#' @name runDeconvolution
#' @rdname runDeconvolution
#' @title Run Deconvolution using NNLS model
#' @aliases runDeconvolution
#' @description This function takes in the mixture data, the trained model & the
#' topic profiles and returns the proportion of each cell type within each
#' mixture
#' @param x mixture dataset. Can be a numeric matrix,
#' \code{SingleCellExperiment} or \code{SpatialExperiment}.
#' @param mod object of class NMFfit as obtained from trainNMF.
#' @param ref Object of class matrix containing the topic profiles for each cell
#' type as obtained from trainNMF.
#' @param scale logical specifying whether to scale single-cell counts to unit
#' variance. This gives the user the option to normalize the data beforehand
#' as you see fit (CPM, FPKM, ...) when passing a matrix or specifying the
#' slot from where to extract the count data.
#' @param min_prop scalar in [0,1] setting the minimum contribution
#' expected from a cell type in \code{x} to observations in \code{y}.
#' By default 0.
#' @param slot If the object is of class \code{SpatialExperiment} indicates matrix to use.
#' By default "counts".
#' @param verbose logical. Should information on progress be reported?
#' @return base a list where the first element is an \code{NMFfit} object and
#' the second is a matrix containing the topic profiles learnt.
#' @author Marc Elosua Bayes & Helena L Crowell
#' @examples
#' set.seed(321)
#' # mock up some single-cell, mixture & marker data
#' sce <- mockSC(ng = 200, nc = 10, nt = 3)
#' spe <- mockSP(sce)
#' mgs <- getMGS(sce)
#' res <- trainNMF(
#' x = sce,
#' y = spe,
#' groups = sce$type,
#' mgs = mgs,
#' weight_id = "weight",
#' group_id = "type",
#' gene_id = "gene")
#' # Run deconvolution
#' decon <- runDeconvolution(
#' x = spe,
#' mod = res[["mod"]],
#' ref = res[["topic"]])
#' @rdname runDeconvolution
#' @importFrom nnls nnls
#' @export
runDeconvolution <- function(
scale = TRUE,
min_prop = 0.01,
verbose = TRUE,
slot = "counts") {
# Class checks
# Check x inputs
is.matrix(x) | is(x, "DelayedMatrix") | is(x, "dgCMatrix") |
is(x, "SingleCellExperiment") |
is(x, "SpatialExperiment"),
# Check mod inputs
is(mod, "NMFfit"),
# check ref
# Check slot name
is.character(slot), length(slot) == 1,
# Check scale and verbose
is.logical(scale), length(scale) == 1,
is.logical(verbose), length(verbose) == 1,
# Check min_prop numeric
is.numeric(min_prop), length(min_prop) == 1,
min_prop >= 0, min_prop <= 1
# Extract expression matrix
if (!is.matrix(x))
x <- .extract_counts(x, slot)
# Get topic profiles for mixtures
mat <- .pred_prop(x, mod, scale)
if (verbose) message("Deconvoluting mixture data")
res <- vapply(seq_len(ncol(mat)), function(i) {
pred <- nnls::nnls(ref, mat[, i])
prop <- prop.table(pred$x)
# drop groups that fall below 'min_prop' & update
prop[prop < min_prop] <- 0
prop <- prop.table(prop)
# compute residual sum of squares
ss <- sum(mat[, i]^2)
# compute percentage of unexplained residuals
err <- pred$deviance / ss
c(prop, err)
}, numeric(ncol(ref) + 1))
# set dimension names
# rownames come from the reference
rownames(res) <- c(rownames(ref), "res_ss")
colnames(res) <- colnames(mat)
# Separate residuals from proportions
# Extract residuals
err <- res["res_ss", ]
# Extract only deconvolution matrices
res <- res[-nrow(res), ]
return(list("mat" = t(res), "res_ss" = err))
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