# hPDI/test.R
library (RUnit)
run.tests = function (dataDir)
dataDir <- file.path(dataDir, "hPDI")
#freshStart ()
x.filenames <- test.getMatrixFilenames (dataDir)
x.matrices <- test.readMatrices (x.filenames)
x.tbl.anno.raw <- test.readRawAnnotation (dataDir)
x.refseqs <- test.uniprotToRefSeq (x.tbl.anno.raw)
test.extractProteinIDs (dataDir)
x.tbl.annop.raw <- test.addProteinColumn (x.tbl.anno.raw)
x.tbl.annof.raw <- test.trimAnnoTable (x.tbl.annop.raw)
# now, one summary test for the above tests combined into one method
x.tbl.anno <- test.readAnnotation (dataDir)
x.tbl.md <- test.createMetadata (dataDir)
x.mat5f <- test.normalizeMatrices (x.matrices [1:5])
x.mat5fr <- test.renameMatrices (dataDir, x.filenames)
} # run.tests
test.getMatrixFilenames = function (dataDir)
print("--- test.getMatrixFilenames")
filenames = getMatrixFilenames (dataDir)
checkTrue (length (filenames) == 437)
invisible (filenames)
} # test.getMatrixFilenames
test.readMatrices = function (filenames)
print ('--- test.readMatrices')
matrices = readMatrices (filenames[1:10])
checkEquals (length (matrices), 10)
checkEquals(names(matrices)[1], "ABCF2")
checkEquals(dim(matrices[["ABCF2"]]), c(4,6))
checkEquals(rownames(matrices[["ABCF2"]]), c("A", "C", "G", "T"))
invisible (matrices)
} # test.readMatrices
test.extractProteinIDs = function (dataDir)
print ('--- test.extractProteinIDs')
filename <- file.path(dataDir, "protein_annotation.txt")
raw.list = tail (read.table (filename, sep='\t', header=T, fill=T, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, quote="")$ensembl_description, n=16)
protein.ids <<- extractProteinIDs (raw.list)
checkEquals (length (protein.ids), length (raw.list))
checkEquals (protein.ids [2], 'NP_001012677')
checkEquals (protein.ids [5], 'NP_001074306')
checkTrue (is.na (protein.ids [10])) # Q9GND9 -> NA
checkEquals (protein.ids [11], 'NP_001139192') # Q8NAP8 -> ZBT8B -> NP_001139192.1
} # test.extractProteinIDs
test.readRawAnnotation = function (dataDir)
print ('--- test.readRawAnnotation')
tbl.anno = readRawAnnotation (dataDir)
checkEquals (dim (tbl.anno), c (4191, 16))
# are all possible proteins mapped to refseq?
invisible (tbl.anno)
} # test.readRawAnnotation
test.addProteinColumn = function (tbl.anno)
print ('--- test.addProteinColumn')
tbl.small = tail (tbl.anno, n=16)
tbl.sp = addProteinColumn (tbl.small)
checkEquals (ncol (tbl.small) + 1, ncol (tbl.sp))
checkEquals (nrow (tbl.small), nrow (tbl.sp))
checkEquals (colnames (tbl.sp) [length (colnames (tbl.sp))], 'protein')
proteins = tbl.sp$protein
checkEquals (length (grep ('NP_', proteins)), 3)
checkEquals (length (which (is.na (proteins))), 13)
invisible (tbl.sp)
} # test.addProteinColumn
test.trimAnnoTable = function (tbl.anno)
print ('--- test.trimAnnoTable')
checkEquals (ncol (tbl.anno), 17)
tbl.trimmed = trimAnnoTable (tbl.anno)
checkEquals (ncol (tbl.trimmed), 4)
checkEquals (colnames (tbl.trimmed), c ('geneSymbol', 'geneID', 'pfamDomain', 'protein'))
invisible (tbl.trimmed)
} # test.trimAnnoTable
test.readAnnotation = function (dataDir)
print("--- test.readAnnotation")
tbl.anno = readAnnotation (dataDir)
checkEquals (dim (tbl.anno), c (4191, 4))
checkEquals (colnames (tbl.anno), c ("geneSymbol", "geneID", "pfamDomain", "protein"))
invisible (tbl.anno)
} # test.readAnnotation
test.createMetadata = function (dataDir)
print ('--- test.createMetadata')
tbl.anno = readAnnotation (dataDir)
filenames = getMatrixFilenames (dataDir)
matrices.all = readMatrices (filenames)
# take the top 3, and to be sure of a good test, add two with no protein annotation provided
names.of.na.protein.matrices = head (subset (tbl.anno, geneSymbol %in% names (matrices.all) & is.na (protein)), n=2)$geneSymbol
matrices = c (matrices.all [1:3], matrices.all [names.of.na.protein.matrices])
tbl.md = createMetadata (matrices, tbl.anno)
checkEquals (nrow (tbl.md), 5)
checkEquals (colnames (tbl.md), c ("providerName", "providerId", "dataSource", "geneSymbol", "geneId", "geneIdType",
"proteinId", "proteinIdType", "organism", "sequenceCount", "bindingSequence",
"bindingDomain", "tfFamily", "experimentType", "pubmedID"))
checkTrue (all (!is.na (tbl.md$providerName)))
checkTrue (all (!is.na (tbl.md$providerId)))
checkTrue (all (!is.na (tbl.md$dataSource)))
checkTrue (all (!is.na (tbl.md$organism)))
checkTrue (all (!is.na (tbl.md$sequenceCount)))
checkTrue (all (is.na (tbl.md$bindingSequence)))
checkTrue (all (tbl.md$dataSource=='hPDI'))
checkTrue (is.integer (tbl.md$sequenceCount))
checkTrue (is.character (tbl.md$geneId))
syms = tbl.md$geneSymbol
ids = tbl.md$geneId
predicted.ids = as.character (mget (syms, org.Hs.egSYMBOL2EG))
checkEquals (ids, predicted.ids)
invisible (tbl.md)
} # test.createMetadata
test.uniprotToRefSeq = function (tbl.anno)
print ('--- test.uniprotToRefSeq')
samples = tbl.anno$protein [sample (1:nrow (tbl.anno), size=10, replace=FALSE)]
samples = c ("Q13523", "Q9UER7", "P52738", "Q96Q11", "Q8NCF5", "Q15784", "Q01664", "O14980", "P0C1Z6")
result = uniprotToRefSeq (samples)
checkEquals (names (result), samples)
refseqs = as.character (result)
checkEquals (length (grep ('^NP_', as.character (refseqs))), length (samples))
samples.2 = c ('foo', "Q9UER7")
result.2 = uniprotToRefSeq (samples.2)
checkEquals (names (result.2), samples.2)
checkEquals (as.vector (result.2), c (NA_character_, "NP_001341"))
invisible (result)
} # test.uniprotToRefSeq
test.normalizeMatrices = function (matrices)
print ('--- test.normalizeMatrices')
colsums = as.integer (sapply (matrices, function (mtx) as.integer (mean (round (colSums (mtx))))))
checkTrue (all (colsums > 1))
matrices.norm = normalizeMatrices (matrices)
checkEquals (names (matrices.norm), names (matrices))
colsums = as.integer (sapply (matrices.norm, function (mtx) as.integer (mean (round (colSums (mtx))))))
checkTrue (all (colsums == 1))
invisible (matrices.norm)
} # test.normalizeMatrices
test.renameMatrices = function (dataDir, filenames)
print ('--- test.renameMatrices')
matrices = readMatrices (filenames)
tbl.anno = readAnnotation (dataDir)
tbl.md = createMetadata (matrices, tbl.anno)
old.names = names (matrices)
mtxr = renameMatrices (matrices, tbl.md)
new.names = names (mtxr)
checkEquals (new.names, paste ('Hsapiens-hPDI-', old.names, sep=''))
invisible (mtxr)
} # test.renameMatrices
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