# MotifDb/inst/scripes/import/cisbp/import.R
options (stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
printf <- function(...) print(noquote(sprintf(...)))
run = function (dataDir)
printf("cisbp matrix and metadata import");
createMotifDbArchiveFile(dataDir, "cisbp.RData", count=NA)
} # run
# cisbp distributes metadata in a MySQL database with many tables. i have cobbled together an sql query to
# extract a metadata data.frame from this database. first, however, here are my notes on creating and filling
# that database.
# not that an alternative to all that fuss is to simply used this file, created by me and with all the
# information we currenly need:
# file.path(dataDir, "cisbp", "cisbp-metadata-6559-matrices.Rdata")
# to create from scratch:
# cd dataDir/cisbp/sqlTables
# --- create accounts
# bash> mysql -u root
# mysql> create user 'pshannon'@'localhost';
# mysql> grant all privileges on *.* to 'pshannon'@'localhost';
# mysql> quit
# bash> mysql -u pshannon
# mysql> create database cisbp;
# mysql> quit
# --- load the data
# bash> bash load.sh
createMetadataTableFromDatabase <- function(dataDir, user)
# we want metadata only for those matrices found in the cisbp pwms download directory
# so begin by getting those nams
pwm.directory <- file.path(dataDir, "cisbp", "pwms")
matrix.names <- list.files(pwm.directory)
matrix.names <- sub(".txt", "", matrix.names, fixed=TRUE)
printf("matrix names: %d", length(matrix.names))
s <- paste(matrix.names, collapse="','")
formatted.matrix.names.as.group <- sprintf("'%s'", s)
db <- dbConnect(MySQL(), user='pshannon', dbname='cisbp')
matrix.selector <- sprintf("where ma.Motif_ID in (%s)", formatted.matrix.names.as.group)
select <- "select ma.ma_id, ma.tf_id, ma.motif_id, ma.species, tf.TF_Name, ms.PMID, fa.Family_Name, pr.DBID"
from <- "from motif_all as ma, tfs as tf, motifs as mo, motif_sources as ms, tf_families as fa, proteins as pr"
where <- paste(matrix.selector,
"and ma.Motif_ID=mo.Motif_ID",
"and ma.TF_ID = tf.TF_ID",
"and ma.Evidence = 'D'",
"and mo.MSource_ID = ms.MSource_ID",
"and tf.Family_ID = fa.Family_ID",
"and pr.TF_ID = tf.TF_ID"
query <- paste(select, from, where, sep=" ")
tbl <- dbGetQuery(db, query)
print(dim(unique(tbl[, 1:8]))) # [1] 15694 8
print(dim(unique(tbl[, 1:7]))) # [1] 6559 7
dups <- which(duplicated(tbl[, 1:7]))
if(length(dups) > 0)
tbl <- tbl[-dups,]
filename <- file.path(dataDir, "cisbp", "cisbp-metadata-6559-matrices.Rdata")
printf("saving metdata data.frame to %s", filename)
save(tbl, file=filename)
} # createMetadataTableFromDatabase
readRawMatrices = function (dataDir)
# our convention is that there is a shared "dataDir" visible to
# the importer, and that within that directory there is one
# subdirectory for each data source.
# for this example importer, that directory will be <dataDir>/test
# within which we will look for one small file "sample.pcm"
filename <- file.path(dataDir, "cisbp", "sample.pcm")
printf("checking for readable matrix file:")
printf(" %s", filename)
all.lines = scan (filename, what=character(0), sep='\n', quiet=TRUE)
title.lines = grep ('^>', all.lines)
title.line.count <<- length (title.lines)
max = title.line.count - 1
pwms = list ()
for (i in 1:max) {
start.line = title.lines [i]
end.line = title.lines [i+1] - 1
new.pwm = parsePwm (all.lines [start.line:end.line])
pwms = c (pwms, list (new.pwm))
} # for i
invisible (pwms)
} # readRawMatrices
extractMatrices = function (pwm.list)
matrices = sapply (pwm.list, function (element) element$matrix)
matrix.names <- sapply (pwm.list, function (element) element$title)
matrix.names <- sub("^>", "", matrix.names)
names (matrices) <- matrix.names
} # extractMatrices
# where incoming x is a list with elements like this
# $ma_id =[1] "MA0116870_1.02"
# $tf_id = [1] "T025973_1.02"
# $motif_id = [1] "M0316_1.02"
# $species = [1] "Mus_musculus"
# $TF_Name = [1] "Nfil3"
# $PMID = [1] "25215497"
# $Family_Name = [1] "bZIP"
# $DBID = [1] "ENSMUSP00000065363"
translateMetadataToMotifDbStandardForm <- function(x)
checkTrue(all(c("tf_id", "motif_id", "species", "TF_Name", "PMID", "Family_Name", "DBID") %in% names(x)))
standardizedOrganism <- standardizeOrganism(x$species)
proteinIdType <- deduceProteinIdType(x$DBID, standardizedOrganism)
std <- list(providerName=x$motif_id,
} # translateMetadataToMotifDbStandardForm
deduceProteinIdType <- function(id, organism)
if(substr(id, 1, 1) == "Y" & organism == "Scerevisiae")
if(substr(id, 1, 2) == "EN")
} # deduceProteinIdType
standardizeOrganism <- function(x)
#printf("standardizeOrganism: %s", x);
tokens <- strsplit(x, "_")[[1]]
if(length(tokens) != 2){
warning(sprintf("cisbp import could not standardize species name: '%s'", x))
result <- sprintf("%s%s", substr(tokens[1], 1, 1), tokens[2])
} # standardizeOrganism
createMotifDbArchiveFile <- function(dataDir, RDataFileName, count=NA)
file.names <- list.files(file.path(dataDir, "cisbp", "pwms"))
file.names <- head(list.files(file.path(dataDir, "cisbp", "pwms")), n=count)
parseFunction <- function(filename){
full.path <- file.path(dataDir, "cisbp", "pwms", filename)
text <- scan(full.path, sep="\n", quiet=TRUE, what=character(0))
pwm <- parsePwm(title, text)
matrices <- lapply(file.names, parseFunction)
titles <- unlist(lapply(file.names, function(filename) sub(".txt", "", filename)))
names(matrices) <- titles
metadata.file <- file.path(dataDir, "cisbp", "cisbp-metadata-6559-matrices.Rdata")
load(metadata.file, env=.GlobalEnv)
count <- length(titles)
tbl.md <- as.data.frame(list(providerName=vector("character", count),
providerId=vector("character", count),
dataSource=vector("character", count),
geneSymbol=vector("character", count),
geneId=vector("character", count),
geneIdType=vector("character", count),
proteinId=vector("character", count),
proteinIdType=vector("character", count),
organism=vector("character", count),
sequenceCount=vector("character", count),
bindingSequence=vector("character", count),
bindingDomain=vector("character", count),
tfFamily=vector("character", count),
experimentType=vector("character", count),
pubmedID=vector("character", count)))
tbl.md.row = 0
for(title in titles){
tbl.md.row <- tbl.md.row + 1
if(!title %in% tbl$motif_id){
#printf("skipping matrix %d, no metadata for %s", tbl.md.row, title)
row <- grep(title, tbl$motif_id)
md <- as.list(tbl[row,])
md.fixed <- translateMetadataToMotifDbStandardForm(md)
tbl.md[tbl.md.row,] <- as.data.frame(md.fixed)
} # for title
empties <- which(nchar(tbl.md$providerName) == 0)
if(length(empties) > 0){
tbl.md <- tbl.md[-empties,]
rownames(tbl.md) <- paste(tbl.md$organism, tbl.md$dataSource, tbl.md$providerName, sep="-")
matrices <- matrices[-empties]
names(matrices) <- rownames(tbl.md)
printf("saving %d matrices with metadata to %s", nrow(tbl.md), file.path(getwd(), RDataFileName))
save(tbl.md, matrices, file=RDataFileName)
# rebuild & install MotifDb, then watch as it loads:
# x <- MotifDb:::.MotifDb(TRUE, FALSE)
# mcols(query(x, "csipb"))
} # createMotifDbArchiveFile
## # files are named by Motif_ID, which also provides the database key used to create the metadata entries
## # for each motif's matrix, "M1093_1.02.txt" and "M1093_1.02"
## # cisbp at version 1.02 has 6559 matrices. each of these is annotated to different organisms
## # producing maybe 70k metadata table entries
## # M1093
## createMetadataTable = function (dataDir, motifIDs)
## {
## select <- "select mb.Motif_ID, tf.TF_Name, Species, PMID"
## from <- "from motif_best as mb, tfs as tf, motifs as mo, motif_sources as ms"
## where <- "where mb.Motif_ID='M1903_1.02' and mb.Motif_ID=mo.Motif_ID and mb.TF_ID = tf.TF_ID and mo.MSource_ID=ms.MSource_ID"
## select <- "select mb.Motif_ID, tf.TF_Name, Species, PMID, Family_Name, pr.DBID"
## from <- "from motif_best as mb, tfs as tf, motifs as mo, motif_sources as ms, tf_families as fa, proteins as pr"
## where <- paste(sprintf("where mb.Motif_ID='%s' and ", "M1903_1.02"),
## "mb.Motif_ID=mo.Motif_ID and",
## "mb.TF_ID = tf.TF_ID and",
## "mo.MSource_ID = ms.MSource_ID and",
## "tf.Family_ID = fa.Family_ID and",
## "pr.TF_ID = tf.TF_ID")
## tbl <- dbGetQuery(db, paste(select, from, where, sep=" "))
## # multiple protein identifiers are often returned; we need just one
## dups <- which(duplicated(tbl[, -(grep("DBID", colnames(tbl)))]))
## if(length(dups) > 0)
## tbl <- tbl[-dups,]
## filename <- file.path(dataDir, "cisbp", "md-raw.tsv")
## printf("checking for readable metadata file:")
## printf(" %s", filename)
## stopifnot(file.exists(filename))
## tbl.raw <- read.table(filename, sep="\t", header=TRUE, as.is=TRUE)
## tbl.md = data.frame ()
## matrix.ids = names (matrices)
## for (matrix.id in matrix.ids) {
## matrix <- matrices[[matrix.id]]
## short.matrix.name <- sub("\\..*$", "", matrix.id)
## stopifnot(length(grep(short.matrix.name, tbl.raw$ma.name)) == 1)
## md <- as.list(subset(tbl.raw, ma.name==short.matrix.name))
## dataSource <- "cisbp"
## #browser()
## organism <- ncbiTaxonimicCodeToLinnaean(md$ncbi.tax.code)
## new.row = list (providerName=matrix.id,
## providerId=matrix.id,
## dataSource=dataSource,
## geneSymbol=md$gene.symbol,
## geneId=NA,
## geneIdType=NA,
## proteinId=md$uniprot,
## proteinIdType=guessProteinIdentifierType(md$uniprot),
## organism=ncbiTaxonimicCodeToLinnaean(md$ncbi.tax.code),
## sequenceCount=max(colSums(matrix)),
## bindingSequence=NA_character_,
## bindingDomain=NA,
## tfFamily=md$family,
## experimentType=md$type,
## pubmedID="24194598")
## tbl.md = rbind (tbl.md, data.frame (new.row, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
## full.name = sprintf ('%s-%s-%s', organism, dataSource, matrix.id)
## rownames (tbl.md) [nrow (tbl.md)] = full.name
## } # for i
## invisible (tbl.md)
## } # createMetadataTable
## #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## renameMatrices = function (matrices, tbl.md)
## {
## stopifnot (length (matrices) == nrow (tbl.md))
## names (matrices) = rownames (tbl.md)
## invisible (matrices)
## } # renameMatrices
## #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## # an empirical and not altogether trustworthy solution to identifying identifier types.
## guessProteinIdentifierType = function (moleculeName)
## {
## if (nchar (moleculeName) == 0)
## return (NA_character_)
## if (is.na (moleculeName))
## return (NA_character_)
## first.char = substr (moleculeName, 1, 1)
## if (first.char == 'Y')
## return ('SGD')
## if (first.char %in% c ('P', 'Q', 'O', 'A', 'C'))
## return ('UNIPROT')
## if (length (grep ('^NP_', moleculeName)) == 1)
## return ('REFSEQ')
## return (NA_character_)
## } # guessProteinIdentifierType
## #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## normalizeMatrices = function (matrices)
## {
## mtx.normalized = sapply (matrices,
## function (mtx) apply (mtx, 2, function (colvector) colvector / sum (colvector)))
## invisible (mtx.normalized)
## } # normalizeMatrices
## #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
parsePwm = function (title, text)
lines <- strsplit(text, '\t')
stopifnot(lines[[1]] == c("Pos", "A", "C", "G", "T"))
line.count <- length(lines)
row.count <- length(lines) - 1
col.count <- 4
# our standard form is 4 rows (one per nucelotide) and n columns
# cisbp matrices come in transposed: read them as-is, then transpose
# to our format
result <- matrix(nrow=row.count, ncol=col.count,
c("A","C", "G", "T")))
for(i in 1:row.count){
row <- i + 1
result [i,] = as.numeric (lines[[row]][2:5])
} # for i
result = t (result)
return (list (title=title, matrix=result))
} # parsePwm
## #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## ncbiTaxonimicCodeToLinnaean <- function(code)
## {
## code <- as.character(code)
## lookup <- list("3702" = "Arabidopsis thaliana",
## "3888" = "Pisum sativum",
## "4094" = "Nicontia sp.",
## "4102" = "Petunia hybrida",
## "4151" = "Antirrhinum majus",
## "4513" = "Hordeum vulgare",
## "4565" = "Triticum aestivam",
## "4577" = "Zea mays",
## "4932" = "Saccaromyces cerevisiae",
## "6239" = "Caenorhabditis elegans",
## "7227" = "Drosophila melanogaster",
## "7729" = "Halocynthia roretzi",
## "7742" = "Vertebrata",
## "8022" = "Onchorhynchus mykiss",
## "8355" = "Xenopus laevis",
## "8364" = "Silurana tropicalis",
## "9031" = "Gallus gallus",
## "9606" = "Homo sapiens",
## "9913" = "Bos taurus",
## "9986" = "Oryctolagus cuniculus",
## "10090" = "Mus musculus",
## "10116" = "Rattus norvegicus",
## "10117" = "Rattus rattus")
## if (code %in% names(lookup))
## return(lookup[[code]])
## NA
## } # ncbiTaxonimicCodeToLinnaean
## #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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