computeLibSizeChrom <- function(aln_list)
lib_size_list <- lapply(aln_list,
function(aln) {
qname <- names(aln)
if (is.null(qname))
stop(wmsg("Some of the GAlignments or
GAlignmentsList ",
"objects in 'aln_list' don't have names. ",
"Did you use 'use.names=TRUE' when loading ",
"them with readGAlignments() or ",
if (is(aln, "GAlignmentsList")) {
rname <- seqnames(unlist(aln, use.names=FALSE))
qname <-, lengths(aln, use.names=FALSE))
} else {
rname <- seqnames(aln)
lengths(unique(split(qname, rname)))
rnames <- unique(names(unlist(unname(lib_size_list))))
lib_size_list <- lapply(lib_size_list,
function(lib_size) {
lib_size2 <- setNames(integer(length(rnames)), rnames)
lib_size2[names(lib_size)] <- lib_size
ans <-, unname(lib_size_list))
colnames(ans) <- names(lib_size_list)
#' Perform overlap queries between reads and genome by sliding windows
#' Count reads over sliding windows.
#' @param reads An object that represents the names and path of the bam files to be counted.
#' If reads are more than 1 bam files,
#' it should be a vector of character with full path. This function now works for paired end reads
#' @param fragment.length integer(1). An integer scalar or a list of two integer scalars/vectors,
#' containing the average length(s) of the sequenced fragments in each libary.
#' @param windowSize numeric(1) or integer(1). Size of the windows.
#' @param step numeric(1) or integer(1). Step of generating silding windows.
#' @param pe a character string indicating whether paired-end data is present; set to "none", "both", "first" or "second"
#' @param restrict restrict to a set of chromosomes, default to mouse chromosomes.
#' @param filter default to 0 without filtering. An integer scalar for the minimum count sum across libraries for each window
#' @return A \link[SummarizedExperiment:RangedSummarizedExperiment-class]{RangedSummarizedExperiment} object with chromosome-level depth
#' The assays slot holds the counts, rowRanges holds the annotation from the
#' sliding widows of genome.
#' metadata contains lib.size.chrom for holding chromosome-level sequence depth
#' @importFrom csaw windowCounts readParam
#' @import SummarizedExperiment
#' @import Rsamtools
#' @import GenomicAlignments
#' @export
#' @author Jun Yu,Hervé Pagès and Julie Zhu
#' @examples
computeLibSizeChrom <- function(aln_list)
lib_size_list <- lapply(aln_list,
function(aln) {
qname <- names(aln)
if (is.null(qname))
stop(wmsg("Some of the GAlignments or
GAlignmentsList ",
"objects in 'aln_list' don't have names. ",
"Did you use 'use.names=TRUE' when loading ",
"them with readGAlignments() or ",
if (is(aln, "GAlignmentsList")) {
rname <- seqnames(unlist(aln, use.names=FALSE))
qname <-, lengths(aln, use.names=FALSE))
} else {
rname <- seqnames(aln)
lengths(unique(split(qname, rname)))
rnames <- unique(names(unlist(unname(lib_size_list))))
lib_size_list <- lapply(lib_size_list,
function(lib_size) {
lib_size2 <- setNames(integer(length(rnames)), rnames)
lib_size2[names(lib_size)] <- lib_size
ans <-, unname(lib_size_list))
colnames(ans) <- names(lib_size_list)
#' Perform overlap queries between reads and genome by sliding windows
#' Count reads over sliding windows.
#' @param reads An object that represents the names and path of the bam files to be counted.
#' If reads are more than 1 bam files,
#' it should be a vector of character with full path. This function now works for paired end reads
#' @param fragment.length integer(1). An integer scalar or a list of two integer scalars/vectors,
#' containing the average length(s) of the sequenced fragments in each libary.
#' @param windowSize numeric(1) or integer(1). Size of the windows.
#' @param step numeric(1) or integer(1). Step of generating silding windows.
#' @param pe a character string indicating whether paired-end data is present; set to "none", "both", "first" or "second"
#' @param restrict restrict to a set of chromosomes, default to mouse chromosomes.
#' @param filter default to 0 without filtering. An integer scalar for the minimum count sum across libraries for each window
#' @return A \link[SummarizedExperiment:RangedSummarizedExperiment-class]{RangedSummarizedExperiment} object with chromosome-level depth
#' The assays slot holds the counts, rowRanges holds the annotation from the
#' sliding widows of genome.
#' metadata contains lib.size.chrom for holding chromosome-level sequence depth
#' @importFrom csaw windowCounts readParam
#' @import SummarizedExperiment
#' @import Rsamtools
#' @import GenomicAlignments
#' @export
#' @author Jun Yu,Hervé Pagès and Julie Zhu
#' @examples
#' if (interactive())
#' {
#' fls <- list.files(system.file("extdata", package="NADfinder"),
#' recursive=FALSE, pattern="*bam$", full=TRUE)
#' names(fls) <- basename(fls)
#' se <- tileCount2(reads = fls,
#' windowSize=50000, step=10000)
#' }
tileCount2 <- function(reads,
fragment.length = 100,
windowSize = 50000,
restrict = paste0("chr", c(1:19, "X", "Y")),
step = 1000,
filter = 0,
pe = "both") {
rse <- windowCounts(bam.files = reads, ext = fragment.length,
param=readParam(pe=pe, restrict = restrict),
filter = filter, width=windowSize, spacing = step)
seqlevels(rse, pruning.mode = "coarse") <- restrict
rse <- sort(rse)
colnames(rse) <- basename(reads)
counts.l <- split(assay(rse), f = seqnames(rowRanges(rse)))
#### bamCountAll does not count properly with paired-end data
#if (!testPairedEndBam(reads[1]))
# count <- lapply(reads, function(thisBam) {
# reader <- bamReader(thisBam, idx = TRUE)
# temp <- bamCountAll(reader, verbose = FALSE)
# temp1 <- cbind(rownames(temp), temp$nAligns)
# colnames(temp1) <- c("chr", basename(thisBam))
# temp1
# })
# merge.all <- function(x, y) {
# merge(x, y, all=TRUE, by="chr")
# }
# lib.size.chrom <- Reduce(merge.all, count)
# rownames(lib.size.chrom) <- lib.size.chrom[,1]
# lib.size.chrom <- lib.size.chrom[, -1]
# lib.size.chrom <- lib.size.chrom[rownames(lib.size.chrom) %in% restrict, drop = FALSE, ]
# }
# else
# {
if (is.null(names(reads)))
names(reads) <- basename(reads)
aln_list <- lapply(reads,
function(file) {
isPE <- testPairedEndBam(file)
if (isPE)
readGAlignmentsList(file, use.names=TRUE)
readGAlignments(file, use.names=TRUE)
## aln is a list of list of lists
lib.size.chrom <- computeLibSizeChrom(aln_list)
## remove excludeChr from lib.size.chrom
lib.size.chrom <- lib.size.chrom[rownames(lib.size.chrom) %in% restrict, drop = FALSE, ]
# }
metadata(rse)$lib.size.chrom <- lib.size.chrom
colData(rse)$records <- colData(rse)$total
colData(rse)$object <- colnames(rse)
chrs <- seqnames(rowRanges(rse))
runValue(chrs) <- seq_along(runValue(chrs))
rowRanges(rse)$oid <- chrs
#' if (interactive())
#' {
#' fls <- list.files(system.file("extdata", package="NADfinder"),
#' recursive=FALSE, pattern="*bam$", full=TRUE)
#' names(fls) <- basename(fls)
#' se <- tileCount2(reads = fls,
#' windowSize=50000, step=10000)
#' }
tileCount2 <- function(reads,
fragment.length = 100,
windowSize = 50000,
restrict = paste0("chr", c(1:19, "X", "Y")),
step = 1000,
filter = 0,
pe = "both") {
rse <- windowCounts(bam.files = reads, ext = fragment.length,
param=readParam(pe=pe, restrict = restrict),
filter = filter, width=windowSize, spacing = step)
seqlevels(rse, pruning.mode = "coarse") <- restrict
rse <- sort(rse)
colnames(rse) <- basename(reads)
counts.l <- split(assay(rse), f = seqnames(rowRanges(rse)))
#### bamCountAll does not count properly with paired-end data
#if (!testPairedEndBam(reads[1]))
# count <- lapply(reads, function(thisBam) {
# reader <- bamReader(thisBam, idx = TRUE)
# temp <- bamCountAll(reader, verbose = FALSE)
# temp1 <- cbind(rownames(temp), temp$nAligns)
# colnames(temp1) <- c("chr", basename(thisBam))
# temp1
# })
# merge.all <- function(x, y) {
# merge(x, y, all=TRUE, by="chr")
# }
# lib.size.chrom <- Reduce(merge.all, count)
# rownames(lib.size.chrom) <- lib.size.chrom[,1]
# lib.size.chrom <- lib.size.chrom[, -1]
# lib.size.chrom <- lib.size.chrom[rownames(lib.size.chrom) %in% restrict, drop = FALSE, ]
if (is.null(names(reads)))
names(reads) <- basename(reads)
aln_list <- lapply(reads,
function(file) {
isPE <- testPairedEndBam(file)
if (isPE)
readGAlignmentsList(file, use.names=TRUE)
readGAlignments(file, use.names=TRUE)
## aln is a list of list of lists
lib.size.chrom <- computeLibSizeChrom(aln_list)
## remove excludeChr from lib.size.chrom
lib.size.chrom <- lib.size.chrom[rownames(lib.size.chrom) %in% restrict, drop = FALSE, ]
metadata(rse)$lib.size.chrom <- lib.size.chrom
colData(rse)$records <- colData(rse)$total
colData(rse)$object <- colnames(rse)
chrs <- seqnames(rowRanges(rse))
runValue(chrs) <- seq_along(runValue(chrs))
rowRanges(rse)$oid <- chrs
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