#### Specs for aggreprobe:
#1. The function shall aggregate the probes depending on the argument provided.
#2. The function returns a GeoMxSet object when given a GeoMxSet object as input.
#3. The expression matrix and the target feature data available prior to collapsing shall match after collapsing except TargetName.
#4. TargetName for negative probes shall be updated to probe IDs after collapsing.
#5. For the non-negative probes, the subset of probes selected by the use method will be aggregated by sum into one target count.
#6. The resulting object shall have the same size of feature names as negative probe names plus non-negative target names.
# load example data:
demoNeg <- demoData[which(fData(demoData)$CodeClass == "Negative"), ]
#Create background model
demoData <- fitPoisBG(demoData, size_scale = "sum")
# Perform aggregations
scoreAgg <- aggreprobe(demoData, split=FALSE, use="score")
corAgg <- aggreprobe(demoData, split=FALSE, use="cor")
bothAgg <- aggreprobe(demoData, split=FALSE, use="both")
# Spec 1: The function shall aggregate the probes depending on the argument provided.
test_that("Aggreprobe function aggregates the probes by use method", {
expect_false(all(exprs(scoreAgg) == exprs(corAgg)))
expect_false(all(exprs(corAgg) == exprs(bothAgg)))
expect_false(all(exprs(scoreAgg) == exprs(bothAgg)))
aggdObjs <- list(score=scoreAgg, cor=corAgg, both=bothAgg)
for (used in names(aggdObjs)) {
aggd <- aggdObjs[[used]]
negAggd <- aggd[which(fData(aggd)$CodeClass == "Negative"), ]
negAggd <- negAggd[featureNames(demoNeg), ]
# Spec 2: The function returns a GeoMxSet object when given a GeoMxSet
# object as input.
test_that(paste0(used, ": aggreprobe function aggregates by use method"), {
expect_true(inherits(aggd, "NanoStringGeoMxSet"))
# Spec 3: For negative probes, the expression matrix and the target
# feature data available prior to collapsing shall match after
# collapsing except TargetName.
test_that(paste0(used, ": neg probes are not collapsed"), {
targetLabels <- intersect(fvarLabels(demoNeg), fvarLabels(negAggd))
targetLabels <- targetLabels[targetLabels != "TargetName"]
expect_equal(exprs(negAggd), exprs(demoNeg))
fData(negAggd)[, targetLabels], fData(demoNeg)[, targetLabels])
# Spec 4: TargetName for negative probes shall be updated to probe IDs
# after collapsing.
test_that(paste0(used, ": neg probe target names replaced by probe IDs"), {
expect_equal(fData(negAggd)[["TargetName"]], fData(demoNeg)[["RTS_ID"]])
# Spec 5: For the non-negative probes, selected by the use method will be
# aggregated by sum into one target count.
test_that(paste0(used, "aggregation is by sum"), {
endoAggd <- aggd[which(fData(aggd)$CodeClass != "Negative"), ]
testNames <- sample(featureNames(endoAggd), 50)
for (testName in testNames) {
probeNames <- unlist(fData(endoAggd)[testName, "proberemained"])
expectedCount <-
apply(exprs(demoData)[probeNames, , drop=FALSE], 2, sum)
expect_equal(exprs(endoAggd)[testName, ], expectedCount)
# Spec 6: The resulting object shall have the same size of feature names
# as negative probe names plus non-negative target names.
test_that(paste0(used, "feature length is correct"), {
endoObj <- demoData[which(fData(demoData)$CodeClass != "Negative"), ]
featLen <-
length(unique(fData(endoObj)[["TargetName"]])) + dim(demoNeg)[1L]
expect_equal(dim(aggd)[1L], featLen)
# Spec 7: Single probe targets shall be returned without aggregation
test_that(paste0(used, "WTA data (single probe) is not aggregated"), {
all0probeidx <- which(rowSums(exprs(kidney))==0)
kidney <- kidney[-all0probeidx, ]
kidney <- fitPoisBG(kidney, size_scale = "sum")
aggdKid <- aggreprobe(kidney, split=FALSE, use = used)
endoKid <- kidney[which(fData(kidney)$CodeClass != "Negative"), ]
negKid <- kidney[which(fData(kidney)$CodeClass == "Negative"), ]
kidLen <-
length(unique(fData(endoKid)[["TargetName"]])) + dim(negKid)[1L]
expect_equal(dim(aggdKid)[1L], kidLen)
endoAggdKid <- aggdKid[which(fData(aggdKid)$CodeClass != "Negative"), ]
expect_true(all(exprs(endoAggdKid)[fData(endoKid)$TargetName, ] == exprs(endoKid)))
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