### =========================================================================
### MethylationLociSet: Basically, a GRanges object of all methylation loci
### in a sample, normally the reference genome.
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Constructor
#' The constructor function for MethylationLociSet objects.
#' A MethylationLociSet contains the positions of all methylation loci in the
#' sample. This is usually the set of all methylation loci in the reference
#' genome.
#' Most users will construct these objects using the \code{\link{makeMLS}}
#' function.
MethylationLociSet <- function(seqnames = Rle(), ranges = IRanges(),
strand = Rle("*", length(seqnames)), seqinfo,
methylation_type, ...){
# Check that all required arguments are not missing
if (missing(seqinfo)){
stop(sQuote('seqinfo'), " missing.\nPlease see the help page for ",
"MethylationLociSet, which can accessed by typing ",
" at the R prompt, for further details of this argument.")
if (missing(methylation_type)){
stop(sQuote('methylation_type'), " missing.\nPlease see the help page for ",
"MethylationLociSet, which can accessed by typing ",
" at the R prompt, for further details of this argument.")
# Check that all required arguments are of the correct class
if (!is(seqinfo, 'Seqinfo')){
stop(sQuote('seqinfo'), " must be a ", sQuote('Seqinfo'),
" object.\nPlease see the help page for MethylationLociSet, which ",
"can accessed by typing ", sQuote("?MethylationLociSet"), " at the R ",
"prompt, for further details of this argument.")
if (!is(methylation_type, 'character')){
stop(sQuote('methylation_type'), " must be a ", sQuote('character'),
".\nPlease see the help page for MethylationLociSet, which can ",
"accessed by ", "typing ", sQuote("?MethylationLociSet"),
" at the R prompt, for further details of this argument.")
# Check that all ranges are of width 1.
if (!.zero_range(width(ranges)) || !identical(width(ranges[1]), 1L)){
stop("All ", sQuote("ranges"), " must have ", sQuote("width"), " = 1.\nThe",
" start of each range should reflect the position of the cytosine on",
" the relevant strand.")
# Check that all methylation loci have strand information
if (isTRUE(any(strand == '*'))){
stop(sQuote('strand'), " must be ", sQuote('+'), " or ", sQuote('-'), " (",
sQuote('*'), " is not permitted).")
# Check that methylation_type is valid
if (!all(sapply(X = methylation_type, .valid_methylation_type))){
stop("Invalid ", sQuote('methylation_type'),
".\nPlease see the help page for MethylationLociSet, which can ",
"accessed by ", "typing ", sQuote("?MethylationLociSet"),
" at the R prompt, for further details of this argument.")
# Make GRanges
gr <- GRanges(seqnames = seqnames, ranges = ranges, strand = strand,
seqinfo = seqinfo)
# Construct MethylationLociSet object
# Sort-unique methylation_type to remove any duplicate elements
# (which shouldn't happen).
new("MethylationLociSet", gr,
methylation_type = sort(unique(methylation_type)))
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Show
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Combining
## TODO: Define c() such that the union of the methylation types is taken
setMethod("show", "MethylationLociSet", function(object) {
cat("Methylation type:", paste(sort(object@methylation_type), collapse = "/"),
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### makeMLS
#' Make a MethylationLociSet for a type of methylation and a reference genome.
#' Construct an object to store the location of all methylation loci of the
#' given type in a genome sequence. For example, find all CpGs in the human
#' reference genome (hg19). The returned object is a
#' \code{\link{MethylationLociSet}}.
#' @param methylation_type A character. The possible values are "CG", "CHG",
#' "CHH" or "CNN" or multiple values specified as a character vector, e.g.
#' c("CG", "CHG") or c("CHG", "CG") for "CG/CHG" methylation.
#' @param bsgenome A \code{\link[BSgenome]{BSgenome}} object of the reference
#' genome.
#' @param ... Other arguments passed to \code{\link{[Biostrings]matchPattern}}.
#' @note This is basically a wrapper around the
#' \code{\link{[Biostrings]matchPattern}} function, where
#' \code{methylation_type} = \code{pattern} and \code{bsgenome} =
#' \code{subject}.
#' \emph{WARNING:} This will use a considerable amount of memory and take some
#' time for non-CG methylation.
#' @return A \link{MethylationLociSet} object.
#' @export
makeMLS <- function(methylation_type, bsgenome){
# Argument checks
if (!all(sapply(X = methylation_type, .valid_methylation_type))){
stop("Invalid ", sQuote('methylation_type.'),
".\nPlease see the help page for MethylationLociSet, which can ",
"accessed by ", "typing ", sQuote("?MethylationLociSet"),
" at the R prompt, for further details of this argument.")
if (!is(bsgenome, "BSgenome")){
stop(sQuote("bsgenome"), " must be a ", sQuote("BSgenome"), " object.")
# Construct BSParams object
bsparam <- new("BSParams", X = bsgenome, FUN = function(pdict, ...) {
unlist(matchPDict(pdict = pdict, ...))
simplify = TRUE)
# Convert the methylation_type to a PDict.
# Then, search the bsgenome for that PDict.
# Have to do in 2 steps because matchPDict only accepts patterns of the same
# width.
# (1) CG methylation
if ('CG' %in% methylation_type){
# CG methylation is strand-symmetric.
# Therefore only need to run search once.
pdict_cg <- PDict('CG')
cg_fwd <- bsapply(bsparam, pdict = pdict_cg)
cg_rev <- cg_fwd
gr_cg <- c(.irl2gr(cg_fwd, '+', seqinfo(bsgenome)),
.irl2gr(cg_rev, '-', seqinfo(bsgenome)))
} else{
gr_cg <- GRanges(seqinfo = seqinfo(bsgenome))
# (2) Non-CG methylation
# Make PDict
x <- DNAStringSet()
if('CHG' %in% methylation_type){
xx <- DNAStringSet(apply(
unlist(strsplit(IUPAC_CODE_MAP['G'], ''), use.names = FALSE),
unlist(strsplit(IUPAC_CODE_MAP['H'], ''), use.names = FALSE)),
FUN = paste, MARGIN = 1, collapse = ''))
x <- c(x, xx)
if ('CHH' %in% methylation_type){
xx <- DNAStringSet(apply(
unlist(strsplit(IUPAC_CODE_MAP['H'], ''), use.names = FALSE),
unlist(strsplit(IUPAC_CODE_MAP['H'], ''), use.names = FALSE)),
FUN = paste, MARGIN = 1, collapse = ''))
x <- c(x, xx)
if ('CNN' %in% methylation_type){
stop("Sorry, ", sQuote('CNN'), " methylation not currently supported.")
# FIXME: Searching for CNN will match 16 combinations (CAA -> CTT).
# Really want to match against C<masked><masked>, I think.
xx <- DNAStringSet(apply(
unlist(strsplit(IUPAC_CODE_MAP['N'], ''), use.names = FALSE),
unlist(strsplit(IUPAC_CODE_MAP['N'], ''), use.names = FALSE)),
FUN = paste, MARGIN = 1, collapse = ''))
x <- c(x, xx)
# Search for non-CG methylation (if required).
if (length(x) != 0L){
# Non-CG methylation is generally not strand-symmetric.
# Therefore have to run search twice:
# Firstly, with a the original dictional
# Secondly, with a reverse-complemented dictionary
# Can't simply combine dictionaries and run together because there is no
# strand information on the returned output.
pdict_non_cg_fwd <- PDict(x)
pdict_non_cg_rev <- PDict(reverseComplement(x))
non_cg_fwd <- bsapply(bsparam, pdict = pdict_non_cg_fwd)
non_cg_rev <- bsapply(bsparam, pdict = pdict_non_cg_rev)
gr_non_cg <- c(.irl2gr(non_cg_fwd, '+', seqinfo(bsgenome)),
.irl2gr(non_cg_rev, '-', seqinfo(bsgenome)))
} else{
gr_non_cg <- GRanges(seqinfo = seqinfo(bsgenome))
# Construct MethylationLociSet
new("MethylationLociSet", c(gr_cg, gr_non_cg),
methylation_type = methylation_type)
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