# Testing functions related to computing the spatial FDR.
# require(cydar); require(testthat); source("test-spatial.R")
nhypers <- 1000
nmarkers <- 10
coords <- matrix(rnorm(nhypers*nmarkers, sd=1), nrow=nhypers, ncol=nmarkers)
colnames(coords) <- paste0("X", seq_len(nmarkers))
test_that("Density calculation works correctly", {
d2n <- BiocNeighbors::findKNN(coords, k=50, get.index=FALSE)$distance
bandwidth <- median(d2n[,50])
refbands <- BiocNeighbors::findNeighbors(coords, threshold=bandwidth, get.index=FALSE)$distance
densities <- cydar:::compute_density(refbands, bandwidth)
refdist <- as.matrix(dist(coords))
diag(refdist) <- 0
weightmat <- 1 - (refdist/bandwidth)^3
weightmat[weightmat < 0] <- 0
refdens <- rowSums(weightmat^3)
names(refdens) <- NULL
expect_equal(refdens, densities)
test_that("spatialFDR works correctly overall", {
pval <- rbeta(nhypers, 1, 10)
nn <- 20
x <- spatialFDR(coords, pval, neighbors=nn)
# Testing that it responds to the bandwidth.
d2n <- BiocNeighbors::findKNN(coords, k=nn, get.index=FALSE)$distance
bandwidth <- median(d2n[,nn])
x2 <- spatialFDR(coords, pval, bandwidth=bandwidth)
expect_equal(x, x2)
# Comparing to a straight-up implementation in R.
refdist <- as.matrix(dist(coords))
refbands <- apply(refdist, 1, function(x) { sort(x)[nn] })
weightmat <- 1 - (refdist/bandwidth)^3
weightmat[weightmat < 0] <- 0
refdens <- rowSums(weightmat^3)
o <- order(pval)
pval <- pval[o]
w <- 1/refdens
w <- w[o]
qval <- rev(cummin(rev(pval * sum(w)/cumsum(w))))
qval[o] <- pmin(1, qval)
names(qval) <- NULL
expect_equal(x, qval)
# Checking what happens when we add NAs in the pvalues.
pval.2 <- pval
discarded <- c(10, 15, 20, 50)
pval.2[discarded] <- NA_real_
nax <- spatialFDR(coords, pval.2, neighbors=nn)
nax.2 <- spatialFDR(coords[-discarded,], pval[-discarded], neighbors=nn)
expect_equal(nax[-discarded], nax.2)
test_that("spatialFDR repsonds to other inputs", {
pval <- rbeta(nhypers, 1, 10)
# Handles CyData inputs.
cd <- prepareCellData(list(A=coords))
cn <- countCells(cd, downsample=1, filter=0)
expect_equal(spatialFDR(cn, pval), spatialFDR(intensities(cn), pval))
# Handles empty inputs.
expect_warning(spatialFDR(coords[0,], pval[0]), "non-positive")
expect_identical(spatialFDR(coords[0,], pval[0], bandwidth=1), numeric(0))
# Handles mismatch.
expect_error(spatialFDR(coords, pval[0]), "not the same")
# Handles zero neighbors.
expect_warning(x <- spatialFDR(coords, pval, neighbors=0), "bandwidth")
expect_warning(x2 <- spatialFDR(coords, pval, bandwidth=0), "bandwidth")
expect_equal(x, x2)
expect_equal(x, p.adjust(pval, method="BH"))
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