#' Remove unwanted variation in mass-spectrometry data
#' The `ruvms` function performs an `ruv::RUVIII` like normalisation on
#' mass-spectrometry data while allowing missing values (NAs) in input data.
#' @param Y The data. An m-by-n matrix, where m is the number of observations
#' and n is the number of measurements.
#' @param M The replication structure matrix. See \code{ruv::RUVIII} for
#' details.
#' @param ctl A logical vector of length n indicating the negative control
#' measurements (peptides, proteins or metabolites).
#' @param k1 Tuning parameter. Default is 0.
#' @param lambda Tuning parameter. Default is 1e-5, only needed when
#' \code{standardise} is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param eta Column-wise (e.g., protein-wise) covariates. See \code{ruv::RUVI}
#' for more.
#' @param include.intercept Logical. See \code{ruv::RUVI} for more.
#' @param average Logical, whether to return averaged replicates after
#' normalisation.
#' @param return.info Logical. If \code{FALSE}, only the adjusted data matrix
#' is returned. If \code{TRUE}, additional information is returned (see below).
#' @param input.check Logical. A basic sanity check on the inputs.
#' @return
#' If \code{input.check = FASLE}, the normalised data matrix is
#' returned. Otherwise a list is returned which contains \tabular{llllll}{
#' \code{newY} \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab The normalised data matrix. \cr
#' \code{di} \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab Eigenvalues of the N matrix. \cr
#' \code{hi} \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab hi values in the generalised averging
#' operator. \cr
#' \code{delta} \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab The delta tuning parameter. \cr
#' \code{lambda} \tab \tab \tab \tab \tab The lambda tuning parameter. \cr
#' }
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link[ruv]{RUV1}}, \code{\link[ruv]{RUVIII}}
#' @examples
#' # See vignettes.
#' @export
ruvms <- function (Y,
k1 = 0,
lambda = 1e-5,
standardise = TRUE,
delta = NULL,
eta = NULL,
include.intercept = TRUE,
average = FALSE,
return.info = FALSE,
inputcheck = FALSE) {
if (is.data.frame(Y)) Y <- data.matrix(Y)
m <- nrow(Y)
n <- ncol(Y)
ctl <- ctl & colSums(is.na(Y)) < 1
if (inputcheck) {
if (sum(ctl) < 2)
stop("Too few complete negative control measurements. At least two are
needed. ")
if (sum(Y == Inf, na.rm = TRUE) + sum(Y == -Inf, na.rm = TRUE) > 0)
stop("Y contains infinities. This is not supported.")
if (m > n)
warning("m is greater than n! This is not a problem itself,
but may indicate that you need to transpose your data matrix.
Please ensure that rows correspond to observations
(e.g. sample ID) and columns correspond to features
(e.g. proteins).")
if (any(is.nan(Y)))
Y[is.nan(Y)] <- NA
if (!is.null(eta)) {
adjustments <- Y - RUV1(Y, eta, ctl, include.intercept = include.intercept)
Y <- RUV1(Y, eta, ctl, include.intercept = include.intercept)
if (standardise) {
mu.j <- colMeans(Y, na.rm = TRUE)
Y <- sweep(Y, 2, mu.j, "-")
sd.j <- pooled.sd(Y, M)
jump.j <- which(is.nan(sd.j))
adjust.j <- setdiff(1:n, jump.j)
Y[, adjust.j] <- sweep(Y[, adjust.j, drop = FALSE], 2, sd.j[adjust.j], "/")
lambda <- 0
} else jump.j <- NULL
if (ncol(M) < m) {
decomp <- eigen(Y[, ctl] %*% t(Y[, ctl]))
di <- decomp$values
if (!standardise) delta <- 0
if (standardise & min(di) > 0) delta <- 0
if (standardise & min(di) <= 0 & is.null(delta))
delta <- 0.1^floor(-log10(-min(di)))
U <- decomp$vectors
k2 <- (1 - Matrix::rankMatrix(Y[, ctl])/2/m) * Matrix::rankMatrix(Y[, ctl])
hi <- sapply(1:length(di), function(i)
I(i > k1) * min(1/(di[i] + delta) + lambda,
1/(di[k2] + delta) + lambda))
for (j in 1:n) {
if (j %in% jump.j) {
# sd.j is NA, when there is only one observed value in a protein
Y[, j] <- Y[, j] + mu.j[j]
} else {
keep <- !is.na(Y[, j])
Mj <- M[keep, , drop = FALSE]
Mj <- Mj[, colSums(Mj) > 0, drop = FALSE]
Uj <- U[keep, , drop = FALSE]
Y[keep, j] <- Mj %*%
solve(t(Mj) %*% Uj %*% diag(hi) %*% t(Uj) %*% Mj) %*%
t(Mj) %*% Uj %*% diag(hi) %*% t(Uj) %*% Y[keep, j]
if (standardise) Y[, j] <- Y[, j] * sd.j[j] + mu.j[j]
} else {stop("Not enough replications!")}
if (!is.null(eta))
Y <- Y + adjustments
if (average) {
Y <- do.call(rbind, lapply(1:ncol(M),
function(i) colMeans(Y[M[, i] == 1, , drop = FALSE], na.rm = TRUE)))
rownames(Y) <- colnames(M)
if (return.info) return(list(newY = Y, di = di, hi = hi,
delta = delta, lambda = lambda)) else return(Y)
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