### =========================================================================
### MTuples: tuples of genomic positions
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------
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### Accessors
#' @include AllGenerics.R
#' @export
setMethod("getPos", "MTuples", function(x){
m <- getM(x)
if (is.na(m)){
pos <- matrix()
} else {
if (m == 1L){
pos <- as.matrix(start(x))
} else if (m == 2L){
pos <- cbind(start(x), end(x))
} else{
# m > 2
pos <- cbind(start(x), x@extraPos, end(x))
colnames(pos) <- paste0('pos', seq_len(m))
#' @include AllGenerics.R
#' @export
setMethod("getM", "MTuples", function(x){
# The "empty" MTuples object
if (isTRUE(all(is.na(start(x))))){
m <- NA_integer_
} else if (isTRUE(all(is.na(x@extraPos)))){
# m = 1 or 2
if (isTRUE(all(start(x) == end(x)))){
m <- 1L
} else{
m <- 2L
} else{
# m > 2
m <- ncol(x@extraPos) + 2L
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### Constructor
#' @export
MTuples <- function(seqnames = Rle(),
pos = matrix(),
strand = Rle("*", length(seqnames)),
seqlengths = NULL,
seqinfo = NULL){
## Check that all required arguments are not missing
if (missing(seqnames)){
stop(sQuote("seqnames"), " missing.\nPlease see the help page for MTuples, which can accessed by typing ",
" at the R prompt, for further details of this argument.")
if (missing(pos)){
stop(sQuote("pos"), " missing.\nPlease see the help page for MTuples, which can accessed by typing ",
" at the R prompt, for further details of this argument.")
## Check that all required arguments are of the correct type
## Or try to coerce to the correct type
if (!is.matrix(pos)){
stop(sQuote("pos"), " must be a matrix.\nPlease see the help page for MTuples, which can accessed by typing ", sQuote("?MTuples"), " at the R prompt, for further details of this argument.")
## Other argument checks are deferred to the GRanges constructor, which
## is called further down.
m <- ncol(pos)
if (!isTRUE(all(is.na(pos)))){
if (m == 1L){
ranges <- IRanges(start = pos[, 1L], width = 1L)
extraPos <- matrix(NA_integer_, nrow = length(ranges))
} else if (m == 2L){
## When m = 2, need extra check that start != pos, because this isn't caught by the validity methods when a single m-tuple is passed.
## Otherwise this supposed 2-tuple is silently converted to a 1-tuple.
## See GitHub issue #8 (https://github.com/PeteHaitch/cometh/issues/8)
if (!.allRowsSortedCpp(pos)){
stop(paste0("positions in each m-tuple must be sorted in strictly increasing order, i.e. ", sQuote('pos1'), " < ", sQuote('pos2'), " < ", sQuote('...'), " < ", sQuote('posm')))
ranges <- IRanges(start = pos[, 1L], end = pos[, 2L])
extraPos <- matrix(NA_integer_, nrow = length(ranges))
} else{
ranges <- IRanges(start = pos[, 1L], end = pos[, m])
extraPos <- pos[, seq(from = 2L, to = m - 1, by = 1L), drop = FALSE]
} else{
ranges <- IRanges()
extraPos <- matrix()
gr <- GRanges(seqnames = seqnames, ranges = ranges, strand = strand, seqlengths = seqlengths, seqinfo = seqinfo, ...)
new("MTuples", gr, extraPos = extraPos)
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### Combining
## Use 'c', with the optional ignore.mcols argument, as inherited from GRanges. Don't define rbind, cbind or combine as these aren't defined for GRanges.
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### Coercion
# TODO: None at this point. Coercion to GRanges, DataFrame and matrix might be useful.
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### Utilities
#' @include AllGenerics.R
#' @export
setMethod("getIPD", "MTuples", function(x){
m <- getM(x)
if (m == 1L){
stop("It does not make sense to compute IPD when ", sQuote('m'), " = 1.")
} else{
.rowDiffsCpp(getPos(x)) # matrixStats::rowDiffs(getPos(x)) is a (slower) alternative
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### compare() and related methods.
### compare() is based on the method defined for `GRanges` objects but cannot
### explicity inherit the method due to the `extraPos` slot in `MTuples`
### objects.
### However, unlike the compare() method defined for `GRanges`, the compare()
### method for `MTuples` requires that both `x` and `y` have the same length.
### I also define the element wise (aka "parallel") operators '<=' and '=='.
### The other element wise operators (`!=`, `>=`, `<`, `>`) work out-of-the-box
### on `MTuples` objects via inheritance from `GRanges` -> `Vector`.
# This is adapted from GenomicRanges:::.GenomicRanges.compare.
#' @export
.MTuples.compare <- function(x, y){
if (length(x) != length(y)){
stop("Cannot ", sQuote('compare'), " ", sQuote('MTuples'), " objects when ",
sQuote('length(x)'), " != ", sQuote('length(y)'))
## Check 'm' is identical
if (getM(x) != getM(y)){
stop("Cannot ", sQuote('compare'), " ", sQuote('MTuples'),
" objects with different ", sQuote('m'), ".")
## Pre-comparison step (see above for details).
## merge() will fail if 'x' and 'y' don't have compatible underlying
## sequences.
seqinfo <- merge(seqinfo(x), seqinfo(y))
seqlevels <- seqlevels(seqinfo)
if (any(diff(match(seqlevels(y), seqlevels)) < 0L)){
stop("the 2 objects to compare have ", sQuote('seqlevels'),
" in incompatible orders.") # Error message differs slightly from that provided by .GenomicRanges.compare
## This should only insert new seqlevels in the existing ones i.e. it
## should NEVER drop or reorder existing levels
seqlevels(x) <- seqlevels(y) <- seqlevels
## This is where .MTuples.compare really differs from .GenomicRanges.compare
a <- as.integer(seqnames(x)) - as.integer(seqnames(y))
b <- as.integer(strand(x)) - as.integer(strand(y))
c <- getPos(x) - getPos(y)
## Loop over cbind(a, b, c) by row and report the first non-zero element or
## the final element.
## Do this without actually forming cbind(a, b, c).
## Rcpp solution is > 1000x faster than equivalent R solution when
## length(x) = 2,000,000
val <- .compareMTuplesCpp(a, b, c)
setMethod("compare", c("MTuples", "MTuples"), function(x, y) {
.MTuples.compare(x, y)
# setMethod("<=", c("MTuples", "MTuples"), function(e1, e2) {
# .MTuples.compare(e1, e2) <= 0L
# })
# setMethod("==", c("MTuples", "MTuples"), function(e1, e2) {
# .MTuples.compare(e1, e2) == 0L
# })
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### duplicated()
### Can't rely on using duplicated() via inheritance from `Vector` because
### `MTuples` inherits from `GRanges`, rather than from `Vector` directly.
### Furthermore, simply deferring to the duplicated() method for GRanges would
### only check pos1, posm of 'pos', which is okay provided m < 3 but not if
### m >= 3.
### While I could defer to the GRanges method when m < 3, I now have a fast
### method that works for all m.
### anyDuplicated() will be very slightly faster than any(duplicated()).
### unique() will work out-of-the-box on an `MTuples` object thanks to the
### method for `GRanges` objects, which inherits from `Vector` objects.
## TODO: Perhaps move rev to mTuplesHashCpp where it will be faster.
.duplicated.MTuples <- function(x, incomparables = FALSE, fromLast = FALSE){
if (!identical(incomparables, FALSE)){
stop(sQuote('duplicated'), " method for ", sQuote('MTuples'),
" objects only accepts ", sQuote('incomparables = FALSE'))
## Uses the "rowSums hash" approach.
## It is very fast and produces identical results to
## base::duplicated.array(x, MARGIN = 1).
## .candidateDuplicateMTuplesCpp only returns __candidate__ duplicates.
## These candidates need to be further checked using the (slower)
## base::duplicated.array method
if (!fromLast){
a <- as.integer(seqnames(x))
b <- as.integer(strand(x))
C <- getPos(x)
} else{
a <- rev(as.integer(seqnames(x)))
b <- rev(as.integer(strand(x)))
C <- getPos(x)[seq.int(from = length(x), to = 1), , drop = FALSE]
d <- .candidateDuplicateMTuplesCpp(a = as.integer(seqnames(x)),
b = as.integer(strand(x)),
C = getPos(x))
d[d] <- duplicated(cbind(a[d], b[d], C[d, , drop = FALSE],
deparse.level = 0),
incomparables = incomparables,
fromLast = fromLast)
# duplicated() checks seqnames, strand and positions of each m-tuple.
## TODO: Is there is a need for an S3/S4 combo? If so, why?
### S3/S4 combo for duplicated.MTuples
#' @export
duplicated.MTuples <- function(x, incomparables = FALSE, ...){
.duplicated.MTuples(x, incomparables = incomparables, ...)
#' @export
setMethod("duplicated", "MTuples", .duplicated.MTuples)
.anyDuplicated.MTuples <- function(x, incomparables = FALSE){
if (!identical(incomparables, FALSE)){
stop(sQuote('anyDuplicated'), " method for ", sQuote('MTuples'),
" objects only accepts ", sQuote('incomparables = FALSE'))
a <- as.integer(seqnames(x))
b <- as.integer(strand(x))
C <- getPos(x)
d <- .candidateDuplicateMTuplesCpp(a = as.integer(seqnames(x)),
b = as.integer(strand(x)),
C = getPos(x))
if (isTRUE(any(d))){
# add (if non-zero) is the index of the first duplicated element in d[d],
# instead of d (which is what we really want).
add <- anyDuplicated(cbind(a[d], b[d], C[d, , drop = FALSE], deparse.level = 0))
if (!identical(add, 0L)){
ad <- which(d)[add]
} else{
ad <- 0L
} else{
ad <- 0L
# anyDuplicated() checks seqnames, strand and positions of each m-tuple.
# Will be very slightly faster than any(duplicated()).
## TODO: Is there is a need for an S3/S4 combo? If so, why?
### S3/S4 combo for duplicated.MTuples
#' @export
anyDuplicated.MTuples <- function(x, incomparables = FALSE, ...){
.anyDuplicated.MTuples(x, incomparables = incomparables, ...)
#' @export
setMethod("anyDuplicated", "MTuples", .anyDuplicated.MTuples)
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### match()
### %in%, findMatches(), countMatches() will work out-of-the-box on `MTuples`
### objects thanks to the method for Vector objects.
## Loosely based on 'match' method for GenomicRanges objects
#' @export
setMethod("match", c("MTuples", "MTuples"),
function(x, table, nomatch = NA_integer_, incomparables = NULL,
ignore.strand = FALSE){
if (!isSingleNumberOrNA(nomatch)){
stop(sQuote('nomatch'), " must be a single number or ", sQuote('NA'))
if (!is.integer(nomatch)){
nomatch <- as.integer(nomatch)
if (!is.null(incomparables)){
stop(sQuote('match'), " method for ", sQuote('MTuples'),
" objects only accepts ", sQuote('incomparables = NULL'))
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(ignore.strand)){
stop(sQuote('ignore.strand'), " must be ", sQuote('TRUE'), " or ",
## Calling merge() is the way to check that 'x' and 'table' are based on the
## same reference genome.
merge(seqinfo(x), seqinfo(table))
findOverlaps(x, table, type = "equal", select = "first")
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### order() and related methods.
### The order() and rank() methods for MTuples objects are consistent with the
### order implied by compare().
### sort() is defined separately, rather than simply inherited from `GRanges`,
### because it does not use the `by` argument.
# Loosely based on 'order' method for GRanges
#' @export
setMethod(order, "MTuples", function(..., na.last = TRUE, decreasing = FALSE){
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(decreasing)){
stop("'decreasing' must be TRUE or FALSE")
args <- list(...)
if (!.zero_range(sapply(args, getM))){
stop("All ", sQuote('MTuples'), " objects must have the same ", sQuote('m'),
" value")
m <- getM(args[[1]])
if (m < 3){
## If m < 3 just defer to the order method defined for GRanges
## Can't simply use callNextMethod() because (oddly) there is no order
## method defined for GRanges (rather it is defined for GenomicRanges).
order(do.call("c", lapply(args, function(x){as(x, "GRanges")})),
na.last = na.last, decreasing = decreasing)
} else{
## If m >= 3 then need to define an order method that takes note of the
## 'extra positions' in each m-tuple
order_args <- vector("list", (m + 2L) * length(args))
idx <- (m + 2L) * seq_len(length(args))
order_args[seq.int(from = 1, to = max(idx), by = m + 2)] <- lapply(args, function(x){
order_args[seq.int(from = 2, to = max(idx), by = m + 2)] <- lapply(args, function(x){
order_args[seq.int(from = 3, to = max(idx), by = m + 2)] <- lapply(args, start)
order_args[seq.int(from = 4, to = max(idx), by = m + 2) + rep(seq(0, m - 3, by = 1))] <- lapply(args, function(x, m){getPos(x)[, -c(1, m)]}, m = m)
order_args[seq.int(from = 5 + m - 3, to = max(idx), by = m + 2)] <- lapply(args, function(x){end})
order_args[idx] <- lapply(args, function(x){end(x)})
do.call(order, c(order_args, list(na.last = na.last, decreasing = decreasing)))
# Loosely based on 'sort' method for GRanges
#' @export
setMethod(sort, "MTuples", function(x, decreasing = FALSE, ignore.strand = FALSE, by){
if (!missing(by)){
stop("Sorry, the ", sQuote('by'), " argument is not currently implemented.")
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(ignore.strand)){
stop(sQuote('ignore.strand'), " must be ", sQuote('TRUE'), " or ", sQuote('FALSE'))
if (ignore.strand) {
x2 <- unstrand(x)
i <- order(x2, decreasing = decreasing)
} else{
i <- order(x, decreasing = decreasing)
x[i, , drop = FALSE]
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### Show
# Ensure the extraPos column "sticks" during subsetting, etc.
setMethod(GenomicRanges:::extraColumnSlotNames, "MTuples",
function(x) {
## The show method is adapted from that of GRanges
.makeNakedMatFromMTuples <- function(x){
lx <- length(x)
nc <- ncol(mcols(x))
# m <- getM(x)
# if (isTRUE(all(is.na(x@extraPos)))){
# # m = 1 or 2
# if (m == 1L){
# pos <- as.matrix(start(x))
# } else if (m == 2L)
# pos <- cbind(start(x), end(x))
# }
# } else {
# pos <- cbind(start(x), x@extraPos, end(x))
# }
# colnames(pos) <- paste0('pos', seq_len(m))
pos <- getPos(x)
ans <- cbind(seqnames = as.character(seqnames(x)), pos, strand = as.character(strand(x)))
## This code is commented out because otherwise it will repeat the extraPos field in the output
#extraColumnNames <- GenomicRanges:::extraColumnSlotNames(x)
# if (length(extraColumnNames) > 0L) {
# ans <- do.call(cbind, c(list(ans), lapply(GenomicRanges:::extraColumnSlots(x),
# showAsCell)))
# }
if (nc > 0L) {
tmp <- do.call(data.frame, c(lapply(mcols(x), S4Vectors:::showAsCell),
list(check.names = FALSE)))
ans <- cbind(ans, `|` = rep.int("|", lx), as.matrix(tmp))
## This line is commented out because the show method for MTuples cannot currently use the with.classinfo argument.
#showMTuples <- function(x, margin = "", with.classinfo = FALSE, print.seqlengths = FALSE){
showMTuples <- function(x, margin = "", print.seqlengths = FALSE){
lx <- length(x)
nc <- ncol(mcols(x))
if (isTRUE(all(is.na(x@extraPos)))){
# m = 1 or 2
if (isTRUE(all(start(x) == end(x)))){
m <- 1
} else{
m <- 2
} else{
m <- ncol(x@extraPos) + 2
cat(class(x), " with ", lx, " x ", ifelse(lx == 1L, paste0(m, "-tuple"),
paste0(m, "-tuples")), " and ", nc, " metadata ", ifelse(nc == 1L,
"column", "columns"), ":\n", sep = "")
out <- S4Vectors:::makePrettyMatrixForCompactPrinting(x, .makeNakedMatFromMTuples)
## These lines commented out because classinfo is more complicated for MTuples objects than GRanges objects. For example, some of the `pos` information is stored in an IRanges object while some is stored in a matrix.
#if (with.classinfo) {
# .COL2CLASS <- c(seqnames = "Rle", ranges = "IRanges",
# strand = "Rle")
# extraColumnNames <- extraColumnSlotNames(x)
# .COL2CLASS <- c(.COL2CLASS, getSlots(class(x))[extraColumnNames])
# classinfo <- makeClassinfoRowForCompactPrinting(x, .COL2CLASS)
# stopifnot(identical(colnames(classinfo), colnames(out)))
# out <- rbind(classinfo, out)
if (nrow(out) != 0L){
rownames(out) <- paste0(margin, rownames(out))
print(out, quote = FALSE, right = TRUE)
if (print.seqlengths) {
cat(margin, "---\n", sep = "")
GenomicRanges:::showSeqlengths(x, margin = margin)
setMethod("show", "MTuples",function(object){
showMTuples(object, margin=" ", print.seqlengths = TRUE)
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