### =========================================================================
### MTuples objects: genomic tuples of methylation loci
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# TODO: Base documentation on GTuples
# TODO: Methods to create MTuples from GRanges and BSgenome objects.
#' MTuples objects
#' @description
#' The \code{MTuples} class is a container for the genomic locations
#' of methylation loci in a genome.
#' @details
#' The \code{MTuples} class extends the
#' \code{\link[GenomicTuples]{GTuples}} class by adding the
#' \code{methinfo} slot, which records the information about the type of
#' methylation loci that are stored in the object.
#' @usage
#' MTuples(gtuples = GTuples(), methinfo = MethInfo())
#' @param gtuples A \code{\link{GTuples}} object containing the positions of
#' the methylation loci as genomic tuples.
#' @param methinfo A \code{\link{MethInfo}} object containing information about
#' the methylation loci present in the \code{MTuples} object.
#' @seealso \code{\link{findMTuples}} to find genomic tuples of methylation
#' loci in a \code{\link[BSgenome]{BSgenome}} object, and
#' \code{\link[GenomicTuples]{GTuples}} for the class from which \code{MTuples}
#' inherits.
#' @aliases MTuples
#' @export
#' @include MethInfo-class.R
#' @author Peter Hickey
#' @examples
#' ## TODO
contains = "GTuples",
methinfo = "MethInfo"),
methinfo = MethInfo())
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Validity
# None as yet. Validity methods "inherited" from GRanges and MethInfo classes.
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Constructor
#' @export
MTuples <- function(gtuples = GTuples(), methinfo = MethInfo()) {
new("MTuples", gtuples, methinfo = methinfo)
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Show
# TODO: Need to keep this up to date with the show,GTuples-method
showMTuples <- function(x, margin = "", print.classinfo = FALSE,
print.seqinfo = FALSE, print.methinfo = FALSE) {
if (!identical(print.classinfo, FALSE)) {
stop("'print.classinfo' not implemented")
lx <- length(x)
nc <- ncol(mcols(x))
if (!is.na(x@size)) {
cat(class(x), " object with ", lx, " x ",
ifelse(lx == 1L, paste0(x@size, "-tuple"),
paste0(x@size, "-tuples")),
" and ", nc, " metadata ", ifelse(nc == 1L, "column", "columns"),
":\n", sep = "")
} else{
cat(class(x), " with 0 tuples and 0 metadata columns:\n", sep = "")
out <- S4Vectors:::makePrettyMatrixForCompactPrinting(
x, GenomicTuples:::.makeNakedMatFromGTuples)
# TODO: Try to implement 'print.classinfo', although low priority.
## These lines commented out because classinfo is more complicated for GTuples
## objects than GRanges objects. For example, some of the `pos` information
## is stored in an IRanges object while some is stored in a matrix.
#if (print.classinfo) {
# .COL2CLASS <- c(seqnames = "Rle", ranges = "IRanges",
# strand = "Rle")
# extraColumnNames <- extraColumnSlotNames(x)
# .COL2CLASS <- c(.COL2CLASS, getSlots(class(x))[extraColumnNames])
# classinfo <- makeClassinfoRowForCompactPrinting(x, .COL2CLASS)
# stopifnot(identical(colnames(classinfo), colnames(out)))
# out <- rbind(classinfo, out)
if (nrow(out) != 0L){
rownames(out) <- paste0(margin, rownames(out))
print(out, quote = FALSE, right = TRUE)
if (print.seqinfo & print.methinfo) {
cat(margin, "---\n", sep = "")
cat(margin, "seqinfo: ", summary(seqinfo(x)), "\n", sep ="")
cat(margin, "methinfo: ", summary(methinfo(x)), "\n", sep = "")
} else if (print.seqinfo) {
cat(margin, "---\n", sep = "")
cat(margin, "seqinfo: ", summary(seqinfo(x)), "\n", sep ="")
} else if (print.methinfo) {
cat(margin, "---\n", sep = "")
cat(margin, "methinfo: ", summary(methinfo(x)), "\n", sep = "")
#' @export
function(object) {
showMTuples(object, margin=" ", print.seqinfo = TRUE,
print.methinfo = TRUE)
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Combining
.unlist_list_of_MTuples <- function(x, ignore.mcols = FALSE) {
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(ignore.mcols)) {
stop("'ignore.mcols' must be TRUE or FALSE")
ans_class <- class(x[[1L]])
ans_methinfo <- do.call(merge, lapply(x, methinfo))
ans_seqinfo <- do.call(merge, lapply(x, seqinfo))
ans_seqnames <- do.call(c, lapply(x, seqnames))
ans_tuples <- unname(do.call(rbind, lapply(x, tuples)))
ans_strand <- do.call(c, lapply(x, strand))
if (ignore.mcols) {
ans_mcols <- new("DataFrame", nrows = length(ans_tuples))
} else {
ans_mcols <- do.call(rbind, lapply(x, mcols, FALSE))
GTuples(seqnames = ans_seqnames, tuples = ans_tuples,
strand = ans_strand, ans_mcols, seqinfo = ans_seqinfo),
methinfo = ans_methinfo)
#' @export
function(x, ..., ignore.mcols = FALSE, recursive = FALSE) {
if (!identical(recursive, FALSE)) {
stop("'recursive' argument not supported")
if (missing(x)) {
args <- unname(list(...))
} else {
args <- unname(list(x, ...))
if (!GenomicTuples:::.zero_range(sapply(args, size)) &&
!isTRUE(all(is.na(sapply(args, size))))) {
stop(paste0("Cannot combine ", paste0(unique(sapply(args, class)),
collapse = ' and '),
" containing tuples of different 'size'."))
.unlist_list_of_MTuples(args, ignore.mcols = ignore.mcols)
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Getters
#' @export
function(object) {
#' @export
function(object) {
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Setters
#' @export
c("MTuples", "MethInfo"),
function(object, value) {
object@methinfo <- value
#' @export
c("MTuples", "character"),
function(object, value) {
methtype(object@methinfo) <- value
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