# This tests that swappedDrops works correctly.
# library(DropletUtils); library(testthat); source("test-swapping.R")
tmpdir <- tempfile()
ngenes <- 20L
barcode <- 4L
ncells <- 4L^barcode
# Defining a reference function to compare the results.
REFFUN <- function(original, swapped, min.frac) {
combined <- rbind(original, swapped)
combined <- combined[combined$gene<=ngenes,] # Removing "unmapped" reads
marking <- paste(combined$umi, combined$gene, combined$cell)
ref <- split(seq_len(nrow(combined)), marking)
nsamples <- length(unique(original$sample))
all.counts <- vector("list", nsamples)
for (i in seq_len(nsamples)) {
all.counts[[i]] <- matrix(0, ngenes, ncells)
is.swapped <- !logical(nrow(combined))
for (mol in seq_along(ref)) {
current <- ref[[mol]]
cur.reads <- combined$reads[current]
all.props <- cur.reads/sum(cur.reads)
chosen <- which.max(all.props)
if (all.props[chosen] >= min.frac) {
s <- combined$sample[current[chosen]]
cur.gene <- combined$gene[current[chosen]]
cur.cell <- combined$cell[current[chosen]]
all.counts[[s]][cur.gene, cur.cell] <- all.counts[[s]][cur.gene, cur.cell] + 1
is.swapped[current[chosen]] <- FALSE
test_that("Removal of swapped drops works correctly", {
for (nmolecules in c(10, 100, 1000, 10000)) {
output <- DropletUtils:::simSwappedMolInfo(tmpdir, return.tab=TRUE, barcode.length=barcode,
nsamples=3, ngenes=ngenes, nmolecules=nmolecules)
# Figuring out the correspondence between cell ID and the sample ID.
combined <- rbind(output$original, output$swapped)
was.mapped <- combined$gene <= ngenes
f <- factor(combined$sample, levels=seq_along(output$files))
retainer <- split(combined$cell[was.mapped], f[was.mapped], drop=FALSE)
retainer <- lapply(retainer, FUN=function(i) {
i <- unique(i)
collected <- DropletUtils:::.unmask_barcode(i - 1, barcode)
# Constructing total matrices:
combined <- combined[combined$gene<=ngenes,]
total.mat <- vector("list", length(output$files))
for (s in seq_along(total.mat)) {
current.tab <- combined[combined$sample==s,]
total.mat[[s]] <- sparseMatrix(i=current.tab$gene,
x=rep(1, nrow(current.tab)),
dims=c(ngenes, ncells))
# Matching them up for a specified min.frac of varying stringency.
for (min.frac in c(0.5, 0.7, 1)) {
observed <- swappedDrops(output$files, barcode, get.swapped=TRUE, min.frac=min.frac)
# Checking that the cleaned object is correct.
reference <- REFFUN(output$original, output$swapped, min.frac)
for (s in seq_along(reference)) {
obs.mat <- as.matrix(observed$cleaned[[s]])
ref.mat <- reference[[s]][,retainer[[s]],drop=FALSE]
dimnames(ref.mat) <- dimnames(obs.mat)
expect_equal(obs.mat, ref.mat)
# Checking that everything adds up to the total.
for (s in seq_along(reference)) {
total <- observed$cleaned[[s]] + observed$swapped[[s]]
ref.total <- total.mat[[s]][,retainer[[s]],drop=FALSE]
dimnames(ref.total) <- dimnames(total)
expect_equal(ref.total, total)
test_that("Alternative input/output parameters work correctly", {
for (nmolecules in c(10, 100, 1000, 10000)) {
output <- DropletUtils:::simSwappedMolInfo(tmpdir, return.tab=TRUE, barcode.length=barcode,
nsamples=3, ngenes=ngenes, nmolecules=nmolecules)
# Further input/output tests.
min.frac <- 0.9001
observed <- swappedDrops(output$files, barcode, min.frac=min.frac)
expect_equal(observed$swapped, NULL)
expect_equal(observed$diagnostics, NULL)
observed2 <- swappedDrops(output$files, barcode, get.swapped=TRUE, min.frac=min.frac)
expect_equal(observed2$cleaned, observed$cleaned)
expect_identical(lapply(observed2$swapped, dim), lapply(observed2$cleaned, dim))
expect_equal(observed2$diagnostics, NULL)
observed3 <- swappedDrops(output$files, barcode, get.swapped=TRUE,
get.diagnostics=TRUE, min.frac=min.frac, hdf5.out=FALSE)
expect_s4_class(observed3$diagnostics, "CsparseMatrix")
expect_equal(observed2$cleaned, observed3$cleaned)
expect_equal(observed2$swapped, observed3$swapped)
# Checking that the diagnostic field is consistent with the total.
top.prop <- as.matrix(observed3$diagnostics)/rowSums(observed3$diagnostics)
best.in.class <- max.col(top.prop)
best.prop <- top.prop[(best.in.class - 1L) * nrow(top.prop) + seq_along(best.in.class)]
for (s in seq_along(observed$cleaned)) {
expect_equal(sum(observed$cleaned[[s]]), sum(best.in.class==s & best.prop >= min.frac))
# Checking that the HDF5 and sparse results are the same.
observed4 <- swappedDrops(output$files, barcode, get.swapped=FALSE, get.diagnostics=TRUE, min.frac=min.frac, hdf5.out=TRUE)
# expect_s4_class(observed4$diagnostics, "HDF5Array")
expect_equivalent(as.matrix(observed3$diagnostics), as.matrix(observed4$diagnostics))
test_that("swappedDrops functions correctly for silly inputs", {
output <- DropletUtils:::simSwappedMolInfo(tmpdir, barcode.length=barcode, nsamples=3, ngenes=ngenes, nmolecules=0)
deswapped <- swappedDrops(output)
for (ref in deswapped$cleaned) {
expect_identical(dim(ref), c(ngenes, 0L))
output <- DropletUtils:::simSwappedMolInfo(tmpdir, barcode.length=barcode, nsamples=3, ngenes=0, nmolecules=0)
deswapped <- swappedDrops(output)
for (ref in deswapped$cleaned) {
expect_identical(dim(ref), c(0L, 0L))
# Fails if you give it samples with different gene sets.
tmpdir2 <- tempfile()
o1 <- DropletUtils:::simSwappedMolInfo(tmpdir, barcode.length=barcode, nsamples=3, ngenes=100, nmolecules=0)
o2 <- DropletUtils:::simSwappedMolInfo(tmpdir2, barcode.length=barcode, nsamples=3, ngenes=10, nmolecules=0)
expect_error(swappedDrops(c(o1, o2)), "gene information differs")
# Spits out a warning if you have multiple GEM groups.
tmpfile <- tempfile(fileext=".h5")
o1 <- DropletUtils:::simBasicMolInfo(tmpfile, barcode.length=barcode, ngenes=100, nmolecules=100)
rhdf5::h5write(sample(3L, 100, replace=TRUE), o1[1], "gem_group")
expect_warning(swappedDrops(c(o1, o1)), "contains multiple GEM groups")
# Responds to names in the sample paths.
new.names <- LETTERS[seq_along(output)]
deswapped2 <- swappedDrops(setNames(output, new.names), get.swapped=TRUE)
expect_identical(names(deswapped2$cleaned), new.names)
expect_identical(names(deswapped2$swapped), new.names)
# removeSwappedDrops is not happy if manually specified lists don't match up.
expect_error(removeSwappedDrops(cells=list(), umis=list(1L), genes=list(1L), nreads=list(1L), ref.genes=1:10), "lists are not")
expect_error(removeSwappedDrops(cells=list(c("A", "C")), umis=list(1L), genes=list(1L), nreads=list(1L), ref.genes=1:10), "list vectors are not")
test_that("swappedDrops respects the use.library= restriction", {
paths <- DropletUtils:::simSwappedMolInfo(tmpdir, barcode.length=barcode,
nsamples=3, ngenes=ngenes, nmolecules=1000, version="3")
# Behaves properly when no restriction is placed down.
ref <- swappedDrops(paths)
expect_true(all(dim(ref$cleaned[[1]]) > 0L))
ref2 <- swappedDrops(paths, use.library="A")
expect_identical(ref, ref2)
# Correctly empties out when a restriction is applied.
output <- swappedDrops(paths, use.library="XXX")
expect_true(all(vapply(output$cleaned, ncol, 0L)==0L))
expect_true(all(vapply(output$cleaned, nrow, 0L)==0L))
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