# This checks the denoisePCA function.
# require(scran); require(testthat); source("setup.R"); source("test-denoise-pca.R")
test_that("denoisePCANumber works as expected", {
v <- sort(runif(100))
total <- sum(v)
tech.var <- total * 0.8
out <- denoisePCANumber(v, tech.var, total)
expect_identical(out, length(v) - sum(cumsum(rev(v)) < tech.var))
alt <- denoisePCANumber(head(v, out+5L), tech.var, total)
expect_identical(out, alt)
alt <- denoisePCANumber(head(v, out+1L), tech.var, total)
expect_identical(out, alt)
alt <- denoisePCANumber(head(v, out-1L), tech.var, total)
expect_identical(out-1L, alt)
tech.var <- 0
out <- denoisePCANumber(v, tech.var, total)
expect_identical(out, length(v))
tech.var <- total
out <- denoisePCANumber(v, tech.var, total)
expect_identical(out, 1L)
# Running tests for denoisePCA. This requires a mean-variance trend,
# hence the somewhat complex set-up for the mock data.
ngenes <- 1000
npops <- 10
ncells <- 200
means <- 2^runif(ngenes, -1, 10)
pops <- matrix(2^rnorm(npops * ngenes), ncol=npops) * means
in.pop <- sample(npops, ncells, replace=TRUE)
true.means <- pops[,in.pop,drop=FALSE]
dispersions <- 10/means + 0.2
counts <- matrix(rnbinom(ngenes*ncells, mu=true.means, size=1/dispersions), ncol=ncells)
rownames(counts) <- paste0("Gene", seq_len(ngenes))
nspikes <- 100
chosen <- sample(ngenes, nspikes)
spikes <- matrix(rnbinom(nspikes*ncells, mu=true.means[chosen], size=1/dispersions[chosen]), ncol=ncells)
rownames(spikes) <- paste0("SPIKE", seq_len(nspikes))
# We use a spike-in-based trend to avoid potential issues with bio==0 when
# fitting directly to genes. These lead to fragile tests due to numerical
# imprecision breaking equality upon certain operations.
dec <- modelGeneVarWithSpikes(counts, spikes=spikes,
size.factors=rep(1, ncells), spike.size.factors=rep(1, ncells))
lcounts <- log2(counts + 1)
test_that("getDenoisedPCs works as expected", {
d.out <- getDenoisedPCs(lcounts, technical=dec, subset.row=NULL)
expect_identical(nrow(d.out$components), ncol(lcounts))
verify_npcs <- function(d.out, sdev, tech.total) {
npcs <- ncol(d.out$components)
var.exp <- sdev^2
total.var <- sum(var.exp)
expect_equal(npcs[1], denoisePCANumber(var.exp, tech.total, total.var))
# Chosen number of PCs should be at the technical threshold.
expect_true(sum(var.exp[(npcs+1):ncol(lcounts)]) < tech.total)
expect_true(sum(var.exp[(npcs):ncol(lcounts)]) > tech.total)
reported <- d.out$percent.var
exp.var <- sdev^2
expect_equal(reported, exp.var[seq_along(reported)]/sum(exp.var) * 100)
keep <- dec$bio > 0
pc.out <- prcomp(t(lcounts[keep,]))
total.tech <- sum(dec$tech[keep])
verify_npcs(d.out, pc.out$sdev, total.tech)
npcs <- ncol(d.out$components)
expect_equal(d.out$components, pc.out$x[,seq_len(npcs)])
expect_equivalent(d.out$rotation, pc.out$rotation[,seq_len(npcs)])
# Checking with different values for the technical noise, just in case.
for (sub in c(0.05, 0.1, 0.2)) {
tmp <- dec
tmp$tech <- tmp$tech - sub
d.out2 <- getDenoisedPCs(lcounts, technical=tmp, subset.row=NULL)
keep <- tmp$total > tmp$tech
pc.out <- prcomp(t(lcounts[keep,]))
total.tech <- sum(tmp$tech[keep])
verify_npcs(d.out2, pc.out$sdev, total.tech)
npcs <- ncol(d.out2$components)
expect_equal(d.out2$components, pc.out$x[,seq_len(npcs)])
expect_equivalent(d.out2$rotation, pc.out$rotation[,seq_len(npcs)])
test_that("Rotation vectors are projected correctly", {
lrout <- getDenoisedPCs(lcounts, technical=metadata(dec)$trend, subset.row=NULL, fill.missing=TRUE)
lcounts.extra <- rbind(lcounts, lcounts[1:10,])
lrout.extra <- getDenoisedPCs(lcounts.extra, technical=metadata(dec)$trend,
subset.row=seq_len(nrow(lcounts)), fill.missing=TRUE)
expect_equal(lrout$rotation[,], lrout.extra$rotation[seq_len(nrow(lcounts)),])
expect_equal(lrout$rotation[1:10,], lrout.extra$rotation[nrow(lcounts)+seq_len(10),])
# Checking that we get the exact input back when we ask for everything.
lrout <- getDenoisedPCs(lcounts, technical=dec, min.rank=ncol(lcounts),
max.rank=ncol(lcounts), fill.missing=TRUE, subset.row=NULL)
expect_equal(tcrossprod(lrout$rotation, lrout$components), lcounts - rowMeans(lcounts))
test_that("getDenoisedPCs works with different technical inputs", {
ref <- getDenoisedPCs(lcounts, technical=dec, subset.row=NULL)
pcs <- getDenoisedPCs(lcounts, technical=dec$tech, subset.row=NULL)
expect_equal(ref, pcs)
# Row sums in C++ have different precision from row sums in R on 32 bit,
# as the latter uses long double and thus 80-bit precision. This seems
# to be enough to change the mean, and thus the technical trend, and thus
# whether or not a gene is kept or retained. Insane stuff.
# Maybe this was fixed by my use of modelGeneVar above, but I'm not sure.
if (.Platform$r_arch=="") {
alt <- getDenoisedPCs(lcounts, technical=metadata(dec)$trend, subset.row=NULL)
expect_equal(ref, alt)
# Testing the rescaling to force the total variance in dec$total to match the observed variance.
# This occasionally fails if you are unfortunate to get something where tech==bio,
# and the equality is broken when you do the rescaling manually.
# Maybe this was fixed by my use of modelGeneVar above, but I'm not willing to take the chance,
# what with us being so close to release.
rescaled <- runif(nrow(lcounts))
lcountsX <- lcounts * rescaled
ref <- scran:::.get_denoised_pcs(lcountsX, technical=dec$tech * rescaled^2, subset.row=NULL)
pcs <- scran:::.get_denoised_pcs(lcountsX, technical=dec, subset.row=NULL)
expect_equal(ref, pcs)
# Handles all-zero rows with zero variance, where scaling would be undefined.
lcountsAlt <- lcounts
lcountsAlt[1,] <- 0
decAlt <- dec
decAlt$total[1] <- decAlt$tech[1] <- decAlt$bio[1] <- 0
ref <- getDenoisedPCs(lcountsAlt, technical=decAlt$tech, subset.row=NULL)
pcs <- getDenoisedPCs(lcountsAlt, technical=decAlt, subset.row=NULL)
expect_equal(ref, pcs)
# Handles cases where observed variance is zero but reported variance is not, e.g., after blocking.
lcountsAlt[1,] <- runif(ncol(lcountsAlt))
ref <- getDenoisedPCs(lcountsAlt[-1,], technical=decAlt$tech[-1], subset.row=NULL)
pcs <- getDenoisedPCs(lcountsAlt, technical=decAlt, subset.row=NULL)
expect_equal(ref$components, pcs$components)
test_that("getDenoisedPCs works with subsetting", {
sub <- sample(ngenes, ngenes/2)
pcs <- getDenoisedPCs(lcounts, technical=dec, subset.row=sub)
pcs2 <- getDenoisedPCs(lcounts[sub,], technical=dec[sub,], subset.row=NULL)
are_PCs_equal(pcs$components, pcs2$components)
are_PCs_equal(pcs$rotation, pcs2$rotation)
expect_equal(pcs$percent.var, pcs2$percent.var)
# Works with different technical inputs.
alt.pcs <- getDenoisedPCs(lcounts, technical=metadata(dec)$trend, subset.row=sub)
expect_equal(alt.pcs, pcs)
alt.pcs <- getDenoisedPCs(lcounts, technical=dec$tech, subset.row=sub)
expect_equal(alt.pcs, pcs)
test_that("getDenoisedPCs works with min/max rank settings", {
# Setting the min/max at around ncol(ref) to force it to a predictable number of pcs.
ref <- getDenoisedPCs(lcounts, technical=dec, subset.row=NULL)$components
pcs <- getDenoisedPCs(lcounts, technical=dec, min.rank=ncol(ref)+1, subset.row=NULL)$components
expect_identical(ncol(pcs), ncol(ref)+1L)
expect_identical(pcs[,seq_len(ncol(ref))], ref[,])
pcs <- getDenoisedPCs(lcounts, technical=dec, max.rank=ncol(ref)-1, subset.row=NULL)$components
expect_identical(ncol(pcs), ncol(ref)-1L)
expect_identical(pcs[,], ref[,-ncol(ref)])
# Stress-testing some gibberish min/max settings.
pcs <- getDenoisedPCs(lcounts, technical=dec, min.rank=ncol(lcounts), max.rank=ncol(ref), subset.row=NULL)$components
expect_identical(ncol(pcs), ncol(ref))
pcs <- getDenoisedPCs(lcounts, technical=dec, min.rank=ncol(ref), max.rank=Inf, subset.row=NULL)$components
expect_identical(ncol(pcs), ncol(ref))
pcs <- getDenoisedPCs(lcounts, technical=dec, min.rank=0, max.rank=Inf, subset.row=NULL)$components
expect_identical(ncol(pcs), ncol(ref))
test_that("denoisePCA throws errors correctly", {
expect_error(getDenoisedPCs(lcounts[0,], dec, subset.row=NULL), "same rows")
expect_error(getDenoisedPCs(lcounts[0,], dec$tech, subset.row=NULL), "same as")
expect_error(getDenoisedPCs(lcounts[0,,drop=FALSE], dec[0,], subset.row=NULL), "a dimension is zero")
expect_error(getDenoisedPCs(lcounts[,0], dec, subset.row=NULL), "no residual d.f. in any level")
expect_warning(getDenoisedPCs(lcounts, dec), "subset.row")
test_that("denoisePCA works with SingleCellExperiment inputs", {
X <- SingleCellExperiment(list(logcounts=lcounts))
expect_warning(X2 <- denoisePCA(X, technical=dec), "subset.row")
pcx <- reducedDim(X2, "PCA")
rownames(pcx) <- NULL
pcs <- getDenoisedPCs(lcounts, technical=dec, fill.missing=TRUE, subset.row=NULL)
are_PCs_equal(pcx, pcs$components)
expect_identical(attr(pcx, "percentVar"), pcs$percent.var)
# Checking lowrank calculations.
X3 <- denoisePCA(X, technical=dec, value="lowrank", subset.row=NULL)
pcx <- assay(X3, "lowrank")
expect_equivalent(as.matrix(pcx), tcrossprod(pcs$rotation, pcs$components))
X3b <- denoisePCA(rbind(X, X[1:10,]), technical=rbind(dec, dec[1:10,]), subset.row=1:nrow(X), value="lowrank")
pcxb <- assay(X3b, "lowrank")
expect_equivalent(as.matrix(pcx), as.matrix(pcxb)[1:nrow(X),])
expect_equivalent(as.matrix(pcx[1:10,]), as.matrix(pcxb)[nrow(X) + 1:10,])
X4 <- denoisePCA(X, technical=dec, value="lowrank", subset.row=1:200)
expect_identical(dim(X3), dim(X4))
X5 <- denoisePCA(X, technical=dec, value="lowrank", subset.row=1:200, preserve.shape=FALSE)
expect_identical(rownames(X5), rownames(X)[seq_len(nrow(X)) <= 200L & dec$bio > 0])
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