analysis_ui <- function(id, all_exp, browser_options, libs, metadata, all_exp_meta,
label = "Analysis") {
ns <- NS(id)
genomes <- unique(all_exp$organism)
experiments <- all_exp$name
title = "analysis", icon = icon("layer-group"),
heatmap_ui("heatmap", all_exp, browser_options, libs),
codon_ui("codon", all_exp, browser_options, libs),
DEG_ui("DEG", all_exp, browser_options),
quality_ui("quality", all_exp, browser_options, libs),
fastq_ui("fastq", all_exp, browser_options, libs)
analysis_server <- function(id, all_experiments, without_readlengths_env,
with_readlengths_env, df, df_with, experiments,
tx, cds, libs, org, gene_name_list, rv, metadata,
all_exp_meta, exp_init_meta, df_meta, names_init, browser_options) {
rv <- heatmap_server("heatmap", all_experiments, with_readlengths_env,
df_with, experiments, tx, cds, libs, org, gene_name_list, rv)
rv <- codon_server("codon", all_experiments, without_readlengths_env,
df, experiments, tx, cds, libs, org, gene_name_list, rv)
rv <- DEG_server("DEG", all_experiments, without_readlengths_env, df,
experiments, libs, org, rv)
rv <- quality_server("quality", all_experiments, with_readlengths_env,
df_with, experiments, tx, cds, libs, org, gene_name_list, rv)
rv <- fastq_server("fastq", all_experiments, df, experiments, libs, org, rv)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.