#' Function to perform Kernel Principal Component Boosting
#' @param X A matrix with the explanatory variables.
#' @param Y a matrix with the variable to predict.
#' @param g a positive number with the width parameter for the RBF Kernel.
#' @param v a number between 0 and 1 that corresponds to the shrinkage parameter.
#' @param ite an integer with the number of iterations.
#' @param thr a threshold to discard Kernel principal components whose eigenvalue
#' @export
#' @return function an sum of squared errors.
#' @examples
#' data(D4_multi_1)
#' Y = scale(matrix(D4_multi_1[,91],100,1))
#' X = scale(D4_multi_1[,-91])
#' res = kernel_pc_boosting(X,Y, g= 40, v = 0.5, ite = 3, thr = 1e-10)
kernel_pc_boosting <- function(X,Y,g,v,ite,thr){
# First we will calculate the RBF kernel and the Kernel Principal Components.
kpca <- list()
K <- dim(X)[2]
N <- length(Y)
# Make sure that the input is correct.
if (N != dim(X)[1]){
stop("The dimensions of X and Y are different")
if (ite<1){
stop("ite needs to be an integer larger than 0")
if (g<0){
stop("g needs to tbe larger than 0.")
if (v<0 || v>1){
stop("v needs to be larger than 0 but smaller than 1.")
if(thr<0 || thr>1){
stop("v needs to be larger than 0 but smaller than 1.")
# Cool Beans pal!
# Loop over the variables in X.
for (j in seq_len(K)){
# RBF Kernel.
k <- RBF_K(X[,j],g)
# Normalize kernel
k <- kernel_normal(k)
# PC on Kernel.
kpca[[j]] <- KPC(k,thr)
# Now we will perform the Boosting Algorithm and only add the variables that perform the best.
# Initiate f.
f <- matrix(mean(Y),N,1)
# Iterate in a for loop.
for (i in seq_len(ite)){
pse <- Y-f
# Perform a regression with each variable individually.
reg <- list()
for (j in seq_len(K)){
# Do the regression on the pseudo residuals.
reg[[j]] <- ort_reg(kpca[[j]],pse,v)
if (j == 1){
best <- j
best_llik <- reg[[j]]$llik
} else if (best_llik>reg[[j]]$llik){
best <- j
best_llik <- reg[[j]]$llik
#update f.
f <- f + v*kpca[[best]]%*%reg[[best]]$b
# get sum of squares, the object reg contains llik = log(sse/N)*(-N/2)
sse <- exp((reg[[best]]$llik)/(-N/2))
return(list(f = f, sse = sse))
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