#' splatPop simulation
#' Simulate scRNA-seq count data using the splat model for a population of
#' individuals with correlation structure.
#' @param params SplatPopParams object containing parameters for population
#' scale simulations. See \code{\link{SplatPopParams}} for details.
#' @param vcf VariantAnnotation object containing genotypes of samples.
#' @param method which simulation method to use. Options are "single" which
#' produces a single population, "groups" which produces distinct groups
#' (eg. cell types), "paths" which selects cells from continuous
#' trajectories (eg. differentiation processes).
#' @param gff Either NULL or a data.frame object containing a GFF/GTF file.
#' @param key Either NULL or a data.frame object containing a full or partial
#' splatPop key.
#' @param eqtl Either NULL or if simulating population parameters directly from
#' empirical data, a data.frame with empirical/desired eQTL results.
#' To see required format, run `mockEmpiricalSet()` and see eqtl output.
#' @param means Either NULL or if simulating population parameters directly from
#' empirical data, a Matrix of real gene means across a population, where
#' each row is a gene and each column is an individual in the population.
#' To see required format, run `mockEmpiricalSet()` and see means output.
#' @param counts.only logical. Whether to save only counts in sce object.
#' @param sparsify logical. Whether to automatically convert assays to sparse
#' matrices if there will be a size reduction.
#' @param verbose logical. Whether to print progress messages.
#' @param ... any additional parameter settings to override what is provided in
#' \code{params}.
#' @details
#' This functions is for simulating data in a single step. It consists of a
#' call to \code{\link{splatPopSimulateMeans}}, which simulates a mean
#' expression level per gene per sample, followed by a call to
#' \code{\link{splatPopSimulateSC}}, which uses the splat model to simulate
#' single-cell counts per individual. Please see the documentation for those
#' functions for more details.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{splatPopSimulateMeans}}, \code{\link{splatPopSimulateSC}}
#' @return SingleCellExperiment object containing simulated counts,
#' intermediate values like the gene means simulated in `splatPopSimulateMeans`,
#' and information about the differential expression and eQTL effects assigned
#' to each gene.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' if (requireNamespace("VariantAnnotation", quietly = TRUE) &&
#' requireNamespace("preprocessCore", quietly = TRUE)) {
#' vcf <- mockVCF()
#' gff <- mockGFF()
#' sim <- splatPopSimulate(vcf = vcf, gff = gff, sparsify = FALSE)
#' }
#' }
#' @export
splatPopSimulate <- function(params = newSplatPopParams(nGenes = 50),
vcf = mockVCF(),
method = c("single", "groups", "paths"),
gff = NULL,
eqtl = NULL,
means = NULL,
key = NULL,
counts.only = FALSE,
sparsify = TRUE,
verbose = TRUE, ...) {
if (verbose) {
message("Designing population...")
params <- setParams(params, ...)
params <- expandParams(params)
sim.means <- splatPopSimulateMeans(
vcf = vcf,
params = params,
gff = gff,
key = key,
eqtl = eqtl,
means = means,
verbose = verbose
sim.sc <- splatPopSimulateSC(
sim.means = sim.means$means,
params = params,
key = sim.means$key,
conditions = sim.means$conditions,
method = method,
counts.only = counts.only,
sparsify = sparsify,
verbose = verbose
#' splatPopSimulateMeans
#' Simulate mean expression levels for all genes for all samples, with between
#' sample correlation structure simulated with eQTL effects and with the option
#' to simulate multiple groups (i.e. cell-types).
#' @param vcf VariantAnnotation object containing genotypes of samples.
#' @param params SplatPopParams object containing parameters for population
#' scale simulations. See \code{\link{SplatPopParams}} for details.
#' @param gff Either NULL or a data.frame object containing a GFF/GTF file.
#' @param key Either FALSE or a data.frame object containing a full or partial
#' splatPop key.
#' @param eqtl Either NULL or if simulating population parameters directly from
#' empirical data, a data.frame with empirical/desired eQTL results.
#' To see required format, run `mockEmpiricalSet()` and see eqtl output.
#' @param means Either NULL or if simulating population parameters directly from
#' empirical data, a Matrix of real gene means across a population, where
#' each row is a gene and each column is an individual in the population.
#' To see required format, run `mockEmpiricalSet()` and see means output.
#' @param verbose logical. Whether to print progress messages.
#' @param ... any additional parameter settings to override what is provided in
#' \code{params}.
#' @details SplatPopParams can be set in a variety of ways. 1. If
#' not provided, default parameters are used. 2. Default parameters can be
#' overridden by supplying desired parameters using \code{\link{setParams}}.
#' 3. Parameters can be estimated from real data of your choice using
#' \code{\link{splatPopEstimate}}.
#' `splatPopSimulateMeans` involves the following steps:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item Load population key or generate random or GFF/GTF based key.
#' \item Format and subset genotype data from the VCF file.
#' \item If not in key, assign expression mean and variance to each gene.
#' \item If not in key, assign eGenes-eSNPs pairs and effect sizes.
#' \item If not in key and groups >1, assign subset of eQTL associations as
#' group-specific and assign DEG group effects.
#' \item Simulate mean gene expression matrix without eQTL effects
#' \item Quantile normalize by sample to fit single-cell expression
#' distribution as defined in `splatEstimate`.
#' \item Add quantile normalized gene mean and cv info the eQTL key.
#' \item Add eQTL effects to means matrix.
#' }
#' @return A list containing: `means` a matrix (or list of matrices if
#' n.groups > 1) with the simulated mean gene expression value for each gene
#' (row) and each sample (column), `key` a data.frame with population
#' information including eQTL and group effects, and `condition` a named array
#' containing conditional group assignments for each sample.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{splatPopParseVCF}}, \code{\link{splatPopParseGenes}},
#' \code{\link{splatPopAssignMeans}},
#' \code{\link{splatPopQuantNorm}}, \code{\link{splatPopQuantNormKey}}
#' \code{\link{splatPopeQTLEffects}}, \code{\link{splatPopGroupEffects}},
#' \code{\link{splatPopSimMeans}}, \code{\link{splatPopSimEffects}},
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' if (requireNamespace("VariantAnnotation", quietly = TRUE) &&
#' requireNamespace("preprocessCore", quietly = TRUE)) {
#' means <- splatPopSimulateMeans()
#' }
#' }
#' @export
splatPopSimulateMeans <- function(vcf = mockVCF(),
params = newSplatPopParams(nGenes = 1000),
verbose = TRUE, key = NULL, gff = NULL,
eqtl = NULL, means = NULL, ...) {
seed <- getParam(params, "seed")
nGroups <- getParam(params, "nGroups")
quant.norm <- getParam(params, "pop.quant.norm")
vcf <- splatPopParseVCF(vcf, params)
group.names <- paste0("Group", seq_len(nGroups))
samples <- colnames(VariantAnnotation::geno(vcf)$GT)
conditions <- splatPopDesignConditions(params, samples)
withr::with_seed(seed, {
# Genes from key if provided, or from empirical data or simulated from gff
if (is.null(key)) {
if (is.null(eqtl) || is.null(means)) {
if (verbose) {
message("Simulating data for genes in GFF...")
key <- splatPopParseGenes(params, gff)
} else {
if (verbose) {
message("Using base gene means from data provided...")
key <- splatPopParseEmpirical(
vcf = vcf, gff = gff, eqtl = eqtl,
means = means, params = params
params <- setParams(params, nGenes = nrow(key))
} else {
if (verbose) {
message("Simulating data for genes in key...")
if (!all(c("meanSampled", "cvSampled") %in% names(key))) {
key <- splatPopAssignMeans(params, key)
if (!all(c("eQTL.group", "eSNP.ID", "eQTL.EffectSize") %in% names(key))) {
key <- splatPopeQTLEffects(params, key, vcf)
if (length(group.names) > 1) {
key <- splatPopGroupEffects(params, key, group.names)
if (!all(c("eQTL.condition", "ConditionDE.Condition1") %in% names(key))) {
key <- splatPopConditionEffects(params, key, conditions)
if (verbose) {
message("Simulating gene means for population...")
means.pop <- splatPopSimMeans(vcf, key, means)
if (quant.norm && ncol(means.pop) > 4) {
means.pop <- splatPopQuantNorm(params, means.pop)
key <- splatPopQuantNormKey(key, means.pop)
eMeansPop <- splatPopSimEffects("global", key, conditions, vcf, means.pop)
if (length(group.names) > 1) {
eMeansPopq.groups <- list()
for (id in group.names) {
eMeansPop.g <- splatPopSimEffects(
id, key, conditions, vcf,
eMeansPop.g[eMeansPop.g <= 0] <- 1e-5
eMeansPopq.groups[[id]] <- eMeansPop.g
eMeansPop <- eMeansPopq.groups
sim.means <- splatPopSimConditionalEffects(key, eMeansPop, conditions)
return(list(means = sim.means, key = key, conditions = conditions))
#' splatPopParseEmpirical
#' Parse splatPop key information from empirical data provided.
#' NOTE: This function will cause some of the parameters in the splatPopParams
#' object to be ignored, such as population level gene mean and variance and
#' eQTL parameters.
#' @param vcf VariantAnnotation object containing genotypes of samples.
#' @param gff Either NULL or a data.frame object containing a GFF/GTF file.
#' @param eqtl Either NULL or if simulating population parameters directly from
#' empirical data, a data.frame with empirical/desired eQTL results.
#' To see required format, run `mockEmpiricalSet()` and see eqtl output.
#' @param means Either NULL or if simulating population parameters directly from
#' empirical data, a Matrix of real gene means across a population, where
#' each row is a gene and each column is an individual in the population.
#' To see required format, run `mockEmpiricalSet()` and see means output.
#' @param params SplatPopParams object containing parameters for population
#' scale simulations. See \code{\link{SplatPopParams}} for details.
#' @details This function will ignore a number of parameters defined in
#' splatPopParams, instead pulling key information directly from provided VCF,
#' GFF, gene means, and eQTL mapping result data provided.
#' @return A partial splatPop `key`
#' @export
splatPopParseEmpirical <- function(vcf = vcf, gff = gff, eqtl = eqtl,
means = means, params = params) {
key <- data.frame(
chromosome = gff[, 1],
geneStart = gff[, 4],
geneEnd = gff[, 5],
geneMiddle = floor(abs((gff[, 4] - gff[, 5]) / 2)) + gff[, 4],
meanSampled.noOutliers = rowMeans(means),
OutlierFactor = 1,
meanSampled = rowMeans(means),
cvSampled = apply(means, 1, co.var),
eQTL.group = ifelse(is.na(eqtl$snpID), NA, "global"),
eQTL.condition = "global",
eSNP.ID = eqtl$snpID,
eSNP.chromosome = eqtl$snpCHR,
eSNP.loc = eqtl$snpLOC,
eSNP.MAF = eqtl$snpMAF,
eQTL.EffectSize = eqtl$slope
row.names(key) <- eqtl$geneID
#' splatPopSimulateSC
#' Simulate count data for a population from a fictional single-cell
#' RNA-seq experiment using the Splat method.
#' @param sim.means Matrix or list of matrices of gene means for the population.
#' Output from `splatPopSimulateMeans()`.
#' @param params SplatPopParams object containing parameters for population
#' scale simulations. See \code{\link{SplatPopParams}} for details.
#' @param key data.frame object containing a full or partial splatPop key.
#' Output from `splatPopSimulateMeans()`.
#' @param conditions named array with conditional group assignment for each
#' sample. Output from `splatPopSimulateMeans()`.
#' @param method which simulation method to use. Options are "single" which
#' produces a single cell population for each sample, "groups" which
#' produces distinct groups (eg. cell types) for each sample (note, this
#' creates separate groups from those created in `popSimulate` with only
#' DE effects), and "paths" which selects cells from continuous
#' trajectories (eg. differentiation processes).
#' @param counts.only logical. Whether to return only the counts.
#' @param sparsify logical. Whether to automatically convert assays to sparse
#' matrices if there will be a size reduction.
#' @param verbose logical. Whether to print progress messages.
#' @param ... any additional parameter settings to override what is provided in
#' \code{params}.
#' @return SingleCellExperiment object containing simulated counts,
#' intermediate values like the gene means simulated in `splatPopSimulateMeans`,
#' and information about the differential expression and eQTL effects assigned
#' to each gene.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' if (requireNamespace("VariantAnnotation", quietly = TRUE) &&
#' requireNamespace("preprocessCore", quietly = TRUE)) {
#' params <- newSplatPopParams()
#' sim.means <- splatPopSimulateMeans()
#' sim <- splatPopSimulateSC(sim.means$means, params, sim.means$key)
#' }
#' }
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment SingleCellExperiment cbind
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment rowData rowData<-
#' @export
splatPopSimulateSC <- function(sim.means,
method = c("single", "groups", "paths"),
counts.only = FALSE,
conditions = NULL,
sparsify = TRUE,
verbose = TRUE, ...) {
method <- match.arg(method)
params <- setParams(params, ...)
params <- expandParams(params)
seed <- getParam(params, "seed")
nGroups <- getParam(params, "nGroups")
group.names <- paste0("Group", seq_len(nGroups))
group.prob <- getParam(params, "group.prob")
nConditions <- getParam(params, "nConditions")
condition.prob <- getParam(params, "condition.prob")
batchCells <- getParam(params, "batchCells")
withr::with_seed(seed, {
if (!is.list(sim.means)) {
sim.means <- list(Group1 = sim.means)
if (length(group.prob) != length(sim.means)) {
group.prob <- rep(1 / length(sim.means), length(sim.means))
samples <- colnames((sim.means[[1]]))
if (is.null(conditions)) {
conditions <- splatPopDesignConditions(params, samples)
batches <- splatPopDesignBatches(params, samples, verbose)
# Simulate single-cell counts for each group/cell-type
group.n <- lapply(group.prob, function(x) {
ceiling(x * batchCells)
names(group.n) <- group.names
group.sims <- list()
for (g in group.names) {
if (verbose) {
message(paste0("Simulating sc counts for ", g, "..."))
paramsG <- setParams(params, batchCells = unlist(group.n[g]))
sims <- lapply(samples, function(x) {
params = paramsG,
method = method,
sample.means = sim.means[[g]][, x],
batch = batches[[x]],
counts.only = counts.only,
verbose = verbose
for (i in seq(1, length(sims))) {
s <- samples[i]
c <- conditions[s]
sims[i][[1]]$Sample <- s
sims[i][[1]]$Group <- g
sims[i][[1]]$Condition <- c
names(rowData(sims[i][[1]])) <- paste(
s, g, names(rowData(sims[i][[1]])),
ep = "_"
group.sims[[g]] <- do.call(SingleCellExperiment::cbind, sims)
sim.all <- do.call(SingleCellExperiment::cbind, group.sims)
sim.all <- splatPopCleanSCE(sim.all)
metadata(sim.all)$Simulated_Means <- sim.means
rowData(sim.all) <- merge(rowData(sim.all), key, by = "row.names")
rowData(sim.all)$Row.names <- NULL
if (sparsify) {
if (verbose) {
message("Sparsifying assays...")
assays(sim.all) <- sparsifyMatrices(
auto = TRUE,
verbose = verbose
colnames(sim.all) <- paste(sim.all$Sample, sim.all$Cell, sep = ":")
if (verbose) {
#' splatPopSimulateSample simulation
#' Simulate count data for one sample from a fictional single-cell RNA-seq
#' experiment using the Splat method.
#' @param params SplatPopParams object containing parameters for population
#' scale simulations. See \code{\link{SplatPopParams}} for details.
#' @param method which simulation method to use. Options are "single" which
#' produces a single population, "groups" which produces distinct groups
#' (eg. cell types), "paths" which selects cells from continuous
#' trajectories (eg. differentiation processes).
#' @param sample.means Gene means to use if running splatSimulatePop().
#' @param batch Batch number.
#' @param counts.only logical. Whether to return only the counts.
#' @param verbose logical. Whether to print progress messages.
#' @param ... any additional parameter settings to override what is provided in
#' \code{params}.
#' @details
#' This function closely mirrors \code{\link{splatSimulate}}. The main
#' difference is that it takes the means simulated by splatPopSimulateMeans
#' instead of randomly sampling a mean for each gene. For details about this
#' function see the documentation for \code{\link{splatSimulate}}.
#' @return SingleCellExperiment object containing the simulated counts and
#' intermediate values for one sample.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{splatSimLibSizes}}, \code{\link{splatPopSimGeneMeans}},
#' \code{\link{splatSimBatchEffects}}, \code{\link{splatSimBatchCellMeans}},
#' \code{\link{splatSimDE}}, \code{\link{splatSimCellMeans}},
#' \code{\link{splatSimBCVMeans}}, \code{\link{splatSimTrueCounts}},
#' \code{\link{splatSimDropout}}, \code{\link{splatPopSimulateSC}}
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment rowData colData colData<- assays
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment SingleCellExperiment
#' @keywords internal
splatPopSimulateSample <- function(params = newSplatPopParams(),
method = c("single", "groups", "paths"),
batch = "batch1",
counts.only = FALSE,
verbose = TRUE,
sample.means, ...) {
method <- match.arg(method)
nGenes <- length(sample.means)
params <- setParams(params, nGenes = nGenes)
nBatches <- getParam(params, "nBatches")
batch.cells <- getParam(params, "batchCells")
nGroups <- getParam(params, "nGroups")
group.prob <- getParam(params, "group.prob")
# Run sanity checks
if (nGroups == 1 && method == "groups") {
warning("nGroups is 1, switching to single mode")
method <- "single"
batch.list <- unlist(strsplit(batch, ","))
batch.sims <- list()
for (b in batch.list) {
# Get the parameters we are going to use
if (isTRUE(getParam(params, "nCells.sample"))) {
nGroups <- getParam(params, "nGroups")
nCells.shape <- getParam(params, "nCells.shape")
nCells.rate <- getParam(params, "nCells.rate")
nCells <- rgamma(1, shape = nCells.shape, rate = nCells.rate)
nCells <- ceiling(nCells / nGroups)
} else {
nCells <- getParam(params, "batchCells")[as.numeric(
gsub("[^0-9.-]", "", b)
# Set up name vectors
cell.names <- paste0("Cell", seq_len(nCells))
gene.names <- names(sample.means)
if (method == "groups") {
group.names <- paste0("Group", seq_len(nGroups))
} else if (method == "paths") {
group.names <- paste0("Path", seq_len(nGroups))
# Create SingleCellExperiment to store simulation
cells <- data.frame(Cell = cell.names)
rownames(cells) <- cell.names
features <- data.frame(Gene = gene.names)
rownames(features) <- gene.names
sim <- SingleCellExperiment(
rowData = features,
colData = cells,
metadata = list(Params = params)
colData(sim)$Batch <- b
if (method != "single") {
groups <- sample(
seq_len(nGroups), nCells,
prob = group.prob, replace = TRUE
colData(sim)$Group <- factor(
levels = group.names
sim <- splatSimLibSizes(sim, params)
rowData(sim)$GeneMean <- sample.means
if (nBatches > 1) {
sim <- splatPopSimBatchEffects(sim, params)
sim <- splatSimBatchCellMeans(sim, params)
if (method == "single") {
sim <- splatSimSingleCellMeans(sim, params)
} else if (method == "groups") {
sim <- splatSimGroupDE(sim, params)
sim <- splatSimGroupCellMeans(sim, params)
} else {
sim <- splatSimPathDE(sim, params)
sim <- splatSimPathCellMeans(sim, params)
sim <- splatSimBCVMeans(sim, params)
sim <- splatSimTrueCounts(sim, params)
sim <- splatSimDropout(sim, params)
batch.sims[[b]] <- sim
batch.sims <- do.call(SingleCellExperiment::cbind, batch.sims)
if (counts.only) {
assays(batch.sims)[!grepl("counts", names(assays(batch.sims)))] <- NULL
#' Format and subset genotype data from a VCF file.
#' Extract numeric alleles from vcf object and filter out SNPs missing genotype
#' data or outside the Minor Allele Frequency range in `SplatPopParams`.
#' @param vcf VariantAnnotation object containing genotypes of samples.
#' @param params SplatPopParams object containing parameters for population
#' scale simulations. See \code{\link{SplatPopParams}} for details.
#' @return Genotype data.frame
#' @importFrom stats complete.cases na.omit
#' @importFrom utils data
#' @keywords internal
splatPopParseVCF <- function(vcf, params) {
# Filter SNPs with NAs and outside MAF range
eqtl.maf.min <- getParam(params, "eqtl.maf.min")
eqtl.maf.max <- getParam(params, "eqtl.maf.max")
SummarizedExperiment::rowRanges(vcf)$MAF <-
vcf <- vcf[!is.na(SummarizedExperiment::rowRanges(vcf)$MAF)]
vcf <- vcf[SummarizedExperiment::rowRanges(vcf)$MAF >= eqtl.maf.min &
SummarizedExperiment::rowRanges(vcf)$MAF <= eqtl.maf.max]
#' Generate population key matrix from random or gff provided gene information
#' @param params SplatPopParams object containing parameters for population
#' scale simulations. See \code{\link{SplatPopParams}} for details.
#' @param gff Either NULL or a data.frame object containing a GFF/GTF file.
#' @return The Partial splatPop key data.frame.
#' @keywords internal
splatPopParseGenes <- function(params, gff) {
nGenes <- getParam(params, "nGenes")
if (is.null(gff)) {
gff <- mockGFF(nGenes)
} else {
gff <- as.data.frame(gff)
if ((length(names(gff)) < 8 | nrow(gff[gff[, 3] == "gene", ]) < 1)) {
"GFF file did not contain gene features or other issue with ",
"file format. See example data."
nGenes <- nrow(gff)
key <- gff[gff[, 3] %in% c("gene", "Gene"), ]
row.names(key) <- paste0(
width = nchar(nrow(key)), format = "d", flag = "0"
if (ncol(gff) == 9) {
if (all(grepl("ENSG", gff[, 9]))) {
gene_names <- gsub(";.*", "", gff[, 9])
gene_names <- gsub(".*:", "", gene_names)
row.names(key) <- gene_names
key[["chromosome"]] <- key[, 1]
key[["geneStart"]] <- key[, 4]
key[["geneEnd"]] <- key[, 5]
key[["geneMiddle"]] <- floor(abs((key$geneStart - key$geneEnd) / 2)) +
key <- key[, c("chromosome", "geneStart", "geneEnd", "geneMiddle")]
#' Sample expression mean and variance for each gene
#' A mean and coefficient of variation is assigned to each gene by sampling from
#' gamma distributions parameterized from real data in `splatPopEstimate`.
#' The cv gamma distributions are binned by gene mean because the distribution
#' of variance in real data is not independent from the mean. The degree of
#' similarity between individuals can be further tuned using the
#' similarity.scale parameter in `SplatPopParams`.
#' @param params SplatPopParams object containing parameters for population
#' scale simulations. See \code{\link{SplatPopParams}} for details.
#' @param key Partial splatPop key data.frame.
#' @return The key updated with assigned means and variances.
#' @keywords internal
splatPopAssignMeans <- function(params, key) {
mean.shape <- getParam(params, "pop.mean.shape")
mean.rate <- getParam(params, "pop.mean.rate")
out.prob <- getParam(params, "out.prob")
out.facLoc <- getParam(params, "out.facLoc")
out.facScale <- getParam(params, "out.facScale")
# Scale the CV rate parameters
cv.param <- getParam(params, "pop.cv.param")
similarity.scale <- getParam(params, "similarity.scale")
cv.param$rate <- cv.param$rate * similarity.scale
# Sample gene means
base.means.gene <- rgamma(nrow(key), shape = mean.shape, rate = mean.rate)
# Add expression outliers
outlier.facs <- getLNormFactors(
nrow(key), out.prob, 0, out.facLoc, out.facScale
median.means.gene <- median(base.means.gene)
outlier.means <- median.means.gene * outlier.facs
is.outlier <- outlier.facs != 1
means.gene <- base.means.gene
means.gene[is.outlier] <- outlier.means[is.outlier]
key[["meanSampled.noOutliers"]] <- base.means.gene
key[["OutlierFactor"]] <- outlier.facs
key[["meanSampled"]] <- means.gene
# Sample coefficient of variation for each gene
key[["cvSampled"]] <- NULL
for (g in seq_len(nrow(key))) {
exp.mean <- key[g, "meanSampled"]
bin <- cv.param[
(cv.param$start < exp.mean) & (cv.param$end >= exp.mean),
key[g, "cvSampled"] <- rgamma(1, shape = bin$shape, rate = bin$rate)
#' Assign eGenes-eSNPs pairs and effect sizes.
#' Randomly pairs N genes (eGene) a SNP (eSNP) within the window size
#' (eqtl.dist) and assigns each pair an effect size sampled from a gamma
#' distribution parameterized using the effect sizes from a real eQTL study.
#' @param params SplatPopParams object containing parameters for population
#' scale simulations. See \code{\link{SplatPopParams}} for details.
#' @param key Partial splatPop key data.frame.
#' @param vcf VariantAnnotation object containing genotypes of samples.
#' @return The key updated with assigned eQTL effects.
#' @keywords internal
splatPopeQTLEffects <- function(params, key, vcf) {
eqtl.n <- getParam(params, "eqtl.n")
if (eqtl.n > nrow(key)) {
eqtl.n <- nrow(key) # Can't be greater than nGenes
if (eqtl.n <= 1) {
eqtl.n <- nrow(key) * eqtl.n # If <= 1 it is a proportion
key_order <- row.names(key)
eqtl.dist <- getParam(params, "eqtl.dist")
eqtlES.shape <- getParam(params, "eqtl.ES.shape")
eqtlES.rate <- getParam(params, "eqtl.ES.rate")
eqtl.coreg <- getParam(params, "eqtl.coreg")
# Set up data.frame to save info about selected eSNP-eGENE pairs
snps.list <- row.names(vcf)
key2 <- key
key[, c(
"eQTL.group", "eQTL.condition", "eSNP.ID", "eSNP.chromosome",
"eSNP.loc", "eSNP.MAF"
)] <- NA
key[, "eQTL.EffectSize"] <- 0
for (i in seq_len(eqtl.n)) {
try <- TRUE
while (try) {
g <- sample(row.names(key2), 1)
g.rgn <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(
seqnames = S4Vectors::Rle(key[g, "chromosome"]),
ranges = IRanges::IRanges(
key[g, "geneMiddle"] - eqtl.dist,
key[g, "geneMiddle"] + eqtl.dist
vcf.subset <- IRanges::subsetByOverlaps(
SummarizedExperiment::rowRanges(vcf), g.rgn
if (length(vcf.subset) == 0) {
key2 <- key2[row.names(key2) != g, ]
message(paste("No SNP within eqtl.dist limit for:", g))
} else {
try <- FALSE
s <- sample(names(vcf.subset), 1)
key2 <- key2[row.names(key2) != g, ]
ES <- rgamma(1, shape = eqtlES.shape, rate = eqtlES.rate)
key[g, ]$eSNP.ID <- s
key[g, ]$eSNP.chromosome <- as.character(GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(vcf[s]))
key[g, ]$eSNP.loc <- BiocGenerics::start(vcf[s])
key[g, ]$eQTL.EffectSize <- ES
key[g, ]$eSNP.MAF <- SummarizedExperiment::rowRanges(vcf[s])$MAF
key[g, ]$eQTL.group <- "global"
key[g, ]$eQTL.condition <- "global"
if (eqtl.coreg > 0) {
coregulated.n <- ceiling(eqtl.coreg * eqtl.n)
keyCoreg <- key[!is.na(key$eSNP.ID), ]
keyCoreg <- keyCoreg[sample(seq_len(eqtl.n), coregulated.n), ]
keyCoreg <- keyCoreg[order(keyCoreg$chromosome, keyCoreg$geneMiddle), ]
esnpKeep <- row.names(keyCoreg[seq(1, length(keyCoreg[, 1]), 2), ])
esnpReplace <- row.names(keyCoreg[seq(2, length(keyCoreg[, 1]), 2), ])
esnpKeep <- esnpKeep[seq_along(length(esnpReplace))]
key[row.names(key) %in% esnpReplace, grep("eSNP.", names(key))] <-
key[row.names(key) %in% esnpKeep, grep("eSNP.", names(key))]
# Randomly make some effects negative
# Note that all eQTL with the same eSNP will have the same sign
esnps <- unique(key$eSNP.ID)
signs <- sample(c(1, -1), length(esnps), replace = TRUE)
names(signs) <- esnps
key$sign <- signs[key$eSNP.ID]
key$eQTL.EffectSize <- key$eQTL.EffectSize * key$sign
key$sign <- NULL
#' Assign group-specific eQTL and DEGs.
#' If groups > 1, n eSNP-eGene pairs (n = 'eqtl.group.specific') are randomly
#' assigned as group specific.
#' @param params SplatPopParams object containing parameters for population
#' scale simulations. See \code{\link{SplatPopParams}} for details.
#' @param key Partial splatPop key data.frame.
#' @param groups array of group names
#' @return The key updated with group eQTL and DE effects.
#' @keywords internal
splatPopGroupEffects <- function(params, key, groups) {
# Assign group-specific eQTL effects
eqtl.n <- getParam(params, "eqtl.n")
if (eqtl.n > nrow(key)) {
eqtl.n <- nrow(key) # Can't be greater than nGenes
if (eqtl.n <= 1) {
eqtl.n <- nrow(key) * eqtl.n # If <= 1, it is a proportion
g.specific.perc <- getParam(params, "eqtl.group.specific")
n.groups <- length(groups)
n.specific.each <- ceiling(eqtl.n * g.specific.perc / n.groups)
for (g in groups) {
glob.genes <- row.names(subset(key, key$eQTL.group == "global"))
g.specific <- sample(glob.genes, size = n.specific.each)
key[["eQTL.group"]][row.names(key) %in% g.specific] <- g
# Assign group-specific DE effects
nGenes <- nrow(key)
de.prob <- getParam(params, "de.prob")
de.downProb <- getParam(params, "de.downProb")
de.facLoc <- getParam(params, "de.facLoc")
de.facScale <- getParam(params, "de.facScale")
for (idx in seq_len(n.groups)) {
de.facs <- getLNormFactors(
nGenes, de.prob, de.downProb, de.facLoc, de.facScale
key[, paste0("GroupDE.", groups[idx])] <- de.facs
#' Assign Condition-specific eQTL and DEGs.
#' If nConditions > 1, n eSNP-eGene pairs (n = 'eqtl.condition.specific') are
#' randomly assigned as condition specific.
#' @param params SplatPopParams object containing parameters for population
#' scale simulations. See \code{\link{SplatPopParams}} for details.
#' @param key Partial splatPop key data.frame.
#' @param conditions array of condition names
#' @return The key updated with conditional eQTL and DE effects.
#' @keywords internal
splatPopConditionEffects <- function(params, key, conditions) {
condition.names <- unique(conditions)
if (length(condition.names) == 1) {
key$eQTL.condition <- "global"
key$ConditionDE.Condition1 <- 1
} else {
# Assign group-specific eQTL effects
eqtl.n <- getParam(params, "eqtl.n")
if (eqtl.n > nrow(key)) {
eqtl.n <- nrow(key) # Can't be > nGenes
if (eqtl.n <= 1) {
eqtl.n <- nrow(key) * eqtl.n # If <= 1 it is a proportion
c.specific.perc <- getParam(params, "eqtl.condition.specific")
n.conditions <- length(condition.names)
n.specific.each <- ceiling(eqtl.n * c.specific.perc / n.conditions)
for (c in condition.names) {
glob.genes <- row.names(subset(key, key$eQTL.condition == "global"))
c.specific <- sample(glob.genes, size = n.specific.each)
key[["eQTL.condition"]][row.names(key) %in% c.specific] <- c
# Assign group-specific DE effects
nGenes <- nrow(key)
cde.prob <- getParam(params, "cde.prob")
cde.downProb <- getParam(params, "cde.downProb")
cde.facLoc <- getParam(params, "cde.facLoc")
cde.facScale <- getParam(params, "cde.facScale")
for (idx in seq_len(n.conditions)) {
cde.facs <- getLNormFactors(
nGenes, cde.prob, cde.downProb, cde.facLoc, cde.facScale
key[, paste0("ConditionDE.", condition.names[idx])] <- cde.facs
#' Simulate mean gene expression matrix without eQTL effects
#' Gene mean expression levels are assigned to each gene for each pair randomly
#' from a normal distribution parameterized using the mean and cv assigned to
#' each gene in the key. If gene means matrix is provided, those will be used
#' instead.
#' @param vcf VariantAnnotation object containing genotypes of samples.
#' @param key Partial splatPop key data.frame.
#' @param means Null or matrix of gene means to use
#' @return matrix of gene mean expression levels WITHOUT eQTL effects.
#' @importFrom stats rnorm
#' @keywords internal
splatPopSimMeans <- function(vcf, key, means) {
if (is.null(means)) {
means <- matrix(
ncol(vcf) * nrow(key),
mean = key$meanSampled,
sd = key$meanSampled * key$cvSampled
nrow = nrow(key), ncol = ncol(vcf)
rownames(means) <- row.names(key)
colnames(means) <- colnames(VariantAnnotation::geno(vcf)$GT)
} else {
means <- as.matrix(means)
#' Add eQTL effects to means matrix
#' Add eQTL effects and non-eQTL group effects to simulated means matrix.
#' The eQTL effects are incorporated using the following equation:
#' \deqn{Ygs = (ESg x Mgs x Gs) + Mgs }
#' Where Ygs is the mean for gene g and sample s, ESg is the effect size
#' assigned to g, Mgs is the mean expression assigned to g for s, and Gs
#' is the genotype (number of minor alleles) for s. Non-eQTL group effects are
#' incorporated as:
#' \deqn{Ygs = Mgs x GEg}
#' Where GEg is the group effect (i.e. differential expression) assigned to g.
#' To simulate multiple gene mean matrices with different group effects, this
#' function can be run with `id` designating the group id.
#' @param id The group ID (e.g. "global" or "g1")
#' @param key Partial splatPop key data.frame.
#' @param conditions array of condition assignments for each sample
#' @param vcf VariantAnnotation object containing genotypes of samples.
#' @param means.pop Population mean gene expression matrix
#' @return data.frame of gene mean expression levels WITH eQTL effects.
#' @keywords internal
splatPopSimEffects <- function(id, key, conditions, vcf, means.pop) {
# Add group-specific eQTL effects
genes.use <- row.names(subset(key, key$eQTL.group == id))
samples <- colnames(means.pop)
for (g in genes.use) {
without.eqtl <- as.numeric(means.pop[g, ])
ES <- key[g, "eQTL.EffectSize"]
eSNPsample <- key[g, "eSNP.ID"]
genotype_code <- as.array(
VariantAnnotation::geno(vcf[eSNPsample, samples])$GT
genotype <- lengths(
regmatches(genotype_code, gregexpr("1", genotype_code))
condition <- key[g, "eQTL.condition"]
if (condition == "global") {
cond <- rep(1, length(samples))
} else {
cond <- ifelse(conditions[samples] == condition, 1, 0)
means.pop[g, ] <- without.eqtl + (ES * genotype * means.pop[g, ] * cond)
# Add group-specific non-eQTL effects
if (id != "global") {
means.pop <- means.pop * key[, paste0("GroupDE.", id)]
means.pop[means.pop < 0] <- 0
#' Add conditional DE effects to means matrix
#' @param key Partial splatPop key data.frame.
#' @param conditions array of condition assignments for each sample
#' @param means.pop matrix or list of matrices with gene means.
#' @return data.frame of gene mean expression levels WITH conditional DE
#' effects.
#' @keywords internal
splatPopSimConditionalEffects <- function(key, means.pop, conditions) {
# Add group-specific eQTL effects
condition.list <- unique(conditions)
for (c in condition.list) {
c.samples <- names(conditions[conditions == c])
c.de <- key[[paste0("ConditionDE.", c)]]
if (is.list(means.pop)) {
for (i in names(means.pop)) {
means.pop[[i]][, c.samples] <- mapply(
means.pop[[i]][, c.samples],
means.pop[[i]][means.pop[[i]] < 0] <- 1e-5
} else {
means.pop[, c.samples] <- mapply("*", means.pop[, c.samples], c.de)
means.pop[means.pop <= 0] <- 1e-5
#' Add conditional DE effects to means matrix
#' @param id The group ID (e.g. "global" or "g1")
#' @param key Partial splatPop key data.frame.
#' @param vcf VariantAnnotation object containing genotypes of samples.
#' @param means.pop Population mean gene expression matrix
#' @return data.frame of gene mean expression levels WITH eQTL effects.
#' @keywords internal
splatPopConditionalEffects <- function(id, key, vcf, means.pop) {
# Add group-specific eQTL effects
genes.use <- row.names(subset(key, key$eQTL.group == id))
samples <- colnames(means.pop)
for (g in genes.use) {
without.eqtl <- as.numeric(means.pop[g, ])
ES <- key[g, "eQTL.EffectSize"]
eSNPsample <- key[g, "eSNP.ID"]
genotype_code <- as.array(
VariantAnnotation::geno(vcf[eSNPsample, samples])$GT
genotype <- lengths(
regmatches(genotype_code, gregexpr("1", genotype_code))
means.pop[g, ] <- without.eqtl + (ES * genotype * means.pop[g, ])
# Add group-specific non-eQTL effects
if (id != "global") {
means.pop <- means.pop * key[, paste0("GroupDE.", id)]
means.pop[means.pop < 0] <- 0
eMeansPop[eMeansPop <= 0] <- 1e-5
#' Quantile normalize by sample to fit sc expression distribution.
#' For each sample, expression values are quantile normalized (qgamma)
#' using the gamma distribution parameterized from splatEstimate(). This ensures
#' the simulated gene means reflect the distribution expected from a sc dataset
#' and not a bulk dataset.
#' @param params SplatPopParams object containing parameters for population
#' scale simulations. See \code{\link{SplatPopParams}} for details.
#' @param means Mean gene expression matrix with eQTL effects.
#' @return matrix of quantile normalized gene mean expression levels.
#' @examples
#' if (requireNamespace("VariantAnnotation", quietly = TRUE) &&
#' requireNamespace("preprocessCore", quietly = TRUE)) {
#' bulk.means <- mockBulkMatrix(n.genes = 100, n.samples = 100)
#' bulk.qnorm <- splatPopQuantNorm(newSplatPopParams(), bulk.means)
#' }
#' @export
splatPopQuantNorm <- function(params, means) {
# Generate sample target distribution from sc parameters
mean.shape <- getParam(params, "mean.shape")
mean.rate <- getParam(params, "mean.rate")
target <- rgamma(10000, shape = mean.shape, rate = mean.rate)
means.norm <- preprocessCore::normalize.quantiles.use.target(means, target)
means.norm[means.norm < 0] <- 0
rownames(means.norm) <- rownames(means)
colnames(means.norm) <- colnames(means)
#' Add quantile normalized gene mean and cv info the eQTL key.
#' @param key Partial splatPop key data.frame.
#' @param means matrix or list of matrices containing means from
#' `splatPopQuantNorm`
#' @return Final eQTL key.
#' @keywords internal
splatPopQuantNormKey <- function(key, means) {
if (is.list(means)) {
qn.means <- list()
qn.cvs <- list()
for (group in names(means)) {
qn.mean.gr <- rowMeans(means[[group]])
qn.cv.gr <- apply(means[[group]], 1, FUN = co.var)
qn.means[[group]] <- qn.mean.gr
qn.cvs[[group]] <- qn.cv.gr
qn.mean <- rowMeans(as.data.frame(qn.means))
qn.cv <- rowMeans(as.data.frame(qn.cvs))
} else {
qn.mean <- rowMeans(means)
qn.cv <- apply(means, 1, FUN = co.var)
qn.df <- data.frame(meanQuantileNorm = qn.mean, cvQuantileNorm = qn.cv)
qn.df <- qn.df[row.names(key), ]
key <- cbind(key, qn.df)
#' Simulate gene means for splatPop
#' Simulate outlier expression factors for splatPop. Genes with an outlier
#' factor not equal to 1 are replaced with the median mean expression
#' multiplied by the outlier factor.
#' @param sim SingleCellExperiment to add gene means to.
#' @param params SplatParams object with simulation parameters.
#' @param base.means.gene List of gene means for sample from matrix
#' generated by `splatPopSimulateMeans` and with the sample specified
#' in `splatPopSimulateSC`.
#' @return SingleCellExperiment with simulated gene means.
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment rowData rowData<-
#' @importFrom stats rgamma median
#' @keywords internal
splatPopSimGeneMeans <- function(sim, params, base.means.gene) {
# Note: This function is similar to splatSimGeneMeans, except it uses the
# simulated gene mean instead of sampling one randomly. If changes are made
# to the outlier method for splat, they should also be made here.
nGenes <- getParam(params, "nGenes")
out.prob <- getParam(params, "out.prob")
out.facLoc <- getParam(params, "out.facLoc")
out.facScale <- getParam(params, "out.facScale")
# Add expression outliers
outlier.facs <- getLNormFactors(
nGenes, out.prob, 0, out.facLoc, out.facScale
median.means.gene <- median(base.means.gene)
outlier.means <- median.means.gene * outlier.facs
is.outlier <- outlier.facs != 1
means.gene <- base.means.gene
means.gene[is.outlier] <- outlier.means[is.outlier]
rowData(sim)$BaseGeneMean <- base.means.gene
rowData(sim)$OutlierFactor <- outlier.facs
rowData(sim)$GeneMean <- means.gene
#' Simulate batch effects
#' Simulate batch effects. Batch effect factors for each batch are produced
#' using \code{\link{getLNormFactors}} and these are added along with updated
#' means for each batch.
#' @param sim SingleCellExperiment to add batch effects to.
#' @param params SplatParams object with simulation parameters.
#' @return SingleCellExperiment with simulated batch effects.
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment rowData rowData<-
#' @keywords internal
splatPopSimBatchEffects <- function(sim, params) {
nGenes <- getParam(params, "nGenes")
nBatches <- getParam(params, "nBatches")
batch.facLoc <- getParam(params, "batch.facLoc")
batch.facScale <- getParam(params, "batch.facScale")
batch.rmEffect <- getParam(params, "batch.rmEffect")
if (length(batch.facLoc) == 1) {
batch.facLoc <- rep(batch.facLoc, nBatches)
if (length(batch.facScale) == 1) {
batch.facScale <- rep(batch.facScale, nBatches)
batch <- unique(colData(sim)$Batch)
batch.num <- as.numeric(gsub("[^0-9.-]", "", batch))
batch.facs <- getLNormFactors(
nGenes, 1, 0.5, batch.facLoc[batch.num], batch.facScale[batch.num]
if (batch.rmEffect) {
batch.facs <- rep(1, length(batch.facs))
rowData(sim)[[paste0("BatchFac", batch)]] <- batch.facs
#' Set up pooled experimental design
#' @param params SplatParams object with simulation parameters.
#' @param samples List of samples from vcf.
#' @param verbose logical. Whether to print progress messages.
#' @return Vector with batch assignments for each sample.
#' @keywords internal
splatPopDesignBatches <- function(params, samples, verbose) {
nBatches <- getParam(params, "nBatches")
batch.size <- getParam(params, "batch.size")
if (nBatches == 1) {
batches <- rep("Batch1", length(samples))
names(batches) <- samples
} else {
if (length(samples) < batch.size) {
if (verbose) {
message("Changing batch.size to ", length(samples))
batch.size <- length(samples)
if (length(samples) > nBatches * batch.size) {
"Not enough batches requested to include all samples! ",
"Please increase nBatches or batch.size."
xInt <- floor((nBatches * batch.size) / length(samples))
xRem <- (nBatches * batch.size) %% length(samples)
if (xRem > 0) {
counts <- sort(
table(c(rep(samples, xInt), sample(samples)[seq_len(xRem)])),
decreasing = TRUE
} else {
counts <- table(rep(samples, xInt))
try.design <- TRUE
while (try.design) {
all.batches <- rep(paste0("Batch", seq_len(nBatches)), batch.size)
batches <- list()
try.again <- FALSE
for (s in names(counts)) {
batches.remaining <- unique(all.batches)
if (length(batches.remaining) >= counts[s]) {
b <- sample(batches.remaining, counts[s], replace = FALSE)
all.batches <- all.batches[-match(b, all.batches)]
batches[[s]] <- b
} else {
try.again <- TRUE
try.design <- try.again
#' Set up designed experiments conditions
#' @param params SplatParams object with simulation parameters.
#' @param samples List of samples from vcf.
#' @return Vector with condition assignments for each sample.
#' @keywords internal
splatPopDesignConditions <- function(params, samples) {
condition.prob <- getParam(params, "condition.prob")
if (length(condition.prob) == 1) {
conditions <- rep("Condition1", length(samples))
names(conditions) <- samples
} else {
ll <- ceiling(condition.prob * length(samples))
conditions <- unlist(lapply(seq_along(ll), function(x) {
rep(paste0("Condition", x), ll[[x]])
conditions <- sample(conditions, length(samples))
names(conditions) <- samples
#' Clean up the population-scale SCE to remove redundant information
#' @param sim.all SingleCellExperiment object with counts for all samples
#' @return SingleCellExperiment with simulated sc counts.
#' @keywords internal
splatPopCleanSCE <- function(sim.all) {
# Remove redundant sce info
keep.id <- gsub("_Gene", "", names(rowData(sim.all))[1])
rowData(sim.all)[grepl("_Gene", names(rowData(sim.all)))] <- NULL
metadata(sim.all)[2:length(names(metadata(sim.all)))] <- NULL
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