#' Filter raw TSS counts or normalized TSS
#' @description Filters transcriptional or sequencing noise.
#' @usage filterTSS(object, method = "poisson", normalization = TRUE,
#' pVal =0.01, tpmLow = 0.1)
#' @param object A TSSr object.
#' @param method Method to be used for TSS filtering: "poisson" or "TPM". "poisson" can be used
#' only if the input TSS data in raw number of counts.
#' @param normalization Define whether normalization data to TPM.
#' Used only if method = “poisson”. Default is TRUE.
#' @param pVal Used only if method = "poisson". Default value is 0.01.
#' @param tpmLow Used only if method = "TPM". Default value is 0.1.
#' @return Large List of elements - one element for each sample
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(exampleTSSr)
#' filterTSS(exampleTSSr, method = "TPM", tpmLow=0.1)
setGeneric("filterTSS",function(object, method = "poisson", normalization = TRUE
, pVal =0.01, tpmLow = 0.1)standardGeneric("filterTSS"))
#' @rdname filterTSS
#' @export
setMethod("filterTSS",signature(object = "TSSr"), function(object, method, normalization, pVal, tpmLow)
##initialize values
Genome <- .getGenome(object@genomeName)
sampleLabelsMerged <- object@sampleLabelsMerged
objName <- deparse(substitute(object))
library.size <- object@librarySizes
tss.dt <- object@TSSprocessedMatrix
##define variable as a NULL value
tags = NULL
##filter tss data
if(method == "poisson")
#calculate size of genome
genomeSize <- 0
for (chrom in seq_len(length(Genome)))
genomeSize <- genomeSize + length(Genome[[chrom]])
message("\nFiltering data with ", method," method...")
if(any(tss.dt[,4] > 0 & tss.dt[,4] < 1))
stop("Raw count data required for poisson method.")
tss.new <- lapply(as.list(seq(sampleLabelsMerged)), function(i)
temp <- tss.dt[,.SD, .SDcols = sampleLabelsMerged[i]]
setnames(temp, colnames(temp)[[1]], "tags")
temp <- .filterWithPoisson(temp, library.size[i], genomeSize, pVal)
if(normalization == "TRUE")
sizePerMillion <- library.size[i] / 1e6
temp[, tags := round(tags / sizePerMillion, 6)]
setnames(temp, colnames(temp)[[1]], sampleLabelsMerged[i])
re <- NULL
for(i in seq(sampleLabelsMerged)){re <- cbind(re, tss.new[[i]])}
re <- cbind(tss.dt[,c(1,2,3)],re)
##removes filtered rows
re <- re[rowSums(re[,4:ncol(re)]) >0,]
setorder(re, "strand","chr","pos")
object@TSSprocessedMatrix <- re
assign(objName, object, envir = parent.frame())
else if(method == "TPM")
message("\nFiltering data with ", method," method...")
if(any(tss.dt[,4] > 0 & tss.dt[,4] < 1) == FALSE)
stop("Data must be normalized.")
tss.new <- lapply(as.list(seq(sampleLabelsMerged)), function(i){
temp <- tss.dt[,.SD, .SDcols = sampleLabelsMerged[i]]
setnames(temp, colnames(temp)[[1]], "tags")
temp[tags < tpmLow,]=0
setnames(temp, colnames(temp)[[1]], sampleLabelsMerged[i])
re <- NULL
for(i in seq(sampleLabelsMerged)){re <- cbind(re, tss.new[[i]])}
re <- cbind(tss.dt[,c(1,2,3)],re)
##removes filtered rows
re <- re[rowSums(re[,4:ncol(re)]) >0,]
setorder(re, "strand","chr","pos")
object@TSSprocessedMatrix <- re
assign(objName, object, envir = parent.frame())
message("\tNo filtering method is defined...")
.filterWithPoisson <- function(data, coverageDepth, genomeSize, pVal)
# calculate lambda value (average number of reads per site on each strand of DNA)
lambda <- coverageDepth / (genomeSize * 2)
# get cutoff value
cutoff <- qpois(pVal, lambda, lower.tail=FALSE, log.p=FALSE)
# fiter tss table
data[data<cutoff,] =0
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