#' Function to summarize the GRN filtered with a threshold,
#' @param GRN An inferred network
#' @param TFs A vector with indexes of the rows of GRN which correspond to TFs.
#' @param thr a scalar between 0 and 1, a threshold for posterior probabilities.
#' @param a parameter for Katz and PageRank centrality (default the inverse of the largest eigenvalue of GRN.
#' @param b parameter for Katz and PageRank centrality (default b = 1).
#' @examples
#' data(D4_multi_1)
#' Net = kboost(D4_multi_1)
#' Net_Summary = net_summary_bin(Net$GRN)
#' @export
#' @return list with table version of the GRN, outdegree and indegree, and closeness centrality.
net_summary_bin <- function(GRN,TFs,thr,a,b){
if (!is(GRN,"matrix")){
stop("GRN needs to be an GxK matrix with G number of genes and K TFs")
# Check X values are numerical
else if (is(GRN[1,1],"character")){
stop("The values of X need to be numeric")
if (missing(TFs)){
TFs <- seq_len(dim(GRN)[2])
if (missing(thr)){
thr <- 0.2
if (length(TFs)!=dim(GRN)[2]){
stop("TFs needs to be a K vector with indexes that correspond to the TFs in G.")
# check if the GRN has gene names
if (length(rownames(GRN))==0){
# Create generic names for genes
gene_names <- matrix("G",dim(GRN)[1],1)
for (i in seq_len(dim(GRN)[1])){
gene_names[i] <- paste("G",toString(i), sep = "")
} else{
gene_names <- rownames(GRN)
# Filter network according to posterior.
GRN <- 1*(GRN>=thr)
G <- dim(GRN)[1]
K <- dim(GRN)[2]
# Generate Table result.
edges_GRN <- matrix(GRN,dim(GRN)[1]*dim(GRN)[2],1)
names_GRN <- matrix("i",dim(GRN)[1]*dim(GRN)[2] ,2)
block <- seq_len(dim(GRN)[1])
for (i in seq_len(dim(GRN)[2])){
names_GRN[block,2] <- gene_names
names_GRN[block,1] <- gene_names[TFs[i]]
block <- block + dim(GRN)[1]
GRN_table <- data.frame(names_GRN,edges_GRN)
colnames(GRN_table) <- c("TF","Target","edge")
o <- order(GRN_table[,3], decreasing = TRUE)
GRN_table <- GRN_table[o,]
# Calculate the Outdegree Centrality
Outdegree <- colSums(GRN)
names(Outdegree) <- gene_names[TFs]
o <- order(Outdegree,decreasing = TRUE)
Outdegree <- Outdegree[o]
# Calculate the Indegree Centrality
Indegree <- rowSums(GRN)
names(Indegree) <- gene_names
o <- order(Indegree,decreasing = TRUE)
Indegree <- Indegree[o]
# Calculate the Distance Matrix
dist_mat <- net_dist_bin(GRN,TFs,thr)
rownames(dist_mat) <- gene_names
colnames(dist_mat) <- gene_names[TFs]
# Calculate the Closeness Centrality
dist_mat_2 <- (1/dist_mat)
diag(dist_mat_2) <- 0
Close_centr <- colSums(dist_mat_2)
names(Close_centr) <- gene_names[TFs]
o <- order(Close_centr,decreasing = TRUE)
Close_centr <- Close_centr[o]
return(list(GRN_table = GRN_table, Outdegree = Outdegree, Indegree = Indegree, Close_centr = Close_centr, dist_mat = dist_mat ))
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