#Generate, process and visualize Earth Mover's Distance data
#' Generate Earth Mover's Distance Matrix
#' Generate an Earth Mover's Distance Matrix for time series data distributions
#' pairs out of a preprocessed time series data list.
#' @param plist List storing patient time series data (also see function: \link{patient_list})
#' @param parameter Parameter of interest to determine Earth Mover's Distances between distributions
#' @param maxIter Maximum of iterations to calculate Earth Mover's Distance (default: 500)
#' @param normalize Indicates if parameters delivered needs to be normalized or not (TRUE by default)
#' @return Earth Mover's Distance Square Matrix of type matrix
#' @import emdist
#' @details the function may compute the EMD for each Patient ID pairi,j using the
#' normalized distributions. EMD is a distance measure between two probability
#' distributions over a region D. Informally, if the distributions are viewed as
#' two distinct methods of accumulating a certain quantity of earth gravel across
#' the region D. EMD is the smallest cost associated with converting one pile to another,
#' where the cost is supposed to equal the quantity of material transferred multiplied
#' by the distance traveled. A unit of labor is defined in this context as conveying
#' a unit of earth across a unit of ground distance. A distribution may be described
#' as a collection of clusters, each of which is defined by its mean or mode and the
#' proportion of the distribution that belongs to it. This representation is referred
#' to as the distribution’s signature. Both signatures may be of varying sizes.
#' Simple distributions, for example, have lower signatures than complex distributions.
#' (also see \link{emd} for further details)
#' @references Yossi Rubner, Carlo Tomasi, and Leonidas J Guibas. A metric for
#' distributions with applications to image databases. In Sixth International
#' Conference on Computer Vi- sion (IEEE Cat. No. 98CH36271), pages 59–66.
#' IEEE, 1998.
#' @examples
#' list <- patient_list(
#' "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MrMaximumMax/FBCanalysis/master/demo/phys/data.csv",
#' GitHub = TRUE)
#' #Sampling frequency is supposed to be daily
#' matrix <- emd_matrix(list, "FEV1")
#' @export
emd_matrix <- function (plist, parameter, maxIter, normalize) {
#Determine number of patients in list
N <- length(plist)
#Make a NxN matrix, filled with 0's, as basis for distance matrix
#For loops can go to each position then and calculate Earth Mover's
#distance for each patient-parameter-distribution-pair
distmat <- matrix(0, nrow = N, ncol = N);
#Initializes progress bar as feedback on progress of whole calculation procedure
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = N, style = 3)
#Start first for-loop (from 1 to number of patients)
for (i in c(1:N)) {
#Update progress bar at each new i
setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
#Take data from first patient out of list
distr_a <- plist[[i]]
#Filter patient data for specified parameter and normalize data
if (missing(normalize) || normalize == TRUE) {
norm_a <- as.matrix(as.data.frame(table((distr_a[,parameter] - min(distr_a[,parameter]))/(max(distr_a[,parameter]) - min(distr_a[,parameter])))))
} else {
norm_a <- as.matrix(as.data.frame(table(distr_a[,parameter])))
#Start second for-loop (from 1 to number of patients)
for (j in c(1:N)) {
#Check that i and j are not equal to remain diagonal 0's on distance matrix
if (j!=i) {
#Take data from second patient out of list
distr_b <- plist[[j]]
#Filter patient data for specified parameter and normalize data
if (missing(normalize) || normalize == TRUE) {
norm_b <- as.matrix(as.data.frame(table((distr_b[,parameter] - min(distr_b[,parameter]))/(max(distr_b[,parameter]) - min(distr_b[,parameter])))))
} else {
norm_b <- as.matrix(as.data.frame(table(distr_b[,parameter])))
#In case max. Iterations not specified, default number of iterations on
#calculating EMD is set to 500
#In some cases not sufficient (leads to a warning message)
if (missing(maxIter)) {
#Calculate EMD on patient data distribution pair
distmat[i,j] <- emd(norm_a, norm_b, max.iter = 500);
} else {
#Calculate EMD on patient data distribution pair with specified max. iterations
distmat[i,j] <- emd(norm_a, norm_b, max.iter = maxIter)
#Rename columns and rows from matrix with Patient_ID's to recognize pairs easily
colnames(distmat) <- names(plist)
rownames(distmat) <- names(plist)
#' Visualize an Earth Mover's Distance Square Matrix as a heatmap
#' @param input Earth Mover's Distance Matrix or list storing patient time series data (also see function: \link{patient_list})
#' @param parameter In case list is input, the parameter of interest from time series data list
#' @param Iter In case input is time series data list, incate maxIter to calculate EMD matrix (also see function: \link{emd_matrix})
#' @param normalize Indicates if parameter indicated needs to be normalized or not (TRUE by default)
#' @return Visualized Earth Mover's Distance Matrix as a heatmap
#' @examples
#' list <- patient_list(
#' "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MrMaximumMax/FBCanalysis/master/demo/phys/data.csv",
#' GitHub = TRUE)
#' #Sampling frequency is supposed to be daily
#' matrix <- emd_matrix(list, "FEV1")
#' emd_heatmap(matrix)
#' @export
emd_heatmap <- function(input, parameter, maxIter, normalize) {
#In case input is either of type "matrix" or "double" and no parameter/normalize is specified
if (missing (normalize) & missing (maxIter) & missing(parameter) & typeof(input) == "matrix" || typeof(input) == "double") {
#Apply heatmap on input, disable any further functionalities (e.g dendrogram),
#remain order of matrix data entries and scale font size of legend
heatmap(input, Colv = NA, Rowv = NA, scale = "column", cexRow = 0.7, cexCol = 0.7)
#In case input is list containing patient data
} else if (typeof(input) == "list") {
#Calculate EMD matrix on data from for specified parameter and then apply heatmap
#on EMD matrix, disable any further functionalities (e.g. dendrogram), remain
#order of matrix data entries and scale font size of legend
if (missing(maxIter)) {
Iter <- 5000
if (missing(normalize) || normalize == TRUE) {
normal <- TRUE
} else {
normal <- FALSE
heatmap((emd_matrix(input, parameter, maxIter = Iter, normalize = normal)), Colv = NA, Rowv = NA, scale = "column",
cexRow = 0.7, cexCol = 0.7)
#In case type of input is neither "matrix", "double" nor "list", stop and give
#feedback to user
} else {
stop("Incorrect input. Either indicater a distance matrix or list of time series dara")
#' Determine pair of maximum fluctuation difference
#' Determine the pair of maximum fluctuation difference on time series data distribution
#' from a preprocessed list or Earth Mover's Distance square matrix.
#' @param input Either a list storing time series data or EMD martrix (also see functions: \link{patient_list}, \link{emd_matrix})
#' @param parameter Parameter of interest from time series data list
#' @param maxIter Maximum of iterations to apply for calculation of Earth Mover's Distannce (also see function: \link{emd_matrix})
#' @param normalize Indicates if parameters delivered needs to be normalized or not (TRUE by default)
#' @return Console output with Patient_ID pair, corresponding Earth Mover's Distance and visualized boxplot of both time series data distributions
#' @import emdist
#' @examples
#' list <- patient_list(
#' "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MrMaximumMax/FBCanalysis/master/demo/phys/data.csv",
#' GitHub = TRUE)
#' #Sampling frequency is supposed to be daily
#' max_fluc(list, "PEF")
#' @export
max_fluc <- function(input, parameter, maxIter, normalize) {
if (missing(normalize) || normalize == TRUE) {
normal <- TRUE
} else {
normal <- FALSE
#In case input is either of type "matrix" or "double" and no parameter is specified
if (missing (maxIter) & missing(parameter) & typeof(input) == "matrix" || typeof(input) == "double") {
distmat <- input
} else {
#Calculate EMD matrix out of specified list and parameter
distmat <- emd_matrix(input, parameter, maxIter = maxIter, normalize = normal)
#Determine matrix position where highest EMD was find in distmat
max_pair <- as.vector(which(distmat==max(distmat), arr.ind = TRUE))
#Take colname for first and second index from max_pair (= Patient-pair)
pat1 <- colnames(distmat)[max_pair[1]]
pat2 <- colnames(distmat)[max_pair[2]]
#Take out the value for the determined patient-pair
value <- distmat[max_pair[1],max_pair[2]]
#Output for user
cat("\n\n","Maximum fluctuation difference between: ", pat1, " and ", pat2, "\n",
"Earth Mover's Distance = ", value)
#Store patient names in vector
patients <- c(pat1, pat2)
#Visualize boxplot for patients and specified parameter
patient_boxplot(input, patients, parameter)
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