# ScerTF/test.R
library (RUnit)
library (org.Sc.sgd.db)
run.tests = function (dataDir)
dataDir <- file.path(dataDir, "ScerTF")
freshStart ()
x.filenames <<- test.getMatrixFilenames (dataDir)
txxa <<- test.createMatrixNameUniqifier ()
txx0 <<- test.toOrf ()
txx1 <<- test.toUniprot ()
txx2 <<- test.createExperimentRefTable ()
txx3 <<- test.parsePWMfromText (dataDir)
x.matrices <<- test.readAndParse (dataDir)
x.tbl.md <<- test.createMetadata (dataDir)
x.matrices.renamed <<- test.renameMatrices (dataDir, x.matrices, x.tbl.md)
} # run.tests
test.createExperimentRefTable = function ()
print ('--- test.createExperimentRefTable')
tbl.ref = createExperimentRefTable ()
checkEquals (dim (tbl.ref), c (10, 5))
checkEquals (colnames (tbl.ref), c ('author', 'year', 'pmid', 'organism', 'titles'))
# make sure neither author nor pmid repeat
checkEquals (length (unique (tbl.ref$author)), nrow (tbl.ref))
checkEquals (length (unique (tbl.ref$pmid)), nrow (tbl.ref))
invisible (tbl.ref)
} # test.createExperiementsTable
test.parsePWMfromText = function (dataDir)
print ('--- test.parsePWMfromText')
file <- file.path(dataDir, 'macisaac.ABF1')
lines.of.text = scan (file, what=character(0), sep='\n', quiet=TRUE)
pwm.abf1 = parsePWMfromText (lines.of.text)
checkEquals (dim (pwm.abf1), c (4, 15))
checkEquals (colnames (pwm.abf1), as.character (1:15))
checkEquals (rownames (pwm.abf1), c ('A', 'C', 'G', 'T'))
} # test.parsePWMfromText
test.readAndParse = function (dataDir)
print ('--- test.readAndParse')
all.files = getMatrixFilenames (dataDir)
sample.file.1 = grep ('badis.ABF2', all.files)
sample.file.2 = grep ('badis.CAT8', all.files)
checkEquals (length (sample.file.1), 1)
checkEquals (length (sample.file.2), 1)
mtx.test = readAndParse (file.path(dataDir, all.files [c (sample.file.1, sample.file.2)]))
checkEquals (length (mtx.test), 2)
checkEquals (names (mtx.test), c ("badis.ABF2", "badis.CAT8"))
checkTrue (all (colSums (mtx.test [[1]]) == 1))
checkTrue (all (colSums (mtx.test [[2]]) == 1))
checkEquals (dim (mtx.test [[1]]), c (4,6))
checkEquals (dim (mtx.test [[2]]), c (4,6))
invisible (mtx.test)
} # test.readAndParse
test.toOrf = function ()
print ('--- test.toOrf')
# SUT1 is the proper gene symbol for YGL162W, and an alias for YMR125W. mget returns both. we want just the first
checkEquals (toOrf ('SUT1'), 'YGL162W')
checkEquals (toOrf (c ( "STB5", "SUT1", "THO2")), c ('YHR178W', 'YGL162W', 'YNL139C'))
checkEquals (toOrf ('bogus', quiet=TRUE), 'bogus')
checkEquals (toOrf (c ( "STB5", "SUT1", "bogus", "THO2"), quiet=TRUE), c ('YHR178W', 'YGL162W', 'bogus', 'YNL139C'))
} # test.toOrf
test.toUniprot = function ()
print ('--- test.toUniprot')
# demonstrate the problem
checkEquals (unlist (unname (mget ('YCR039C', org.Sc.sgdUNIPROT))), c ("P0CY08", "P0CY09"))
# but we want only one
checkEquals (toUniprot (c ('YCR039C')), "P0CY08")
# make sure it works embedded in a list of orfs
checkEquals (toUniprot (c ('YOL108C', 'YCR039C', 'YML065W')), c ("P13902", "P0CY08", "P54784"))
# an unrecognized orf should return NA
checkTrue (is.na (toUniprot ('bogus')))
} # test.toUniprot
test.createMetadata = function (dataDir)
print ('--- test.createMetadata')
matrices = readAndParse (file.path(dataDir, getMatrixFilenames (dataDir)))
tbl.md = createMetadata (matrices, createExperimentRefTable ())
checkEquals (dim (tbl.md), c (length (matrices), 15))
expected.columns = c ("providerName", "providerId", "dataSource", "geneSymbol", "geneId", "geneIdType", "proteinId",
"proteinIdType", "organism", "sequenceCount", "bindingSequence", "bindingDomain", "tfFamily",
"experimentType", "pubmedID")
checkEquals (colnames (tbl.md), expected.columns)
checkEquals (unique (tbl.md$organism), 'Scerevisiae')
ecm = 'Scerevisiae-ScerTF-ECM23-badis'
checkTrue (ecm %in% rownames (tbl.md))
x = tbl.md [ecm,]
checkEquals (x$providerName, "badis.ECM23")
checkEquals (x$geneSymbol, "ECM23")
checkEquals (x$geneId, "YPL021W")
checkEquals (x$geneIdType, "SGD")
checkEquals (x$proteinId, "Q02710")
checkEquals (x$proteinIdType, "UNIPROT")
checkEquals (x$pubmedID, "19111667")
checkEquals (nrow (subset (tbl.md, is.na (proteinId) & !is.na (proteinIdType))), 0)
invisible (tbl.md)
} # test.createMetadata
test.getMatrixFilenames = function (dataDir)
print ('--- test.getMatrixFilenames')
checkEquals (length (getMatrixFilenames (dataDir)), 196)
} # test.getMatrixFilenames
test.renameMatrices = function (dataDir, matrices, tbl.md, tbl.anno)
print ('--- test.renameMatrices')
# try it with just the first two matrices
checkEquals (dim (tbl.md), c (196, 15))
old.matrix.names = names (matrices)
matrices.renamed = renameMatrices (matrices, tbl.md [1:2,])
new.matrix.names = names (matrices.renamed)
#print (old.matrix.names)
#print (names (matrices.renamed))
gene.names = sapply (strsplit (old.matrix.names, '\\.'), function (tokens) return (tokens [2]))
author.names = sapply (strsplit (old.matrix.names, '\\.'), function (tokens) return (tokens [1]))
# though order of gene and author is reversed, both should be found, in boh old and new matrix names
for (m in 1:length (matrices)) {
checkTrue (length (grep (gene.names [m], old.matrix.names [m])) == 1)
checkTrue (length (grep (author.names [m], old.matrix.names [m])) == 1)
checkTrue (length (grep (gene.names [m], new.matrix.names [m])) == 1)
checkTrue (length (grep (author.names [m], new.matrix.names [m])) == 1)
# now check them all
tbl.ref = createExperimentRefTable ()
all.files = getMatrixFilenames (dataDir)
matrices = readAndParse (file.path(dataDir, all.files))
tbl.md = createMetadata (matrices, tbl.ref)
old.matrix.names = names (matrices)
matrices.renamed = renameMatrices (matrices, tbl.md)
new.matrix.names = names (matrices.renamed)
for (m in 1:length (matrices)) {
checkTrue (length (grep (gene.names [m], old.matrix.names [m])) == 1)
checkTrue (length (grep (author.names [m], old.matrix.names [m])) == 1)
checkTrue (length (grep (gene.names [m], new.matrix.names [m])) == 1)
checkTrue (length (grep (author.names [m], new.matrix.names [m])) == 1)
#printf ('validated %d new matrix names', length (matrices))
invisible (matrices.renamed)
} # test.renameMatrices
test.createMatrixNameUniqifier = function ()
print ('--- test.createMatrixNameUniqifier')
data = c (8,8,8,7,2,2,5,6,5,3,10,5,8,6,9,5,8,8,4,5,8,6,9,2,1,0,5,7,7,2,4,4,3,7,7,9,9,6,1,3)
test.matrix = matrix (data=data, nrow=4, ncol=10)
uniqifier = createMatrixNameUniqifier (test.matrix)
xxx <<- uniqifier
checkEquals (uniqifier, "b42f")
} # test.createMatrixNameUniqifier
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