#' Contrastive Principal Component Analysis
#' @description Given target and background dataframes or matrices, \code{cPCA}
#' will perform contrastive principal component analysis (cPCA) of the target
#' data for a given number of eigenvectors and a vector of real valued
#' contrast parameters. This is identical to the implementation of cPCA
#' method of \insertCite{abid2018exploring;textual}{scPCA}.
#' @param target The target (experimental) data set, in a standard format such
#' as a \code{data.frame} or \code{matrix}.
#' @param center A \code{logical} indicating whether the target and background
#' data sets should be centered to mean zero.
#' @param scale A \code{logical} indicating whether the target and background
#' data sets should be scaled to unit variance.
#' @param c_contrasts A \code{list} of contrastive covariances.
#' @param contrasts A \code{numeric} vector of the contrastive parameters used
#' to compute the contrastive covariances.
#' @param n_eigen A \code{numeric} indicating the number of eigenvectors to be
#' computed.
#' @param n_medoids A \code{numeric} indicating the number of medoids to
#' consider. Not used if \code{contrasts} is a single value.
#' @param eigdecomp_tol A \code{numeric} providing the level of precision used by
#' eigendecompositon calculations. Defaults to \code{1e-10}.
#' @param eigdecomp_iter A \code{numeric} indicating the maximum number of
#' interations performed by eigendecompositon calculations. Defaults to
#' \code{1000}.
#' @return A list of lists containing the cPCA results for each contrastive
#' parameter deemed to be a medoid.
#' \itemize{
#' \item rotation - the list of matrices of variable loadings
#' \item x - the list of rotated data, centred and scaled if requested,
#' multiplied by the rotation matrix
#' \item contrast - the list of contrastive parameters
#' \item penalty - set to zero, since loadings are not penalized in cPCA
#' }
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @importFrom kernlab specc as.kernelMatrix
#' @importFrom Rdpack reprompt
#' @importFrom RSpectra eigs_sym
#' @keywords internal
fitCPCA <- function(target, center, scale, c_contrasts, contrasts, n_eigen,
n_medoids, eigdecomp_tol, eigdecomp_iter) {
# preliminaries
num_contrasts <- length(contrasts)
# for each contrasted covariance matrix, compute the eigenvectors
loadings_mat <- lapply(
function(x) {
res <- RSpectra::eigs_sym(
k = n_eigen,
which = "LA",
opts = list(tol = eigdecomp_tol, maxitr = eigdecomp_iter)
warning = function(w) {
"\nFor contrastive parameter = ",
round(contrasts[[x]], 3), ":\n")
# center and scale the target data
target <- safeColScale(target, center, scale)
# for each loadings matrix, project target onto constrastive subspace
spaces <- lapply(
function(x) {
as.matrix(target %*% loadings_mat[[x]])
if (num_contrasts == 1) {
# remove rownames for spaces if not null (due to DelayedMatrix mult)
rownames(spaces[[1]]) <- NULL
out <- list(
rotation = loadings_mat[[1]],
x = spaces[[1]],
contrast = contrasts,
penalty = 0
} else {
# produce the QR decomposition of these projections, extract Q
qr_decomps <- lapply(
function(x) {
# populate affinity matrix for spectral clustering using the principal angles
aff_vect <- lapply(
seq(from = 1, to = num_contrasts - 1),
function(i) {
do.call(c, lapply(
seq(from = i + 1, to = num_contrasts),
function(j) {
Q_i <- qr_decomps[[i]]
Q_j <- qr_decomps[[j]]
d <- svd(x = t(Q_i) %*% Q_j, nu = 0, nv = 0)$d
d[1] * d[2]
aff_mat <- diag(x = 0.5, nrow = num_contrasts)
aff_mat[lower.tri(aff_mat, diag = FALSE)] <- unlist(aff_vect)
aff_mat <- t(aff_mat)
# fix any computation errors, see numpy.nan_to_num
aff_mat[is.nan(aff_mat)] <- 0
aff_mat[is.na(aff_mat)] <- 0
aff_mat[is.infinite(aff_mat)] <- 1000
aff_mat <- t(aff_mat) + aff_mat
# perfrom spectral clustering using the affinity matrix
spec_clust <- kernlab::specc(kernlab::as.kernelMatrix(aff_mat),
centers = n_medoids
# identify the alpha medoids of the spectral clustering
contrast_medoids <- do.call(c, lapply(
function(x) {
sub_index <- which(spec_clust == x)
sub_aff_mat <- aff_mat[sub_index, sub_index]
if (is.matrix(sub_aff_mat)) {
aff_sums <- colSums(sub_aff_mat)
} else {
# create the lists of contrastive parameter medoids, loadings and projections
med_index <- which(contrasts %in% contrast_medoids)
# remove rownames for spaces if not null (due to DelayedMatrix mult)
if(!is.null(rownames(spaces[[1]])[1])) {
spaces <- lapply(
function(id) {
rownames(spaces[[id]]) <- NULL
} else {
spaces <- spaces[med_index]
out <- list(
rotation = loadings_mat[med_index],
x = spaces,
contrast = contrasts[med_index],
penalty = rep(0, length(med_index))
#' Contrastive Principal Component Analysis in Parallel
#' @description Given target and background dataframes or matrices, \code{cPCA}
#' will perform contrastive principal component analysis (cPCA) of the target
#' data for a given number of eigenvectors and a vector of real valued
#' contrast parameters. This is identical to the implementation of cPCA
#' method by Abid et al. \insertCite{abid2018exploring;textual}{scPCA}.
#' Analogous to \code{\link{fitCPCA}}, but replaces all \code{lapply} calls by
#' \code{\link[BiocParallel]{bplapply}}.
#' @param target The target (experimental) data set, in a standard format such
#' as a \code{data.frame} or \code{matrix}.
#' @param center A \code{logical} indicating whether the target and background
#' data sets should be centered to mean zero.
#' @param scale A \code{logical} indicating whether the target and background
#' data sets should be scaled to unit variance.
#' @param c_contrasts A \code{list} of contrastive covariances.
#' @param contrasts A \code{numeric} vector of the contrastive parameters used
#' to compute the contrastive covariances.
#' @param n_eigen A \code{numeric} indicating the number of eigenvectors to be
#' computed.
#' @param n_medoids A \code{numeric} indicating the number of medoids to
#' consider.
#' @param eigdecomp_tol A \code{numeric} providing the level of precision used by
#' eigendecompositon calculations. Defaults to \code{1e-10}.
#' @param eigdecomp_iter A \code{numeric} indicating the maximum number of
#' interations performed by eigendecompositon calculations. Defaults to
#' \code{1000}.
#' @return A list of lists containing the cPCA results for each contrastive
#' parameter deemed to be a medoid.
#' \itemize{
#' \item rotation - the list of matrices of variable loadings
#' \item x - the list of rotated data, centred and scaled if requested,
#' multiplied by the rotation matrix
#' \item contrast - the list of contrastive parameters
#' \item penalty - set to zero, since loadings are not penalized in cPCA
#' }
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @importFrom kernlab specc as.kernelMatrix
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bplapply
#' @importFrom Rdpack reprompt
#' @importFrom RSpectra eigs_sym
#' @keywords internal
bpFitCPCA <- function(target, center, scale, c_contrasts, contrasts, n_eigen,
n_medoids, eigdecomp_tol, eigdecomp_iter) {
# preliminaries
num_contrasts <- length(contrasts)
# for each contrasted covariance matrix, compute the eigenvectors
loadings_mat <- BiocParallel::bplapply(
function(x) {
res <- RSpectra::eigs_sym(
k = n_eigen,
which = "LA",
opts = list(tol = eigdecomp_tol, maxitr = eigdecomp_iter)
warning = function(w) {
"\nFor contrastive parameter = ",
round(contrasts[[x]], 3), ":\n")
# center and scale the target data
target <- safeColScale(target, center, scale)
# for each loadings matrix, project target onto constrastive subspace
spaces <- BiocParallel::bplapply(
function(x) {
as.matrix(target %*% loadings_mat[[x]])
# produce the QR decomposition of these projections, extract Q
qr_decomps <- BiocParallel::bplapply(
function(x) {
# populate affinity matrix for spectral clustering using the principal angles
aff_vect <- BiocParallel::bplapply(
seq(from = 1, to = num_contrasts - 1),
function(i) {
do.call(c, lapply(
seq(from = i + 1, to = num_contrasts),
function(j) {
Q_i <- qr_decomps[[i]]
Q_j <- qr_decomps[[j]]
d <- svd(x = t(Q_i) %*% Q_j, nu = 0, nv = 0)$d
d[1] * d[2]
aff_mat <- diag(x = 0.5, nrow = num_contrasts)
aff_mat[lower.tri(aff_mat, diag = FALSE)] <- unlist(aff_vect)
aff_mat <- t(aff_mat)
# fix any computation errors, see numpy.nan_to_num
aff_mat[is.nan(aff_mat)] <- 0
aff_mat[is.na(aff_mat)] <- 0
aff_mat[is.infinite(aff_mat)] <- 1000
aff_mat <- t(aff_mat) + aff_mat
# perfrom spectral clustering using the affinity matrix
spec_clust <- kernlab::specc(kernlab::as.kernelMatrix(aff_mat),
centers = n_medoids
# identify the alpha medoids of the spectral clustering
contrast_medoids <- BiocParallel::bplapply(
function(x) {
sub_index <- which(spec_clust == x)
sub_aff_mat <- aff_mat[sub_index, sub_index]
if (is.matrix(sub_aff_mat)) {
aff_sums <- colSums(sub_aff_mat)
} else {
contrast_medoids <- unlist(contrast_medoids)
# create the lists of contrastive parameter medoids, loadings and projections
med_index <- which(contrasts %in% contrast_medoids)
# remove rownames for spaces if not null (due to DelayedMatrix mult)
if(!is.null(dimnames(spaces[[1]])[[1]])) {
spaces <- lapply(
function(id) {
rownames(spaces[[id]]) <- NULL
} else {
spaces <- spaces[med_index]
out <- list(
rotation = loadings_mat[med_index],
x = spaces,
contrast = contrasts[med_index],
penalty = rep(0, length(med_index))
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