))
checkEquals (assignGeneId ('NP_599022'), list (geneId='6095', type='ENTREZ'))
checkEquals (assignGeneId ('P31314'), list (geneId='3195', type='ENTREZ'))
checkEquals (assignGeneId ('YKL112W'), list (geneId='YKL112W', type='SGD'))
# see how successful this is over all 513 proteinIds
tbl.anno = createAnnotationTable (dataDir)
mtx.geneId = as.data.frame (t (sapply (tbl.anno$proteinID, assignGeneId)))
tbl.types = as.data.frame (table (as.character (mtx.geneId$type), useNA='always'), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
checkEquals (tbl.types$Var1, c ("ENTREZ", "SGD", NA))
checkEquals (tbl.types$Freq, c (142, 177, 194))
} # test.assignGeneId
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