
Defines functions splatPopCleanSCE splatPopDesignConditions splatPopDesignBatches splatPopSimBatchEffects splatPopSimGeneMeans splatPopQuantNormKey splatPopQuantNorm splatPopConditionalEffects splatPopSimConditionalEffects splatPopSimEffects splatPopSimMeans splatPopConditionEffects splatPopGroupEffects splatPopeQTLEffects splatPopAssignMeans splatPopParseGenes splatPopParseVCF splatPopSimulateSample splatPopSimulateSC splatPopParseEmpirical splatPopSimulateMeans splatPopSimulate

Documented in splatPopAssignMeans splatPopCleanSCE splatPopConditionalEffects splatPopConditionEffects splatPopDesignBatches splatPopDesignConditions splatPopeQTLEffects splatPopGroupEffects splatPopParseEmpirical splatPopParseGenes splatPopParseVCF splatPopQuantNorm splatPopQuantNormKey splatPopSimBatchEffects splatPopSimConditionalEffects splatPopSimEffects splatPopSimGeneMeans splatPopSimMeans splatPopSimulate splatPopSimulateMeans splatPopSimulateSample splatPopSimulateSC

#' splatPop simulation
#' Simulate scRNA-seq count data using the splat model for a population of
#' individuals with correlation structure.
#' @param params SplatPopParams object containing parameters for population
#'        scale simulations. See \code{\link{SplatPopParams}} for details.
#' @param vcf VariantAnnotation object containing genotypes of samples.
#' @param method which simulation method to use. Options are "single" which
#'        produces a single population, "groups" which produces distinct groups
#'        (eg. cell types), "paths" which selects cells from continuous
#'        trajectories (eg. differentiation processes).
#' @param gff Either NULL or a data.frame object containing a GFF/GTF file.
#' @param key Either NULL or a data.frame object containing a full or partial
#'        splatPop key.
#' @param eqtl Either NULL or if simulating population parameters directly from
#'        empirical data, a data.frame with empirical/desired eQTL results.
#'        To see required format, run `mockEmpiricalSet()` and see eqtl output.
#' @param means Either NULL or if simulating population parameters directly from
#'        empirical data, a Matrix of real gene means across a population, where
#'        each row is a gene and each column is an individual in the population.
#'        To see required format, run `mockEmpiricalSet()` and see means output.
#' @param counts.only logical. Whether to save only counts in sce object.
#' @param sparsify logical. Whether to automatically convert assays to sparse
#'        matrices if there will be a size reduction.
#' @param verbose logical. Whether to print progress messages.
#' @param ... any additional parameter settings to override what is provided in
#'        \code{params}.
#' @details
#' This functions is for simulating data in a single step. It consists of a
#' call to \code{\link{splatPopSimulateMeans}}, which simulates a mean
#' expression level per gene per sample, followed by a call to
#' \code{\link{splatPopSimulateSC}}, which uses the splat model to simulate
#' single-cell counts per individual. Please see the documentation for those
#' functions for more details.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{splatPopSimulateMeans}}, \code{\link{splatPopSimulateSC}}
#' @return SingleCellExperiment object containing simulated counts,
#' intermediate values like the gene means simulated in `splatPopSimulateMeans`,
#' and information about the differential expression and eQTL effects assigned
#' to each gene.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' if (requireNamespace("VariantAnnotation", quietly = TRUE) &&
#'     requireNamespace("preprocessCore", quietly = TRUE)) {
#'     vcf <- mockVCF()
#'     gff <- mockGFF()
#'     sim <- splatPopSimulate(vcf = vcf, gff = gff, sparsify = FALSE)
#' }
#' }
#' @export
splatPopSimulate <- function(params = newSplatPopParams(nGenes = 50),
                             vcf = mockVCF(),
                             method = c("single", "groups", "paths"),
                             gff = NULL,
                             eqtl = NULL,
                             means = NULL,
                             key = NULL,
                             counts.only = FALSE,
                             sparsify = TRUE,
                             verbose = TRUE, ...) {
    if (verbose) {
        message("Designing population...")
    params <- setParams(params, ...)
    params <- expandParams(params)

    sim.means <- splatPopSimulateMeans(
        vcf = vcf,
        params = params,
        gff = gff,
        key = key,
        eqtl = eqtl,
        means = means,
        verbose = verbose

    sim.sc <- splatPopSimulateSC(
        sim.means = sim.means$means,
        params = params,
        key = sim.means$key,
        conditions = sim.means$conditions,
        method = method,
        counts.only = counts.only,
        sparsify = sparsify,
        verbose = verbose


#' splatPopSimulateMeans
#' Simulate mean expression levels for all genes for all samples, with between
#' sample correlation structure simulated with eQTL effects and with the option
#' to simulate multiple groups (i.e. cell-types).
#' @param vcf VariantAnnotation object containing genotypes of samples.
#' @param params SplatPopParams object containing parameters for population
#'        scale simulations. See \code{\link{SplatPopParams}} for details.
#' @param gff Either NULL or a data.frame object containing a GFF/GTF file.
#' @param key Either FALSE or a data.frame object containing a full or partial
#'        splatPop key.
#' @param eqtl Either NULL or if simulating population parameters directly from
#'        empirical data, a data.frame with empirical/desired eQTL results.
#'        To see required format, run `mockEmpiricalSet()` and see eqtl output.
#' @param means Either NULL or if simulating population parameters directly from
#'        empirical data, a Matrix of real gene means across a population, where
#'        each row is a gene and each column is an individual in the population.
#'        To see required format, run `mockEmpiricalSet()` and see means output.
#' @param verbose logical. Whether to print progress messages.
#' @param ... any additional parameter settings to override what is provided in
#'        \code{params}.
#' @details SplatPopParams can be set in a variety of ways. 1. If
#' not provided, default parameters are used. 2. Default parameters can be
#' overridden by supplying desired parameters using \code{\link{setParams}}.
#' 3. Parameters can be estimated from real data of your choice using
#' \code{\link{splatPopEstimate}}.
#' `splatPopSimulateMeans` involves the following steps:
#' \enumerate{
#'     \item Load population key or generate random or GFF/GTF based key.
#'     \item Format and subset genotype data from the VCF file.
#'     \item If not in key, assign expression mean and variance to each gene.
#'     \item If not in key, assign eGenes-eSNPs pairs and effect sizes.
#'     \item If not in key and groups >1, assign subset of eQTL associations as
#'     group-specific and assign DEG group effects.
#'     \item Simulate mean gene expression matrix without eQTL effects
#'     \item Quantile normalize by sample to fit single-cell expression
#'     distribution as defined in `splatEstimate`.
#'     \item Add quantile normalized gene mean and cv info the eQTL key.
#'     \item Add eQTL effects to means matrix.
#' }
#' @return A list containing: `means` a matrix (or list of matrices if
#' n.groups > 1) with the simulated mean gene expression value for each gene
#' (row) and each sample (column), `key` a data.frame with population
#' information including eQTL and group effects, and `condition` a named array
#' containing conditional group assignments for each sample.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{splatPopParseVCF}}, \code{\link{splatPopParseGenes}},
#' \code{\link{splatPopAssignMeans}},
#' \code{\link{splatPopQuantNorm}}, \code{\link{splatPopQuantNormKey}}
#' \code{\link{splatPopeQTLEffects}}, \code{\link{splatPopGroupEffects}},
#' \code{\link{splatPopSimMeans}}, \code{\link{splatPopSimEffects}},
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' if (requireNamespace("VariantAnnotation", quietly = TRUE) &&
#'     requireNamespace("preprocessCore", quietly = TRUE)) {
#'     means <- splatPopSimulateMeans()
#' }
#' }
#' @export
splatPopSimulateMeans <- function(vcf = mockVCF(),
                                  params = newSplatPopParams(nGenes = 1000),
                                  verbose = TRUE, key = NULL, gff = NULL,
                                  eqtl = NULL, means = NULL, ...) {
    seed <- getParam(params, "seed")
    nGroups <- getParam(params, "nGroups")
    quant.norm <- getParam(params, "pop.quant.norm")

    vcf <- splatPopParseVCF(vcf, params)
    group.names <- paste0("Group", seq_len(nGroups))
    samples <- colnames(VariantAnnotation::geno(vcf)$GT)
    conditions <- splatPopDesignConditions(params, samples)

    withr::with_seed(seed, {
        # Genes from key if provided, or from empirical data or simulated from gff
        if (is.null(key)) {
            if (is.null(eqtl) || is.null(means)) {
                if (verbose) {
                    message("Simulating data for genes in GFF...")
                key <- splatPopParseGenes(params, gff)
            } else {
                if (verbose) {
                    message("Using base gene means from data provided...")
                key <- splatPopParseEmpirical(
                    vcf = vcf, gff = gff, eqtl = eqtl,
                    means = means, params = params
                params <- setParams(params, nGenes = nrow(key))
        } else {
            if (verbose) {
                message("Simulating data for genes in key...")

        if (!all(c("meanSampled", "cvSampled") %in% names(key))) {
            key <- splatPopAssignMeans(params, key)

        if (!all(c("eQTL.group", "eSNP.ID", "eQTL.EffectSize") %in% names(key))) {
            key <- splatPopeQTLEffects(params, key, vcf)

        if (length(group.names) > 1) {
            key <- splatPopGroupEffects(params, key, group.names)

        if (!all(c("eQTL.condition", "ConditionDE.Condition1") %in% names(key))) {
            key <- splatPopConditionEffects(params, key, conditions)

        if (verbose) {
            message("Simulating gene means for population...")

        means.pop <- splatPopSimMeans(vcf, key, means)

        if (quant.norm && ncol(means.pop) > 4) {
            means.pop <- splatPopQuantNorm(params, means.pop)
            key <- splatPopQuantNormKey(key, means.pop)

        eMeansPop <- splatPopSimEffects("global", key, conditions, vcf, means.pop)

        if (length(group.names) > 1) {
            eMeansPopq.groups <- list()
            for (id in group.names) {
                eMeansPop.g <- splatPopSimEffects(
                    id, key, conditions, vcf,
                eMeansPop.g[eMeansPop.g <= 0] <- 1e-5
                eMeansPopq.groups[[id]] <- eMeansPop.g
            eMeansPop <- eMeansPopq.groups

        sim.means <- splatPopSimConditionalEffects(key, eMeansPop, conditions)

    return(list(means = sim.means, key = key, conditions = conditions))

#' splatPopParseEmpirical
#' Parse splatPop key information from empirical data provided.
#' NOTE: This function will cause some of the parameters in the splatPopParams
#' object to be ignored, such as population level gene mean and variance and
#' eQTL parameters.
#' @param vcf VariantAnnotation object containing genotypes of samples.
#' @param gff Either NULL or a data.frame object containing a GFF/GTF file.
#' @param eqtl Either NULL or if simulating population parameters directly from
#'        empirical data, a data.frame with empirical/desired eQTL results.
#'        To see required format, run `mockEmpiricalSet()` and see eqtl output.
#' @param means Either NULL or if simulating population parameters directly from
#'        empirical data, a Matrix of real gene means across a population, where
#'        each row is a gene and each column is an individual in the population.
#'        To see required format, run `mockEmpiricalSet()` and see means output.
#' @param params SplatPopParams object containing parameters for population
#'        scale simulations. See \code{\link{SplatPopParams}} for details.
#' @details This function will ignore a number of parameters defined in
#' splatPopParams, instead pulling key information directly from provided VCF,
#' GFF, gene means, and eQTL mapping result data provided.
#' @return A partial splatPop `key`
#' @export
splatPopParseEmpirical <- function(vcf = vcf, gff = gff, eqtl = eqtl,
                                   means = means, params = params) {
    key <- data.frame(
        chromosome = gff[, 1],
        geneStart = gff[, 4],
        geneEnd = gff[, 5],
        geneMiddle = floor(abs((gff[, 4] - gff[, 5]) / 2)) + gff[, 4],
        meanSampled.noOutliers = rowMeans(means),
        OutlierFactor = 1,
        meanSampled = rowMeans(means),
        cvSampled = apply(means, 1, co.var),
        eQTL.group = ifelse(is.na(eqtl$snpID), NA, "global"),
        eQTL.condition = "global",
        eSNP.ID = eqtl$snpID,
        eSNP.chromosome = eqtl$snpCHR,
        eSNP.loc = eqtl$snpLOC,
        eSNP.MAF = eqtl$snpMAF,
        eQTL.EffectSize = eqtl$slope
    row.names(key) <- eqtl$geneID


#' splatPopSimulateSC
#' Simulate count data for a population from a fictional single-cell
#' RNA-seq experiment using the Splat method.
#' @param sim.means Matrix or list of matrices of gene means for the population.
#'        Output from `splatPopSimulateMeans()`.
#' @param params SplatPopParams object containing parameters for population
#'        scale simulations. See \code{\link{SplatPopParams}} for details.
#' @param key data.frame object containing a full or partial splatPop key.
#'        Output from `splatPopSimulateMeans()`.
#' @param conditions named array with conditional group assignment for each
#'        sample. Output from `splatPopSimulateMeans()`.
#' @param method which simulation method to use. Options are "single" which
#'        produces a single cell population for each sample, "groups" which
#'        produces distinct groups (eg. cell types) for each sample (note, this
#'        creates separate groups from those created in `popSimulate` with only
#'        DE effects), and "paths" which selects cells from continuous
#'        trajectories (eg. differentiation processes).
#' @param counts.only logical. Whether to return only the counts.
#' @param sparsify logical. Whether to automatically convert assays to sparse
#'        matrices if there will be a size reduction.
#' @param verbose logical. Whether to print progress messages.
#' @param ... any additional parameter settings to override what is provided in
#'        \code{params}.
#' @return SingleCellExperiment object containing simulated counts,
#' intermediate values like the gene means simulated in `splatPopSimulateMeans`,
#' and information about the differential expression and eQTL effects assigned
#' to each gene.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' if (requireNamespace("VariantAnnotation", quietly = TRUE) &&
#'     requireNamespace("preprocessCore", quietly = TRUE)) {
#'     params <- newSplatPopParams()
#'     sim.means <- splatPopSimulateMeans()
#'     sim <- splatPopSimulateSC(sim.means$means, params, sim.means$key)
#' }
#' }
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment SingleCellExperiment cbind
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment rowData rowData<-
#' @export
splatPopSimulateSC <- function(sim.means,
                               method = c("single", "groups", "paths"),
                               counts.only = FALSE,
                               conditions = NULL,
                               sparsify = TRUE,
                               verbose = TRUE, ...) {
    method <- match.arg(method)
    params <- setParams(params, ...)
    params <- expandParams(params)

    seed <- getParam(params, "seed")
    nGroups <- getParam(params, "nGroups")
    group.names <- paste0("Group", seq_len(nGroups))
    group.prob <- getParam(params, "group.prob")
    nConditions <- getParam(params, "nConditions")
    condition.prob <- getParam(params, "condition.prob")
    batchCells <- getParam(params, "batchCells")

    withr::with_seed(seed, {
        if (!is.list(sim.means)) {
            sim.means <- list(Group1 = sim.means)
        if (length(group.prob) != length(sim.means)) {
            group.prob <- rep(1 / length(sim.means), length(sim.means))
        samples <- colnames((sim.means[[1]]))

        if (is.null(conditions)) {
            conditions <- splatPopDesignConditions(params, samples)
        batches <- splatPopDesignBatches(params, samples, verbose)

        # Simulate single-cell counts for each group/cell-type
        group.n <- lapply(group.prob, function(x) {
            ceiling(x * batchCells)
        names(group.n) <- group.names
        group.sims <- list()
        for (g in group.names) {
            if (verbose) {
                message(paste0("Simulating sc counts for ", g, "..."))

            paramsG <- setParams(params, batchCells = unlist(group.n[g]))
            sims <- lapply(samples, function(x) {
                    params = paramsG,
                    method = method,
                    sample.means = sim.means[[g]][, x],
                    batch = batches[[x]],
                    counts.only = counts.only,
                    verbose = verbose

            for (i in seq(1, length(sims))) {
                s <- samples[i]
                c <- conditions[s]
                sims[i][[1]]$Sample <- s
                sims[i][[1]]$Group <- g
                sims[i][[1]]$Condition <- c
                names(rowData(sims[i][[1]])) <- paste(
                    s, g, names(rowData(sims[i][[1]])),
                    ep = "_"
            group.sims[[g]] <- do.call(SingleCellExperiment::cbind, sims)

    sim.all <- do.call(SingleCellExperiment::cbind, group.sims)
    sim.all <- splatPopCleanSCE(sim.all)

    metadata(sim.all)$Simulated_Means <- sim.means
    rowData(sim.all) <- merge(rowData(sim.all), key, by = "row.names")
    rowData(sim.all)$Row.names <- NULL

    if (sparsify) {
        if (verbose) {
            message("Sparsifying assays...")
        assays(sim.all) <- sparsifyMatrices(
            auto = TRUE,
            verbose = verbose

    colnames(sim.all) <- paste(sim.all$Sample, sim.all$Cell, sep = ":")

    if (verbose) {

#' splatPopSimulateSample simulation
#' Simulate count data for one sample from a fictional single-cell RNA-seq
#' experiment using the Splat method.
#' @param params SplatPopParams object containing parameters for population
#'        scale simulations. See \code{\link{SplatPopParams}} for details.
#' @param method which simulation method to use. Options are "single" which
#'        produces a single population, "groups" which produces distinct groups
#'        (eg. cell types), "paths" which selects cells from continuous
#'        trajectories (eg. differentiation processes).
#' @param sample.means Gene means to use if running splatSimulatePop().
#' @param batch Batch number.
#' @param counts.only logical. Whether to return only the counts.
#' @param verbose logical. Whether to print progress messages.
#' @param ... any additional parameter settings to override what is provided in
#'        \code{params}.
#' @details
#' This function closely mirrors \code{\link{splatSimulate}}. The main
#' difference is that it takes the means simulated by splatPopSimulateMeans
#' instead of randomly sampling a mean for each gene. For details about this
#' function see the documentation for \code{\link{splatSimulate}}.
#' @return SingleCellExperiment object containing the simulated counts and
#' intermediate values for one sample.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{splatSimLibSizes}}, \code{\link{splatPopSimGeneMeans}},
#' \code{\link{splatSimBatchEffects}}, \code{\link{splatSimBatchCellMeans}},
#' \code{\link{splatSimDE}}, \code{\link{splatSimCellMeans}},
#' \code{\link{splatSimBCVMeans}}, \code{\link{splatSimTrueCounts}},
#' \code{\link{splatSimDropout}}, \code{\link{splatPopSimulateSC}}
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment rowData colData colData<- assays
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment SingleCellExperiment
#' @keywords internal
splatPopSimulateSample <- function(params = newSplatPopParams(),
                                   method = c("single", "groups", "paths"),
                                   batch = "batch1",
                                   counts.only = FALSE,
                                   verbose = TRUE,
                                   sample.means, ...) {
    method <- match.arg(method)

    nGenes <- length(sample.means)
    params <- setParams(params, nGenes = nGenes)
    nBatches <- getParam(params, "nBatches")
    batch.cells <- getParam(params, "batchCells")
    nGroups <- getParam(params, "nGroups")
    group.prob <- getParam(params, "group.prob")

    # Run sanity checks
    if (nGroups == 1 && method == "groups") {
        warning("nGroups is 1, switching to single mode")
        method <- "single"

    batch.list <- unlist(strsplit(batch, ","))
    batch.sims <- list()

    for (b in batch.list) {
        # Get the parameters we are going to use
        if (isTRUE(getParam(params, "nCells.sample"))) {
            nGroups <- getParam(params, "nGroups")
            nCells.shape <- getParam(params, "nCells.shape")
            nCells.rate <- getParam(params, "nCells.rate")
            nCells <- rgamma(1, shape = nCells.shape, rate = nCells.rate)
            nCells <- ceiling(nCells / nGroups)
        } else {
            nCells <- getParam(params, "batchCells")[as.numeric(
                gsub("[^0-9.-]", "", b)
        # Set up name vectors
        cell.names <- paste0("Cell", seq_len(nCells))
        gene.names <- names(sample.means)
        if (method == "groups") {
            group.names <- paste0("Group", seq_len(nGroups))
        } else if (method == "paths") {
            group.names <- paste0("Path", seq_len(nGroups))

        # Create SingleCellExperiment to store simulation
        cells <- data.frame(Cell = cell.names)
        rownames(cells) <- cell.names
        features <- data.frame(Gene = gene.names)
        rownames(features) <- gene.names

        sim <- SingleCellExperiment(
            rowData = features,
            colData = cells,
            metadata = list(Params = params)
        colData(sim)$Batch <- b

        if (method != "single") {
            groups <- sample(
                seq_len(nGroups), nCells,
                prob = group.prob, replace = TRUE
            colData(sim)$Group <- factor(
                levels = group.names

        sim <- splatSimLibSizes(sim, params)
        rowData(sim)$GeneMean <- sample.means
        if (nBatches > 1) {
            sim <- splatPopSimBatchEffects(sim, params)

        sim <- splatSimBatchCellMeans(sim, params)

        if (method == "single") {
            sim <- splatSimSingleCellMeans(sim, params)
        } else if (method == "groups") {
            sim <- splatSimGroupDE(sim, params)
            sim <- splatSimGroupCellMeans(sim, params)
        } else {
            sim <- splatSimPathDE(sim, params)
            sim <- splatSimPathCellMeans(sim, params)

        sim <- splatSimBCVMeans(sim, params)
        sim <- splatSimTrueCounts(sim, params)
        sim <- splatSimDropout(sim, params)

        batch.sims[[b]] <- sim

    batch.sims <- do.call(SingleCellExperiment::cbind, batch.sims)

    if (counts.only) {
        assays(batch.sims)[!grepl("counts", names(assays(batch.sims)))] <- NULL


#' Format and subset genotype data from a VCF file.
#' Extract numeric alleles from vcf object and filter out SNPs missing genotype
#' data or outside the Minor Allele Frequency range in `SplatPopParams`.
#' @param vcf VariantAnnotation object containing genotypes of samples.
#' @param params SplatPopParams object containing parameters for population
#'        scale simulations. See \code{\link{SplatPopParams}} for details.
#' @return Genotype data.frame
#' @importFrom stats complete.cases na.omit
#' @importFrom utils data
#' @keywords internal
splatPopParseVCF <- function(vcf, params) {
    # Filter SNPs with NAs and outside MAF range
    eqtl.maf.min <- getParam(params, "eqtl.maf.min")
    eqtl.maf.max <- getParam(params, "eqtl.maf.max")

    SummarizedExperiment::rowRanges(vcf)$MAF <-

    vcf <- vcf[!is.na(SummarizedExperiment::rowRanges(vcf)$MAF)]
    vcf <- vcf[SummarizedExperiment::rowRanges(vcf)$MAF >= eqtl.maf.min &
        SummarizedExperiment::rowRanges(vcf)$MAF <= eqtl.maf.max]


#' Generate population key matrix from random or gff provided gene information
#' @param params SplatPopParams object containing parameters for population
#'        scale simulations. See \code{\link{SplatPopParams}} for details.
#' @param gff Either NULL or a data.frame object containing a GFF/GTF file.
#' @return The Partial splatPop key data.frame.
#' @keywords internal
splatPopParseGenes <- function(params, gff) {
    nGenes <- getParam(params, "nGenes")

    if (is.null(gff)) {
        gff <- mockGFF(nGenes)
    } else {
        gff <- as.data.frame(gff)
        if ((length(names(gff)) < 8 | nrow(gff[gff[, 3] == "gene", ]) < 1)) {
                "GFF file did not contain gene features or other issue with ",
                "file format. See example data."
        nGenes <- nrow(gff)

    key <- gff[gff[, 3] %in% c("gene", "Gene"), ]

    row.names(key) <- paste0(
            width = nchar(nrow(key)), format = "d", flag = "0"
    if (ncol(gff) == 9) {
        if (all(grepl("ENSG", gff[, 9]))) {
            gene_names <- gsub(";.*", "", gff[, 9])
            gene_names <- gsub(".*:", "", gene_names)
            row.names(key) <- gene_names

    key[["chromosome"]] <- key[, 1]
    key[["geneStart"]] <- key[, 4]
    key[["geneEnd"]] <- key[, 5]
    key[["geneMiddle"]] <- floor(abs((key$geneStart - key$geneEnd) / 2)) +
    key <- key[, c("chromosome", "geneStart", "geneEnd", "geneMiddle")]


#' Sample expression mean and variance for each gene
#' A mean and coefficient of variation is assigned to each gene by sampling from
#' gamma distributions parameterized from real data in `splatPopEstimate`.
#' The cv gamma distributions are binned by gene mean because the distribution
#' of variance in real data is not independent from the mean. The degree of
#' similarity between individuals can be further tuned using the
#' similarity.scale parameter in `SplatPopParams`.
#' @param params SplatPopParams object containing parameters for population
#'        scale simulations. See \code{\link{SplatPopParams}} for details.
#' @param key Partial splatPop key data.frame.
#' @return The key updated with assigned means and variances.
#' @keywords internal
splatPopAssignMeans <- function(params, key) {
    mean.shape <- getParam(params, "pop.mean.shape")
    mean.rate <- getParam(params, "pop.mean.rate")
    out.prob <- getParam(params, "out.prob")
    out.facLoc <- getParam(params, "out.facLoc")
    out.facScale <- getParam(params, "out.facScale")

    # Scale the CV rate parameters
    cv.param <- getParam(params, "pop.cv.param")
    similarity.scale <- getParam(params, "similarity.scale")
    cv.param$rate <- cv.param$rate * similarity.scale

    # Sample gene means
    base.means.gene <- rgamma(nrow(key), shape = mean.shape, rate = mean.rate)

    # Add expression outliers
    outlier.facs <- getLNormFactors(
        nrow(key), out.prob, 0, out.facLoc, out.facScale
    median.means.gene <- median(base.means.gene)
    outlier.means <- median.means.gene * outlier.facs
    is.outlier <- outlier.facs != 1
    means.gene <- base.means.gene
    means.gene[is.outlier] <- outlier.means[is.outlier]

    key[["meanSampled.noOutliers"]] <- base.means.gene
    key[["OutlierFactor"]] <- outlier.facs
    key[["meanSampled"]] <- means.gene

    # Sample coefficient of variation for each gene
    key[["cvSampled"]] <- NULL
    for (g in seq_len(nrow(key))) {
        exp.mean <- key[g, "meanSampled"]
        bin <- cv.param[
            (cv.param$start < exp.mean) & (cv.param$end >= exp.mean),
        key[g, "cvSampled"] <- rgamma(1, shape = bin$shape, rate = bin$rate)


#' Assign eGenes-eSNPs pairs and effect sizes.
#' Randomly pairs N genes (eGene) a SNP (eSNP) within the window size
#' (eqtl.dist) and assigns each pair an effect size sampled from a gamma
#' distribution parameterized using the effect sizes from a real eQTL study.
#' @param params SplatPopParams object containing parameters for population
#'        scale simulations. See \code{\link{SplatPopParams}} for details.
#' @param key Partial splatPop key data.frame.
#' @param vcf VariantAnnotation object containing genotypes of samples.
#' @return The key updated with assigned eQTL effects.
#' @keywords internal
splatPopeQTLEffects <- function(params, key, vcf) {
    eqtl.n <- getParam(params, "eqtl.n")
    if (eqtl.n > nrow(key)) {
        eqtl.n <- nrow(key) # Can't be greater than nGenes
    if (eqtl.n <= 1) {
        eqtl.n <- nrow(key) * eqtl.n # If <= 1 it is a proportion

    key_order <- row.names(key)
    eqtl.dist <- getParam(params, "eqtl.dist")
    eqtlES.shape <- getParam(params, "eqtl.ES.shape")
    eqtlES.rate <- getParam(params, "eqtl.ES.rate")
    eqtl.coreg <- getParam(params, "eqtl.coreg")

    # Set up data.frame to save info about selected eSNP-eGENE pairs
    snps.list <- row.names(vcf)
    key2 <- key
    key[, c(
        "eQTL.group", "eQTL.condition", "eSNP.ID", "eSNP.chromosome",
        "eSNP.loc", "eSNP.MAF"
    )] <- NA
    key[, "eQTL.EffectSize"] <- 0

    for (i in seq_len(eqtl.n)) {
        try <- TRUE
        while (try) {
            g <- sample(row.names(key2), 1)

            g.rgn <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(
                seqnames = S4Vectors::Rle(key[g, "chromosome"]),
                ranges = IRanges::IRanges(
                    key[g, "geneMiddle"] - eqtl.dist,
                    key[g, "geneMiddle"] + eqtl.dist

            vcf.subset <- IRanges::subsetByOverlaps(
                SummarizedExperiment::rowRanges(vcf), g.rgn

            if (length(vcf.subset) == 0) {
                key2 <- key2[row.names(key2) != g, ]
                message(paste("No SNP within eqtl.dist limit for:", g))
            } else {
                try <- FALSE

        s <- sample(names(vcf.subset), 1)

        key2 <- key2[row.names(key2) != g, ]
        ES <- rgamma(1, shape = eqtlES.shape, rate = eqtlES.rate)

        key[g, ]$eSNP.ID <- s
        key[g, ]$eSNP.chromosome <- as.character(GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(vcf[s]))
        key[g, ]$eSNP.loc <- BiocGenerics::start(vcf[s])
        key[g, ]$eQTL.EffectSize <- ES
        key[g, ]$eSNP.MAF <- SummarizedExperiment::rowRanges(vcf[s])$MAF
        key[g, ]$eQTL.group <- "global"
        key[g, ]$eQTL.condition <- "global"

    if (eqtl.coreg > 0) {
        coregulated.n <- ceiling(eqtl.coreg * eqtl.n)
        keyCoreg <- key[!is.na(key$eSNP.ID), ]
        keyCoreg <- keyCoreg[sample(seq_len(eqtl.n), coregulated.n), ]
        keyCoreg <- keyCoreg[order(keyCoreg$chromosome, keyCoreg$geneMiddle), ]

        esnpKeep <- row.names(keyCoreg[seq(1, length(keyCoreg[, 1]), 2), ])
        esnpReplace <- row.names(keyCoreg[seq(2, length(keyCoreg[, 1]), 2), ])
        esnpKeep <- esnpKeep[seq_along(length(esnpReplace))]
        key[row.names(key) %in% esnpReplace, grep("eSNP.", names(key))] <-
            key[row.names(key) %in% esnpKeep, grep("eSNP.", names(key))]

    # Randomly make some effects negative
    # Note that all eQTL with the same eSNP will have the same sign
    esnps <- unique(key$eSNP.ID)
    signs <- sample(c(1, -1), length(esnps), replace = TRUE)
    names(signs) <- esnps
    key$sign <- signs[key$eSNP.ID]
    key$eQTL.EffectSize <- key$eQTL.EffectSize * key$sign
    key$sign <- NULL


#' Assign group-specific eQTL and DEGs.
#' If groups > 1, n eSNP-eGene pairs (n = 'eqtl.group.specific') are randomly
#' assigned as group specific.
#' @param params SplatPopParams object containing parameters for population
#'        scale simulations. See \code{\link{SplatPopParams}} for details.
#' @param key Partial splatPop key data.frame.
#' @param groups array of group names
#' @return The key updated with group eQTL and DE effects.
#' @keywords internal
splatPopGroupEffects <- function(params, key, groups) {
    # Assign group-specific eQTL effects
    eqtl.n <- getParam(params, "eqtl.n")
    if (eqtl.n > nrow(key)) {
        eqtl.n <- nrow(key) # Can't be greater than nGenes
    if (eqtl.n <= 1) {
        eqtl.n <- nrow(key) * eqtl.n # If <= 1, it is a proportion

    g.specific.perc <- getParam(params, "eqtl.group.specific")
    n.groups <- length(groups)
    n.specific.each <- ceiling(eqtl.n * g.specific.perc / n.groups)

    for (g in groups) {
        glob.genes <- row.names(subset(key, key$eQTL.group == "global"))
        g.specific <- sample(glob.genes, size = n.specific.each)
        key[["eQTL.group"]][row.names(key) %in% g.specific] <- g

    # Assign group-specific DE effects
    nGenes <- nrow(key)
    de.prob <- getParam(params, "de.prob")
    de.downProb <- getParam(params, "de.downProb")
    de.facLoc <- getParam(params, "de.facLoc")
    de.facScale <- getParam(params, "de.facScale")

    for (idx in seq_len(n.groups)) {
        de.facs <- getLNormFactors(
            nGenes, de.prob, de.downProb, de.facLoc, de.facScale
        key[, paste0("GroupDE.", groups[idx])] <- de.facs


#' Assign Condition-specific eQTL and DEGs.
#' If nConditions > 1, n eSNP-eGene pairs (n = 'eqtl.condition.specific') are
#' randomly assigned as condition specific.
#' @param params SplatPopParams object containing parameters for population
#'        scale simulations. See \code{\link{SplatPopParams}} for details.
#' @param key Partial splatPop key data.frame.
#' @param conditions array of condition names
#' @return The key updated with conditional eQTL and DE effects.
#' @keywords internal
splatPopConditionEffects <- function(params, key, conditions) {
    condition.names <- unique(conditions)
    if (length(condition.names) == 1) {
        key$eQTL.condition <- "global"
        key$ConditionDE.Condition1 <- 1
    } else {
        # Assign group-specific eQTL effects
        eqtl.n <- getParam(params, "eqtl.n")
        if (eqtl.n > nrow(key)) {
            eqtl.n <- nrow(key) # Can't be > nGenes
        if (eqtl.n <= 1) {
            eqtl.n <- nrow(key) * eqtl.n # If <= 1 it is a proportion

        c.specific.perc <- getParam(params, "eqtl.condition.specific")
        n.conditions <- length(condition.names)
        n.specific.each <- ceiling(eqtl.n * c.specific.perc / n.conditions)

        for (c in condition.names) {
            glob.genes <- row.names(subset(key, key$eQTL.condition == "global"))
            c.specific <- sample(glob.genes, size = n.specific.each)
            key[["eQTL.condition"]][row.names(key) %in% c.specific] <- c

        # Assign group-specific DE effects
        nGenes <- nrow(key)
        cde.prob <- getParam(params, "cde.prob")
        cde.downProb <- getParam(params, "cde.downProb")
        cde.facLoc <- getParam(params, "cde.facLoc")
        cde.facScale <- getParam(params, "cde.facScale")

        for (idx in seq_len(n.conditions)) {
            cde.facs <- getLNormFactors(
                nGenes, cde.prob, cde.downProb, cde.facLoc, cde.facScale
            key[, paste0("ConditionDE.", condition.names[idx])] <- cde.facs


#' Simulate mean gene expression matrix without eQTL effects
#' Gene mean expression levels are assigned to each gene for each pair randomly
#' from a normal distribution parameterized using the mean and cv assigned to
#' each gene in the key. If gene means matrix is provided, those will be used
#' instead.
#' @param vcf VariantAnnotation object containing genotypes of samples.
#' @param key Partial splatPop key data.frame.
#' @param means Null or matrix of gene means to use
#' @return matrix of gene mean expression levels WITHOUT eQTL effects.
#' @importFrom stats rnorm
#' @keywords internal
splatPopSimMeans <- function(vcf, key, means) {
    if (is.null(means)) {
        means <- matrix(
                ncol(vcf) * nrow(key),
                mean = key$meanSampled,
                sd = key$meanSampled * key$cvSampled
            nrow = nrow(key), ncol = ncol(vcf)

        rownames(means) <- row.names(key)
        colnames(means) <- colnames(VariantAnnotation::geno(vcf)$GT)
    } else {
        means <- as.matrix(means)


#' Add eQTL effects to means matrix
#' Add eQTL effects and non-eQTL group effects to simulated means matrix.
#' The eQTL effects are incorporated using the following equation:
#' \deqn{Ygs = (ESg x Mgs x Gs) + Mgs }
#' Where Ygs is the mean for gene g and sample s, ESg is the effect size
#' assigned to g, Mgs is the mean expression assigned to g for s, and Gs
#' is the genotype (number of minor alleles) for s. Non-eQTL group effects are
#' incorporated as:
#' \deqn{Ygs = Mgs x GEg}
#' Where GEg is the group effect (i.e. differential expression) assigned to g.
#' To simulate multiple gene mean matrices with different group effects, this
#' function can be run with `id` designating the group id.
#' @param id The group ID (e.g. "global" or "g1")
#' @param key Partial splatPop key data.frame.
#' @param conditions array of condition assignments for each sample
#' @param vcf VariantAnnotation object containing genotypes of samples.
#' @param means.pop Population mean gene expression matrix
#' @return data.frame of gene mean expression levels WITH eQTL effects.
#' @keywords internal
splatPopSimEffects <- function(id, key, conditions, vcf, means.pop) {
    # Add group-specific eQTL effects
    genes.use <- row.names(subset(key, key$eQTL.group == id))
    samples <- colnames(means.pop)

    for (g in genes.use) {
        without.eqtl <- as.numeric(means.pop[g, ])
        ES <- key[g, "eQTL.EffectSize"]
        eSNPsample <- key[g, "eSNP.ID"]

        genotype_code <- as.array(
            VariantAnnotation::geno(vcf[eSNPsample, samples])$GT
        genotype <- lengths(
            regmatches(genotype_code, gregexpr("1", genotype_code))

        condition <- key[g, "eQTL.condition"]
        if (condition == "global") {
            cond <- rep(1, length(samples))
        } else {
            cond <- ifelse(conditions[samples] == condition, 1, 0)

        means.pop[g, ] <- without.eqtl + (ES * genotype * means.pop[g, ] * cond)

    # Add group-specific non-eQTL effects
    if (id != "global") {
        means.pop <- means.pop * key[, paste0("GroupDE.", id)]

    means.pop[means.pop < 0] <- 0


#' Add conditional DE effects to means matrix
#' @param key Partial splatPop key data.frame.
#' @param conditions array of condition assignments for each sample
#' @param means.pop matrix or list of matrices with gene means.
#' @return data.frame of gene mean expression levels WITH conditional DE
#' effects.
#' @keywords internal
splatPopSimConditionalEffects <- function(key, means.pop, conditions) {
    # Add group-specific eQTL effects
    condition.list <- unique(conditions)

    for (c in condition.list) {
        c.samples <- names(conditions[conditions == c])
        c.de <- key[[paste0("ConditionDE.", c)]]

        if (is.list(means.pop)) {
            for (i in names(means.pop)) {
                means.pop[[i]][, c.samples] <- mapply(
                    means.pop[[i]][, c.samples],
                means.pop[[i]][means.pop[[i]] < 0] <- 1e-5
        } else {
            means.pop[, c.samples] <- mapply("*", means.pop[, c.samples], c.de)

            means.pop[means.pop <= 0] <- 1e-5


#' Add conditional DE effects to means matrix
#' @param id The group ID (e.g. "global" or "g1")
#' @param key Partial splatPop key data.frame.
#' @param vcf VariantAnnotation object containing genotypes of samples.
#' @param means.pop Population mean gene expression matrix
#' @return data.frame of gene mean expression levels WITH eQTL effects.
#' @keywords internal
splatPopConditionalEffects <- function(id, key, vcf, means.pop) {
    # Add group-specific eQTL effects
    genes.use <- row.names(subset(key, key$eQTL.group == id))
    samples <- colnames(means.pop)

    for (g in genes.use) {
        without.eqtl <- as.numeric(means.pop[g, ])
        ES <- key[g, "eQTL.EffectSize"]
        eSNPsample <- key[g, "eSNP.ID"]
        genotype_code <- as.array(
            VariantAnnotation::geno(vcf[eSNPsample, samples])$GT
        genotype <- lengths(
            regmatches(genotype_code, gregexpr("1", genotype_code))

        means.pop[g, ] <- without.eqtl + (ES * genotype * means.pop[g, ])

    # Add group-specific non-eQTL effects
    if (id != "global") {
        means.pop <- means.pop * key[, paste0("GroupDE.", id)]

    means.pop[means.pop < 0] <- 0
    eMeansPop[eMeansPop <= 0] <- 1e-5


#' Quantile normalize by sample to fit sc expression distribution.
#' For each sample, expression values are quantile normalized (qgamma)
#' using the gamma distribution parameterized from splatEstimate(). This ensures
#' the simulated gene means reflect the distribution expected from a sc dataset
#' and not a bulk dataset.
#' @param params SplatPopParams object containing parameters for population
#'        scale simulations. See \code{\link{SplatPopParams}} for details.
#' @param means Mean gene expression matrix with eQTL effects.
#' @return matrix of quantile normalized gene mean expression levels.
#' @examples
#' if (requireNamespace("VariantAnnotation", quietly = TRUE) &&
#'     requireNamespace("preprocessCore", quietly = TRUE)) {
#'     bulk.means <- mockBulkMatrix(n.genes = 100, n.samples = 100)
#'     bulk.qnorm <- splatPopQuantNorm(newSplatPopParams(), bulk.means)
#' }
#' @export
splatPopQuantNorm <- function(params, means) {
    # Generate sample target distribution from sc parameters
    mean.shape <- getParam(params, "mean.shape")
    mean.rate <- getParam(params, "mean.rate")
    target <- rgamma(10000, shape = mean.shape, rate = mean.rate)

    means.norm <- preprocessCore::normalize.quantiles.use.target(means, target)
    means.norm[means.norm < 0] <- 0

    rownames(means.norm) <- rownames(means)
    colnames(means.norm) <- colnames(means)


#' Add quantile normalized gene mean and cv info the eQTL key.
#' @param key Partial splatPop key data.frame.
#' @param means matrix or list of matrices containing means from
#'        `splatPopQuantNorm`
#' @return Final eQTL key.
#' @keywords internal
splatPopQuantNormKey <- function(key, means) {
    if (is.list(means)) {
        qn.means <- list()
        qn.cvs <- list()

        for (group in names(means)) {
            qn.mean.gr <- rowMeans(means[[group]])
            qn.cv.gr <- apply(means[[group]], 1, FUN = co.var)
            qn.means[[group]] <- qn.mean.gr
            qn.cvs[[group]] <- qn.cv.gr
        qn.mean <- rowMeans(as.data.frame(qn.means))
        qn.cv <- rowMeans(as.data.frame(qn.cvs))
    } else {
        qn.mean <- rowMeans(means)
        qn.cv <- apply(means, 1, FUN = co.var)

    qn.df <- data.frame(meanQuantileNorm = qn.mean, cvQuantileNorm = qn.cv)
    qn.df <- qn.df[row.names(key), ]
    key <- cbind(key, qn.df)


#' Simulate gene means for splatPop
#' Simulate outlier expression factors for splatPop. Genes with an outlier
#' factor not equal to 1 are replaced with the median mean expression
#' multiplied by the outlier factor.
#' @param sim SingleCellExperiment to add gene means to.
#' @param params SplatParams object with simulation parameters.
#' @param base.means.gene List of gene means for sample from matrix
#'        generated by `splatPopSimulateMeans` and with the sample specified
#'        in `splatPopSimulateSC`.
#' @return SingleCellExperiment with simulated gene means.
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment rowData rowData<-
#' @importFrom stats rgamma median
#' @keywords internal
splatPopSimGeneMeans <- function(sim, params, base.means.gene) {
    # Note: This function is similar to splatSimGeneMeans, except it uses the
    # simulated gene mean instead of sampling one randomly. If changes are made
    # to the outlier method for splat, they should also be made here.

    nGenes <- getParam(params, "nGenes")
    out.prob <- getParam(params, "out.prob")
    out.facLoc <- getParam(params, "out.facLoc")
    out.facScale <- getParam(params, "out.facScale")

    # Add expression outliers
    outlier.facs <- getLNormFactors(
        nGenes, out.prob, 0, out.facLoc, out.facScale
    median.means.gene <- median(base.means.gene)
    outlier.means <- median.means.gene * outlier.facs
    is.outlier <- outlier.facs != 1
    means.gene <- base.means.gene
    means.gene[is.outlier] <- outlier.means[is.outlier]

    rowData(sim)$BaseGeneMean <- base.means.gene
    rowData(sim)$OutlierFactor <- outlier.facs
    rowData(sim)$GeneMean <- means.gene


#' Simulate batch effects
#' Simulate batch effects. Batch effect factors for each batch are produced
#' using \code{\link{getLNormFactors}} and these are added along with updated
#' means for each batch.
#' @param sim SingleCellExperiment to add batch effects to.
#' @param params SplatParams object with simulation parameters.
#' @return SingleCellExperiment with simulated batch effects.
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment rowData rowData<-
#' @keywords internal
splatPopSimBatchEffects <- function(sim, params) {
    nGenes <- getParam(params, "nGenes")
    nBatches <- getParam(params, "nBatches")
    batch.facLoc <- getParam(params, "batch.facLoc")
    batch.facScale <- getParam(params, "batch.facScale")
    batch.rmEffect <- getParam(params, "batch.rmEffect")

    if (length(batch.facLoc) == 1) {
        batch.facLoc <- rep(batch.facLoc, nBatches)
    if (length(batch.facScale) == 1) {
        batch.facScale <- rep(batch.facScale, nBatches)

    batch <- unique(colData(sim)$Batch)
    batch.num <- as.numeric(gsub("[^0-9.-]", "", batch))

    batch.facs <- getLNormFactors(
        nGenes, 1, 0.5, batch.facLoc[batch.num], batch.facScale[batch.num]

    if (batch.rmEffect) {
        batch.facs <- rep(1, length(batch.facs))

    rowData(sim)[[paste0("BatchFac", batch)]] <- batch.facs


#' Set up pooled experimental design
#' @param params SplatParams object with simulation parameters.
#' @param samples List of samples from vcf.
#' @param verbose logical. Whether to print progress messages.
#' @return Vector with batch assignments for each sample.
#' @keywords internal
splatPopDesignBatches <- function(params, samples, verbose) {
    nBatches <- getParam(params, "nBatches")
    batch.size <- getParam(params, "batch.size")

    if (nBatches == 1) {
        batches <- rep("Batch1", length(samples))
        names(batches) <- samples
    } else {
        if (length(samples) < batch.size) {
            if (verbose) {
                message("Changing batch.size to ", length(samples))
            batch.size <- length(samples)

        if (length(samples) > nBatches * batch.size) {
                "Not enough batches requested to include all samples! ",
                "Please increase nBatches or batch.size."

        xInt <- floor((nBatches * batch.size) / length(samples))
        xRem <- (nBatches * batch.size) %% length(samples)
        if (xRem > 0) {
            counts <- sort(
                table(c(rep(samples, xInt), sample(samples)[seq_len(xRem)])),
                decreasing = TRUE
        } else {
            counts <- table(rep(samples, xInt))

        try.design <- TRUE
        while (try.design) {
            all.batches <- rep(paste0("Batch", seq_len(nBatches)), batch.size)
            batches <- list()
            try.again <- FALSE
            for (s in names(counts)) {
                batches.remaining <- unique(all.batches)
                if (length(batches.remaining) >= counts[s]) {
                    b <- sample(batches.remaining, counts[s], replace = FALSE)
                    all.batches <- all.batches[-match(b, all.batches)]
                    batches[[s]] <- b
                } else {
                    try.again <- TRUE
            try.design <- try.again


#' Set up designed experiments conditions
#' @param params SplatParams object with simulation parameters.
#' @param samples List of samples from vcf.
#' @return Vector with condition assignments for each sample.
#' @keywords internal
splatPopDesignConditions <- function(params, samples) {
    condition.prob <- getParam(params, "condition.prob")

    if (length(condition.prob) == 1) {
        conditions <- rep("Condition1", length(samples))
        names(conditions) <- samples
    } else {
        ll <- ceiling(condition.prob * length(samples))
        conditions <- unlist(lapply(seq_along(ll), function(x) {
            rep(paste0("Condition", x), ll[[x]])
        conditions <- sample(conditions, length(samples))
        names(conditions) <- samples


#' Clean up the population-scale SCE to remove redundant information
#' @param sim.all SingleCellExperiment object with counts for all samples
#' @return SingleCellExperiment with simulated sc counts.
#' @keywords internal
splatPopCleanSCE <- function(sim.all) {
    # Remove redundant sce info
    keep.id <- gsub("_Gene", "", names(rowData(sim.all))[1])

    rowData(sim.all)[grepl("_Gene", names(rowData(sim.all)))] <- NULL
    metadata(sim.all)[2:length(names(metadata(sim.all)))] <- NULL

Oshlack/splatter documentation built on Dec. 10, 2024, 3:48 p.m.