#' Plot barplot of enrichment results - plotting -log10 (p-value) but cut-off
#' significance is based on FDR where if either linear or top10% result is <
#' FDR threshold the result will be plotted
#' Plot of cell-type enrichment results from
#' \link[MAGMA.Celltyping]{celltype_associations_pipeline}.
#' @param merged_results Enrichment results generated by
#' \link[MAGMA.Celltyping]{celltype_associations_pipeline} and merged by
#' \link[MAGMA.Celltyping]{merge_results}.
#' @param title Plot title.
#' @param x_lab Plot x-axis label.
#' @param y_lab Plot y-axis label.
#' @param fdr_thresh FDR filtering threshold.
#' @param x_var x-axis variable.
#' @param y_var y-axis variable.
#' @param fill_var Fill variable.
#' @param fill_cols The two colours to use for the fill param (Vector).
#' @param horz_line_p add dashed line for a p-value cut-off - default of 0.01
#' @param sort_celltypes_by Sort the order of the cell types in the plot by the
#' enrichment results. Choose to sort by Top 10\% or Linear results or set to
#' NULL to avoid sorting. Default is Top 10\%.
#' @param show_plot Whether to print the plot.
#' @param save_path Path to save plot to.
#' @param height Plot height.
#' @param width Plot width.
#' @inheritParams ggplot2::ggsave
#' @return ggplot object.
#' @examples
#' MAGMA_results <- MAGMA.Celltyping::enrichment_results
#' merged_results <- MAGMA.Celltyping::merge_results(MAGMA_results)
#' bar <- MAGMA.Celltyping::results_barplot(
#' merged_results = merged_results,
#' fdr_thresh = 1)
#' @export
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot element_blank ggsave geom_vline geom_bar aes_string labs theme_bw theme scale_fill_manual
results_barplot <- function(merged_results,
title = NULL,
y_lab = NULL,
x_lab = "-log10(p-value)",
fdr_thresh = .05,
y_var = "Celltype",
x_var = "-log10p",
fill_var = "EnrichmentMode",
fill_cols = c("#60A9BD","#3A62A0"),
horz_line_p = 0.01,
sort_celltypes_by = "Top 10%",
show_plot = TRUE,
height = 5,
width = 7,
dpi = 300,
save_path = file.path(
) {
#### Avoid confusing checks ####
FDR <- `-log10p` <- log10p <- NULL;
#### Check args #####
if (!"GWAS" %in% colnames(merged_results)) {
merged_results$GWAS <- merged_results$dataset
if (is.null(fdr_thresh)) fdr_thresh <- 1
subtitle <- if (!is.null(fdr_thresh)) paste0("FDR < ", fdr_thresh) else NULL
#### Filter by FDR ####
plot_dat <- subset(merged_results, FDR < fdr_thresh)
messager(formatC(nrow(plot_dat), big.mark = ","),
"results @ FDR <",fdr_thresh)
if(nrow(plot_dat)==0) stop("Filtered data must contain >0 rows.")
if(!sort_celltypes_by %in% unique(plot_dat$EnrichmentMode)){
stop("sort_celltypes_by must be one of: ",
paste(unique(plot_dat$EnrichmentMode),", "))
#add -log10p-val col
#sort by given results
y_var_new <- paste0(y_var,"_fct")
plot_dat[,eval(y_var_new):= factor(get(y_var),
y_var <- y_var_new
#### Plot ####
bar <- ggplot2::ggplot(
data = plot_dat,
ggplot2::aes_string(y = y_var,
x = x_var,
fill = fill_var)) +
ggplot2::geom_bar(stat = "identity",
position = "dodge") +
ggplot2::labs(x = x_lab,
y = y_lab,
title = title,
legend = NULL) +
plot.margin = ggplot2::margin(0, 0, 0, 0, "pt")
xintercept = -log(
colour = "darkred",
#### Print ####
if (show_plot) print(bar)
#### Save ####
if (!is.null(save_path)){
dir.create(dirname(save_path), showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
ggplot2::ggsave(filename = save_path,
plot = bar,
dpi = dpi,
height = height, width = width)
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