#' Plot offtargets as manhantann plots or along all chromosomes with one track
#' per chromosome, or scatter plot for two selected measurements
#' @param offTargetFile The file path containing off-targets generated
#' from GUIDEseqAnalysis
#' @param sep The separator in the file, default to tab-delimited
#' @param header Indicates whether the input file contains a header,
#' default to TRUE
#' @param gRNA.size The size of the gRNA, default 20
#' @param PAM.size PAM length, default 3
#' @param cleavage.position the cleavage position of Cas
#' nuclease, default to 19 for SpCas9.
#' @param chromosome.order The chromosome order to plot from top to bottom
#' @param xlab The x-asix label, default to Chromosome Size (bp)
#' @param ylab The y-asix label, default to Peak Score. Change it to
#' be consistent with the score.col
#' @param score.col The column used as y values in the plot. Available choices
#' are peak_score, n.distinct.UMIs, total.match, gRNA.match, total.mismatch.bulge,
#' gRNA.mismatch.bulge, and predicted_cleavage_score. When plot.type is set to
#' scatter, a vector of size two can be set. Otherwise, a scatter plot with log10
#' transformed n.distinct.UMIs and log10 transformed predicted_cleavage_score
#' will be plotted.
#' @param transformation Indicates whether plot the y-value in log10 scale or
#' in the original scale. When scale.col is set to total.match, gRNA.match,
#' total.mismatch.bulge, and gRNA.mismatch.bulge, transformation will
#' not be applied and the data will be plotted in the original scale.
#' When plot.type is set to "scatter", a vector of size two is required when
#' score.col is a vector of size two. Examples are c("log10", "log10"),
#' c("none", "none"), c(log10", "none"), and c("none", "log10").
#' @param title The figure title, default to none.
#' @param axis.title.size The font size for the axis labels, default to 12
#' @param axis.label.size The font size for the tick labels, default to 8
#' @param strip.text.y.size The font size for the strip labels, default to 9
#' @param off.target.line.size The line size to depict the off-targets, default
#' to 0.6
#' @param on.target.line.size The line size to depict the on-targets, default
#' to 1
#' @param on.target.score The score for the on-target, default to 1 for CFD
#' scoring system. This is the maximum score in the chosen scoring system.
#' Change it accordingly if different off-target scoring system is used.
#' @param on.target.color The line color to depict the on-targets, default
#' to red
#' @param off.target.color The line color to depict the off-targets, default
#' to black
#' @param strip.text.y.angle The angel for the y strip text, default to 0.
#' Set it to 45 if angled representation is desired
#' @param scale.grid Used to set the scales in facet_grid, default to free_x,
#' meaning that scales vary across different x-axis, but fixed in y-axis.
#' Other options are fixed, free, and free_y meaning that scales shared
#' across all facets, vary across both x- and y- axises, and vary across
#' y-axis only, respectively.
#' For details, please type ?ggplot2::facet_grid
#' @param plot.type Plot type as tracks by individual chromosome or
#' manhattan plot with all chromosome in one plot
#' @param family font family, default to sans (Arial). Other options are
#' serif (Times New Roman) and mono (Courier). It is possible to use custom
#' fonts with the extrafont package with the following commands
#' install.packages("extrafont")
#' library(extrafont)
#' font_import()
#' loadfonts(device = "postscript")
#' @param x.sep For transforming the x-axis to allow sufficient spaces
#' between small chromosomes default to 6000000
#' @param plot.zero.logscale Specifying "none" to filter out score.col with
#' zeros when plotting in log10 scale. Specify a very small numeric number
#' if you intend to show the zeros in log scale in the figure. If users
#' specify a number that's bigger than any positive score, plot.zero.logscale
#' will be set to the minimum positive score divided by 10.
#' @param scale.chrom Applicable to manhatann plot only.
#' TRUE or FALSE default to TRUE to space offtargets evenly
#' along x-axis.
#' @return a ggplot object
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes theme scale_y_continuous scale_color_manual scale_x_continuous
#' @importFrom ggplot2 element_blank element_text geom_rect element_line
#' @importFrom ggplot2 theme_classic facet_grid xlab ylab ggtitle element_blank
#' @importFrom rlang sym
#' @importFrom dplyr '%>%' summarize mutate left_join arrange select
#' @export plotTracks
#' @author Lihua Julie Zhu
#' @examples
#' if (interactive())
#' {
#' offTargetFilePath <- system.file("extdata/forVisualization",
#' "offTargetsInPeakRegions.xls",
#' package = "GUIDEseq")
#' fig1 <- plotTracks(offTargetFile = offTargetFilePath)
#' fig1
#' fig2 <- plotTracks(offTargetFile = offTargetFilePath,
#' score.col = "total.mismatch.bulge",
#' ylab = "Total Number of Mismatches and Bulges")
#' fig2
#' fig3 <- plotTracks(offTargetFile = offTargetFilePath,
#' score.col = "total.match",
#' ylab = "Total Number of Matches")
#' fig3
#' fig4 <- plotTracks(offTargetFile = offTargetFilePath,
#' score.col = "gRNA.match",
#' ylab = "Number of Matches in gRNA")
#' fig4
#' fig5 <- plotTracks(offTargetFile = offTargetFilePath,
#' score.col = "gRNA.mismatch.bulge",
#' ylab = "Number of Mismatches and Bulges in gRNA")
#' fig5
#' fig6 <- plotTracks(offTargetFile = offTargetFilePath,
#' score.col = "predicted_cleavage_score",
#' ylab = "CFD Score",
#' scale.grid = "fixed",
#' transformation = "none")
#' fig6
#' ## manhattan plot
#' fig <- plotTracks(offTargetFile = offTargetFilePath,
#' score.col = "total.mismatch.bulge", axis.title.size =9,
#' plot.type = "manhattan",
#' ylab = "Number of Mismatches and Bulges in gRNA Plus PAM")
#' fig
#' fig <- plotTracks(offTargetFile = offTargetFilePath,
#' score.col = "total.match", axis.title.size =9,
#' plot.type = "manhattan",
#' ylab = "Number of Matches in gRNA Plus PAM")
#' fig
#' fig <- plotTracks(offTargetFile = offTargetFilePath,
#' score.col = "gRNA.match",axis.title.size =9,
#' plot.type = "manhattan",
#' ylab = "Number of Matches in gRNA")
#' fig
#' fig <- plotTracks(offTargetFile = offTargetFilePath,
#' score.col = "gRNA.mismatch.bulge", axis.title.size =9,
#' plot.type = "manhattan",
#' ylab = "Number of Mismatches and Bulges in gRNA")
#' fig
#' plotTracks(offTargetFile = offTargetFilePath,
#' #'score.col = "predicted_cleavage_score",
#' axis.title.size =9, family = "serif", plot.zero.logscale = 1e-6,
#' plot.type = "manhattan", transformation = "log10",
#' ylab = "CFD Score")
#' plotTracks(offTargetFile = offTargetFilePath,
#' score.col = "peak_score",
#' axis.title.size =9,
#' plot.type = "manhattan",
#' ylab = "Number of Insertion Events")
#' plotTracks(offTargetFile = offTargetFilePath,
#' score.col = "n.distinct.UMIs",
#' axis.title.size =9,
#' plot.type = "manhattan",
#' ylab = "Number of Insertion Events")
#' # default scatter plot with blue line from fitting the entire dataset
#' # and the red line from fitting the subset with CFD score > 0
#' plotTracks(offTargetFile = offTargetFilePath,
#' axis.title.size =9, plot.zero.logscale = 1e-8,
#' plot.type = "scatter")
#' # select the x, y, the transformation of x and y,
#' # and the labels on the scatter plot
#' plotTracks(offTargetFile = offTargetFilePath,
#' axis.title.size =9,
#' score.col = c("n.distinct.UMIs", "predicted_cleavage_score"),
#' transformation = c("log10", "log10"),
#' plot.type = "scatter", plot.zero.logscale = 1e-8,
#' xlab = "log10(Number of Insertion Events)",
#' ylab = "log10(CFD score)")
#' }
plotTracks <- function(offTargetFile, sep ="\t",
header = TRUE,
gRNA.size = 20L,
PAM.size = 3L,
cleavage.position = 19L,
chromosome.order =
paste0("chr", c(1:22, "X", "Y", "M")),
xlab = "Chromosome Size (bp)",
ylab = "Peak Score",
score.col = c("peak_score",
transformation = c("log10", "none"),
title = "",
axis.title.size = 12,
axis.label.size = 8,
strip.text.y.size = 9,
off.target.line.size = 0.6,
on.target.line.size = 1,
on.target.score = 1,
on.target.color = "red",
off.target.color = "black",
strip.text.y.angle = 0,
scale.grid = c( "free_x", "fixed", "free", "free_y"),
plot.type = c("manhattan", "tracks", "scatter"),
family = "serif", x.sep = 6000000,
plot.zero.logscale = 1e-8,
scale.chrom = TRUE
if(missing(offTargetFile) || !file.exists(offTargetFile))
stop("Please specify the offTargetFile as a valid file path!")
scale.grid <- match.arg(scale.grid)
plot.type <- match.arg(plot.type)
x <- read.table(offTargetFile,
sep = sep,
header = header,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
x$chromosome <- factor(x$chromosome,
levels = chromosome.order)
# x1 <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(x,
# keep.extra.columns=TRUE,
# ignore.strand=FALSE,
# seqinfo=NULL,
# seqnames.field="chromosome",
# start.field = "offTarget_Start",
# end.field = "offTarget_End",
# strand.field = "offTargetStrand",
# starts.in.df.are.0based=FALSE)
x <- x %>% mutate(gRNA.mismatch.bulge =
total.mismatch.bulge - n.PAM.mismatch,
gRNA.match = gRNA.size -
(total.mismatch.bulge - n.PAM.mismatch),
total.match = gRNA.size + PAM.size -
cleavage.position = ifelse(offTargetStrand == "+",
offTarget_Start +
cleavage.position - 1,
offTarget_End -
cleavage.position + 1)
allowed.score.cols <- c("peak_score",
if (plot.type == "scatter")
if (length(score.col) != 2 ||
length(intersect(score.col, allowed.score.cols)) != 2) {
x.posCFDscore = subset(x, x$predicted_cleavage_score > 0)
p1 <- ggplot(x, aes(log10(n.distinct.UMIs),
log10(predicted_cleavage_score +
plot.zero.logscale ))) +
geom_point() +
geom_smooth(method = "lm", color = "blue") +
geom_smooth(data = x.posCFDscore,
method = "lm", color = "red") +
ylab("log10(CFD Score)") +
xlab("log10(Number of Insertion Events)") + ggtitle(title) +
else {
score.col1 <- sym(score.col[1])
score.col2 <- sym(score.col[2])
if (transformation[1] == "log10")
x[, as.character(score.col1)] <-
log10(x[, as.character(score.col1)])
if (length(transformation) == 2 && transformation[2] == "log10")
x[, as.character(score.col2)] <-
log10(x[, as.character(score.col2)])
p1 <- ggplot(x, aes(!!score.col1, !!score.col2)) +
geom_point() +
geom_smooth(method = "lm") + ylab(ylab) +
xlab(xlab) + ggtitle(title) +
else {
score.col <- match.arg(score.col)
score.col <- sym(score.col)
transformation <- match.arg(transformation)
if (plot.type == "manhattan") {
x <- x %>% group_by(chromosome) %>%
summarize(chr.max = max(max(cleavage.position), x.sep)) %>%
mutate(chr.offset = cumsum(as.numeric(chr.max))- chr.max) %>%
select(chromosome, chr.offset) %>%
left_join(x, ., by=c("chromosome"="chromosome")) %>%
arrange(chromosome, cleavage.position) %>%
mutate(cum.cleavage.position = cleavage.position + chr.offset)
ymin <- as.numeric(x %>% summarize(min(!!score.col))) - 2
ymax <- as.numeric(x %>% summarize(max(!!score.col))) + 1
if (scale.chrom == TRUE)
x <- x %>%
mutate(cum.cleavage.position = rank(cum.cleavage.position))
xmin <- min(x$cum.cleavage.position) - 1
x$cum.cleavage.position <-
((x$cum.cleavage.position - xmin)/xmin)
xaxis.lab.pos = x %>% group_by(chromosome) %>%
summarize(chr.center=( max(cum.cleavage.position) +
min(cum.cleavage.position) ) / 2 )
xmin <- min(x$cum.cleavage.position)
if ( plot.zero.logscale == "none" && transformation == "log10")
x <- x %>% filter(!!score.col <= 0)
else if (transformation == "log10" && is.numeric(plot.zero.logscale)) {
plot.zero.logscale <- min(plot.zero.logscale,
min(x[x[, as.character(score.col)] > 0,
as.character(score.col)]) / 10)
x[x[, as.character(score.col)] <= 0, as.character(score.col)] <-
# signed_log10 <- scales::trans_new("signed_log10",
# transform=function(x)
# ifelse(x == 0, 0, sign(x)*log10(abs(x))),
# inverse=function(x)
# ifelse(x == 0, 0, sign(x) * abs(x)^10))
p1 <- ggplot(x, aes(x= cum.cleavage.position,
y = !!score.col)) +
size = off.target.line.size, shape = 6) +
geom_point(data = x[x$predicted_cleavage_score ==
aes(x = cum.cleavage.position,
y = !!score.col), shape = 25,
fill = on.target.color,
color = on.target.color,
size = on.target.line.size) +
scale_color_manual(values = rep(c("grey", "lightblue",
"purple", "orange"),
ceiling(nrow(xaxis.lab.pos)/4))) +
scale_x_continuous(labels = xaxis.lab.pos$chromosome,
breaks= xaxis.lab.pos$chr.center) +
# guide = guide_axis(n.dodge=n.dodge)) +
if (as.character(score.col) %in% c("total.match",
p1 <- p1 +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = ymin:ymax)
else if (as.character(score.col) == "predicted_cleavage_score" &&
transformation == "log10" && is.numeric(plot.zero.logscale)) {
if (-log10(plot.zero.logscale) %% 2 == 0)
breaks = 0.1^seq(0, -log10(plot.zero.logscale),
by = 2)
breaks = 0.1^seq(0, -log10(plot.zero.logscale),
by = 1)
labels <- breaks
labels[length(labels)] = 0
p1 <- p1 + scale_y_continuous(trans='log10',
breaks = breaks, labels =
format(labels, scientific = TRUE)) +
theme(axis.line.y = element_blank()) +
annotate(geom = "segment", x = -Inf, xend = -Inf,
# x = layer_scales(p1)$x$range$range[1],
# xend = layer_scales(p1)$x$range$range[1],
y = labels[length(labels) - 1],
yend = Inf) +
# yend = 10^layer_scales(p1)$y$range$range[2]) +
annotate(geom = "segment", x = -Inf, xend = -Inf,
# x = layer_scales(p1)$x$range$range[1],
# xend = layer_scales(p1)$x$range$range[1],
y = labels[length(labels)],
yend = labels[length(labels) - 1],
linetype = "dashed", color = "black")
else if (transformation == "log10")
p1 <- p1 + scale_y_continuous(trans='log10',n.breaks =6)
p1 <- p1 +
#theme_bw() +
xlab(label = "") +
ylab(label = ylab) +
panel.border = element_blank(),
axis.line = element_line(),
panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor.x = element_blank(),
panel.grid.major.y = element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor.y = element_blank(),
axis.title =element_text(size=axis.title.size,
face = "bold" ,
family = family),
face = "bold" ,
family = family),
axis.text.x=element_text(angle= 90, hjust= 1,
vjust = 0.5,
color =
rep(c("grey", "lightblue",
"purple", "orange"),
if (as.character(score.col) %in% c("peak_score", "n.distinct.UMIs"))
p1 <- p1 + theme(axis.text.y=element_text(angle=15,
hjust= 0.5,
vjust = 0.5))
else { ## plot.type is not manhattan
p1 <- ggplot(x,
aes(offTarget_Start, !!score.col)) +
geom_rect(aes(xmin = offTarget_Start, ymin = 0,
xmax = offTarget_End,
ymax= !!score.col), color = off.target.color ,
size = off.target.line.size) +
geom_rect(data = x[x$predicted_cleavage_score == on.target.score,],
aes(xmin = offTarget_Start, ymin = 0,
xmax = offTarget_End,
ymax = !!score.col), color = on.target.color ,
size = on.target.line.size
if (!as.character(score.col) %in% c("total.match",
"gRNA.mismatch.bulge") &&
transformation == "log10")
p1 <- p1 + scale_y_continuous(trans='log10',
n.breaks = 4)
p1 <- p1 + scale_y_continuous(n.breaks = 4)
if (length(unique(x$chromosome)) > 1)
p1 <- p1 + facet_grid(chromosome ~.,
scales = scale.grid )
p1 <- p1 + theme_bw() +
xlab(xlab) +
ylab(ylab) +
ggtitle(title) +
theme(axis.title =element_text(size=axis.title.size,
face = "bold", family = family),
axis.text=element_text(size=axis.label.size, face = "bold",
family = family),
panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
size = strip.text.y.size ),
legend.position= "none"
} ### if plot.type is not manhattan
} ### not scatter plot
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