#' calculate the log2 transformed ratios for SummarizedExperiment class
#' @description Calculate the log2 transformed ratios for nucleolus vs genome.
#' pseudo-count will be used to avoid x/0 or log(0).
#' @param se A \link[SummarizedExperiment:RangedSummarizedExperiment-class]{RangedSummarizedExperiment} object.
#' The output of \link{tileCount}.
#' @param nucleolusCols,genomeCols column Names of counts for nucleolus
#' and genome. They should be the column names in the assays of se.
#' Ratios will be calculated as log2(transformed nucleolusCols/transformed genomeCols).
#' @param pseudocount default to 1, pseudo-count used to aviod x/0 or log(0).
#' @param transformation transformation type
#' @param chrom.level.lib indicating whether calculating CPM or odds using
#' sequence depth of the whole genome or the corresponding chromosome
#' @export
#' @import SummarizedExperiment
#' @return A RangedSummarizedExperiment object with log2 transformed ratios.
#' Assays will be named as nucleolus, genome and ratio.
#' @examples
#' library(SummarizedExperiment)
#' se <- SummarizedExperiment(assays=list(counts=DataFrame(A=seq_len(3),
#' B=rep(1, 3), C=rep(4, 3), D=rep(2, 3))),
#' rowRanges=GRanges(c("chr1","chr1", "chr2"),
#' IRanges(c(1, 10, 20),
#' width=9)))
#' metadata(se)$lib.size.chrom <- data.frame( c(1000, 1000), c(2000, 2000), c(200,200), c(300,300))
#' colnames(metadata(se)$lib.size.chrom) <- c("A", "B", "C", "D")
#' rownames(metadata(se)$lib.size.chrom) <- c("chr1", "chr2")
#' as.data.frame(assays(log2se(se, nucleolusCols = c("A", "C"), genomeCols = c("B", "D"),
#' transformation = "log2Ratio")))
#' as.data.frame(assays(log2se(se, nucleolusCols = c("A", "C"), genomeCols = c("B", "D"),
#' transformation = "log2CPMRatio")))
#' as.data.frame(assays(log2se(se, nucleolusCols = c("A", "C"), genomeCols = c("B", "D"),
#' transformation = "log2OddsRatio")))
#' @author Jianhong Ou and Julie Zhu
log2se <- function(se, nucleolusCols, genomeCols, pseudocount = 1L,
transformation = c("log2OddsRatio", "log2CPMRatio", "log2Ratio"), chrom.level.lib = TRUE){
stopifnot(inherits(se, "RangedSummarizedExperiment"))
stopifnot("counts" %in% names(assays(se)))
stopifnot(all(c(nucleolusCols, genomeCols) %in%
transformation <- match.arg(transformation)
asy <- assays(se)$counts
if (transformation != "log2Ratio")
{ stopifnot("lib.size.chrom" %in% names(metadata(se)))
lib.size <- metadata(se)$lib.size.chrom
nucleolusCols.ind <- which(colnames(asy) %in% nucleolusCols)
genomeCols.ind <- which(colnames(asy) %in% genomeCols)
nA <- names(nucleolusCols)
## nA will be used as the column names of log2 transformed ratios
nA <- make.names(nucleolusCols, unique = TRUE)
log2ratios <- asy[, nucleolusCols]
args <- list()
args$pseudo.count <- pseudocount
args$transformation <- transformation
args$chrom.level.lib <- chrom.level.lib
args$seqnames.A <- seqnames(se)
args$seqnames.B <- args$seqnames.A
if (transformation != "log2Ratio")
log2ratios <- do.call(cbind, mapply(function(a, b, lib.size.a, lib.size.b){
args$A <- a
args$B <- b
args$lib.size.A <- cbind(rownames(lib.size), lib.size.a)
args$lib.size.B <- cbind(rownames(lib.size), lib.size.b)
do.call(transformData, args = args)
}, data.frame(asy[, nucleolusCols, drop=FALSE]),
data.frame(asy[, genomeCols, drop=FALSE]),
data.frame(lib.size[, nucleolusCols.ind, drop=FALSE], stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
data.frame(lib.size[, genomeCols.ind, drop=FALSE], stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
log2ratios <- do.call(cbind, mapply(function(a, b){
args$A <- a
args$B <- b
do.call(transformData, args = args)
}, data.frame(asy[, nucleolusCols, drop=FALSE]),
data.frame(asy[, genomeCols, drop=FALSE]),
nucleolus=asy[, nucleolusCols, drop=FALSE]
genome=asy[, genomeCols, drop=FALSE]
colnames(nucleolus) <- colnames(genome) <- colnames(log2ratios) <- nA
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