### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### methLevelCor: Compute within-sample correlations of methylation levels.
# TODO: Get confidence interval for Spearman and Kendall correlation
# coefficients.
# TODO: Specify or recommend a value of min_cov?
# TODO: Should methLevelCor return unstratified estimates along with stratified
# estimates? Not hard, just join id_dt[pairs] and then compute correlations
# ignoring pair_feature_status.
# TODO: Update docs
#' Compute within-sample correlations of pairs of methylation levels.
#' Given a \code{\link{MethPat}} object containing 1-tuples,
#' \code{methLevelCor} computes the within-sample correlations of pairs of
#' methylation levels. Methylation levels are computed by
#' \code{\link{methLevel}}.
#' The manner in which the pairs are constructed is determined by additional
#' arguments - see the section, "Constructing pairs of methylation loci".
#' Correlations are stratified by the \code{strand}, the intra-pair distance
#' and the \code{feature} (if supplied) of the pairs.
#' @param methpat A \code{\link{MethPat}} object containing 1-tuples.
#' @param pair_type A character string giving the type of pairs to be
#' constructed when computing correlations. One of "\code{neighbours}" or
#' "\code{all}", can be abbreviated. Please see the below section, "Construction
#' of pairs of methylation loci", for details.
#' @param ref_loci An \code{\link{MTuples}} object with the locations of all
#' methylation loci 1-tuples in the sample/reference genome. Only required if
#' \code{pair_type = "neighbours"} and otherwise ignored. Please see the below
#' section, "Construction of pairs of methylation loci", for details.
#' @param max_ipd An \code{integer} specifying the maximal IPD of pairs
#' (default: 2000). Only required if \code{pair_type = "all"} and otherwise
#' ignored. Please see the below section, "Construction of pairs of
#' methylation loci", for details.
#' @param method A character string indicating which correlation coefficient is
#' to be computed. One of "\code{pearson}" (default) or "\code{spearman}", can
#' be abbreviated.
#' @param feature An optional \code{\link[GenomicRanges]{GRanges}} object with
#' the locations of a "genomic feature". This
#' \code{\link[GenomicRanges]{GRanges}} object must be disjoint (see
#' \code{\link[GenomicRanges]{isDisjoint}}). Please see the
#' below section, "Stratifying pairs by a genomic feature", for details.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to \code{\link{methLevel}}, such as
#' \code{min_cov}, \code{statistic} and \code{offset}.
#' @section Constructing pairs of methylation loci:
#' There are two algorithms for constructing pairs of methylation loci:
#' \code{neighbours}, which requires the specification of \code{mtuples}, and
#' \code{all}, which requires the specification of \code{max_ipd}.
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{pair_type = "neighbours"}:}{ Creates pairs of methylation
#' levels from neighbouring methylation loci. It checks that the constructed
#' pairs are neighbours by comparing these to the set of all known methylation
#' loci in the sample, hence this must be given by \code{mtuples}.}
#' \item{\code{pair_type = "all"}:}{ Creates pairs of methylation levels using
#' all methylation loci in the sample such that each pair has an intra-pair
#' distance less than or equal to \code{max_ipd}.}
#' }
#' @section Stratifying pairs by a genomic feature:
#' Pairs of methylation levels may be stratified by whether they are inside
#' or outside of a "genomic feature". For our example, we will use CpG islands
#' as our feature. In this case \code{feature} should be a
#' \code{\link[GenomicRanges]{GRanges}} object containing all CpG islands in
#' the genome.
#' The assignment of pairs as "inside" or "outside" is suprisingly nuanced. The
#' \code{same_feature} argument controls how a pair is assigned
#' as being "inside" or "outside" the feature.
#' Please think carefully about what defines a pair as being "inside" and
#' "outside" a feature for your particular needs. While I have attempted to
#' make \code{methLevelCor} fairly general, if you have more complex
#' requirements then you may find the available options to be insufficient.
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{same_feature = FALSE}: }{A pair is considered to be "inside"
#' the feature if and only if both loci that make up in the pair overlap an
#' element of \code{feature}. However, the two loci in each pair may overlap
#' different elements of \code{feature}, e.g., different CpG islands.
#' Similarly, a pair is considered to be "outside" the feature if and only if
#' both loci that make up the pair overlap a "gap" between elements of
#' \code{feature}. However, the two loci in each pair may overlap different
#' "gaps", non-CpG island regions of the genome. This is the default.
#' }
#' \item{\code{same_feature = TRUE}: A pair is considered to be "inside" the
#' feature only if and only if both loci that make up the pair are in the same
#' feature, e.g., the same CpG island. Similarly, a pair is considered
#' "outside" the feature only if and only if both loci that make up the pair
#' are in the same "gap" between elements of \code{feature}. All other pairs
#' are discarded, e.g., those where both loci that make up the pair are in a
#' CpG island but lie in distinct CpG islands.}
#' }
#' @export
methLevelCor <- function(methpat,
pair_type = c('adjacent', 'all', 'strict_adjacent'),
ipd = seq_len(2000L), ref_loci,
method = c("pearson", "kendall", "spearman"),
conf.level = 0.95,
...) {
if (nrow(methpat) > .Machine$integer.max) {
stop(paste0("Sorry, 'methLevelCor' doesn't yet support 'methpat' objects ",
"with more than ", .Machine$integer.max,
" (.Machine$integer.max) rows."))
if (!is(methpat, "MethPat") || size(methpat) != 1L) {
stop("'methpat' must be a 'MethPat' object containing 1-tuples.")
pair_type <- match.arg(pair_type)
if (pair_type == 'all') {
if (!is.numeric(ipd) || !is.vector(ipd)) {
stop("'ipd' must be an integer vector.")
ipd <- as.integer(ipd)
} else if (pair_type == 'adjacent') {
} else if (pair_type == "strict_adjacent") {
# TODO: Implement using sample-specific loci.
# TODO: Check how many samples in methpat. It's easiest to implement
# strict_adjacent if there is only 1 sample in methpat. Otherwise have to have
# a different ref_loci for each sample and deal with that.
warning(paste0("'pair_type = \"strict_adjacent\"' is currently based on ",
"reference loci, not sample-specific loci."))
if (missing(ref_loci) || !is(ref_loci, "MTuples") || size(ref_loci) != 1L) {
stop("If 'pair_type' = 'strict_adjacent', then must supply 'ref_loci'.")
seqinfo <- try(merge(seqinfo(methpat), seqinfo(ref_loci)), silent = TRUE)
if (is(seqinfo, "try-error")) {
# TODO: Stricter check of seqinfo compatability, e.g., identical?
stop("'methpat' and 'ref_loci' have incompatible 'seqinfo'.")
if (!all(methtype(methpat) %in% methtype(ref_loci))) {
stop("'methpat' and 'mtuples' have incompatible 'methinfo'.")
# TODO: This is very slow. Should it return an error or report the loci
# that have no match (or their count)
if (isTRUE(any(!overlapsAny(methpat, ref_loci)))) {
warning("Some loci in 'methpat' not present in 'ref_loci'.")
method <- match.arg(method)
if (!missing(feature)) {
if (!is(feature, "GRanges") || !isDisjoint(feature)) {
stop("'feature' must be a 'GRanges' object with disjoint ranges.")
# Order methpat and extract sorted rowRanges
if (pair_type == 'strict_adjacent') {
# Add "missing" loci to methpat, i.e., those loci that have
# insufficient sequencing coverage in the sample.
missing_loci <- ref_loci[!overlapsAny(ref_loci, methpat, type = "equal")]
missing_loci <- suppressWarnings(
MethPat(assays = SimpleList(M = matrix(NA_integer_,
nrow = length(missing_loci),
ncol = ncol(methpat),
dimnames =
list(NULL, colnames(methpat))),
U = matrix(NA_integer_,
nrow = length(missing_loci),
ncol = ncol(methpat),
dimnames =
list(NULL, colnames(methpat)))),
rowRanges = missing_loci,
colData = colData(methpat))
methpat <- rbind(methpat, missing_loci)
# TODO: Check whether is.unsorted works on GTuples. Could save an expensive
# sort if data are already sorted.
# if (is.unsorted(rowRanges(methpat))) {
# methpat_order <- order(methpat)
# methpat_rd_sorted <- rowRanges(methpat)[methpat_order]
# } else {
# methpat_order <- seq_len(nrow(methpat))
# methpat_rd_sorted <- rowRanges(methpat)
# }
methpat_order <- order(methpat)
methpat_rd_sorted <- rowRanges(methpat)[methpat_order]
meth_level <- methLevel(methpat, ...)
if (!missing(feature)) {
in_feature <- overlapsAny(methpat_rd_sorted, feature)
} else {
in_feature <- rep(NA, length(methpat_rd_sorted))
# Create map between IPD-strand-in_feature and an integer ID.
# Need to define possible IPDs in order to create map.
if (pair_type == "adjacent" || pair_type == "strict_adjacent") {
ipd <- sort(unique(diff(start(methpat_rd_sorted))))
ipd <- ipd[ipd > 0]
in_feature_levels <- unique(in_feature)
pair_feature_status <- sort(unique(rowSums(expand.grid(in_feature_levels,
na.last = FALSE)
id_dt <- setDT(expand.grid(IPD = ipd,
strand = levels(droplevels(strand(methpat))),
pair_feature_status = pair_feature_status))
id_dt[, c("KEY", "ID") := list(paste(IPD, strand, pair_feature_status,
sep = ''),
setkey(id_dt, ID)
# Create pairs of methylation levels
if (pair_type == 'all') {
# TODO: Benchmark and profile.
# ~2.7 hours for a MethPat object with 54,256,149 CpGs and 3 samples
# stratified by CGI-status.
pairs_idx <- .Call(Cpp_MethylationTuples_makeAllPairs,
} else if (pair_type == 'adjacent' || pair_type == 'strict_adjacent') {
# TODO: Benchmark and profile.
# ~7 minutes for a MethPat object with 54,256,149 CpGs and 3 samples
# stratified by CGI-status.
pairs_idx <- .Call(Cpp_MethylationTuples_makeAdjacentPairs,
# Compute correlations
# TODO: bplapply.
cors_list <- lapply(colnames(methpat), function(sample_name,
pairs_idx, meth_level) {
meth_level_pairs <- data.table(
ID = pairs_idx[["ID"]],
sample = sample_name,
meth_level_1 = meth_level[pairs_idx[["i"]], sample_name],
meth_level_2 = meth_level[pairs_idx[["j"]], sample_name])
meth_level_pairs[, .myCor(meth_level_1, meth_level_2, method = method,
conf.level = conf.level), by = list(ID, sample)]
}, pairs_idx = pairs_idx, meth_level = meth_level)
cors <- setkey(rbindlist(cors_list), ID, sample)
# Join cors and id_dt. Add sample names back.
# TODO: Check that this is doing the correct sort of join, e.g., inner-join,
# outer-join, etc.
val <- id_dt[cors]
val[, c("ID", "KEY") := list(NULL, NULL)]
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