#' Make consensus clusters across multiple samples.
#' @description Makes consensus clusters from multiple samples in TSSr object and
#' calculates inter-quantile positions within consensus clusters for each sample.
#' @usage consensusCluster(object, dis = 50
#' , useMultiCore=FALSE, numCores = NULL)
#' @param object A TSSr object.
#' @param dis Minimum distance between two peaks to be aggregated together into
#' the same consensus cluster.
#' @param useMultiCore Logical indicating whether multiple cores are used (TRUE)
#' or not (FALSE). Default is FALSE.
#' @param numCores Number of cores are used in clustering step. Used only if
#' useMultiCore = TRUE. Default is NULL.
#' @return Large List of elements - one element for each sample
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(exampleTSSr)
#' consensusCluster(exampleTSSr,useMultiCore=FALSE)
setGeneric("consensusCluster",function(object, dis = 50,useMultiCore=FALSE, numCores = NULL)standardGeneric("consensusCluster"))
#' @rdname consensusCluster
#' @export
setMethod("consensusCluster",signature(object = "TSSr"), function(object, dis, useMultiCore, numCores
message("\nCreating consensus clusters...")
##initialize data
tss.dt <- object@TSSprocessedMatrix
##define variable as a NULL value
dominant_tss = NULL
sampleLabelsMerged <- object@sampleLabelsMerged
objName <- deparse(substitute(object))
cs <- object@tagClusters
if(length(cs) == 0){
stop("You must have tagClusters data in order to proceed.")
##get consensus peak range
cx <- cs[[sampleLabelsMerged[1]]]
colnames(cx)[3:4] <- c("start.c","end.c")
cx[,start := dominant_tss-round(dis/2)]
cx[,end := dominant_tss + round(dis/2)]
gr1 <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(cx, keep.extra.columns= FALSE)
gr <- BiocGenerics::union(gr1,gr1)
for(i in 2:length(sampleLabelsMerged)){
gr <- .getConsensus(gr, cs[[sampleLabelsMerged[[i]]]], dis)
gr <- as.data.frame(gr)
gr[,c(1,5)] <- sapply(gr[,c(1,5)], as.character)
setorder(gr, "strand","chr","start")
gr[, consensusCluster := .I]
##get consensus quantile
cs.consensus <- lapply(as.list(seq(sampleLabelsMerged)), function(i){
tss.temp <- tss.dt[,.SD, .SDcols = c("chr","pos","strand",sampleLabelsMerged[i])]
setnames(tss.temp, colnames(tss.temp)[[4]], "tags")
tss.temp <- tss.temp[tags >0,]
tc <- cs[[sampleLabelsMerged[[i]]]]
new <- .getConsensusQuantile(tc, gr, tss.temp,useMultiCore, numCores)
names(cs.consensus) <- sampleLabelsMerged
object@consensusClusters <- cs.consensus
assign(objName, object, envir = parent.frame())
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