tifFile <- downloadMouseBrainImage()
annots <- system.file("extdata", "muBrain_LabWorksheet.txt",
package = "SpatialOmicsOverlay")
annotsGxT <- readRDS(unzip(system.file("extdata", "muBrain_GxT.zip",
package = "SpatialOmicsOverlay")))
annotsGxT <- annotsGxT[,sData(annotsGxT)$Updated_SegLabels == "Full ROI"]
colnames(annotsGxT@protocolData@data)[which(colnames(annotsGxT@protocolData@data) == "ScanLabel")] <- "slide name"
colnames(annotsGxT@phenoData@data)[which(colnames(annotsGxT@phenoData@data) == "SegmentLabel")] <- "segment"
overlay <- suppressWarnings(readSpatialOverlay(ometiff = tifFile, annots = annots,
slideName = "D5761 (3)", outline = FALSE))
testthat::test_that("annotation input types",{
#Spec 1. The function works with either a labworksheet or a geomxset object
# as annotation.
expect_error(overlay <- suppressWarnings(readSpatialOverlay(ometiff = tifFile,
annots = annots,
slideName = "D5761 (3)",
outline = FALSE)), NA)
expect_error(overlayBound <- readSpatialOverlay(ometiff = tifFile,
annots = annotsGxT,
slideName = "D5761 (3)",
outline = TRUE), NA)
#Spec 2. The function only returns samples in both xml and annotation
expect_true(all(sampNames(overlayBound) %in% sampNames(overlay)))
expect_false(all(sampNames(overlay) %in% sampNames(overlayBound)))
testthat::test_that("readSpatialOverlay works as expected - all points",{
#Spec 1. The function returns a SpatialOverlay object.
expect_true(class(overlay) == "SpatialOverlay")
#Spec 2. The function returns a SpatialOverlay object with the expected
# values in the correct locations.
expect_true(labWork(overlay) == TRUE)
expect_true(seg(overlay) == "Segmented")
expect_true(outline(overlay) == FALSE)
expect_true(slideName(overlay) == "D5761 (3)")
annots <- readLabWorksheet(lw = annots, slideName = "D5761 (3)")
labWorksheet <- TRUE
xml <- xmlExtraction(ometiff = tifFile, saveFile = FALSE)
expect_identical(scanMeta(overlay)[1:3], parseScanMetadata(omexml = xml))
expect_identical(overlay(overlay), suppressWarnings(parseOverlayAttrs(omexml = xml,
annots = annots,
labworksheet = TRUE)))
expect_identical(coords(overlay), coords(createCoordFile(overlay,
outline = FALSE)))
overlayImage <- suppressWarnings(readSpatialOverlay(ometiff = tifFile,
annots = annots,
slideName = "D5761 (3)",
outline = FALSE,
image = TRUE, res = 8))
testthat::test_that("readSpatialOverlay works as expected - with image",{
#Spec 1. The function returns a SpatialOverlay object.
expect_true(class(overlayImage) == "SpatialOverlay")
#Spec 2. The function returns a SpatialOverlay object with the expected
# values in the correct locations.
expect_true(labWork(overlayImage) == TRUE)
expect_true(seg(overlayImage) == "Segmented")
expect_true(outline(overlayImage) == FALSE)
expect_true(slideName(overlayImage) == "D5761 (3)")
annots <- readLabWorksheet(lw = annots, slideName = "D5761 (3)")
labWorksheet <- TRUE
xml <- xmlExtraction(ometiff = tifFile, saveFile = FALSE)
expect_identical(scanMeta(overlayImage)[1:3], parseScanMetadata(omexml = xml))
expect_identical(overlay(overlayImage), suppressWarnings(parseOverlayAttrs(omexml = xml,
annots = annots,
labworksheet = TRUE)))
#Spec 3. The function returns a SpatialOverlay object with image in expected
# location.
expect_true(overlayImage@image$filePath == tifFile)
expect_true(class(showImage(overlayImage)) == "magick-image")
expect_true(overlayImage@image$resolution == 8)
#Spec 4. The function returns a SpatialOverlay object with scaled
# coordinates to image.
expect_true(nrow(coords(overlayImage)) < nrow(coords(overlay)))
overlayBound <- readSpatialOverlay(ometiff = tifFile, annots = annotsGxT,
slideName = "D5761 (3)", outline = TRUE)
testthat::test_that("readSpatialOverlay works as expected - boundary points",{
#Spec 1. The function returns a SpatialOverlay object.
expect_true(class(overlayBound) == "SpatialOverlay")
#Spec 2. The function returns a SpatialOverlay object with the expected
# values in the correct locations.
expect_true(labWork(overlayBound) == TRUE)
expect_true(seg(overlayBound) == "Geometric")
expect_true(outline(overlayBound) == TRUE)
expect_true(slideName(overlayBound) == "D5761 (3)")
annots <- sData(annotsGxT)
annots <- annots[annots$`slide name` == "D5761 (3)",]
annots$Sample_ID <- gsub(".dcc", "", rownames(annots))
colnames(annots)[colnames(annots) == "roi"] <- "ROILabel"
xml <- xmlExtraction(ometiff = tifFile, saveFile = FALSE)
expect_identical(scanMeta(overlayBound)[1:3], parseScanMetadata(omexml = xml))
expect_identical(overlay(overlayBound), suppressWarnings(parseOverlayAttrs(omexml = xml,
annots = annots,
labworksheet = TRUE)))
expect_identical(coords(overlayBound), coords(createCoordFile(overlayBound,
outline = TRUE)))
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.