
Defines functions bed2mat

Documented in bed2mat

#' converting 3-column contact matrix to squared HiC matrix
#' @param bed the 3-column contact matrix; first and second columns are genome coordinates or bin index.
#' @param resol resolution in base pair unit. Set it to "NONE" if the first two columns are bin indices.
#' @return a squared HiC matrix that can be recongnized by get.scc.
#' @references HiCRep: assessing the reproducibility of Hi-C data using a 
#' stratum-adjusted correlation coefficient. Tao Yang, Feipeng Zhang, Galip
#' Gurkan Yardimci, Fan Song, Ross C Hardison, William Stafford Noble, 
#' Feng Yue, Qunhua Li. Genome Research 2017. doi: 10.1101/gr.220640.117
#' @export
#' @examples
#'   # making up an example
#'   nbin = 50
#'   bed <- matrix(0, nbin^2, 3)
#'   bed[,1] = rep(seq_len(nbin), nbin)
#'   bed[,2] = rep(seq_len(nbin), each = nbin)
#'   bed[,3] = sample(1:10000, nbin^2,replace = TRUE)
#'   mat <- bed2mat(bed, resol = "NONE") 
#'   # assume "hic.coordinate.txt" is a 3-column contact matrix 
#'   # indexed by chromosome coordinates, and resolution = 4K base pair
#'   \dontrun{
#'       bed <- read.delim(“hic.coordinate.txt”)
#'       mat <- bed2mat(bed, resol = 40000) # resol specifies the bin size in base pair
#'    }
#' }

bed2mat <- function(bed, resol = "NONE"){ 
  # n the max number of bin
  if (resol == "NONE") {
    N = max(bed[,c(1:2)]) + 1
  } else {
    N = max(bed[,c(1:2)])/resol + 1
    bed[,1] = bed[,1]/resol + 1
    bed[,2] = bed[,2]/resol + 1
  mat = matrix(0, N, N)
  mat[bed[,c(1,2)]] = bed[,3]
  mat[bed[,c(2,1)]] = bed[,3]
MonkeyLB/hicrep documentation built on Dec. 15, 2020, 12:47 a.m.