# ScerTF/import.R
library(tools) # for md5sum
printf <- function(...) print(noquote(sprintf(...)))
run = function (dataDir)
dataDir <- file.path(dataDir, "ScerTF")
freshStart ()
tbl.ref = createExperimentRefTable ()
all.files = getMatrixFilenames (dataDir)
matrices = readAndParse (file.path(dataDir, all.files))
tbl.md = createMetadata (matrices, tbl.ref)
matrices = renameMatrices (matrices, tbl.md)
serializedFile <- 'ScerTF.RData'
save (matrices, tbl.md, file=serializedFile)
printf("saved %d matrices to %s", length(matrices), serializedFile)
printf("next step: copy %s to <packageRoot>/MotifDb/inst/extdata, rebuild package", serializedFile)
invisible (list (mtx=matrices, md=tbl.md))
} # run
freshStart = function ()
output.files.easy.to.regenerate = grep ('RData$', dir (), v=T)
if (length (output.files.easy.to.regenerate) > 0)
unlink (output.files.easy.to.regenerate)
} # freshStart
createMatrixNameUniqifier = function (matrix)
temporary.file <<- tempfile ()
write (as.character (matrix), file=temporary.file)
md5sum.string <<- as.character (md5sum (temporary.file))
stopifnot (nchar (md5sum.string) == 32)
md5.6chars = substr (md5sum.string, 29, 32)
#unlink (temporary.file)
} # createMatrixNameUniqifier
createExperimentRefTable = function ()
options (stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
tbl.ref = data.frame (author=c('badis', 'foat', 'fordyce', 'harbison', 'macisaac', 'morozov', 'pachkov', 'spivak', 'zhao', 'zhu'))
tbl.ref = cbind (tbl.ref, year=c(2008,2008, 2010, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2007, 2012, 2011, 2009))
tbl.ref = cbind (tbl.ref, pmid=c('19111667', '17947326', '20802496', '15343339', '16522208', '17438293', '17130146',
'22140105', '21654662', '19158363'))
tbl.ref = cbind (tbl.ref, organism=rep('Scerevisiae', nrow (tbl.ref)))
titles = c ('A library of yeast transcription factor motifs reveals a widespread function for Rsc3 in targeting nucleosome exclusion at promoters',
'TransfactomeDB: a resource for exploring the nucleotide sequence specificity and condition-specific regulatory activity of trans-acting factors.',
'De novo identification and biophysical characterization of transcription-factor binding sites with microfluidic affinity analysis.',
'Transcriptional regulatory code of a eukaryotic genome.',
'An improved map of conserved regulatory sites for Saccharomyces cerevisiae',
'Connecting protein structure with predictions of regulatory sites.',
'SwissRegulon: a database of genome-wide annotations of regulatory sites.',
'ScerTF: a comprehensive database of benchmarked position weight matrices for Saccharomyces species.',
'Quantitative analysis demonstrates most transcription factors require only simple models of specificity.',
'High-resolution DNA-binding specificity analysis of yeast transcription factors')
tbl.ref = cbind (tbl.ref, titles)
} # createExperimentRefTable
parsePWMfromText = function (lines.of.text)
if (sum (sapply (c ('A', 'C', 'T', 'G'), function (token) length (grep (token, lines.of.text)))) != 4) {
print (lines.of.text)
return (NA)
for (line in lines.of.text) {
tokens = strsplit (line, '\\s*[:\\|]') [[1]]
nucleotide = tokens [1]
numbers.raw = tokens [2]
number.tokens = strsplit (numbers.raw, '\\s+', perl=T)[[1]]
while (nchar (number.tokens [1]) == 0)
number.tokens = number.tokens [-1]
numbers = as.numeric (number.tokens)
if (!exists ('result'))
result = matrix (nrow=4, ncol=length (numbers), byrow=TRUE, dimnames=list (c ('A', 'C', 'G', 'T'), 1:length(numbers)))
result [nucleotide,] = numbers
return (result)
} # parsePWMfromText
# we expect exactly one matrix per file
readAndParse = function (filenames)
# this script is in the directory with all of the PWM files. exclude it
files.to.remove = c ('go.R', 'matrices.ScerTF.RData', 'tbl.md.ScerTF.RData')
for (file.to.remove in files.to.remove) {
removers = grep (file.to.remove, filenames)
if (length (removers) > 0)
filenames = filenames [-removers]
} # for file.to.remove
matrices = list ()
for (filename in filenames) {
lines.of.text = scan (filename, what=character(0), sep='\n', quiet=TRUE)
mtx = parsePWMfromText (lines.of.text)
mtx.normalized = apply (mtx, 2, function (colvector) colvector / sum (colvector))
matrices [[basename(filename)]] = mtx.normalized
invisible (matrices)
} # readAndParse
toOrf = function (gene.names, quiet=FALSE)
orfs = mget (gene.names, org.Sc.sgdCOMMON2ORF, ifnotfound=NA)
failures = which (is.na (orfs))
# make sure that all of the failures are simply gene.names which are already orfs
# some genes -- unpopular ones? :} -- have a classic orf name as gene symbol. these do not apper in sgdCOMMON2ORF
# don't protest these, rather, just notify the caller of *other* symbols which failed to map
# this failure situation can be recognized if there are more failures (NAs) than orf names (Y.*) found in the input
# gene.names
if (length (grep ('^Y', names (failures))) != length (failures)) {
if (!quiet) {
printf ('error. could not find orf for "%s"', list.to.string (gene.names [failures]))
} # !quiet
orfs [as.integer (failures)] = names (failures)
for (gene.name in names (orfs)) {
orfs [[gene.name]] = orfs [[gene.name]][1]
} # for gene.name
unlist (unname (orfs))
} # toOrf
toUniprot = function (orfs, quiet=FALSE)
uniprots = mget (orfs, org.Sc.sgdUNIPROT, ifnotfound=NA)
failures = which (is.na (uniprots))
for (orf in names (uniprots)) {
uniprots [[orf]] = uniprots [[orf]][1]
} # for orf
unlist (unname (uniprots))
} # toUniprot
# and rename the matrices to match the rownames of the tbl.md created here
createMetadata = function (matrices, tbl.ref)
options ('stringsAsFactors'=FALSE)
dataSource = 'ScerTF'
organism = 'Scerevisiae'
#tbl.ref = createExperimentRefTable ()
native.names.raw = names (matrices)
native.names.reversed = as.character (sapply (native.names.raw,
function (s) {tokens = strsplit (s, '\\.')[[1]]; return (paste (tokens [2], tokens[1], sep='-'))}))
native.names = as.character (sapply (names (matrices), function (name) strsplit (name, '\\.') [[1]][2]))
gene.symbols = native.names
md5sum.suffix.uniqifiers = as.character (sapply (matrices, function (matrix) createMatrixNameUniqifier (matrix)))
native.names.uniqified = paste (native.names, md5sum.suffix.uniqifiers, sep='-')
full.names = paste (organism, dataSource, native.names.reversed, sep='-')
tbl.md = data.frame (providerName=native.names.raw)
rownames (tbl.md) = full.names
names (matrices) = full.names
tbl.md = cbind (tbl.md, providerId=gene.symbols)
tbl.md = cbind (tbl.md, dataSource = rep ('ScerTF', nrow (tbl.md)))
tbl.md = cbind (tbl.md, geneSymbol=gene.symbols)
orfs = as.character (toOrf (native.names))
tbl.md = cbind (tbl.md, geneId=orfs)
tbl.md = cbind (tbl.md, geneIdType=rep('SGD', nrow (tbl.md)))
uniprots <<- toUniprot (orfs)
tbl.md = cbind (tbl.md, proteinId=uniprots)
protein.id.types = rep('UNIPROT', nrow (tbl.md))
NA.protein.ids = which (is.na (uniprots))
if (length (NA.protein.ids) > 0)
protein.id.types [NA.protein.ids] = NA
tbl.md = cbind (tbl.md, proteinIdType=protein.id.types)
tbl.md = cbind (tbl.md, organism = rep ('Scerevisiae', nrow (tbl.md)))
# all matrices have colSums of 100, or very close, suggesting that these are not real counts but are normalized
tbl.md = cbind (tbl.md, sequenceCount = rep (NA_integer_, nrow (tbl.md)))
tbl.md = cbind (tbl.md, bindingSequence=rep(NA_character_, nrow (tbl.md)))
tbl.md = cbind (tbl.md, bindingDomain=rep(NA_character_, nrow (tbl.md)))
tbl.md = cbind (tbl.md, tfFamily=rep(NA_character_, nrow (tbl.md)))
tbl.md = cbind (tbl.md, experimentType=rep(NA_character_, nrow (tbl.md)))
authors = as.character (sapply (tbl.md$providerName, function (provider.name) strsplit (provider.name, '\\.')[[1]][1]))
pmid = as.character (sapply (authors, function (athr) subset (tbl.ref, author==athr)$pmid))
tbl.md = cbind (tbl.md, pubmedID=pmid)
} # createMetadata
getMatrixFilenames = function (dataDir)
all.files = list.files (dataDir)
files.to.exclude = c ('go.R', 'RCS', 'rdata')
for (file in files.to.exclude) {
removers = grep (file, all.files, ignore.case=T)
if (length (removers) > 0)
all.files = all.files [-removers]
invisible (all.files)
} # getMatrixFilenames
renameMatrices = function (matrices, tbl.md)
stopifnot (length (matrices) == nrow (tbl.md))
names (matrices) = rownames (tbl.md)
invisible (matrices)
} # renameMatrices
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