
Defines functions tcgaAvailable

Documented in tcgaAvailable

#' Prints available TCGA datasets
#' @description Prints available TCGA cohorts
#' @param repo can be "github" (default) or "gitee". If `github` fails to fetch, switch to `gitee`
#' @examples
#' tcgaAvailable()
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{tcgaLoad}}
tcgaAvailable = function(repo = c("github", "gitee")){
  repo <- match.arg(repo)
  repo_url <- if (repo == "github") {
  } else {
  cohorts = data.table::fread(
    input = paste0(repo_url, "/inst/extdata/cohorts.txt"),
    verbose = FALSE,
    showProgress = FALSE)
PoisonAlien/maftools documentation built on Nov. 10, 2024, 6:01 p.m.