#' Find enriched GO terms
#' @param assignments boolean named vector determining the gene subset to be
#' tested for enrichment of GO terms. The names of the vector should be the
#' gene names. Elements with TRUE will consist of the gene cluster.
#' @param gene_id_to_go List giving the Gene ID to GO object required for topGO
#' (see \code{\link[topGO]{topGOdata-class}}).
#' \code{create_go_term_mapping} can construct such a list from a
#' data-frame.
#'@param ontology string, optional, default: BP. specficies which ontology to
#' use (passed to \code{ontology} argument in creating a new \code{topGOdata}
#' object). Can be 'BP', 'CC', or 'NF'. See
#' \code{\link[topGO]{topGOdata-class}}.
#'@param weighted boolean, optional, default: FALSE. Whether to use the
#' weighted algorithm or not in \code{\link[topGO]{runTest}}.
#'@param node_size integer, optional, default: 10. Consider only GO terms with
#' node_size number of genes, passed to \code{nodeSize} argument of
#' \code{\link[topGO]{topGOdata-class}}
#'@details \code{find_enriched_go_terms} is a wrapper for running a GO
#' enrichment analysis via the package \code{topGO}. This function creates a
#' \code{\link[topGO]{topGOdata-class}} object, runs the function
#' \code{\link[topGO]{runTest}} to test for enrichment using the
#' \code{statistic="fisher"} option, and then runs
#' \code{\link[topGO]{GenTable}}. This function then does some post-processing
#' of the results, returning only GO terms that satisfy:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item{BH adjusted p-values less than 0.05 using
#' \code{\link[stats]{p.adjust}}}
#' \item{GO terms are \emph{enriched}, i.e. the number of genes from the GO
#' term found in the subset is greater than expected}
#' }
#' @return Returns results in the format of \code{\link[topGO]{GenTable}}.
#' @aliases create_go_term_mapping
#' @examples
#' data(exampleData)
#' head(testGenesGO) #gives the mapping of genes to GO
#' geneId2Go <- create_go_term_mapping(testGenesGO)
#' #create fake assignment of genes to group based on TRUE/FALSE values
#' inGroup=rep(FALSE,nrow(testData))
#' inGroup[1:10]=TRUE
#' names(inGroup) <- row.names(testData)
#' find_enriched_go_terms(inGroup, geneId2Go)
#' @seealso \code{\link{create_go_term_mapping}}, \code{\link[KEGGprofile]{find_enriched_pathway}}, \code{\link[topGO]{GenTable}}, \code{\link[topGO]{runTest}}, \code{\link[topGO]{topGOdata-class}}, \code{\link[stats]{p.adjust}}
#' @export
#' @importFrom topGO annFUN.gene2GO runTest GenTable
find_enriched_go_terms <- function(assignments, gene_id_to_go,
stop("assignments must be a named vector,",
"where names match names of gene_id_to_go ")
gene_names <- names(assignments)
assignments <- as.numeric(assignments)
names(assignments) <- gene_names
if(!(ontology %in% c("BP", "CC", "NF"))){
error_message <- paste(
"moanin::find_enriched_go_terms: Ontology should be 'BP', 'CC',",
"or 'NF'. Ontology provided is",
# function to specify which genes are interesting based on the gene scores.
# It should be present iff the allGenes object is of type numeric.
getTopDiffGenes <- function(data, cutOff=NULL){
return(data < 0.5)
GOdata <- new("topGOdata", ontology=ontology, allGenes=assignments,
annot=topGO::annFUN.gene2GO, gene2GO=gene_id_to_go)
resultFisher <- topGO::runTest(GOdata, algorithm="classic",
resultFisher <- topGO::runTest(GOdata, algorithm="weight",
n_nodes <- length(resultFisher@score)
allRes <- topGO::GenTable(
orderBy="resultFisher", ranksOf="resultFisher",
# P-value correct
allRes[, "resultFisher_padj"] <- stats::p.adjust(allRes$resultFisher,
wh <- which(allRes[, "resultFisher"] <= 0.05)
allRes <- allRes[wh,]
wh <- which(apply(allRes[, c("Significant", "Expected")],
1, function(x){x["Significant"] > x["Expected"]}))
allRes <- allRes[wh,]
#' Create the Gene to GO Term mapping
#' @param genes dataframe, with two required columns. The first gives the gene
#' names, with column name by the argument \code{gene_col}. The other column
#' must be named "go_id" and give the genes GO id. Genes will have multiple GO
#' id that they map to, and each go mapping of a gene is a separate row. Thus
#' genes will be in multiple rows of the input.
#' @param gene_col the name of the column of the \code{genes} data frame that
#' contains the correct gene reference. By default, is "refseq_mrna".
#' @return \code{create_go_term_mapping} returns a list giving the gene to GO id
#' in the format required by \code{\link[topGO]{topGOdata-class}}.
#' @rdname find_enriched_go_terms
#' @export
create_go_term_mapping <- function(genes, gene_col="refseq_mrna"){
gene_id_go_mapping <- NULL
gene_names <- unique(genes[, "refseq_mrna"])
i <- 1
for(gene in gene_names){
go_terms <- genes[genes[, gene_col] == gene, "go_id"]
if(length(go_terms) != 0){
gene_id_go_mapping$gene <- go_terms
names(gene_id_go_mapping)[i] <- gene
i <- i + 1
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