# flyFactorSurvey/import.R
bindingDomainXrefSourceFile <- function() {"TFfile2b.tsv"}
printf <- function(...) print(noquote(sprintf(...)))
run = function (dataDir)
dataDir <- file.path(dataDir, "flyFactorSurvey")
filenames = getMatrixFilenames (dataDir)
# the rootDir has only matrix files, with one exception:
# a file which describes the protein binding domains
# remove that from the matrix file list
removers <- grep (bindingDomainXrefSourceFile(), filenames)
if(length(removers) > 0)
filenames <- filenames[-removers]
full.filenames = file.path(dataDir, filenames)
list.BD = createXrefBindingDomain (dataDir)
xref = createXref () # maps flybase ids to uniprot
tbl.ref = createExperimentRefTable ()
matrices = readAndParse (full.filenames)
tbl.md = createMetadata (matrices, tbl.ref, xref, list.BD)
# now normalize, not in readAndParse, because we need the counts to go into tbl.md$sequenceCount
matrices = normalizeMatrices (matrices)
matrices = renameMatrices (matrices, tbl.md)
serializedFile <- "flyFactorSurvey.RData"
save (matrices, tbl.md, file=serializedFile)
printf("saved %d matrices to %s", length(matrices), serializedFile)
printf("next step: copy %s to <packageRoot>/MotifDb/inst/extdata, and rebuild package", serializedFile)
} # run
# rec'd extra xref info from michael brodsky on (18 jul 2012)
# protein binding domains are of immediate interest.
createXrefBindingDomain = function (dataDir)
f1 = file.path(dataDir, bindingDomainXrefSourceFile())
tbl.raw = read.table (f1, sep='\t', header=TRUE, as.is=TRUE, comment.char='')
list.BD = tbl.raw$DNAbindingDomain_Primary
names (list.BD) = tbl.raw$FlybaseID
invisible (list.BD)
} # createXrefBindingDomain
# a named list, with uniprot id as content, flybase gene names (FBgn) as names
createXref = function ()
tbl.egUNIPROT = toTable (org.Dm.egUNIPROT)
tbl.egFLYBASE = toTable (org.Dm.egFLYBASE)
tbl.xref = merge (tbl.egFLYBASE, tbl.egUNIPROT)
xref = tbl.xref [, 3]
names (xref) = tbl.xref [, 2]
invisible (xref)
} # createXrefp
getMatrixFilenames = function (dataDir)
all.files = list.files (dataDir)
files.to.exclude = c ('go.R', 'RCS', 'rdata')
for (file in files.to.exclude) {
removers = grep (file, all.files, ignore.case=T)
if (length (removers) > 0)
all.files = all.files [-removers]
} # for
invisible (sort(all.files))
} # getMatrixFilenames
createExperimentRefTable = function ()
experiment.names = c ('SANGER', 'SOLEXA', 'NAR', 'Cell', 'FlyReg', 'NBT')
pubmedID = c (NA_character_, NA_character_, '1858360', '18332042', NA_character_, NA_character_)
experimentType = c ('bacterial 1-hybrid, SANGER sequencing',
'bacterial 1-hybrid, SOLEXA sequencing',
'bacterial 1-hybrid, SANGER sequencing',
'bacterial 1-hybrid, SANGER sequencing',
'bacterial 1-hybrid, SANGER sequencing',
'bacterial 1-hybrid, SANGER sequencing')
tbl.ref = data.frame (pmid=pubmedID, experimentType=experimentType, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
rownames (tbl.ref) = experiment.names
invisible (tbl.ref)
} # createExperimentRefTable
parsePWMfromText = function (lines.of.text)
stopifnot (sum (sapply (c ('A', 'C', 'T', 'G'), function (token) length (grep (token, lines.of.text)))) == 4)
for (line in lines.of.text) {
tokens = strsplit (line, '\\s*[:\\|]') [[1]]
nucleotide = tokens [1]
numbers.raw = tokens [2]
number.tokens = strsplit (numbers.raw, '\\s+', perl=T)[[1]]
while (nchar (number.tokens [1]) == 0)
number.tokens = number.tokens [-1]
numbers = as.numeric (number.tokens)
if (!exists ('pwm.result'))
pwm.result = matrix (nrow=4, ncol=length (numbers), byrow=TRUE, dimnames=list (c ('A', 'C', 'G', 'T'), 1:length(numbers)))
pwm.result [nucleotide,] = numbers
} # parsePWMfromText
# we expect exactly one matrix per file
readAndParse = function (filenames)
matrices = list ()
for (filename in filenames) {
lines.of.text = scan (filename, what=character(0), sep='\n', comment='#', quiet=TRUE)
mtx = parsePWMfromText (lines.of.text)
matrices [[basename(filename)]] = mtx
invisible (matrices)
} # readAndParse
createMetadata = function (matrices, tbl.ref, xref, list.BD)
options ('stringsAsFactors'=FALSE)
dataSource = 'FlyFactorSurvey'
organism = 'Dmelanogaster'
stopifnot (length (grep ('\\.pfm$', names (matrices))) == length (matrices))
native.names.raw = gsub ('\\.pfm$', '', names (matrices))
#geneSymbols = sapply (strsplit (native.names.raw, '_'), function (tokens) return (tokens [1]))
flybase.ids = sapply (strsplit (native.names.raw, '_'), function (tokens) return (tokens [length (tokens)]))
tbl.ids <- fbgnToIDs(flybase.ids)
# we may have duplicate FBgns in the otherwise unique matrix names,
# creating a tbl.ids with fewer rows than we have matrices.
# expand tbl.ids to align with the matrix nmes
tbl.ids <- tbl.ids[flybase.ids,]
stopifnot(nrow(tbl.ids) == length(matrices))
# next up: call fbgnToIDs(flybase.ids), assign geneSymbols
# and other variables from the returned data.frame
stopifnot (length (grep ('^FBgn', flybase.ids)) == length (flybase.ids))
stopifnot (all (nchar (flybase.ids) == 11))
native.names.cooked = gsub ('-', '.', native.names.raw) # so that the dash reliably separates the three parts of full.names
full.names = paste (organism, dataSource, native.names.cooked, sep='-')
tbl.md = data.frame (providerName=native.names.raw)
rownames (tbl.md) = full.names
tbl.md = cbind (tbl.md, providerId=flybase.ids)
tbl.md = cbind (tbl.md, dataSource = rep (dataSource, nrow (tbl.md)))
tbl.md = cbind (tbl.md, geneSymbol=tbl.ids$symbol)
tbl.md = cbind (tbl.md, geneId=tbl.ids$gene_id)
#geneIdType <- rep("ENTREZ", nrow(tbl.md))
# not all FBgn ids can be mapped (by fbgnToIds) to entrez genes; for those,
# the gene_id field is the FBgn id
#geneIdIsFBgn <- grep("^FBgn", tbl.ids$gene_id)
#if(length(geneIdIsFBgn) > 0)
# geneIdType [geneIdIsFBgn] <- "FLYBASE"
tbl.md = cbind (tbl.md, geneIdType=tbl.ids$geneIdType)
uniprot.ids = as.character (xref [flybase.ids])
tbl.md = cbind (tbl.md, proteinId=uniprot.ids)
protein.id.types = rep ('UNIPROT', nrow (tbl.md))
NA.protein.indices = which (is.na (tbl.md$proteinId))
if (length (NA.protein.indices) > 0)
protein.id.types [NA.protein.indices] = NA
tbl.md = cbind (tbl.md, proteinIdType=protein.id.types)
#tbl.md = cbind (tbl.md, proteinIdType=rep ('UNIPROT', nrow (tbl.md)))
tbl.md = cbind (tbl.md, organism = rep (organism, nrow (tbl.md)))
counts = as.integer (sapply (matrices, function (mtx) as.integer (mean (round (colSums (mtx))))))
tbl.md = cbind (tbl.md, sequenceCount=counts)
tbl.md = cbind (tbl.md, bindingSequence=rep (NA_character_, nrow (tbl.md)))
bindingDomains = rep (NA, nrow (tbl.md))
indices = match (tbl.md$providerId, names (list.BD))
bindingDomain = as.character (list.BD)[indices]
bindingDomain [bindingDomain == 'NA'] = NA
bindingDomain [bindingDomain == ''] = NA
tbl.md = cbind (tbl.md, bindingDomain)
experiment.types = rep (NA_character_, nrow (tbl.md))
from.Cell = grep ('_Cell_', native.names.raw)
from.NAR = grep ('_NAR_', native.names.raw)
from.SOLEXA = grep ('_SOLEXA_', native.names.raw)
from.SANGER = grep ('_SANGER_', native.names.raw)
from.FlyReg = grep ('_FlyReg_', native.names.raw)
experiment.types [from.SOLEXA] = 'bacterial 1-hybrid, SOLEXA sequencing'
experiment.types [from.SANGER] = 'bacterial 1-hybrid, SANGER sequencing'
experiment.types [from.Cell] = 'bacterial 1-hybrid, SANGER sequencing'
experiment.types [from.NAR] = 'bacterial 1-hybrid, SANGER sequencing'
experiment.types [from.FlyReg] = 'DNASE I footprinting'
tbl.md = cbind (tbl.md, tfFamily=rep(NA_character_, nrow (tbl.md)))
tbl.md = cbind (tbl.md, experimentType=experiment.types)
pubmedIDs = rep (NA_character_, nrow (tbl.md))
pubmedIDs [from.Cell] = '18332042'
pubmedIDs [from.NAR] = '1858360'
tbl.md = cbind (tbl.md, pubmedID=pubmedIDs)
invisible (tbl.md)
} # createMetadata
normalizeMatrices = function (matrices)
mtx.normalized = sapply (matrices, function (mtx) apply (mtx, 2, function (colvector) colvector / sum (colvector)))
invisible (mtx.normalized)
} # normalizeMatrices
renameMatrices = function (matrices, tbl.md)
stopifnot (length (matrices) == nrow (tbl.md))
names (matrices) = rownames (tbl.md)
invisible (matrices)
} # renameMatrices
fbgnToIDs <- function(fbgns, useInputForMissingValues=TRUE)
fbgns <- unique(fbgns)
if(!exists("tbl.names")) {
tbl.sym <- toTable(org.Dm.egSYMBOL)
tbl.fbgn <- toTable(org.Dm.egFLYBASE)
tbl.names <<- merge(tbl.fbgn, tbl.sym)[, c("flybase_id", "symbol", "gene_id")]
flyMart <<- useMart(biomart="ensembl", dataset="dmelanogaster_gene_ensembl")
tbl.bm <- getBM(attributes=c("flybase_gene_id", "entrezgene"), filters=c("flybase_gene_id"),
values=fbgns, mart=flyMart)
fbgns.notfound <- setdiff(fbgns, tbl.bm$flybase_gene_id)
if(length(fbgns.notfound) > 0){
new.rows <- data.frame(flybase_gene_id=fbgns.notfound,
tbl.bm <- rbind(tbl.bm, new.rows)
tbl.bm <- unique(tbl.bm)
# some fbgns could be mapped to multiple entrez genes. remove all but the
# one which occurs first
duplicates <- which(duplicated(tbl.bm$flybase_gene_id))
if(length(duplicates) > 0)
tbl.bm <- tbl.bm[-duplicates,]
stopifnot(sort(fbgns) == sort(tbl.bm$flybase_gene_id))
# order the biomart results so that it matches the order of the incoming fgbns
tbl.bm <- tbl.bm[match(fbgns, tbl.bm$flybase_gene_id),]
hits <- match(tbl.bm$entrezgene, tbl.names$gene_id)
result <- tbl.names[hits,]
rownames(result) <- fbgns
# not all FBgn ids have an associated entrez geneID.
# use these orphan FBgn ids as their own "geneID"
failed.lookups <- which(is.na(result$flybase_id))
failed.count <- length(failed.lookups)
if(useInputForMissingValues & failed.count > 0) {
failed.names <- rownames(result)[failed.lookups]
# an n x 3 matrix, all entries in each row the same
names.matrix <- matrix(rep(failed.names, 3), nrow=failed.count, byrow=FALSE)
result[failed.lookups,] <- names.matrix
geneIdType <- rep("ENTREZ", nrow(result))
geneIdType [failed.lookups] <- "FLYBASE"
result <- cbind(result, geneIdType, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
} # fbgnToIDs
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