#' Calculates the empricial false discovery rate.
#' \code{calculateEFDR} returns the empirical false dicovery rate (EDFR) for supplied
#' thresholds. This function also fits a loess curve to the estimated points. This
#' allows the calculation of a threshold for priortisation of genes.
#' @param X A matrix of gene expression values.
#' @param exclude A vector of indices of genes to exclude.
#' @param index.ref A vector of indices of reference genes used for prioritisation.
#' @param set.size A interger giving the size of the set of genes that are to be
#' prioritised.
#' @param Weights A object of class \code{Weights} or a list of weights. The weights
#' should correspond to \code{Factor}. If \code{NULL} the unweighted correlations are
#' used.
#' @param thresholds A vector of thresholds; values should be in the range \eqn{[0,1]}.
#' @param anno A dataframe or a matrix containing the annotation of arrays in \code{X}.
#' @param Factor A character string corresponding to a column name of \code{anno}.
#' @return \code{calculateEFDR} returns an object of class \code{EFDR}.
#' An object of class \code{EFDR} is a \code{list} with the following components:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{EFDR.values}}{ A vector of EDFRs.}
#' \item{\code{Thresholds}}{ A vector containing the values in \code{threshold}.}
#' \item{\code{loess.estimate}}{ An object of class \code{loess}.}
#' }
#' @details
#' The empirical false discovery rate is estimated by drawing 1000 random sets of genes
#' and calculating how many would be prioritised at every given threshold. A gene is
#' is prioritised if at least one correlation with a known reference gene is above the
#' given threshold.
#' @examples
#' Y<-simulateGEdata(500, 500, 10, 2, 5, g=NULL, Sigma.eps=0.1, 250, 100, check.input=FALSE)
#' anno<-as.matrix(sample(1:4, dim(Y$Y)[1], replace=TRUE))
#' colnames(anno)<-"Factor"
#' weights<-findWeights(Y$Y, anno, "Factor")
#' calculateEFDR(Y$Y, exclude=251:500, index.ref=1:10, Weights=weights, anno=anno, Factor="Factor")
#' @author Saskia Freytag
#' @export
#' @exportMethod EFDR
if(class(Weights)=="Weights") Weights<-Weights$Weights
if(length(unique(anno[, which(colnames(anno)==Factor)]))!=length(Weights)){
stop("The number of Weights should be equal to the number of unique levels in Factor.")
if(any(thresholds<0)|any(thresholds>1)) stop("All thresholds need to be in the range [0,1].")
all.genes<-setdiff(1:dim(X)[2], c(exclude,index.ref))
genes<-lapply(1:1000, function(x) c(index.ref, sample(all.genes, set.size)))
data.cor<-lapply(genes, function(x) wcor(X[,x], anno, Factor, Weights))
} else {
data.cor<-lapply(genes, function(x) cor(X[,x]))
data.cor<-lapply(1:length(data.cor), function(x)
data.cor[[x]][-(1:length(index.ref)), (1:length(index.ref))])
max.cor<-lapply(data.cor, function(y) apply(y, 1, function(x) max(abs(x))))
res<-lapply(max.cor, function(y) sapply(thresholds, function(x) length(which(y>x))/set.size))
EFDRs<-Reduce("+", res)/length(genes)
out<-list(EFDR.values=EFDRs, Thresholds=thresholds,loess.estimate=loess(thresholds~EFDRs))
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