XenofilteR <- function(sample.list, destination.folder, bp.param, output.names = NULL, MM_threshold = 4, Unmapped_penalty = 8, NM_id = "NM") {
## Check and initialise ##
start.time <- Sys.time()
## Restore work directory upon exit
wd.orig <- getwd()
## Make folder paths absolute
sample.list <- apply(sample.list, c(1, 2),
sample.list <- data.frame(sample.list, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames(sample.list) <- c("Graft", "Host")
destination.folder <- tools::file_path_as_absolute(destination.folder)
## Create lists with graft bam files, paths and names
sample.paths.graft <- unlist(sample.list[, 1])
sample.paths.graft <- unique(sample.paths.graft[!is.na(sample.paths.graft)])
sample.files.graft <- basename(sample.paths.graft)
## Create lists with graft bam files, paths and names
sample.paths.host <- unlist(sample.list[, 2])
sample.paths.host <- unique(sample.paths.host[!is.na(sample.paths.host)])
sample.files.host <- basename(sample.paths.host)
## Check length output.names and if unique
if (length(output.names) != 0){
## All alternative output names should end with '.bam'
output.names <- basename(output.names)
output.names <- gsub(".bam", "", output.names)
output.names <- paste0(output.names, ".bam")
if (length(output.names) != nrow(sample.list["Graft"])){
stop(.wrap("The number of provided names does not match the number of samples.",
"Please correct the file names in:", sQuote(output.names)))
if (length(output.names) != length(unique(output.names))){
stop(.wrap("Identical samples names are used for multiple samples",
"Please correct the file names in:", sQuote(output.names)))
## Check whether destination folder exists
if (!file.exists(destination.folder)) {
stop(.wrap("The destination folder could not be found. Please change",
"the path specified in", sQuote(destination.folder)))
## Check for write permissions in the destination folder
if (file.access(destination.folder, 2) == -1) {
stop(.wrap("You do not have write permission in the destination",
## Create folder
destination.folder <- file.path(destination.folder, "Filtered_bams")
if (!file.exists(file.path(destination.folder))) {
recursive = TRUE)
} else {
stop(.wrap("The folder",
sQuote(file.path(destination.folder, "Filtered_bams")),
"already exists. Please remove it, or (in case you",
"still need it), rename it to prevent files from being",
}, warning = function(e) {
stop(.wrap("You do not have write permissions in the destination",
"folder. Stopping execution of the remaining part of the",
## Calculate the maximal number of CPUs to be used
ncpu <- bpworkers(bp.param)
## Provide output to log
flog.info(paste("Running XenofilteR version",
as(packageVersion("XenofilteR"), "character"), "..."))
flog.info(paste0("XenofilteR was run using the following commands:", "\n\n",
"XenofilteR(sample.list = sample.list, ",
"destination.folder = \"", dirname(destination.folder),
"\", BPPARAM = bp.param", ")"))
flog.info("The value of bp.param was:", getClass(bp.param), capture = TRUE)
flog.info(paste("This analysis will be run on", ncpu, "cpus"))
flog.info(paste("The value for MM_threshold was:", MM_threshold))
flog.info(paste("The value for Unmapped_penalty was:", Unmapped_penalty))
flog.info("The value of sample.list was:", sample.list, capture = TRUE)
if (length(output.names)!=0){
for (i in seq_along(output.names)) {
flog.info(paste0("Alternative sample name for ",
sample.files.graft[i],":", output.names[i]))
cat(.wrap("The following samples will be analyzed:"), "\n")
cat(paste("graft:", sample.list[,1], ";", "\t", "matching",
"host:", sample.list[,2]), sep = "\n")
cat(.wrap("This analysis will be run on", ncpu, "cpus"), "\n")
## Check if graft bam files are indexed (.bai needed for filter step)
chr.sort.mode <- NULL
for (samp in sample.paths.graft) {
header <- scanBamHeader(samp)
chr.sort.mode <- c(chr.sort.mode, list(header[[1]]$text$'@HD'))
}, error = function(e) {
stop(.wrap("The BAM file header of file", sQuote(samp), "is corrupted",
"or truncated. Please rebuild this BAM file or exclude it",
"from analysis. Stopping execution of the remaining part of",
"the script..."))
chr.sort.mode <- unlist(lapply(chr.sort.mode, function(x) {
length(grep("SO:coordinate", x))
if (any(chr.sort.mode == 0)) {
stop(.wrap("The following .bam files are unsorted:"), "\n",
paste(sample.paths.graft[which(chr.sort.mode == 0)],
collapse = "\n"), "\n",
"Please sort these .bam files based on coordinates")
## Index graft .bam files
if (!all(file.exists(gsub("$", ".bai", sample.paths.graft)))) {
if (file.access(".", 2) == -1) {
stop(.wrap("The .bam files are not indexed and you do not have",
"write permission in (one of) the folder(s) where the",
".bam files are located."))
IndexBam <- function(sample.paths.graft) {
paste0("indexBam(\"", sample.paths.graft, "\")")
to.log <- bplapply(sample.paths.graft, IndexBam, BPPARAM = bp.param)
lapply(to.log, flog.info)
## Check whether BAMs are paired-end
NumberPairedEndReads <- function(sample.paths.graft) {
bam <- open(BamFile(sample.paths.graft, yieldSize = 1))
what <- c("flag")
param <- ScanBamParam(what = what)
bam <- readGAlignments(bam, param = param)
intToBits(mcols(bam)$flag)[1] == 01
is.paired.end <- bplapply(sample.paths.graft, NumberPairedEndReads,
BPPARAM = bp.param)
is.paired.end <- unlist(is.paired.end)
for (i in seq_along(sample.paths.graft)) {
flog.info(paste0("Paired-end sequencing for sample ", sample.paths.graft[i],
": ", is.paired.end[i]))
## Assigning reads to either mouse or human ##
i <- c(seq_along(sample.paths.graft))
ActualFilter <- function(i, destination.folder, sample.list, is.paired.end,
sample.paths.graft, sample.paths.host, Unmapped_penalty, MM_threshold, NM_id, bp.param){
## Settings for scanBam
p4 <- ScanBamParam(tag=c(NM_id), what=c("qname", "flag", "cigar"),
flag=scanBamFlag(isUnmappedQuery=FALSE, isSecondaryAlignment=FALSE))
## Read human data (mapped and primary alignment only)
Human <- scanBam(paste(sample.paths.graft[i]), param=p4)
## Read mouse data (mapped and primary alignment only)
Mouse <- scanBam(paste(sample.paths.host[i]), param=p4)
# Get human reads that also map to mouse (TRUE if reads also maps to mouse)
set <- Human[[1]]$qname %in% Mouse[[1]]$qname
## Check if overlap exists
if (sum(set)==0){
stop(.wrap("No reads names overlap between graft and host BAM.",
"Either nothing maps to the host reference or the BAM files do not match.",
" Please double check the bam files."))
## Get the Clips + inserts + MisMatches (Mouse)
Cigar.matrix <- cigarOpTable(Mouse[[1]]$cigar)
Inserts <- Cigar.matrix[,colnames(Cigar.matrix)=="I"]
Clips <- Cigar.matrix[,colnames(Cigar.matrix)=="S"]
MM_I_mouse <- Clips+Inserts+Mouse[[1]]$tag[[NM_id]]
## Get the Clips + inserts + MisMatches (Human)
Cigar.matrix <- cigarOpTable(Human[[1]]$cigar)
Inserts <- Cigar.matrix[,colnames(Cigar.matrix)=="I"]
Clips <- Cigar.matrix[,colnames(Cigar.matrix)=="S"]
MM_I_human <- Clips+Inserts+Human[[1]]$tag[[NM_id]]
## Filter for human reads that also map to mouse
Human_qname_set <- Human[[1]]$qname[set==TRUE]
Human_mapq_set <- Human[[1]]$mapq[set==TRUE]
MM_I_human_set <- MM_I_human[set==TRUE]
## Get read names mapped to human reference only with a MM_score
## below set threshold. Default = 4
ToHumanOnly <- unique(Human[[1]]$qname[set==FALSE & MM_I_human<MM_threshold])
## For paired end data ##
if (is.paired.end[i]==TRUE){
uni.name <- unique(Human_qname_set)
Map_info <- matrix(data=0, ncol=4, nrow=length(uni.name))
row.names(Map_info) <- uni.name
colnames(Map_info) <- c("MM_mouse_F","MM_mouse_R","MM_human_F","MM_human_R")
## Section for reads mapped to mouse reference genome
## Match for forward and reverse reads and get MM+I (mouse)
FR_mouse <- unlist(lapply(Mouse[[1]]$flag, .FirstInPair))
RR_mouse <- unlist(lapply(Mouse[[1]]$flag, .SecondInPair))
## Fill dataframe with mismatches and mapping quality for mouse
Map_info[,"MM_mouse_F"] <- MM_I_mouse[FR_mouse][match(uni.name, Mouse[[1]]$qname[FR_mouse])]
Map_info[,"MM_mouse_R"] <- MM_I_mouse[RR_mouse][match(uni.name, Mouse[[1]]$qname[RR_mouse])]
## Section for reads mapped to human reference genome
## Match for forward and reverse reads and get MM+I (human)
FR_human <- unlist(lapply(Human[[1]]$flag[set==TRUE], .FirstInPair))
RR_human <- unlist(lapply(Human[[1]]$flag[set==TRUE], .SecondInPair))
## Fill dataframe with mismatches and mapping quality for human
Map_info[,"MM_human_F"] <- MM_I_human_set[FR_human][match(uni.name, Human_qname_set[FR_human])]
Map_info[,"MM_human_R"] <- MM_I_human_set[RR_human][match(uni.name, Human_qname_set[RR_human])]
## Reads that are not mapped get a score set by the Unmapped_penalty
## Default == 7
## Calculate 'Score' for each read to mouse and human reference
Score_mouse <- rowMeans(cbind(Map_info[,"MM_mouse_F"], Map_info[,"MM_mouse_R"]), na.rm=T)
Score_human <- rowMeans(cbind(Map_info[,"MM_human_F"], Map_info[,"MM_human_R"]), na.rm=T)
## Determine where reads fit better (read is asigned to mapping with lowest score)
## Reads have to have a score lower than the MM_threshold
Above_Threshold<-(Map_info[,"MM_human_F"]<MM_threshold & Map_info[,"MM_human_R"]<MM_threshold)
BetterToHuman <- row.names(Map_info)[(which(Score_human<Score_mouse & Above_Threshold==TRUE))]
HumanSet <- c(ToHumanOnly, BetterToHuman)
# Statistics on read number assigned to either mouse or human
total.reads <- length(unique(Human[[1]]$qname))
mouse.reads <- total.reads - length(unique(HumanSet))
## Provide output to log
output <- paste(basename(sample.paths.graft[i]) ," - Filtered", mouse.reads,
"read pairs out of", total.reads," - ", round((mouse.reads/total.reads)*100,2), "Percent")
## For single end data ##
} else if(is.paired.end[i]==FALSE){
uni.name <- unique(Human_qname_set)
Score_mouse <- MM_I_mouse[match(uni.name, Mouse[[1]]$qname)]
Score_human <- MM_I_human_set[match(uni.name, Human_qname_set)]
# Determine where reads fit better
# Score human lower than mouse or no score for mouse at all (score==NA)
BetterToHuman <- uni.name[(which(Score_human<Score_mouse & Score_human<MM_threshold))]
HumanSet <- c(ToHumanOnly, BetterToHuman)
# Statistics on read number assigned to either mouse or human
total.reads <- length(unique(Human[[1]]$qname))
mouse.reads <- total.reads - length(unique(HumanSet))
## Provide output to log
output <- paste(basename(sample.paths.graft[i]) ," - Filtered", mouse.reads,
"reads out of", total.reads," - ", round((mouse.reads/total.reads)*100,2), "Percent")
## The actual filter ##
filt <- FilterRules(list(setStart=function(x) x$qname %in% HumanSet))
if (length(output.names)==0){
filterBam(paste(sample.paths.graft[i]), file.path(destination.folder,
gsub(".bam","_Filtered.bam",sample.files.graft[i])), filter=filt)
if (length(output.names)!=0){
filterBam(paste(sample.paths.graft[i]), file.path(destination.folder,
gsub(".bam", "_Filtered.bam",output.names[i])), filter=filt)
## Wrap-up ##
to.log <- bplapply(i, ActualFilter, destination.folder, sample.list, is.paired.end,
sample.paths.graft, sample.paths.host, Unmapped_penalty, MM_threshold, NM_id, BPPARAM = bp.param)
#lapply(to.log, flog.info)
## Report calculation time to log file
flog.info(paste("Total calculation time of XenofilteR was",
round(difftime(Sys.time(), start.time, units = "hours"), 2),
cat("Total calculation time of XenofilteR was: ",
round(difftime(Sys.time(), start.time, units = "hours"), 2), "\n\n")
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