featureCounts2DGEList <- function(x)
# Convert featureCounts output to DGEList
# Gordon Smyth
# Created 7 Jan 2021. Last modified 26 Jan 2021.
# Check for featureCounts output
if(!is.list(x) || !all(c("counts","annotation","targets","stat") %in% names(x)))
stop("x should be a list containing components `counts`, `annotation`, `targets` and `stat`")
# Get and simplify sample names
SampleNames <- colnames(x$counts)
if(is.null(SampleNames)) SampleNames <- x$targets
if(is.null(SampleNames)) SampleNames <- seq_len(ncol(x$counts))
SampleNames <- removeExt(removeExt(SampleNames))
colnames(x$counts) <- SampleNames
# Mapping statistics
Stat <- t(as.matrix(x$stat[,-1,drop=FALSE]))
rownames(Stat) <- SampleNames
colnames(Stat) <- x$stat[,1]
PropAssigned <- Stat[,1] / rowSums(Stat)
Samples <- data.frame(PropAssigned=PropAssigned)
# GeneID must be character
x$annotation$GeneID <- as.character(x$annotation$GeneID)
if(!identical(row.names(x$counts),x$annotation$GeneID)) warning("row.names of counts are not the same as GeneIDs")
# Detect use of meta-features
DupRowNames <- as.logical(anyDuplicated(rownames(x$counts)))
MultipleFeatures <- as.logical(length(grep(";",x$annotation$Start)))
Junctions <- !is.null(x$counts_junction)
if(MultipleFeatures && DupRowNames) stop("Meta-feature counts should have unique row.names")
if(MultipleFeatures && Junctions) stop("Junction counts incompatible with meta-feature counts")
## Meta-features (genes)
if(MultipleFeatures) {
# Collapse Chr, Start, End and Strand for meta-feature
firstfun <- function(z) z[1]
lastfun <- function(z) z[length(z)]
z <- strsplit(x$annotation$Chr,split=";")
z1 <- x$annotation$Chr <- vapply(z,firstfun,"")
z2 <- x$annotation$Chr <- vapply(z,lastfun,"")
i <- z1 != z2
z1[i] <- paste(z1[i],z2[i],sep=";")
x$annotation$Chr <- z1
z <- strsplit(as.character(x$annotation$Start),split=";")
x$annotation$Start <- as.integer(vapply(z,firstfun,""))
z <- strsplit(as.character(x$annotation$End),split=";")
x$annotation$End <- as.integer(vapply(z,lastfun,""))
z <- strsplit(x$annotation$Strand,split=";")
x$annotation$Strand <- vapply(z,firstfun,"")
x$annotation$GeneID <- NULL
## Features
# Ensure classes for features
x$annotation$Start <- as.integer(x$annotation$Start)
x$annotation$End <- as.integer(x$annotation$End)
x$annotation$Strand <- as.character(x$annotation$Strand)
x$annotation$Length <- as.integer(x$annotation$Length)
## Simple features
if(!DupRowNames && !Junctions) {
x$annotation$GeneID <- NULL
## Features within meta-features (exons)
# Expand the row names to include exon number (counting in genomic order)
o <- order(x$annotation$GeneID,x$annotation$Chr,x$annotation$Start)
Counts <- x$counts[o,]
Genes <- x$annotation[o,]
FirstExon <- which(!duplicated(Genes$GeneID))
LastExon <- c(FirstExon[-1]-1L,nrow(Counts))
RowNum <- seq_len(nrow(Counts))
NExons <- RowNum[LastExon]-RowNum[FirstExon]+1L
ExonNum <- RowNum-RowNum[rep.int(FirstExon,times=NExons)]+1L
Genes$Exon <- ExonNum
rownames(Counts) <- paste0(Genes$GeneID,".e",ExonNum)
row.names(Genes) <- rownames(Counts)
# Sort in genomic order
o <- order(Genes$Chr,Genes$Start)
Counts <- Counts[o,]
Genes <- Genes[o,]
if(!Junctions) return (DGEList(counts=Counts,genes=Genes,samples=Samples))
## Exons and junctions
# JCounts <- as.matrix(x$counts_junction[,-seq_len(8)])
# colnames(JCounts) <- SampleNames
# JGenes <- x$counts_junction[,c("PrimaryGene","Site1_chr","Site1_location","Site2_location","Site1_strand")]
# names(JGenes) <- c("GeneID","Chr","Start","End","Strand")
# JGenes$GeneID <- as.character(JGenes$GeneID)
# JGenes$Length <- JGenes$End-JGenes$Start+1L
# JGenes$Exon <- rep_len(0L,nrow(JGenes))
JCounts <- x$counts_junction
JCounts <- JCounts[!is.na(JCounts$PrimaryGene),]
JGenes <- JCounts[,c("PrimaryGene","Site1_chr","Site1_location","Site2_location","Site1_strand")]
names(JGenes) <- c("GeneID","Chr","Start","End","Strand")
JGenes$GeneID <- as.character(JGenes$GeneID)
JGenes$Start <- as.integer(JGenes$Start)
JGenes$End <- as.integer(JGenes$End)
JGenes$Strand <- as.character(JGenes$Strand)
JGenes$Length <- 1L
JCounts <- as.matrix(JCounts[,-seq_len(8)])
o <- order(JGenes$GeneID,JGenes$Chr,JGenes$Start)
JCounts <- JCounts[o,]
JGenes <- JGenes[o,]
RowNames <- JGenes$GeneID
N <- length(RowNames)
First <- which(!duplicated(RowNames))
Last <- c(First[-1]-1L,N)
NExons <- Last-First+1L
One <- rep_len(1L,N)
One[First[-1]] <- 1L-NExons[-length(NExons)]
ExonNumber <- cumsum(One)
RowNames <- paste0(RowNames,".j",ExonNumber)
JGenes$Exon <- ExonNumber
row.names(JGenes) <- RowNames
rownames(JCounts) <- RowNames
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