#' Sparse Contrastive Principal Component Analysis
#' @description Given target and background data frames or matrices,
#' \code{scPCA} will perform the sparse contrastive principal component
#' analysis (scPCA) of the target data for a given number of eigenvectors, a
#' vector of real-valued contrast parameters, and a vector of sparsity inducing
#' penalty terms.
#' If instead you wish to perform contrastive principal component analysis
#' (cPCA), set the \code{penalties} argument to \code{0}. So long as the
#' \code{n_centers} parameter is larger than one, the automated hyperparameter
#' tuning heuristic described in \insertCite{boileau2020;textual}{scPCA} is
#' used. Otherwise, the semi-automated approach of
#' \insertCite{abid2018exploring;textual}{scPCA} is used to select the
#' appropriate hyperparameter.
#' @param target The target (experimental) data set, in a standard format such
#' as a \code{data.frame} or \code{matrix}. \code{dgCMatrix} and
#' \code{DelayedMatrix} objects are also supported.
#' @param background The background data set, in a standard format such as a
#' \code{data.frame} or \code{matrix}. The features must match the features of
#' the target data set. \code{dgCMatrix} and \code{DelayedMatrix} objects are
#' also supported.
#' @param center A \code{logical} indicating whether the target and background
#' data sets' features should be centered to mean zero.
#' @param scale A \code{logical} indicating whether the target and background
#' data sets' features should be scaled to unit variance.
#' @param n_eigen A \code{numeric} indicating the number of eigenvectors (or
#' (sparse) contrastive components) to be computed. Two eigenvectors are
#' computed by default.
#' @param cv A \code{numeric} indicating the number of cross-validation folds
#' to use in choosing the optimal contrastive and penalization parameters from
#' over the grids of \code{contrasts} and \code{penalties}. Cross-validation
#' is expected to improve the robustness and generalization of the choice of
#' these parameters. However, it increases the time the procedure costs.
#' The default is therefore \code{NULL}, corresponding to no cross-validation.
#' @param alg A \code{character} indicating the sparse PCA algorithm used to
#' sparsify the contrastive loadings. Currently supports \code{iterative} for
#' the \insertCite{zou2006sparse;textual}{scPCA} implementation, \code{var_proj}
#' for the non-randomized \insertCite{erichson2018sparse;textual}{scPCA}
#' solution, and \code{rand_var_proj} for the randomized
#' \insertCite{erichson2018sparse;textual}{scPCA} implementation. Defaults to
#' \code{iterative}.
#' @param contrasts A \code{numeric} vector of the contrastive parameters. Each
#' element must be a unique, non-negative real number. By default, 40
#' logarithmically spaced values between 0.1 and 1000 are used. If a single
#' value is provided and \code{penalties} is set to 0, then \code{n_centers},
#' \code{clust_method}, \code{max_iter}, \code{linkage_method},
#' \code{n_medoids}, and \code{parallel} can be safely ignored.
#' @param penalties A \code{numeric} vector of the L1 penalty terms on the
#' loadings. The default is to use 20 equidistant values between 0.05 and 1.
#' If \code{penalties} is set to 0, then cPCA is performed in place of scPCA.
#' See \code{contrasts} and \code{n_centers} arguments for more infotmation.
#' @param clust_method A \code{character} specifying the clustering method to
#' use for choosing the optimal contrastive parameter. Currently, this is
#' limited to either k-means, partitioning around medoids (PAM), and
#' hierarchical clustering. The default is k-means clustering.
#' @param n_centers A \code{numeric} giving the number of centers to use in the
#' clustering algorithm. If set to 1, cPCA, as first proposed by
#' \insertCite{abid2018exploring;textual}{scPCA}, is performed, regardless of
#' what the \code{penalties} argument is set to.
#' @param max_iter A \code{numeric} giving the maximum number of iterations to
#' be used in k-means clustering. Defaults to 10.
#' @param linkage_method A \code{character} specifying the agglomerative
#' linkage method to be used if \code{clust_method = "hclust"}. The options
#' are \code{ward.D2}, \code{single}, \code{complete}, \code{average},
#' \code{mcquitty}, \code{median}, and \code{centroid}. The default is
#' \code{complete}.
#' @param n_medoids A \code{numeric} indicating the number of medoids to
#' consider if \code{n_centers} is set to 1 and \code{contrasts} is a vector of
#' length 2 or more. The default is 8 medoids.
#' @param parallel A \code{logical} indicating whether to invoke parallel
#' processing via the \pkg{BiocParallel} infrastructure. The default is
#' \code{FALSE} for sequential evaluation.
#' @param clusters A \code{numeric} vector of cluster labels for observations in
#' the \code{target} data. Defaults to \code{NULL}, but is otherwise used to
#' identify the optimal set of hyperparameters when fitting the scPCA and the
#' automated version of cPCA. If a vector is provided, the
#' \code{n_centers}, \code{clust_method}, \code{max_iter},
#' \code{linkage_method}, and \code{n_medoids} arguments can be safely ignored.
#' @param eigdecomp_tol A \code{numeric} providing the level of precision used by
#' eigendecompositon calculations. Defaults to \code{1e-10}.
#' @param eigdecomp_iter A \code{numeric} indicating the maximum number of
#' interations performed by eigendecompositon calculations. Defaults to
#' \code{1000}.
#' @param scaled_matrix A \code{logical} indicating whether to output a
#' \code{\link[ScaledMatrix]{ScaledMatrix}} object. The centering and scaling
#' procedure is delayed until later, permitting more efficient matrix
#' multiplication and row or column sums downstream. However, this comes at the
#' at the cost of numerical precision. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @return A list containing the following components:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{rotation}: The matrix of variable loadings if \code{n_centers}
#' is larger than one. Otherwise, a list of rotation matrices is returned,
#' one for each medoid. The number of medoids is specified by
#' \code{n_medoids}.
#' \item \code{x}: The rotated data, centred and scaled if requested,
#' multiplied by the rotation matrix if \code{n_centers} is larger than
#' one. Otherwise, a list of rotated data matrices is returned, one for
#' each medoid. The number of medoids is specified by \code{n_medoids}.
#' \item contrast: The optimal contrastive parameter.
#' \item penalty: The optimal L1 penalty term.
#' \item center: A logical indicating whether the target dataset was centered.
#' \item scale: A logical indicating whether the target dataset was scaled.
#' }
#' @importFrom Rdpack reprompt
#' @importFrom origami cross_validate make_folds
#' @importFrom dplyr "%>%" full_join
#' @importFrom purrr reduce
#' @importFrom stringr str_detect
#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # perform cPCA on the simulated data set
#' scPCA(
#' target = toy_df[, 1:30],
#' background = background_df,
#' contrasts = exp(seq(log(0.1), log(100), length.out = 5)),
#' penalties = 0,
#' n_centers = 4
#' )
#' # perform scPCA on the simulated data set
#' scPCA(
#' target = toy_df[, 1:30],
#' background = background_df,
#' contrasts = exp(seq(log(0.1), log(100), length.out = 5)),
#' penalties = seq(0.1, 1, length.out = 3),
#' n_centers = 4
#' )
#' # perform cPCA on the simulated data set with known clusters
#' scPCA(
#' target = toy_df[, 1:30],
#' background = background_df,
#' contrasts = exp(seq(log(0.1), log(100), length.out = 5)),
#' penalties = 0,
#' clusters = toy_df[, 31]
#' )
#' # cPCA as implemented in Abid et al.
#' scPCA(
#' target = toy_df[, 1:30],
#' background = background_df,
#' contrasts = exp(seq(log(0.1), log(100), length.out = 10)),
#' penalties = 0,
#' n_centers = 1
#' )
scPCA <- function(target, background, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE,
n_eigen = 2, cv = NULL,
alg = c("iterative", "var_proj", "rand_var_proj"),
contrasts = exp(seq(log(0.1), log(1000), length.out = 40)),
penalties = seq(0.05, 1, length.out = 20),
clust_method = c("kmeans", "pam", "hclust"),
n_centers = NULL, max_iter = 10, linkage_method = "complete",
n_medoids = 8, parallel = FALSE, clusters = NULL,
eigdecomp_tol = 1e-10, eigdecomp_iter = 1000,
scaled_matrix = FALSE) {
# set defaults
clust_method <- match.arg(clust_method)
alg <- match.arg(alg)
# check arguments to function
target, background, center, scale, n_eigen,
contrasts, penalties, clust_method, linkage_method,
clusters, eigdecomp_tol, eigdecomp_iter, n_centers,
if (!is.null(clusters)) {
# set a dummy value for clusters when cluster labels are passed in
n_centers <- 2
# coerce clusters argument to an integer
if (is.factor(clusters)) {
clusters <- as.numeric(clusters)
} else if (is.character(clusters)) {
clusters <- as.numeric(as.factor(clusters))
if (is.null(cv)) {
opt_params <- selectParams(
target = target,
background = background,
center = center,
scale = scale,
n_eigen = n_eigen,
alg = alg,
contrasts = contrasts,
penalties = penalties,
clust_method = clust_method,
n_centers = n_centers,
max_iter = max_iter,
linkage_method = linkage_method,
n_medoids = n_medoids,
parallel = parallel,
clusters = clusters,
eigdecomp_tol = eigdecomp_tol,
eigdecomp_iter = eigdecomp_iter,
scaled_matrix = scaled_matrix
if (length(contrasts) == 1 && length(penalties) == 1 &&
penalties[[1]] == 0) {
opt_params <- list(
rotation = opt_params$rotation,
x = opt_params$x,
contrast = opt_params$contrast,
penalty = opt_params$penalty
} else if (length(contrasts) == 1 && length(penalties) == 1 &&
penalties[[1]] != 0) {
opt_params <- list(
rotation = opt_params$rotation,
x = opt_params$x,
contrast = opt_params$contrast,
penalty = opt_params$penalty
} else if (n_centers > 1) {
max_idx <- which.max(opt_params$ave_sil_widths)
opt_params <- list(
rotation = opt_params$rotation[[max_idx]],
x = opt_params$x[[max_idx]],
contrast = opt_params$contrast[max_idx],
penalty = opt_params$penalty[max_idx]
} else {
# partition target and background data sets into CV-splits
folds_target <- origami::make_folds(target, V = cv)
folds_background <- origami::make_folds(background, V = cv)
folds <- lapply(seq_len(cv), function(cv_fold) {
out <- list(
target = folds_target[[cv_fold]],
background = folds_background[[cv_fold]]
# select tuning parameters via cross-validation
cv_opt_params <- origami::cross_validate(
cv_fun = cvSelectParams,
folds = folds,
target = target,
background = background,
center = center,
scale = scale,
n_eigen = n_eigen,
alg = alg,
contrasts = contrasts,
penalties = penalties,
clust_method = clust_method,
n_centers = n_centers,
max_iter = max_iter,
linkage_method = linkage_method,
n_medoids = n_medoids,
parallel = parallel,
clusters = clusters,
eigdecomp_tol = eigdecomp_tol,
eigdecomp_iter = eigdecomp_iter,
scaled_matrix = scaled_matrix,
use_future = FALSE,
.combine = FALSE
# match up tables of contrast-penalty-silhouette across folds and merge
cv_ave_sil_pairs <- lapply(seq_len(cv), function(v) {
ave_sil_pairings <- tibble::as_tibble(
contrast = cv_opt_params$contrast[[v]],
penalty = cv_opt_params$penalty[[v]],
ave_sil_widths = cv_opt_params$ave_sil_widths[[v]]
}) %>%
purrr::reduce(dplyr::full_join, by = c("contrast", "penalty"))
# compute CV-average silhouette width, find maximizer, and select the
# optimal set of contrastive and penalization parameters
ave_sil_col_idx <- stringr::str_detect(
cv_sil_max_idx <- which.max(rowMeans(cv_ave_sil_pairs[, ave_sil_col_idx]))
cv_opt_params <- cv_ave_sil_pairs[cv_sil_max_idx, c("contrast", "penalty")]
# re-fit on full data to get more stable estimates
fit_cv_opt_params <- selectParams(
target = target,
background = background,
center = center,
scale = scale,
n_eigen = n_eigen,
alg = alg,
contrasts = cv_opt_params$contrast,
penalties = cv_opt_params$penalty,
clust_method = clust_method,
n_centers = n_centers,
max_iter = max_iter,
linkage_method = linkage_method,
n_medoids = n_medoids,
parallel = parallel,
clusters = clusters,
eigdecomp_tol = eigdecomp_tol,
eigdecomp_iter = eigdecomp_iter,
scaled_matrix = scaled_matrix
if (n_centers > 1 && length(penalties) == 1 && penalties[1] == 0) {
opt_params <- list(
rotation = fit_cv_opt_params$rotation,
x = fit_cv_opt_params$x,
contrast = fit_cv_opt_params$contrast,
penalty = fit_cv_opt_params$penalty
} else if (n_centers > 1) {
opt_params <- list(
rotation = fit_cv_opt_params$rotation[[1]],
x = fit_cv_opt_params$x[[1]],
contrast = fit_cv_opt_params$contrast,
penalty = fit_cv_opt_params$penalty
# create output object
scpca <- list(
rotation = opt_params$rotation,
x = opt_params$x,
contrast = opt_params$contrast,
penalty = opt_params$penalty,
center = center,
scale = scale
class(scpca) <- "scpca"
#' Selection of Contrastive and Penalization Parameters
#' @description A wrapper function for fitting various internal functions to
#' select the optimal setting of the contrastive and penalization parameters.
#' For internal use only.
#' @param target The target (experimental) data set, in a standard format such
#' as a \code{data.frame} or \code{matrix}.
#' @param background The background data set, in a standard format such as a
#' \code{data.frame} or \code{matrix}. Note that the number of features must
#' match the number of features in the target data.
#' @param center A \code{logical} indicating whether the target and background
#' data sets should be centered to mean zero.
#' @param scale A \code{logical} indicating whether the target and background
#' data sets should be scaled to unit variance.
#' @param n_eigen A \code{numeric} indicating the number of eigenvectors (or
#' sparse contrastive components) to be computed. The default is to compute
#' two such eigenvectors.
#' @param alg A \code{character} indicating the SPCA algorithm used to sparsify
#' the contrastive loadings. Currently supports \code{iterative} for the
#' \insertCite{zou2006sparse;textual}{scPCA} implementation, \code{var_proj}
#' for the non-randomized \insertCite{erichson2018sparse;textual}{scPCA}
#' solution, and \code{rand_var_proj} for the randomized
#' \insertCite{erichson2018sparse;textual}{scPCA} result.
#' @param contrasts A \code{numeric} vector of the contrastive parameters. Each
#' element must be a unique non-negative real number. The default is to use 40
#' logarithmically spaced values between 0.1 and 1000.
#' @param penalties A \code{numeric} vector of the L1 penalty terms on the
#' loadings. The default is to use 20 equidistant values between 0.05 and 1.
#' @param clust_method A \code{character} specifying the clustering method to
#' use for choosing the optimal contrastive parameter. Currently, this is
#' limited to either k-means, partitioning around medoids (PAM), and
#' hierarchical clustering. The default is k-means clustering.
#' @param n_centers A \code{numeric} giving the number of centers to use in the
#' clustering algorithm. If set to 1, cPCA, as first proposed by Abid et al.,
#' is performed, regardless of what the \code{penalties} argument is set to.
#' @param max_iter A \code{numeric} giving the maximum number of iterations to
#' be used in k-means clustering, defaulting to 10.
#' @param linkage_method A \code{character} specifying the agglomerative
#' linkage method to be used if \code{clust_method = "hclust"}. The options
#' are \code{ward.D2}, \code{single}, \code{complete}, \code{average},
#' \code{mcquitty}, \code{median}, and \code{centroid}. The default is
#' \code{complete}.
#' @param n_medoids A \code{numeric} indicating the number of medoids to
#' consider if \code{n_centers} is set to 1. The default is 8 such medoids.
#' @param parallel A \code{logical} indicating whether to invoke parallel
#' processing via the \pkg{BiocParallel} infrastructure. The default is
#' \code{FALSE} for sequential evaluation.
#' @param clusters A \code{numeric} vector of cluster labels for observations in
#' the \code{target} data. Defaults to \code{NULL}, but is otherwise used to
#' identify the optimal set of hyperparameters when fitting the scPCA and the
#' automated version of cPCA.
#' @param eigdecomp_tol A \code{numeric} providing the level of precision used by
#' eigendecompositon calculations. Defaults to \code{1e-10}.
#' @param eigdecomp_iter A \code{numeric} indicating the maximum number of
#' interations performed by eigendecompositon calculations. Defaults to
#' \code{1000}.
#' @param scaled_matrix A \code{logical} indicating whether to output a
#' \code{\link[ScaledMatrix]{ScaledMatrix}} object. The centering and scaling
#' procedure is delayed until later, permitting more efficient matrix
#' multiplication and row or column sums downstream. However, this comes at the
#' at the cost of numerical precision.
#' @return Output structure matching either that of \code{\link{fitCPCA}} or
#' \code{\link{fitGrid}} (or their parallelized variants, namely either
#' \code{\link{bpFitCPCA}} and \code{link{bpFitGrid}}, respectively).
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @keywords internal
selectParams <- function(target, background, center, scale, n_eigen, alg,
contrasts, penalties, clust_method, n_centers,
max_iter, linkage_method, n_medoids, parallel,
clusters, eigdecomp_tol, eigdecomp_iter,
scaled_matrix) {
# call parallelized function variants if so requested
if (!parallel || (length(penalties) == 1 && length(contrasts) == 1)) {
# create contrastive covariance matrices
c_contrasts <- contrastiveCov(
target = target, background = background, contrasts = contrasts,
center = center, scale = scale, scaled_matrix = scaled_matrix
if (length(penalties) == 1 && penalties[1] != 0 && length(contrasts) == 1) {
opt_params <- fitGrid(
target = target, center = center, scale = scale, alg = alg,
c_contrasts = c_contrasts, contrasts = contrasts,
penalties = penalties, n_eigen = n_eigen,
clust_method = clust_method, n_centers = n_centers,
max_iter = max_iter, linkage_method = linkage_method,
clusters = clusters, eigdecomp_tol = eigdecomp_tol,
eigdecomp_iter = eigdecomp_iter
} else if (n_centers == 1 || (length(penalties) == 1 && penalties[1] == 0
&& length(contrasts) == 1)) {
opt_params <- fitCPCA(
target = target, center = center, scale = scale,
c_contrasts = c_contrasts, contrasts = contrasts,
n_eigen = n_eigen, n_medoids = n_medoids,
eigdecomp_tol = eigdecomp_tol, eigdecomp_iter = eigdecomp_iter
} else {
opt_params <- fitGrid(
target = target, center = center, scale = scale, alg = alg,
c_contrasts = c_contrasts, contrasts = contrasts,
penalties = penalties, n_eigen = n_eigen,
clust_method = clust_method, n_centers = n_centers,
max_iter = max_iter, linkage_method = linkage_method,
clusters = clusters, eigdecomp_tol = eigdecomp_tol,
eigdecomp_iter = eigdecomp_iter
} else {
# create contrastive covariance matrices
c_contrasts <- bpContrastiveCov(
target = target, background = background, contrasts = contrasts,
center = center, scale = scale, scaled_matrix = scaled_matrix
if (n_centers == 1) {
opt_params <- bpFitCPCA(
target = target, center = center, scale = scale,
c_contrasts = c_contrasts, contrasts = contrasts,
n_eigen = n_eigen, n_medoids = n_medoids,
eigdecomp_tol = eigdecomp_tol, eigdecomp_iter = eigdecomp_iter
} else {
opt_params <- bpFitGrid(
target = target, center = center, scale = scale,
alg = alg, c_contrasts = c_contrasts,
contrasts = contrasts, penalties = penalties,
n_eigen = n_eigen, clust_method = clust_method,
n_centers = n_centers, max_iter = max_iter,
linkage_method = linkage_method, clusters = clusters,
eigdecomp_tol = eigdecomp_tol, eigdecomp_iter = eigdecomp_iter
#' Fold-Specific Selection of Contrastive and Penalization Parameters
#' @description A wrapper function for fitting various internal functions to
#' select the optimal setting of the contrastive and penalization parameters
#' via cross-validation. For internal use only.
#' @param fold Object specifying cross-validation folds as generated by a call
#' to \code{\link[origami]{make_folds}}.
#' @param target The target (experimental) data set, in a standard format such
#' as a \code{data.frame} or \code{matrix}.
#' @param background The background data set, in a standard format such as a
#' \code{data.frame} or \code{matrix}. Note that the number of features must
#' match the number of features in the target data.
#' @param center A \code{logical} indicating whether the target and background
#' data sets should be centered to mean zero.
#' @param scale A \code{logical} indicating whether the target and background
#' data sets should be scaled to unit variance.
#' @param n_eigen A \code{numeric} indicating the number of eigenvectors (or
#' sparse contrastive components) to be computed. The default is to compute
#' two such eigenvectors.
#' @param alg A \code{character} indicating the SPCA algorithm used to sparsify
#' the contrastive loadings. Currently supports \code{iterative} for the
#' \insertCite{zou2006sparse;textual}{scPCA} implementation, \code{var_proj}
#' for the non-randomized \insertCite{erichson2018sparse;textual}{scPCA}
#' solution, and \code{rand_var_proj} for the randomized
#' \insertCite{erichson2018sparse;textual}{scPCA} result.
#' @param contrasts A \code{numeric} vector of the contrastive parameters. Each
#' element must be a unique non-negative real number. The default is to use 40
#' logarithmically spaced values between 0.1 and 1000.
#' @param penalties A \code{numeric} vector of the L1 penalty terms on the
#' loadings. The default is to use 20 equidistant values between 0.05 and 1.
#' @param clust_method A \code{character} specifying the clustering method to
#' use for choosing the optimal contrastive parameter. Currently, this is
#' limited to either k-means, partitioning around medoids (PAM), and
#' hierarchical clustering. The default is k-means clustering.
#' @param n_centers A \code{numeric} giving the number of centers to use in the
#' clustering algorithm. If set to 1, cPCA, as first proposed by Abid et al.,
#' is performed, regardless of what the \code{penalties} argument is set to.
#' @param max_iter A \code{numeric} giving the maximum number of iterations to
#' be used in k-means clustering, defaulting to 10.
#' @param linkage_method A \code{character} specifying the agglomerative
#' linkage method to be used if \code{clust_method = "hclust"}. The options
#' are \code{ward.D2}, \code{single}, \code{complete}, \code{average},
#' \code{mcquitty}, \code{median}, and \code{centroid}. The default is
#' \code{complete}.
#' @param n_medoids A \code{numeric} indicating the number of medoids to
#' consider if \code{n_centers} is set to 1. The default is 8 such medoids.
#' @param parallel A \code{logical} indicating whether to invoke parallel
#' processing via the \pkg{BiocParallel} infrastructure. The default is
#' \code{FALSE} for sequential evaluation.
#' @param clusters A \code{numeric} vector of cluster labels for observations in
#' the \code{target} data. Defaults to \code{NULL}, but is otherwise used to
#' identify the optimal set of hyperparameters when fitting the scPCA and the
#' automated version of cPCA.
#' @param eigdecomp_tol A \code{numeric} providing the level of precision used by
#' eigendecompositon calculations. Defaults to \code{1e-10}.
#' @param eigdecomp_iter A \code{numeric} indicating the maximum number of
#' interations performed by eigendecompositon calculations. Defaults to
#' \code{1000}.
#' @param scaled_matrix A \code{logical} indicating whether to output a
#' \code{\link[ScaledMatrix]{ScaledMatrix}} object. The centering and scaling
#' procedure is delayed until later, permitting more efficient matrix
#' multiplication and row or column sums downstream. However, this comes at the
#' at the cost of numerical precision.
#' @importFrom origami training validation
#' @return Output structure matching either that of \code{\link{fitCPCA}} or
#' \code{\link{fitGrid}} (or their parallelized variants, namely either
#' \code{\link{bpFitCPCA}} and \code{link{bpFitGrid}}, respectively).
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @keywords internal
cvSelectParams <- function(fold, target, background, center, scale, n_eigen,
alg = alg, contrasts, penalties, clust_method,
n_centers, max_iter, linkage_method, n_medoids,
parallel, clusters, eigdecomp_tol, eigdecomp_iter,
scaled_matrix) {
# make training and validation folds
train_target <- origami::training(target, fold$target)
valid_target <- origami::validation(target, fold$target)
train_background <- origami::training(background, fold$background)
# call parallelized function variants if so requested
if (!parallel) {
# create contrastive covariance matrices
c_contrasts <- contrastiveCov(
target = train_target, background = train_background,
contrasts = contrasts, center = center, scale = scale,
scaled_matrix = scaled_matrix
if (n_centers == 1) {
opt_params <- fitCPCA(
target = train_target, center = center,
scale = scale, c_contrasts = c_contrasts,
contrasts = contrasts, n_eigen = n_eigen,
n_medoids = n_medoids, eigdecomp_tol = eigdecomp_tol,
eigdecomp_iter = eigdecomp_iter
} else {
opt_params <- fitGrid(
target = train_target,
target_valid = valid_target,
center = center, scale = scale,
alg = alg,
c_contrasts = c_contrasts,
contrasts = contrasts,
penalties = penalties,
n_eigen = n_eigen,
clust_method = clust_method,
n_centers = n_centers,
max_iter = max_iter,
linkage_method = linkage_method,
clusters = clusters,
eigdecomp_tol = eigdecomp_tol,
eigdecomp_iter = eigdecomp_iter
} else {
# create contrastive covariance matrices
c_contrasts <- bpContrastiveCov(
target = train_target, background = train_background,
contrasts = contrasts, center = center, scale = scale,
scaled_matrix = scaled_matrix
if (n_centers == 1) {
opt_params <- bpFitCPCA(
target = train_target, center = center,
scale = scale, c_contrasts = c_contrasts,
contrasts = contrasts, n_eigen = n_eigen,
n_medoids = n_medoids, eigdecomp_tol = eigdecomp_tol,
eigdecomp_iter = eigdecomp_iter
} else {
opt_params <- bpFitGrid(
target = train_target, center = center,
scale = scale, c_contrasts = c_contrasts,
contrasts = contrasts, penalties = penalties,
n_eigen = n_eigen,
alg = alg,
clust_method = clust_method,
target_valid = valid_target,
n_centers = n_centers,
max_iter = max_iter,
linkage_method = linkage_method,
clusters = clusters,
eigdecomp_tol = eigdecomp_tol,
eigdecomp_iter = eigdecomp_iter
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