
### =========================================================================
### All classes 
### =========================================================================

### -------------------------------------------------------------------------
### MTuples 

.valid.MTuples.pos <- function(object) {
  msg <- NULL
  # The "empty" MTuples object
  if (isTRUE(all(is.na(object@ranges@start)))){
    m <- NA_integer_
  } else if (isTRUE(all(is.na(object@extraPos)))){
    # m = 1 or 2
    if (isTRUE(all(object@ranges@start == 
                     (object@ranges@start + object@ranges@width - 1L)))){
      m <- 1L
      pos <- as.matrix(object@ranges@start)
    } else{
      m <- 2L
      pos <- cbind(object@ranges@start, 
                   object@ranges@start + object@ranges@width - 1L)
  } else{
    # m > 2
    m <- ncol(object@extraPos) + 2L
    pos <- cbind(object@ranges@start, object@extraPos, 
                 object@ranges@start + object@ranges@width - 1L)
  if (!is.na(m)){
    if (!.allRowsSortedCpp(pos)){
      msg <- validMsg(msg, 
                      paste0("positions in each m-tuple must be sorted in ", 
                             "strictly increasing order, i.e. ", 
                             sQuote('pos1'), " < ", sQuote('pos2'), " < ", 
                             sQuote('...'), " < ", sQuote('posm')))
  if (!is.na(m)){
    if (min(pos) < 0){  # min(x) < 0 is faster than any(x < 0)
      msg <- validMsg(msg, 
                      paste0("positions in each m-tuple must be positive ",

.valid.MTuples <- function(object) {
  # Include all .valid.MTuples.* functions in this vector
  msg <- c(.valid.MTuples.pos(object))
  if (is.null(msg)){
  } else{

## TODO: Decide whether to export the class definition; see vignette(topic = 'namespace', package = 'roxygen2').
## TODO: Currently need to do '?"MTuples-class"' to find help; would prefer '?MTuples'
#' An S4 class to represent m-tuples of genomic positions.
#' @details
#' The \code{MTuples} class extends the \code{\link[GenomicRanges]{GRanges}} 
#' class by adding the \code{extraPos} slot (see below for details). An m-tuple 
#' is a tuple of individual basepairs that are on the same chromosome, where 
#' 'm' is the number of positions in the tuple. For example, 
#' (chr1:30, chr1:33, chr1:40) is a 3-tuple of the positions on chromosome 1. 
#' Note the strand of the m-tuple is optional.
#' Internally, this example 3-tuple is stored as a GRanges object with the first 
#' and last positions of the m-tuple stored as the \code{start} and \code{end} 
#' of the GRanges interval, respectively. That is,
#' \code{GRanges('chr1', IRanges(start = 30, end = 40))}. The "extra" position, 
#' chr1:33, is stored in the \code{extraPos} matrix.
#' @slot extraPos A numeric matrix storing "extra" positions in m-tuples, 
#' provided m >= 3. If m = 1 or 2, \code{extraPos} is a matrix of \code{NA}. 
#' The \code{extraPos} matrix has as many rows as there are m-tuples in the 
#' \code{MTuples} object.
#' @section Constructor:
#' \strong{TODO}: Insert help for constructor method.
#' @section Coercion:
#' \strong{TODO}: Insert help for any coerction methods.
#' @section Accessors:
#' \strong{TODO}: Insert help for any accessor methods.
#' @section Splitting and combining:
#' \strong{TODO}: Insert help for any splitting and combining methods.
#' @section Subsetting:
#' \strong{TODO}: Describe any subsetting methods.
#' @section Filtering:
#' \strong{TODO}: Describe any filtering methods.
#' @section Methods based on findOverlaps:
#' \strong{TODO} Insert help for any findOverlaps-based methods.
#' @section Other methods:
#' \strong{TODO}: Describe any other methods.
#' @include AllGenerics.R
         representation(extraPos = "matrix"),
         contains = "GRanges",
         validity = .valid.MTuples

### -------------------------------------------------------------------------
### CoMeth 
### CoMeth is a VIRTUAL class with concrete subclasses CoMeth1 (for 1-tuples),
### CoMeth2 (for 2-tuples) and CoMeth3Plus (for m-tuples, m >= 3).
### CoMeth should have 'MM..M', ..., 'UU..U' and 'EP' assays (not enforced)
### Developers could extend CoMeth VIRTUAL class, for specific m-tuples,
### e.g. CoMeth7 for 7-tuples, which might include an additional (and, as yet, 
### unknown) assay that is specific to 7-tuples.

## TODO: The use of a VIRTUAL class for CoMeth seems to make memory usage 
## increase dramatically. Or is it using data.table or R.utils that causes this?
## Will need to test on a machine with more memory than my laptop.

.valid.CoMeth.rowData <- function(object) {
  msg <- NULL
  if (class(object@rowData) != "MTuples"){
    msg <- validMsg(msg, paste0(sQuote('rowData(CoMeth)'), " must be an ", 
                                sQuote('MTuples'), " object."))

.valid.CoMeth.methylation_type <- function(object) {
  msg <- NULL
  if (sum(grepl("^methylation_type$", colnames(object@colData))) != 1L){
    msg <- validMsg(msg, paste0(sQuote('colData'), " of ", sQuote('CoMeth'), 
                                " must contain column ", 
                                " once and only once."))

  # Can only run the next check if colData contains the 'methylation_type' 
  # column
  if (is.null(msg)){
    mts <- object@colData[, grepl("^methylation_type$", 
    if (!all(sapply(X = mts, FUN = .valid_methylation_type))){
      msg <- validMsg(msg,
                             " for each sample must be ", sQuote('CG'), ", ",
                             sQuote('CHG'), ", ", sQuote('CHH'), " or ", 
                             sQuote('CNN'), ", or some combination of these, ", 
                             "e.g., ", sQuote("CG/CHG"), 
                             ".\nCombinations must sorted alphabetically and ", 
                             "be separated by a forward slash (", 
                             sQuote('/'), ")."))

.valid.CoMeth.assayNames <- function(object) {
  msg <- NULL
  # Get m
    if (isTRUE(all(is.na(object@rowData@extraPos)))){
      # m = 1 or 2
      if (isTRUE(all(object@rowData@ranges@start == 
                        + object@rowData@ranges@width - 1L)))){
        m <- 1L
      } else{
        m <- 2L
    } else{
      # m > 2
      m <- ncol(object@rowData@extraPos) + 2L
  # Check that object has 'MM..M', ..., 'UU..U', and 'EP' assays names
  if (!all(c(.make_m_tuple_names(m), "EP") %in% names(object@assays$data))){
    msg <- validMsg(msg, paste0("assay names must include: ", 
                                paste0(sQuote(c(.make_m_tuple_names(m), "EP")), 
                                       collapse = ", "), "."))

.valid.CoMeth.noDuplicates <- function(object) {
  msg <- NULL
  # Check that there are no duplicate m-tuples
  if (any(duplicated(object))){
    msg <- validMsg(msg, paste0(sQuote('CoMeth'), 
                                " object cannot contain duplicate m-tuples."))

.valid.CoMeth.counts <- function(object) {
  msg <- NULL
  m <- getM(rowData(object))
  assay_names <- .make_m_tuple_names(m)
  # Check that all 'counts' are non-negative
  # Note from bsseq: benchmarking shows that min(assay()) < 0 is faster than 
  # any(assay() < 0) if it is false
  if (min(sapply(object@assays$data[assay_names], min, na.rm = TRUE), 
          na.rm = TRUE) < 0) {
    msg <- validMsg(msg, paste0(sQuote('counts'), 
                                " cannot have negative entries."))

.valid.CoMeth <- function(object) {
  # First need to check that rowData is an MTuples object.
  # Otherwise some of the .valid.CoMeth.* functions won't work
  msg <- .valid.CoMeth.rowData(object)
  if (is.null(msg)){
    # Include all other .valid.CoMeth.* functions in this vector
    msg <- c(.valid.CoMeth.methylation_type(object), 
  # Can't run this check unless the assayNames are correct
  if (is.null(msg)){
    msg <- .valid.CoMeth.counts(object)
  if (is.null(msg)){
  } else{

## TODO: Decide whether to export the class definition; 
## see vignette(topic = 'namespace', package = 'roxygen2').
#' An S4 class to store co-methylation patterns at m-tuples of genomic 
#' positions.
#' @details
#' The \code{CoMeth} class is based on the
#' \code{\link[GenomicRanges]{SummarizedExperiment}} class. The main difference
#' is that rather than using a \code{\link[GenomicRanges]{GRanges}} object as 
#' the \code{rowData}, a \code{CoMeth} object uses an \code{\link{MTuples}} 
#' object.
#' The assays of a \link{CoMeth} object are the counts of how many times each 
#' co-methylation pattern is observed for that m-tuple in each sample. 
#' For example, the possible co-methylation patterns of 2-tuples are 'MM', 'MU', 
#' 'UM' and 'UU' and thus there are four assays of the same names.
#' @section Constructor:
#' \strong{TODO}: Insert help for constructor method.
#' @section Coercion:
#' \strong{TODO}: Insert help for any coerction methods.
#' @section Accessors:
#' \strong{TODO}: Insert help for any accessor methods.
#' @section Splitting and combining:
#' \strong{TODO}: Insert help for any splitting and combining methods.
#' @section Subsetting:
#' \strong{TODO}: Describe any subsetting methods.
#' @section Filtering:
#' \strong{TODO}: Describe any filtering methods.
#' @section Methods based on findOverlaps:
#' \strong{TODO} Insert help for any findOverlaps-based methods.
#' @section Other methods:
#' \strong{TODO}: Describe any other methods.
#' @include AllGenerics.R
         contains = c("VIRTUAL", "SummarizedExperiment"),
         validity = .valid.CoMeth)

### -------------------------------------------------------------------------
### CoMeth1
### A concrete subclass of CoMeth for storing methylation patterns at 1-tuples.
### CoMeth1 should have 'M', 'U', 'EP' and 'beta' as assays.

.valid.CoMeth1.counts <- function(object) {
  msg <- NULL
  # Check that contains 1-tuples
  if (getM(rowData(object)) != 1L){
    msg <- validMsg(msg, paste0("Expected 1-tuples in a ", sQuote("CoMeth1"), 
                                " object."))

  # Check assay names 
  # M, U and EP are already checked by validity method for CoMeth 
  # VIRTUAL class
  assay_names <- names(object@assays$data@listData)
  extra_assay_names <- assay_names[-which(assay_names %in% c('M', 'U', 'EP'))] 
  if (!extra_assay_names %in% "beta"){
    msg <- validMsg(msg, 
                           " object must include assay: ", 

.valid.CoMeth1 <- function(object) {
  # Include all other .valid.CoMeth1.* functions in this vector
  msg <- c(.valid.CoMeth(object), .valid.CoMeth1.counts(object)) 
  if (is.null(msg)){
  } else{

         contains = "CoMeth",
         validity = .valid.CoMeth1)

### Coercion:
### Recursion problem in an automatically generated coerce method requires
### that we handle coercion from subclasses to SummarizedExperiment.
### Source: https://hedgehog.fhcrc.org/bioconductor/trunk/madman/Rpacks/VariantAnnotation/R/AllClasses.R
### See also https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-devel/2012-October/065028.html

setAs("CoMeth1", "SummarizedExperiment",
      def = function(from) {
        if (strict) {
          class(from) <- "SummarizedExperiment"
      replace = function(from, to, value) { 
        firstTime <- TRUE
        for (nm in slotNames(value)) {
          v <- slot(value, nm)
          if (firstTime) {
            slot(from, nm, FALSE) <- v
            firstTime <- FALSE
          } else {
            `slot<-`(from, nm, FALSE, v)

### -------------------------------------------------------------------------
### CoMeth2
### A concrete subclass of CoMeth for storing methylation patterns at 2-tuples.
### CoMeth2 should have 'MM', 'MU', 'UM', 'UU', 'EP' and 'LOR' as assays.

.valid.CoMeth2.counts <- function(object) {
  msg <- NULL
  # Check that contains 2-tuples
  if (getM(rowData(object)) != 2L){
    msg <- validMsg(msg, paste0("Expected 2-tuples in a ", sQuote("CoMeth2"), 
                                " object."))
  # Check assay names 
  # MM, MU, UM, UU and EP are already checked by validity method for CoMeth 
  # VIRTUAL class
  assay_names <- names(object@assays$data@listData)
  extra_assay_names <- assay_names[-which(assay_names %in% 
                                            c('MM', 'MU', 'UM', 'UU', 'EP'))] 
  if (!extra_assay_names %in% "LOR"){
    msg <- validMsg(msg, 
                           " object must include assay: ", 

.valid.CoMeth2 <- function(object) {
  # Include all other .valid.CoMeth2.* functions in this vector
  msg <- c(.valid.CoMeth(object), 
  if (is.null(msg)){
  } else{

         contains = "CoMeth",
         validity = .valid.CoMeth2)

### Coercion:
### Recursion problem in an automatically generated coerce method requires
### that we handle coercion from subclasses to SummarizedExperiment.
### (Source: https://hedgehog.fhcrc.org/bioconductor/trunk/madman/Rpacks/VariantAnnotation/R/AllClasses.R)
### See also https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-devel/2012-October/065028.html

setAs("CoMeth2", "SummarizedExperiment",
      def = function(from) {
        if (strict) {
          class(from) <- "SummarizedExperiment"
      replace = function(from, to, value) { 
        firstTime <- TRUE
        for (nm in slotNames(value)) {
          v <- slot(value, nm)
          if (firstTime) {
            slot(from, nm, FALSE) <- v
            firstTime <- FALSE
          } else {
            `slot<-`(from, nm, FALSE, v)

### -------------------------------------------------------------------------
### CoMeth3Plus
### A concrete subclass of CoMeth for storing methylation patterns at m-tuples,
### when m >= 3.
### Unlike CoMeth1 and CoMeth2, CoMeth3Plus only has the default assays of the 
### CoMeth VIRTUAL class.

.valid.CoMeth3Plus.counts <- function(object) {
  msg <- NULL
  # Check that contains m-tuples, with m >= 3
  if (getM(rowData(object)) < 3L){
    msg <- validMsg(msg, paste0("Expected m-tuples (m >= 3) in a ", 
                                sQuote("CoMeth3Plus"), " object."))
  # Compulsory assay names already checked by validity method for CoMeth 
  # VIRTUAL class

.valid.CoMeth3Plus <- function(object) {
  # Include all other .valid.CoMeth3Plus.* functions in this vector
  msg <- c(.valid.CoMeth(object), 
  if (is.null(msg)){
  } else{

         contains = "CoMeth",
         validity = .valid.CoMeth3Plus)

### Coercion:
### Recursion problem in an automatically generated coerce method requires
### that we handle coercion from subclasses to SummarizedExperiment.
### (Source: https://hedgehog.fhcrc.org/bioconductor/trunk/madman/Rpacks/VariantAnnotation/R/AllClasses.R)
### See also https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-devel/2012-October/065028.html

setAs("CoMeth3Plus", "SummarizedExperiment",
      def = function(from) {
        if (strict) {
          class(from) <- "SummarizedExperiment"
      replace = function(from, to, value) {
        firstTime <- TRUE
        for (nm in slotNames(value)) {
          v <- slot(value, nm)
          if (firstTime) {
            slot(from, nm, FALSE) <- v
            firstTime <- FALSE
          } else {
            `slot<-`(from, nm, FALSE, v)

### -------------------------------------------------------------------------
### MethylationLociSet 

.valid.MethylationLociSet.methylation_type <- function(object) {
  msg <- NULL
  if (!all(sapply(X = object@methylation_type, .valid_methylation_type))){
    msg <- validMsg(msg, paste0("Invalid ", sQuote("methylation_type")))

.valid.MethylationLociSet <- function(object) {
  # Include all other .valid.MethylationLociSet* functions in this vector
  msg <- c(.valid.MethylationLociSet.methylation_type(object)) 
  if (is.null(msg)){
  } else{

         contains = "GRanges",
         slots = c(methylation_type = "character"),
         validity = .valid.MethylationLociSet)

### -------------------------------------------------------------------------
### Notes on "zeta" 
### zeta is the average level of methylation for all reads that overlap all 
### methylation loci in the m-tuple. __This is generally not equivalent to the 
### average beta values of the m-tuple__.
### __Because of this, I will not include this as part of the CoMeth VIRTUAL 
### class or any of its concrete subclasses__

### -------------------------------------------------------------------------
### BetaCor 

.valid.BetaCor <- function(object){
  ## TODO

         contains = "DataFrame",
         slots = c(methylation_type = "character", NIL = "integer", 
                   IPD = "integer", feature_name = "character", 
                   same_feature = "logical", ignore_strand = "logical", 
                   seqinfo = "Seqinfo", method = "character"),
         validity = .valid.BetaCor)
PeteHaitch/cometh documentation built on May 8, 2019, 1:32 a.m.