#' Testing for features above the background
#' Testing for features above the background using Poisson background model as reference
#' @param object a valid GeoMx S4 object with featfact and sizefact
#' @param split indicator variable on whether it is for multiple slides (Yes, TRUE; No, FALSE)
#' @param adj adjustment factor for the number of probes in each gene, default =1 i.e.
#' each target only consists of one probe
#' @param removeoutlier whether to remove outlier
#' @param useprior whether to use the prior that the expression level of background follows a Beta distribution, l
#' eading to a more conservative test
#' @param ... additional argument list that might be used
#' @return a valid GeoMx S4 object including the following items
#' \itemize{
#' \item pvalues - Background score test pvalues, in featureData
#' \item scores - Background score test statistics, in featureData
#' }
#' if split is TRUE, a valid GeoMx S4 object including the following items
#' \itemize{
#' \item pvalues_XX - Background score test pvalues vector, column name (denoted as XX) the same as slide names, in featureData
#' \item scores_XX - Background score test statistics vector, column name (denoted as XX) the same as slide names, in featureData
#' }
#' @importFrom Biobase pData
#' @importFrom Biobase fData
#' @importFrom Biobase exprs
#' @importFrom Biobase varLabels
#' @importFrom Biobase fvarLabels
#' @importFrom Biobase notes
#' @importFrom Biobase sampleNames
#' @importFrom Biobase featureNames
#' @importFrom Biobase annotation
#' @examples
#' data(demoData)
#' demoData <- fitPoisBG(demoData, size_scale = "sum")
#' demoData <- aggreprobe(demoData, use = "cor")
#' demoData <- BGScoreTest(demoData, adj = 1, useprior = FALSE)
#' demoData <- fitPoisBG(demoData, size_scale = "sum", groupvar = "slide name")
#' demoData <- BGScoreTest(demoData, adj = 1, useprior = TRUE, split = TRUE)
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname BGScoreTest-methods
signature = c("object"),
function(object, ...) standardGeneric("BGScoreTest")
#' @rdname BGScoreTest-methods
#' @aliases BGScoreTest,NanoStringGeoMxSet-method
"BGScoreTest", "NanoStringGeoMxSet",
function(object, split = FALSE, adj = 1, removeoutlier = FALSE, useprior = FALSE) {
posdat <- object[-which(Biobase::fData(object)$CodeClass == "Negative"), ]
countmat <- Biobase::exprs(posdat)
pDat <- Biobase::pData(object)
fDat <- Biobase::fData(object)
# calculate probenum for the dataset
if ("probenum" %in% fvarLabels(posdat)) {
probenum <- fData(posdat)[["probenum"]]
} else {
warning("No `probenum` is found. For targets with >1 probe, this ",
"is allowed in order to run `aggreprobe` with `use=\"score\"`")
probenum <- rep(1, nrow(posdat))
names(probenum) <- rownames(fData(posdat))
if (isFALSE(split)) {
if (!any(c("sizefact" %in% colnames(pDat), "featfact" %in% colnames(fDat)))) {
stop("Please run `fitPoisBG` first. If you run `fitPoisBG` before, please specify `split = TRUE`.")
sizefact <- setNames(object[["sizefact"]], Biobase::sampleNames(object))
featfact <- setNames(fDat[["featfact"]], Biobase::featureNames(object))
featfact <- featfact[-which(is.na(featfact))]
BGmod <- list(
sizefact = sizefact,
featfact = featfact,
countmat = countmat
result <- BGScoreTest(
object = countmat,
BGmod = BGmod,
probenum = probenum,
adj = adj,
removeoutlier = removeoutlier,
useprior = useprior
if (any(c("pvalues", "scores") %in% Biobase::varLabels(object))) {
warning("`pvalues` and `scores` exist in the phenodata. Those values are replaced.")
Biobase::fData(object)[["pvalues"]] <- NA
Biobase::fData(object)[["pvalues"]][match(names(result$pvalues), Biobase::featureNames(object), nomatch = 0)] <- result$pvalues
Biobase::fData(object)[["scores"]] <- NA
Biobase::fData(object)[["scores"]][match(names(result$scores), Biobase::featureNames(object), nomatch = 0)] <- result$scores
} else {
if (!any(c("sizefact_sp" %in% colnames(pDat), "featfact_" %in% colnames(fDat)))) {
stop("Please run `fitPoisBG` first with `groupvar`.")
idvar <- Biobase::notes(object)[["fitPoisBG_sp_var"]]
id <- pDat[[idvar]]
message(sprintf("The results are based on stored `groupvar`, %s", idvar))
sizefact <- setNames(pDat[["sizefact_sp"]], Biobase::sampleNames(object))
featfact <- fDat[, paste0("featfact_", unique(id))]
featfact <- featfact[which(fDat$CodeClass == "Negative"), ]
colnames(featfact) <- gsub("featfact_", "", colnames(featfact))
BGmod <- list(
sizefact = sizefact,
featfact = as.matrix(featfact),
countmat = countmat,
id = id
result <- BGScoreTest_sp(
object = countmat,
BGmod = BGmod,
probenum = probenum,
adj = adj,
removeoutlier = removeoutlier,
useprior = useprior
if (length(c(grep("pvalues_", Biobase::fvarLabels(object)), grep("scores_", Biobase::fvarLabels(object)))) > 0) {
warning("`pvalues_sp` and `scores_sp` exist in the phenodata. Those values are replaced.")
# append results to the object
for (index in unique(id)) {
Biobase::fData(object)[[paste0("pvalues_", index)]] <- NA
Biobase::fData(object)[[paste0("pvalues_", index)]][match(rownames(result$pvalues), Biobase::featureNames(object), nomatch = 0)] <- result$pvalues[, index]
Biobase::fData(object)[[paste0("scores_", index)]] <- NA
Biobase::fData(object)[[paste0("scores_", index)]][match(rownames(result$scores_sp), Biobase::featureNames(object), nomatch = 0)] <- result$scores_sp[, index]
#' Testing for features above the background
#' Testing for features above the background using Poisson background model as reference
#' @param object count matrix with features in rows and samples in columns
#' @param BGmod a list of sizefact, sizefact, and countmat
#' @param adj adjustment factor for the number of feature in each gene, default =1 i.e.
#' each target only consists of one probe
#' @param probenum a vector of numbers of probes in each gene
#' @param removeoutlier whether to remove outlier
#' @param useprior whether to use the prior that the expression level of background follows a Beta distribution,
#' leading to a more conservative test
#' @importFrom graphics boxplot
#' @return a list of following items
#' \itemize{
#' \item pvalues - Background score test pvalues
#' \item scores - Background score test statistics
#' }
#' @rdname BGScoreTest-methods
#' @aliases BGScoreTest,matrix-method
"BGScoreTest", "matrix",
function(object, BGmod, adj = 1, probenum, removeoutlier = FALSE, useprior = FALSE) {
if (removeoutlier == TRUE) {
boxobj <- graphics::boxplot(BGmod$featfact, plot = FALSE)
if (length(boxobj$out) > 0) {
featfact <- BGmod$featfact[-which(BGmod$featfact %in% boxobj$out)]
} else {
featfact <- BGmod$featfact
message(sprintf("%s negative probes are removed prior to the score test.", length(boxobj$out)))
} else {
featfact <- BGmod$featfact
sizefact <- BGmod$sizefact
if (useprior == FALSE) {
if (missing(probenum)) {
prodfact <- sizefact * mean(adj * featfact)
scores <- apply(object, 1, function(x) sum(x - prodfact) / sqrt(sum(prodfact)))
} else {
if (is.null(names(probenum))) names(probenum) <- rownames(object)
scores <- sapply(
function(feat) {
prodfact <- sizefact * mean(probenum[feat] * featfact)
sum(object[feat, ] - prodfact) / sqrt(sum(prodfact))
} else {
if (missing(probenum)) {
featfact0 <- mean(adj * featfact)
sigma <- var(adj * featfact) / (mean(adj * featfact))^2
deno <- (sizefact * sigma * featfact0 + 1) * featfact0
scores <- apply(object, 1, function(x) sum((x - sizefact * featfact0) / deno) / sqrt(sum(sizefact / deno)))
} else {
if (is.null(names(probenum))) names(probenum) <- rownames(object)
scores <- sapply(
function(feat) {
featfact0 <- mean(probenum[feat] * featfact)
sigma <- var(probenum[feat] * featfact) / (mean(probenum[feat] * featfact))^2
deno <- (sizefact * sigma * featfact0 + 1) * featfact0
sum((object[feat, ] - sizefact * featfact0) / deno) / sqrt(sum(sizefact / deno))
pvalues <- pnorm(scores, lower.tail = FALSE)
pvalues = pvalues,
scores = scores
#' Testing for features above the background, multiple slides case
#' Testing for features above the background using Poisson background model as reference, multiple slides case
#' @param object count matrix with features in rows and samples in columns
#' @param BGmod fitted background model, multiple slides case
#' @param probenum a vector of numbers of probes in each gene
#' @param adj adjustment factor for the number of probes in each feature, default =1 i.e.
#' each target only consists of one probe
#' @param removeoutlier whether to remove outlier
#' @param useprior whether to use the prior that the expression level of background follows the Beta distribution,
#' leading to a more conservative test
#' @param ... additional argument list that might be used
#' @importFrom graphics boxplot
#' @return a list of following items
#' \itemize{
#' \item pvalues - Background score test pvalues matrix, columns the same as slide names
#' \item scores_sp - Background score test statistics matrix, columns the same as slide names
#' }
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname BGScoreTest_sp-methods
signature = c("object"),
function(object, ...) standardGeneric("BGScoreTest_sp")
#' @rdname BGScoreTest_sp-methods
#' @aliases BGScoreTest_sp,matrix-method
"BGScoreTest_sp", "matrix",
function(object, BGmod, adj = 1, probenum, removeoutlier = FALSE, useprior = FALSE) {
id <- BGmod$id
uniid <- unique(as.character(id))
if (removeoutlier == TRUE) {
# boxobj <- apply(BGmod$featfact, 2, function(x) boxplot(x, plot = FALSE))
featfact <- apply(BGmod$featfact, 2, function(x) {
boxobj <- graphics::boxplot(x, plot = FALSE)
message(sprintf("%s negative probes are removed prior to the score test.", length(boxobj$out)))
x[which(x %in% boxobj$out)] <- NA
} else {
featfact <- BGmod$featfact
sizefact <- BGmod$sizefact
if (useprior == FALSE) {
if (missing(probenum)) {
prodfact <- lapply(uniid, function(x) sizefact[x == id] * mean(adj * featfact[, x], na.rm = TRUE))
names(prodfact) <- uniid
# scores <- apply(countmat, 2, function(x) sum(x - ab)/sqrt(sum(ab)))
scores_sp <- sapply(uniid, function(x) apply(object[, x == id, drop = FALSE], 1, function(y) sum(y - prodfact[[x]]) / sqrt(sum(prodfact[[x]]))))
} else {
if (is.null(names(probenum))) names(probenum) <- rownames(object)
scores_sp <- sapply(names(probenum), function(feat) {
prodfact <- lapply(uniid, function(x) sizefact[x == id, drop = FALSE] * mean(probenum[feat] * featfact[, x], na.rm = TRUE))
names(prodfact) <- uniid
# scores <- apply(countmat, 2, function(x) sum(x - ab)/sqrt(sum(ab)))
sapply(uniid, function(x) sum(object[feat, x == id, drop = FALSE] - prodfact[[x]]) / sqrt(sum(prodfact[[x]])))
scores_sp <- t(scores_sp)
} else {
if (missing(probenum)) {
featfact0 <- colMeans(adj * featfact, na.rm = TRUE)
sigma <- apply(adj * featfact, 2, var, na.rm = TRUE) / featfact0^2
deno <- lapply(uniid, function(x) (sizefact[x == id] * sigma[x] * featfact0[x] + 1) * featfact0[x])
names(deno) <- uniid
scores_sp <- sapply(uniid, function(x) apply(object[, x == id, drop = FALSE], 1, function(y) sum((y - sizefact[x == id] * featfact0[x]) / deno[[x]]) / sqrt(sum(sizefact[x == id] / deno[[x]]))))
# scores <- apply(scores2, 1, mean)
} else {
if (is.null(names(probenum))) names(probenum) <- rownames(object)
scores_sp <- sapply(names(probenum), function(feat) {
featfact0 <- colMeans(probenum[feat] * featfact, na.rm = TRUE)
sigma <- apply(probenum[feat] * featfact, 2, var, na.rm = TRUE) / featfact0^2
deno <- lapply(uniid, function(x) (sizefact[x == id] * sigma[x] * featfact0[x] + 1) * featfact0[x])
names(deno) <- uniid
sapply(uniid, function(x) sum((object[feat, x == id, drop = FALSE] - sizefact[x == id] * featfact0[x]) / deno[[x]]) / sqrt(sum(sizefact[x == id] / deno[[x]])))
scores_sp <- t(scores_sp)
pvalues <- pnorm(scores_sp, lower.tail = FALSE)
pvalues = pvalues,
scores_sp = scores_sp
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