# Tests for hashedDrops.
# library(testthat); library(DropletUtils); source("test-hashing.R")
# Mocking up an example dataset with 10 HTOs and 10% doublets.
ncells <- 1000
nhto <- 10
y <- matrix(rpois(ncells*nhto, 50), nrow=nhto)
true.sample <- sample(nhto, ncells, replace=TRUE)
y[cbind(true.sample, seq_len(ncells))] <- 1000
ndoub <- ncells/10
next.sample <- (true.sample[1:ndoub] + 1) %% nrow(y)
next.sample[next.sample==0] <- nrow(y)
y[cbind(next.sample, seq_len(ndoub))] <- 500
REF <- function(y, p, pseudo) {
ncells <- ncol(y)
nhto <- nrow(y)
ref.best <- ref.second <- integer(ncells)
ref.fc <- ref.fc2 <- numeric(ncells)
ref.ps <- numeric(ncells)
for (i in seq_len(ncells)) {
Y <- y[,i]
adj <- Y/p
if (nhto>=5) {
scaling <- median(adj)
} else if (nhto==4) {
scaling <- sort(adj, decreasing=TRUE)[3]
} else {
scaling <- min(adj)
ambient <- scaling * p
Y0 <- pmax(0, Y - ambient)
PS <- max(pseudo, mean(ambient))
Y0 <- Y0 + PS
o <- order(Y0, decreasing=TRUE)
ref.best[i] <- o[1]
ref.second[i] <- o[2]
sorted <- Y0[o]
ref.fc[i] <- sorted[1]/sorted[2]
ref.fc2[i] <- sorted[2]/PS
ref.ps[i] <- PS
list(Best=ref.best, Second=ref.second, FC=ref.fc, FC2=ref.fc2, Pseudo=ref.ps)
test_that("hashed_deltas works as expected", {
# Cycling across pseudo.
for (PSEUDO in c(1, 3, 5)) {
p <- runif(nhto)
output <- DropletUtils:::hashed_deltas(y, p, pseudo=PSEUDO, n_expected=1)
ref <- REF(y, p, PSEUDO)
expect_identical(drop(output$Best), ref$Best-1L)
expect_identical(output$Second, ref$Second-1L)
expect_equal(output$FC, ref$FC)
expect_equal(output$FC2, ref$FC2)
# Cycling across different number of samples.
for (N in 3:6) {
z <- y[1:N,,drop=FALSE]
q <- runif(N)
pseudo <- 1
output <- DropletUtils:::hashed_deltas(z, q, pseudo=pseudo, n_expected=1)
ref <- REF(z, q, pseudo)
expect_identical(drop(output$Best), ref$Best-1L)
expect_identical(output$Second, ref$Second-1L)
expect_equal(output$FC, ref$FC)
expect_equal(output$FC2, ref$FC2)
test_that("hashed_deltas falls back when there are very few samples", {
p <- runif(2)
pseudo <- 2
output <- DropletUtils:::hashed_deltas(y[1:2,], p, pseudo=pseudo, n_expected=1)
ref <- REF(y[1:2,], p, pseudo)
expect_equal(drop(output$Best) + 1, ref$Best)
expect_equal(output$FC, ref$FC)
# Works with just 1 sample.
output <- DropletUtils:::hashed_deltas(y[1,,drop=FALSE], p[1], pseudo=pseudo, n_expected=1)
# Works with, believe it or not, no samples!
output <- DropletUtils:::hashed_deltas(y[0,,drop=FALSE], p[0], pseudo=pseudo, n_expected=1)
test_that("hashedDrops works as expected", {
out <- hashedDrops(y)
expect_identical(out$Total, colSums(y))
expect_false(any(out$Doublet & out$Confident))
expect_true(min(out$LogFC2[out$Doublet]) > max(out$LogFC2[!out$Doublet]))
expect_true(min(out$LogFC[out$Confident]) > max(out$LogFC[!out$Doublet & !out$Confident]))
# Testing against the known truth.
expect_identical(out$Best, true.sample)
expect_equal(out$Second[1:ndoub], next.sample[1:ndoub])
expect_true(min(out$LogFC2[1:ndoub]) > max(out$LogFC2[-(1:ndoub)]))
# Works with mixture models.
out <- hashedDrops(y, doublet.mixture=TRUE)
expect_true(min(out$LogFC2[out$Doublet]) > max(out$LogFC2[!out$Doublet]))
expect_true(min(out$LogFC[out$Confident]) > max(out$LogFC[!out$Doublet & !out$Confident]))
expect_identical(out$Best, true.sample)
expect_equal(out$Second[1:ndoub], next.sample[1:ndoub])
expect_true(min(out$LogFC2[1:ndoub]) > max(out$LogFC2[-(1:ndoub)]))
# Works with the ambient estimation turned off.
out <- hashedDrops(y, ambient=rep(1, nrow(y)))
expect_true(min(out$LogFC2[out$Doublet]) > max(out$LogFC2[!out$Doublet]))
expect_true(min(out$LogFC[out$Confident]) > max(out$LogFC[!out$Doublet & !out$Confident]))
expect_identical(out$Best, true.sample)
expect_equal(out$Second[1:ndoub], next.sample[1:ndoub])
expect_true(min(out$LogFC2[1:ndoub]) > max(out$LogFC2[-(1:ndoub)]))
test_that("hashedDrops handles low number of tags gracefully", {
expect_warning(out <- hashedDrops(y[1:2,]), "consider")
out <- hashedDrops(y[1,,drop=FALSE])
test_that("hashedDrops works correctly with combinatorial barcodes", {
mat <- matrix(5, 10, 9)
mat[c(1, 2, 3), 1] <- sample(c(50, 60, 70))
mat[c(2, 4, 7), 2] <- sample(c(80, 50, 75))
mat[c(3, 8, 9), 3] <- sample(c(80, 50, 75))
mat[c(5, 6), 4] <- c(100, 80)
mat[c(3, 8), 5] <- c(90, 50)
mat[7, 6] <- 100
mat[9, 7] <- 90
mat[c(1, 3, 5, 7), 8] <- 100
out <- hashedDrops(mat, combinations=rbind(1:3, c(2,4,7)), ambient=rep(1, nrow(mat)))
expect_identical(out$Best, c(1:2, rep(NA_integer_, ncol(mat)-2)))
expect_identical(out$LogFC, rep(c(log2(50/5), 0), c(3, ncol(mat)-3)))
expect_identical(out$LogFC2[8], log2(100/5))
# Same results with unsorted barcodes.
out2 <- hashedDrops(mat, combinations=rbind(3:1, c(7,2,4)), ambient=rep(1, nrow(mat)))
expect_identical(out, out2)
test_that("edge cases are handled correctly with combinatorial barcodes", {
# Doublet statistics nullified with insufficient HTOs.
mat <- matrix(10, 4, 1)
mat[2:4,1] <- 100
expect_warning(out <- hashedDrops(mat, combinations=rbind(4:2), ambient=rep(1, nrow(mat))), "consider")
expect_identical(out$LogFC, log2(100/10))
expect_identical(out$Best, 1L)
expect_identical(out$LogFC2, NA_real_)
expect_identical(out$Doublet, NA)
# Doublet statistics come back online with just enough HTOs.
mat <- matrix(10, 7, 1)
mat[2:4,1] <- 100
out <- hashedDrops(mat, combinations=rbind(4:2), ambient=rep(1, nrow(mat)))
expect_identical(out$LogFC, log2(100/10))
expect_identical(out$Best, 1L)
expect_identical(out$LogFC2, 0)
# What is used to compute the ambient profile?
mat <- cbind(1:20) * 10
ambient <- 1 + 1:20/1000
.compute_expected_lfc <- function(SCALING, PSEUDO) {
log2((180 - SCALING * 1.018 + PSEUDO)/
(170 - SCALING * 1.017 + PSEUDO))
for (counter in 17:15) { # Using the last one...
keep <- 20:counter
expect_warning(out <- hashedDrops(mat[keep,,drop=FALSE], combinations=rbind(4:2), ambient=ambient[keep]), "consider")
SCALING <- mat[counter]/ambient[counter]
PSEUDO <- mean(ambient[keep]) * SCALING
expect_identical(out$LogFC, .compute_expected_lfc(SCALING, PSEUDO))
for (counter in 14:9) { # Using the first past the 2*n_expected...
keep <- 20:counter
out <- hashedDrops(mat[keep,,drop=FALSE], combinations=rbind(4:2), ambient=ambient[keep])
SCALING <- mat[14]/ambient[14]
PSEUDO <- mean(ambient[keep]) * SCALING
expect_identical(out$LogFC, .compute_expected_lfc(SCALING, PSEUDO))
for (counter in 8:1) { # an actual median for the rest.
keep <- 20:counter
out <- hashedDrops(mat[keep,,drop=FALSE], combinations=rbind(4:2), ambient=ambient[keep])
SCALING <- median(mat[keep]/ambient[keep])
PSEUDO <- mean(ambient[keep]) * SCALING
expect_equal(out$LogFC, .compute_expected_lfc(SCALING, PSEUDO))
test_that("hashedDrops works with constant ambience", {
ref <- hashedDrops(y)
out <- hashedDrops(y, constant.ambient=TRUE)
same.col <- c("Total", "Best", "Second", "LogFC")
expect_identical(ref[,same.col], out[,same.col])
ref.calc <- REF(y, metadata(ref)$ambient, 5)
lfc2 <- log2(ref.calc$FC2 * ref.calc$Pseudo / median(ref.calc$Pseudo))
expect_equal(lfc2, out$LogFC2)
expect_identical(out$Best, true.sample)
expect_equal(out$Second[1:ndoub], next.sample[1:ndoub])
expect_true(min(out$LogFC2[1:ndoub]) > max(out$LogFC2[-(1:ndoub)]))
test_that("hashedDrops works correctly when one row is all-zero", {
pluszero <- rbind(0, y)
ref <- hashedDrops(y)
out <- hashedDrops(pluszero)
out$Best <- out$Best - 1L
out$Second <- out$Second - 1L
metadata(out)$ambient <- metadata(out)$ambient[-1]
expect_identical(out, ref)
# Works with combinations.
combos <- t(combn(nrow(y), 2))
ref <- hashedDrops(y, combinations=combos)
out <- hashedDrops(pluszero, combinations=combos + 1)
metadata(out)$ambient <- metadata(out)$ambient[-1]
expect_identical(out, ref)
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