#' Compare 2 input sequences/sequence sets for possible guide RNAs (gRNAs)
#' Generate all possible guide RNAs (gRNAs) for two input sequences, or two
#' sets of sequences, and generate scores for potential off-targets in the other
#' sequence.
#' %% ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
#' @param inputFile1Path Sequence input file 1 path that contains one of the
#' two sequences to be searched for potential gRNAs. It can also be a
#' DNAStringSet object with names field set. Please see examples below.
#' @param inputFile2Path Sequence input file 2 path that contains one of the
#' two sequences to be searched for potential gRNAs. It can also be a
#' DNAStringSet object with names field set. Please see examples below.
#' @param inputNames Name of the input sequences when inputFile1Path and
#' inputFile2Path are DNAStringSet instead of file path
#' @param format Format of the input files, fasta, fastq and bed format are
#' supported, default fasta
#' @param header Indicate whether the input file contains header, default
#' FALSE, only applies to bed format
#' @param findgRNAsWithREcutOnly Indicate whether to find gRNAs overlap with
#' restriction enzyme recognition pattern
#' @param searchDirection Indicate whether perfrom gRNA in both sequences and
#' off-target search against each other (both) or search gRNA in input1 and
#' off-target analysis in input2 (1to2), or vice versa (2to1)
#' @param BSgenomeName BSgenome object. Please refer to available.genomes in
#' BSgenome package. For example, BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19 for hg19,
#' BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10 for mm10, BSgenome.Celegans.UCSC.ce6 for ce6,
#' BSgenome.Rnorvegicus.UCSC.rn5 for rn5, BSgenome.Drerio.UCSC.danRer7 for Zv9,
#' and BSgenome.Dmelanogaster.UCSC.dm3 for dm3
#' @param baseEditing Indicate whether to design gRNAs for base editing.
#' Default to FALSE If TRUE, please set baseEditing = TRUE, targetBase and
#' editingWidow accordingly.
#' @param targetBase Applicable only when baseEditing is set to TRUE. It is
#' used to indicate the target base for base editing systems, default to C for
#' converting C to T in the CBE system. Please change it to A if you intend to
#' use the ABE system.
#' @param editingWindow Applicable only when baseEditing is set to TRUE. It is
#' used to indicate the effective editing window, default to 4 to 8 which is
#' for the original CBE system. Please change it accordingly if the system you
#' use have a different editing window.
#' @param editingWindow.offtargets Applicable only when baseEditing is set to
#' TRUE. It is used to indicate the effective editing window to consider for
#' the offtargets search only, default to 4 to 8 which is for the original CBE
#' system. Please change it accordingly if the system you use have a different
#' editing window, or you would like to include offtargets with the target base
#' in a larger editing window.
#' @param REpatternFile File path containing restriction enzyme cut patters
#' @param minREpatternSize Minimum restriction enzyme recognition pattern
#' length required for the enzyme pattern to be searched for, default 6
#' @param findgRNAs Indicate whether to find gRNAs from the sequences in the
#' input file or skip the step of finding gRNAs, default TRUE for both input
#' sequences. Set it to FALSE if the input file contains user selected gRNAs
#' plus PAM already.
#' @param removegRNADetails Indicate whether to remove the detailed gRNA
#' information such as efficacy file and restriction enzyme cut sites, default
#' false for both input sequences. Set it to TRUE if the input file contains
#' the user selected gRNAs plus PAM already.
#' @param exportAllgRNAs Indicate whether to output all potential gRNAs to a
#' file in fasta format, genbank format or both. Default to no.
#' @param annotatePaired Indicate whether to output paired information, default
#' to FALSE
#' @param overlap.gRNA.positions The required overlap positions of gRNA and
#' restriction enzyme cut site, default 17 and 18
#' @param findPairedgRNAOnly Choose whether to only search for paired gRNAs in
#' such an orientation that the first one is on minus strand called reverse
#' gRNA and the second one is on plus strand called forward gRNA. TRUE or
#' FALSE, default FALSE
#' @param min.gap Minimum distance between two oppositely oriented gRNAs to be
#' valid paired gRNAs. Default 0
#' @param max.gap Maximum distance between two oppositely oriented gRNAs to be
#' valid paired gRNAs. Default 20
#' @param gRNA.name.prefix The prefix used when assign name to found gRNAs,
#' default _gR, short for guided RNA.
#' @param PAM.size PAM length, default 3
#' @param gRNA.size The size of the gRNA, default 20
#' @param PAM PAM sequence after the gRNA, default NGG
#' @param PAM.pattern Regular expression of PAM, default NNG or NGN for spCas9.
#' For cpf1, ^TTTN since it is a 5 prime PAM sequence
#' @param allowed.mismatch.PAM Maximum number of mismatches allowed to the PAM
#' sequence, default to 1 for PAM.pattern NNG or NGN PAM
#' @param max.mismatch Maximum mismatch allowed to search the off targets in
#' the other sequence, default 3
#' @param outputDir the directory where the sequence comparison results will be
#' written to
#' @param upstream upstream offset from the bed input starts to search for gRNA
#' and/or offtargets, default 0
#' @param downstream downstream offset from the bed input ends to search for
#' gRNA and/or offtargets, default 0
#' @param weights numeric vector size of gRNA length, default c(0, 0, 0.014, 0,
#' 0, 0.395, 0.317, 0, 0.389, 0.079, 0.445, 0.508, 0.613, 0.851, 0.732, 0.828,
#' 0.615, 0.804, 0.685, 0.583) which is used in Hsu et al., 2013 cited in the
#' reference section
#' @param overwrite overwrite the existing files in the output directory or
#' not, default TRUE
#' @param baseBeforegRNA Number of bases before gRNA used for calculating gRNA
#' efficiency, default 4 Please note, for PAM located on the 5 prime, need to
#' specify the number of bases before the PAM sequence plus PAM size.
#' @param baseAfterPAM Number of bases after PAM used for calculating gRNA
#' efficiency, default 3 for spCas9 Please note, for PAM located on the 5
#' prime, need to include the length of the gRNA plus the extended sequence on
#' the 3 prime
#' @param featureWeightMatrixFile Feature weight matrix file used for
#' calculating gRNA efficiency. By default DoenchNBT2014 weight matrix is used.
#' To use alternative weight matrix file, please input a csv file with first
#' column containing significant features and the second column containing the
#' corresponding weights for the features. Please see Doench et al., 2014 for
#' details.
#' @param foldgRNAs Default FALSE. If set to TRUE, summary file will contain
#' minimum free energy of the secondary structure of gRNA with gRNA backbone
#' from GeneRfold package provided that GeneRfold package has been installed.
#' @param gRNA.backbone gRNA backbone constant region sequence. Default to the
#' sequence in Sp gRNA backbone.
#' @param temperature temperature in celsius. Default to 37 celsius.
#' @param scoring.method Indicates which method to use for offtarget cleavage
#' rate estimation, currently two methods are supported, Hsu-Zhang and CFDscore
#' @param subPAM.activity Applicable only when scoring.method is set to
#' CFDscore A hash to represent the cleavage rate for each alternative sub PAM
#' sequence relative to preferred PAM sequence
#' @param subPAM.position Applicable only when scoring.method is set to
#' CFDscore The start and end positions of the sub PAM. Default to 22 and 23
#' for SP with 20bp gRNA and NGG as preferred PAM
#' @param PAM.location PAM location relative to gRNA. For example, spCas9 PAM
#' is located on the 3 prime (3prime) while cpf1 PAM is located on the 5 prime
#' (5prime)
#' @param rule.set Specify a rule set scoring system for calculating gRNA
#' efficacy. Please note that Root_RuleSet2_2016 requires the following python
#' packages with specified verion and python 2.7. 1. scikit-learn 0.16.1 2.
#' pickle 3. pandas 4. numpy 5. scipy
#' @param mismatch.activity.file Applicable only when scoring.method is set to
#' CFDscore A comma separated (csv) file containing the cleavage rates for all
#' possible types of single nucleotide mismatche at each position of the gRNA.
#' By default, using the supplemental Table 19 from Doench et al., Nature
#' Biotechnology 2016
#' @return Return a data frame with all potential gRNAs from both sequences. In
#' addition, a tab delimited file scoresFor2InputSequences.xls is also saved in
#' the outputDir, sorted by scoreDiff descending.
#' \item{name}{name of the gRNA}
#' \item{gRNAPlusPAM}{gRNA plus PAM sequence}
#' \item{targetInSeq1}{target/off-target sequence including PAM in the 1st
#' input sequence file} \item{targetInSeq2}{target/off-target sequence incuding
#' PAM in the 2nd input sequence file}
#' \item{guideAlignment2Offtarget}{alignment of gRNA to the other input
#' sequence (off-target sequence)} \item{offTargetStrand}{strand of the other
#' sequence (off-target sequence) the gRNA align to} \item{scoreForSeq1}{score
#' for the target sequence in the 1st input sequence file}
#' \item{scoreForSeq2}{score for the target sequence in the 1st input sequence
#' file} \item{mismatch.distance2PAM}{distances of mismatch to PAM, e.g., 14
#' means the mismatch is 14 bp away from PAM} \item{n.mismatch}{number of
#' mismatches between the off-target and the gRNA} \item{targetSeqName}{the
#' name of the input sequence where the target sequence is located}
#' \item{scoreDiff}{scoreForSeq1 - scoreForSeq2} \item{bracket.notation}{folded
#' gRNA in bracket notation} \item{mfe.sgRNA}{minimum free energy of sgRNA}
#' \item{mfe.diff}{mfe.sgRNA-mfe.backbone} \item{mfe.backbone}{minimum free
#' energy of the gRNA backbone by itself}
#' @note %% ~~further notes~~
#' @author Lihua Julie Zhu
#' @seealso CRISPRseek
#' @references Patrick D Hsu, David A Scott, Joshua A Weinstein, F Ann Ran,
#' Silvana Konermann, Vineeta Agarwala, Yinqing Li, Eli J Fine, Xuebing Wu,
#' Ophir Shalem, Thomas J Cradick, Luciano A Marraffini, Gang Bao & Feng Zhang
#' (2013) DNA targeting specificity of rNA-guided Cas9 nucleases. Nature
#' Biotechnology 31:827-834
#' @keywords misc
#' @examples
#' library(CRISPRseek)
#' inputFile1Path <- system.file("extdata", "rs362331T.fa",
#' package = "CRISPRseek")
#' inputFile2Path <- system.file("extdata", "rs362331C.fa",
#' package = "CRISPRseek")
#' REpatternFile <- system.file("extdata", "NEBenzymes.fa",
#' package = "CRISPRseek")
#' seqs <- compare2Sequences(inputFile1Path, inputFile2Path,
#' outputDir = getwd(),
#' REpatternFile = REpatternFile, overwrite = TRUE)
#' seqs2 <- compare2Sequences(inputFile1Path, inputFile2Path,
#' inputNames=c("Seq1", "Seq2"),
#' scoring.method = "CFDscore",
#' outputDir = getwd(),
#' overwrite = TRUE, baseEditing = TRUE)
#' inputFile1Path <-
#' DNAStringSet(
#' )
#' ## when set inputFile1Path to a DNAStringSet object, it is important
#' ## to call names
#' names(inputFile1Path) <- "seq1"
#' inputFile2Path <-
#' DNAStringSet(
#' )
#' ## when set inputFile2Path to a DNAStringSet object, it is important
#' ## to call names
#' names(inputFile2Path) <- "seq2"
#' seqs <- compare2Sequences(inputFile1Path, inputFile2Path,
#' inputNames=c("Seq1", "Seq2"),
#' scoring.method = "CFDscore",
#' outputDir = getwd(),
#' overwrite = TRUE)
#' seqs2 <- compare2Sequences(inputFile1Path, inputFile2Path,
#' inputNames=c("Seq1", "Seq2"),
#' scoring.method = "CFDscore",
#' outputDir = getwd(),
#' overwrite = TRUE, baseEditing = TRUE)
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges intersect
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics rbind
#' @importFrom Biostrings readDNAStringSet DNAStringSet
#' @importFrom utils read.csv read.table write.table
#' @importFrom hash hash
#' @export
compare2Sequences <- function(inputFile1Path, inputFile2Path, inputNames=c("Seq1", "Seq2"),
format = c("fasta", "fasta"), header = FALSE, findgRNAsWithREcutOnly = FALSE,
searchDirection = c("both","1to2", "2to1"), BSgenomeName,
baseEditing = FALSE, targetBase = "C", editingWindow = 4:8,
editingWindow.offtargets = 4:8,
REpatternFile=system.file("extdata", "NEBenzymes.fa", package = "CRISPRseek"),
minREpatternSize = 6, findgRNAs = c(TRUE, TRUE), removegRNADetails = c(FALSE, FALSE),
exportAllgRNAs = c("no", "all", "fasta", "genbank"), annotatePaired = FALSE,
overlap.gRNA.positions = c(17, 18), findPairedgRNAOnly = FALSE,
min.gap = 0, max.gap = 20, gRNA.name.prefix = "_gR", PAM.size = 3,
gRNA.size = 20, PAM = "NGG", PAM.pattern = "NNG$|NGN$",
allowed.mismatch.PAM = 1, max.mismatch = 3,
outputDir, upstream =0, downstream = 0,
weights = c(0, 0, 0.014, 0, 0, 0.395, 0.317, 0, 0.389, 0.079,
0.445, 0.508, 0.613, 0.851, 0.732, 0.828, 0.615, 0.804,
0.685, 0.583), overwrite = FALSE, baseBeforegRNA = 4,
baseAfterPAM = 3, featureWeightMatrixFile = system.file("extdata",
"DoenchNBT2014.csv", package = "CRISPRseek"), foldgRNAs = FALSE,
temperature = 37,
scoring.method = c("Hsu-Zhang", "CFDscore"),
subPAM.activity = hash( AA =0,
AC = 0,
AG = 0.259259259,
AT = 0,
CA = 0,
CC = 0,
CG = 0.107142857,
CT = 0,
GA = 0.069444444,
GC = 0.022222222,
GG = 1,
GT = 0.016129032,
TA = 0,
TC = 0,
TG = 0.038961039,
TT = 0),
subPAM.position = c(22, 23),
PAM.location = "3prime",
rule.set = c("Root_RuleSet1_2014", "Root_RuleSet2_2016", "CRISPRscan", "DeepCpf1"),
mismatch.activity.file = system.file("extdata",
package = "CRISPRseek")
scoring.method <- match.arg(scoring.method)
exportAllgRNAs <- match.arg(exportAllgRNAs)
searchDirection <- match.arg(searchDirection)
rule.set <- match.arg(rule.set)
PAM.p.letters <- strsplit(PAM.pattern, split="")[[1]]
if (PAM.location == "3prime" && PAM.p.letters[length(PAM.p.letters)] != "$")
PAM.pattern <- paste0(PAM.pattern, "$")
if (PAM.location == "5prime" && PAM.p.letters[1] != "^")
PAM.pattern <- paste0("^", PAM.pattern)
if (scoring.method == "Hsu-Zhang")
if (length(weights) != gRNA.size)
stop("Please make sure the size of weights vector
equals to the gRNA.size!\n")
else if (scoring.method == "CFDscore")
mismatch.activity <- read.csv(mismatch.activity.file)
required.col <- c("Mismatch.Type", "Position", "Percent.Active")
if (length(intersect(colnames(mismatch.activity), required.col)) !=
stop("Please rename the mismatch activity file column to contain at least
these 3 column names: Mismatch.Type, Position, Percent.Active\n")
if (class(inputFile1Path) != "DNAStringSet" || class(inputFile2Path) != "DNAStringSet")
if ((format[1] == "bed" || format[2] == "bed") &&
(missing(BSgenomeName) || class(BSgenomeName) != "BSgenome"))
stop("BSgenomeName is required as BSgenome object when input file is in bed format!")
append = ifelse(overwrite, FALSE, TRUE)
if (class(inputFile1Path) != "DNAStringSet")
outputDir1 <- file.path(outputDir, paste(basename(inputFile1Path),
format(Sys.time(), "%b-%d-%Y"), sep="-"))
outputDir1 <- file.path(outputDir, "File1")
if (class(inputFile2Path) != "DNAStringSet")
outputDir2 <- file.path(outputDir, paste(basename(inputFile2Path),
format(Sys.time(), "%b-%d-%Y"), sep="-"))
outputDir2 <- file.path(outputDir, "File2")
if(searchDirection == "both" || searchDirection == "1to2")
cat("search for gRNAs for input file1...\n")
if (findgRNAs[1])
(gRNAs1 = offTargetAnalysis(inputFile1Path, format = format[1],
findgRNAs = findgRNAs[1], annotatePaired = annotatePaired,
exportAllgRNAs = exportAllgRNAs, gRNAoutputName= inputNames[1],
findPairedgRNAOnly = findPairedgRNAOnly, chromToSearch = "",
findgRNAsWithREcutOnly = findgRNAsWithREcutOnly,
REpatternFile = REpatternFile, minREpatternSize = minREpatternSize,
overlap.gRNA.positions = overlap.gRNA.positions,
min.gap = min.gap, max.gap = max.gap,
gRNA.name.prefix = gRNA.name.prefix, PAM.size = PAM.size,
gRNA.size = gRNA.size, PAM = PAM, PAM.pattern = PAM.pattern,
outputUniqueREs = FALSE,
baseEditing = baseEditing, targetBase = targetBase, editingWindow = editingWindow,
editingWindow.offtargets = editingWindow.offtargets,
outputDir = outputDir1, upstream.search = upstream,
downstream.search = downstream,
weights = weights, foldgRNAs = FALSE, overwrite = overwrite,
featureWeightMatrixFile = featureWeightMatrixFile,
baseBeforegRNA = baseBeforegRNA, BSgenomeName = BSgenomeName,
baseAfterPAM = baseAfterPAM, header = header,
subPAM.position = subPAM.position,
subPAM.activity = subPAM.activity,
PAM.location = PAM.location,
rule.set = rule.set,
mismatch.activity.file = mismatch.activity.file)),
error = function(e) {print(e); gRNAs1 = DNAStringSet()})
else if (class(inputFile1Path) == "DNAStringSet")
gRNAs1 <- inputFile1Path
else if (format[1] == "fasta" || format[1] == "fastq")
gRNAs1 <- readDNAStringSet(inputFile1Path, format[1],
use.names = TRUE)
stop("format needs to be either fasta or fastq for gRNA file!")
if(searchDirection == "both" || searchDirection == "2to1")
cat("search for gRNAs for input file2...\n")
tryCatch((gRNAs2 = offTargetAnalysis(inputFile2Path, format = format[2],
findgRNAs = findgRNAs[2], annotatePaired = annotatePaired,
exportAllgRNAs = exportAllgRNAs, gRNAoutputName = inputNames[2],
findPairedgRNAOnly = findPairedgRNAOnly, chromToSearch = "",
findgRNAsWithREcutOnly = findgRNAsWithREcutOnly,
REpatternFile = REpatternFile, minREpatternSize = minREpatternSize,
outputUniqueREs = FALSE,
overlap.gRNA.positions = overlap.gRNA.positions,
min.gap = min.gap, max.gap = max.gap,
gRNA.name.prefix = gRNA.name.prefix, PAM.size = PAM.size,
gRNA.size = gRNA.size, PAM = PAM, PAM.pattern = PAM.pattern,
baseEditing = baseEditing, targetBase = targetBase, editingWindow = editingWindow,
editingWindow.offtargets = editingWindow.offtargets,
outputDir = outputDir2, upstream.search = upstream,
downstream.search = downstream,
weights = weights, foldgRNAs = FALSE, overwrite = overwrite,
featureWeightMatrixFile = featureWeightMatrixFile,
baseBeforegRNA = baseBeforegRNA, BSgenomeName = BSgenomeName,
baseAfterPAM = baseAfterPAM, header = header,
subPAM.position = subPAM.position,
subPAM.activity = subPAM.activity,
PAM.location = PAM.location,
rule.set = rule.set,
mismatch.activity.file = mismatch.activity.file)),
error=function(e) {print(e); gRNAs2 = DNAStringSet()})
else if (class(inputFile2Path) == "DNAStringSet")
gRNAs2 <- inputFile2Path
else if (format[2] == "fasta" || format[2] == "fastq")
gRNAs2 <- readDNAStringSet(inputFile2Path, format[2],
use.names = TRUE)
stop("format needs to be either fasta or fastq for gRNA file!")
print("Scoring ...")
if (class(inputFile1Path) != "DNAStringSet")
if (format[1] == "bed")
subjects1 <- getSeqFromBed(inputFile1Path, header = header,
BSgenomeName = BSgenomeName, upstream = upstream, downstream = downstream)
subjects1 <- readDNAStringSet(inputFile1Path, format = format[1],
use.names = TRUE)
subjects1 <- inputFile1Path
if (class(inputFile2Path) != "DNAStringSet")
if (format[2] == "bed")
subjects2 <- getSeqFromBed(inputFile2Path, header = header,
BSgenomeName = BSgenomeName, upstream = upstream, downstream = downstream)
subjects2 <- readDNAStringSet(inputFile2Path, format = format[2],
use.names = TRUE)
subjects2 <- inputFile2Path
outfile <- tempfile(tmpdir = getwd())
seqname <- names(subjects2)
seqname <- gsub("'", "", seqname)
seqname <- gsub(" ", "", seqname)
seqname <- gsub("\t", ":", seqname)
names(subjects2) <- seqname
#write.table(subjects2, file="testSeqs")
#revsubject <- reverseComplement(subjects2)
#chrom.len <- nchar(as.character(subjects2))
if(searchDirection == "both" || searchDirection == "1to2")
for (j in 1:length(subjects2))
if (j == 1)
hits <- searchHits(gRNAs = gRNAs1, PAM = PAM, PAM.pattern = PAM.pattern,
seqs = subjects2[[j]], seqname = names(subjects2)[j],
max.mismatch = max.mismatch, PAM.size = PAM.size,
gRNA.size = gRNA.size, allowed.mismatch.PAM = allowed.mismatch.PAM,
PAM.location = PAM.location, outfile = outfile,
baseEditing = baseEditing, targetBase = targetBase,
editingWindow = editingWindow.offtargets)
hits <- rbind(hits, searchHits(gRNAs = gRNAs1, PAM = PAM,
PAM.pattern = PAM.pattern,
seqs = subjects2[[j]], seqname = names(subjects2)[j],
max.mismatch = max.mismatch, PAM.size = PAM.size,
gRNA.size = gRNA.size, allowed.mismatch.PAM = allowed.mismatch.PAM,
PAM.location = PAM.location, outfile = outfile,
baseEditing = baseEditing, targetBase = targetBase,
editingWindow = editingWindow.offtargets))
} # end of if searchDirection == "both" or searchDirection == "1to2"
cat("finish off-target search in sequence 2\n")
seqname <- names(subjects1)
seqname <- gsub("'", "", seqname)
seqname <- gsub(" ", "", seqname)
seqname <- gsub("\t", ":", seqname)
#revsubject <- reverseComplement(subjects1)
#revsubject <- reverseComplement(subjects1[[1]])
names(subjects1) <- seqname
#chrom.len = nchar(as.character(subjects1))
if(searchDirection == "both" || searchDirection == "2to1")
for (j in 1:length(subjects1))
if (j == 1 && !exists("hits"))
hits <- searchHits(gRNAs = gRNAs2, PAM = PAM, PAM.pattern = PAM.pattern,
seqs = subjects1[[j]], seqname = names(subjects1)[j],
max.mismatch = max.mismatch, PAM.size = PAM.size,
gRNA.size = gRNA.size, allowed.mismatch.PAM = allowed.mismatch.PAM,
PAM.location = PAM.location, outfile = outfile,
baseEditing = baseEditing, targetBase = targetBase,
editingWindow = editingWindow.offtargets)
hits <- rbind(hits, searchHits(gRNAs = gRNAs2, PAM = PAM,
PAM.pattern = PAM.pattern,
seqs = subjects1[[j]], seqname = names(subjects1)[j],
max.mismatch = max.mismatch, PAM.size = PAM.size,
gRNA.size = gRNA.size, allowed.mismatch.PAM = allowed.mismatch.PAM,
PAM.location = PAM.location, outfile = outfile,
baseEditing = baseEditing, targetBase = targetBase,
editingWindow = editingWindow.offtargets))
} # if searchDirection == "both" or searchDirection == "2to1"
cat("finish off-target search in sequence 1\n")
if (removegRNADetails[1])
unlink(outputDir1, recursive = TRUE)
if (removegRNADetails[2])
unlink(outputDir2, recursive = TRUE)
featureVectors <- buildFeatureVectorForScoring(hits = hits,
canonical.PAM = PAM, gRNA.size = gRNA.size,
subPAM.position = subPAM.position, PAM.location = PAM.location)
cat("finish feature vector building\n")
if ( scoring.method == "CFDscore")
scores <- getOfftargetScore2(featureVectors,
subPAM.activity = subPAM.activity,
mismatch.activity.file = mismatch.activity.file)
scores <- getOfftargetScore(featureVectors, weights = weights)
cat("finish score calculation\n")
targetInSeq1 <- scores$gRNAPlusPAM
targetInSeq2 <- scores$gRNAPlusPAM
if ( scoring.method == "CFDscore")
scoreForSeq1 <- rep(1, dim(scores)[1])
scoreForSeq2 <- rep(1, dim(scores)[1])
max.score <- 1
scoreForSeq1 <- rep(100, dim(scores)[1])
scoreForSeq2 <- rep(100, dim(scores)[1])
max.score <- 100
if(length(subjects1) == 1 && length(subjects2) == 1)
scoreForSeq1[scores$chrom == names(subjects1)] <-
scores$score[scores$chrom == names(subjects1)]
scoreForSeq2[scores$chrom == names(subjects2)] <-
scores$score[scores$chrom == names(subjects2)]
targetInSeq1[scores$chrom == names(subjects1)] <-
scores$OffTargetSequence[scores$chrom == names(subjects1)]
targetInSeq2[scores$chrom == names(subjects2)] <-
scores$OffTargetSequence[scores$chrom == names(subjects2)]
seqNames <- c(names(subjects1), names(subjects2))
targetSeqName = unlist(lapply(
scores$chrom, function(i) {seqNames[seqNames !=i]}))
else if (searchDirection == "1to2")
scoreForSeq2 = scores$score
targetInSeq2 = scores$OffTargetSequence
targetSeqName = scores$name
else if (searchDirection == "2to1")
scoreForSeq1 = scores$score
targetInSeq1 = scores$OffTargetSequence
targetSeqName = scores$name
seqNames <- c(names(subjects1), names(subjects2))
fileIndex <- c(rep(1, length(subjects1)), rep(2, length(subjects2)))
offTargetFiles <- fileIndex[match(scores$chrom,seqNames)]
targetSeqName <- scores$name
scoreForSeq1[offTargetFiles == 1] <-
scores[offTargetFiles == 1, ]$score
scoreForSeq2[offTargetFiles == 2] <-
scores[offTargetFiles == 2, ]$score
targetInSeq1[offTargetFiles ==1] <-
scores[offTargetFiles == 1,]$OffTargetSequence
targetInSeq2[offTargetFiles == 2] <-
scores[offTargetFiles == 2,]$OffTargetSequence
targetSeqName <- gsub(paste(gRNA.name.prefix, "[0-9]+[f|r]", sep=""), "", targetSeqName)
targetSeqName <- gsub(paste("_gR", "[0-9]+[f|r]", sep=""), "", targetSeqName)
targetSeqName <- gsub( "Start[0-9]+End[0-9]+", "", targetSeqName)
seqs.new <- as.data.frame(cbind(name = scores$name,
gRNAPlusPAM = scores$gRNAPlusPAM,
targetInSeq1 = targetInSeq1,
targetInSeq2 = targetInSeq2,
guideAlignment2OffTarget = scores$alignment,
offTargetStrand = scores$strand,
scoreForSeq1 = scoreForSeq1,
scoreForSeq2 = scoreForSeq2,
mismatch.distance2PAM = as.character(scores$mismatch.distance2PAM),
n.mismatch = scores$n.mismatch,
offTarget = scores$forViewInUCSC,
targetSeqName = targetSeqName)
if(searchDirection == "both" || searchDirection == "1to2")
if (length(setdiff(names(gRNAs1),seqs.new[,1])) >0)
gRNAnames <- names(gRNAs1)[!names(gRNAs1) %in% seqs.new[,1]]
targetSeqName <- gsub(paste(gRNA.name.prefix, "[0-9]+[f|r]", sep=""), "", gRNAnames)
targetSeqName <- gsub(paste("_gR", "[0-9]+[f|r]", sep=""), "", targetSeqName)
targetSeqName <- gsub( "Start[0-9]+End[0-9]+", "", targetSeqName)
seqs1.only <- as.data.frame(cbind(name = gRNAnames,
gRNAPlusPAM = as.character(gRNAs1)[names(gRNAs1) %in% gRNAnames],
targetInSeq1 = as.character(gRNAs1)[names(gRNAs1) %in% gRNAnames],
targetInSeq2 = rep("NA", length(targetSeqName)),
guideAlignment2OffTarget = rep("NA", length(targetSeqName)),
offTargetStrand = rep("NA", length(targetSeqName)),
scoreForSeq1 = rep(max.score, length(targetSeqName)),
scoreForSeq2 = rep(0, length(targetSeqName)),
mismatch.distance2PAM = rep("NA", length(targetSeqName)),
n.mismatch = rep("NA", length(targetSeqName)),
offTarget = rep("NA", length(targetSeqName)),
targetSeqName = targetSeqName)
seqs.new <- rbind(seqs.new, seqs1.only)
if(searchDirection == "both" || searchDirection == "2to1")
if (length(setdiff(names(gRNAs2),seqs.new[,1])) >0)
gRNAnames <- names(gRNAs2)[!names(gRNAs2) %in% seqs.new[,1]]
targetSeqName <- gsub(paste(gRNA.name.prefix, "[0-9]+[f|r]", sep=""), "",gRNAnames)
targetSeqName <- gsub(paste("_gR", "[0-9]+[f|r]", sep=""), "", targetSeqName)
targetSeqName <- gsub( "_Start[0-9]+End[0-9]+", "", targetSeqName)
seqs2.only <- as.data.frame(cbind(name = gRNAnames,
gRNAPlusPAM = as.character(gRNAs2)[names(gRNAs2) %in% gRNAnames],
targetInSeq1 = rep("NA", length(targetSeqName)),
targetInSeq2 = as.character(gRNAs2)[names(gRNAs2) %in% gRNAnames],
guideAlignment2OffTarget = rep("NA", length(targetSeqName)),
offTargetStrand = rep("NA", length(targetSeqName)),
scoreForSeq1 = rep(0, length(targetSeqName)),
scoreForSeq2 = rep(max.score, length(targetSeqName)),
mismatch.distance2PAM = rep("NA", length(targetSeqName)),
n.mismatch = rep("NA", length(targetSeqName)),
offTarget = rep("NA", length(targetSeqName)),
targetSeqName = targetSeqName)
seqs.new <- rbind(seqs.new, seqs2.only)
seqs <- unique(cbind(seqs.new, gRNAefficacy = 0,
scoreDiff = round(as.numeric(as.character(seqs.new[,7])) -
as.numeric(as.character(seqs.new[,8]),4), 3)))
# rownames(seqs) <- seqs[,1]
# seqs <- as.data.frame(seqs)
#save(seqs, file="seqs")
if (substr(outputDir1, nchar(outputDir1), nchar(outputDir1)) != .Platform$file.sep)
outputDir1 <- paste(outputDir1, "", sep = .Platform$file.sep)
if (substr(outputDir2, nchar(outputDir2), nchar(outputDir2)) != .Platform$file.sep)
outputDir2 <- paste(outputDir2, "", sep = .Platform$file.sep)
if (searchDirection == "both")
if (findgRNAs[1])
eff1File <- paste(outputDir1, "gRNAefficacy.xls", sep = "")
gRNAeff1 <- read.table(eff1File,sep="\t", header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
if (findgRNAs[2])
eff2File <- paste(outputDir2, "gRNAefficacy.xls", sep = "")
gRNAeff2 <- read.table(eff2File,sep="\t", header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
if (findgRNAs[1])
if (findgRNAs[2])
gRNAeff <- rbind(gRNAeff1, gRNAeff2)
gRNAeff <- gRNAeff1
else if (findgRNAs[2])
gRNAeff <- gRNAeff2
if(searchDirection == "1to2" && findgRNAs[1])
eff1File <- paste(outputDir1, "gRNAefficacy.xls", sep = "")
gRNAeff <- read.table(eff1File,sep="\t", header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
if(searchDirection == "2to1" && findgRNAs[2])
eff2File <- paste(outputDir2, "gRNAefficacy.xls", sep = "")
gRNAeff <- read.table(eff2File,sep="\t", header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
m <- match(seqs$name, gRNAeff$name)
seqs$gRNAefficacy <- gRNAeff$gRNAefficacy[m]
originalDir <- getwd()
if (foldgRNAs)
gRNAs.withoutPAM <- substr(as.character(seqs$gRNAPlusPAM), 1, gRNA.size)
folded.gRNAs <- foldgRNAs(gRNAs.withoutPAM, gRNA.backbone = gRNA.backbone,
temperature = temperature)
if (length(dim(folded.gRNAs)) > 0)
seqs <- cbind(seqs, folded.gRNAs[,-1])
if (dim(seqs)[1] ==1)
write.table(seqs, file = "scoresFor2InputSequences.xls",
sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names=TRUE)
write.table(seqs[order(as.numeric(seqs[,dim(seqs)[2]]), decreasing = TRUE), ],
file = "scoresFor2InputSequences.xls",
sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names=TRUE)
if (removegRNADetails[1])
unlink(outputDir1, recursive = TRUE)
if (removegRNADetails[2])
unlink(outputDir2, recursive = TRUE)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.