
Defines functions .transformOnDiskMSnExp .transformSpectra .transformNumeric mobilityTransform

Documented in mobilityTransform .transformNumeric .transformOnDiskMSnExp .transformSpectra

#' @name mobilityTransform
#' @aliases mobilityTransform
#' @title Effective mobility scale transformation of CE-MS data
#' @description
#' `mobilityTransform` performs effective mobility scale transformation
#' of CE(-MS) data, which is used to overcome variations of the migration
#' times, caused by  differences in the Electroosmotic Flow (EOF) between
#' different runs.
#' In order to monitor the EOF and perform the transformation, neutral or
#' charged EOF markers are spiked into the sample before analysis. The
#' information of the EOF markers (migration time and effective mobility)
#' will be then used to perform the  effective mobility transformation of
#' the migration time scale.
#' For the transformation, either one mobility marker or both can be used.
#' If a single marker is used, either a neutral EOF marker, or charged
#' marker with its corresponding mobilities (0 for the neutral marker) must
#' be provided, along with the applied voltage `U`, and the total capillary
#' length `L`.
#' If two markers are used, both a neutral EOF marker and a charged marker
#' including their corresponding mobility must be provided.
#' Additionally, field ramping delays can be included by `tR`, which will
#' result in more precise effective mobility values.
#' Currently, `mobilityTransform` supports `numeric` vectors of migration
#' times as input, `Spectra`-objects or `MSnOnDiskExp`-objects.
#' `mobilityTransform` is a method that used different functions to convert
#' CE-MS data, depending on the input class. Following functions will be
#' applied depending on the input class:
#'      `.transformNumeric`: performs effective mobility scale
#'      transformation of a `numeric` migration time vector as input. This
#'      can be used to transform a row of migration times or a single
#'      value. This function will return a `numeric`
#'      `.transformSpectra` performs effective mobility scale
#'      transformation of the migration time scale within a `Spectra`
#'      object. This function will return a `Spectra` object with
#'      effective mobility scale
#'      `.transformOnDiskMSnExp` performs effective mobility scale
#'      transformation of the migration time scale within an `OnDiskMSnExp`
#'      object.
#'      Since `OnDiskMSnExp` can store multiple files, it is also possible
#'      to perform the transformation of multiple files. Hence,
#'      `.transformOnDiskMSnExp` requires the `marker` `data.frame` to
#'      have an additional column "fileIdx" that stores the file Index of
#'      the migration time of all markers.
#' @param x
#' `numeric` migration time vector, `Spectra` -object, or `MSnOnDiskExp`-
#' object that serves as input file to perform the effective mobility
#' transformation.
#' The respective migration time scale should be in seconds(!).
#' @param marker
#' `data.frame` containing minimum two columns, where one holds the
#' determined migration time in minutes (here referred to as "rtime") of
#' the EOF marker in the same run in which the migration time is going to
#' be transformed and the other column the respective mobility
#' ("mobility") of the EOF markers.
#' Each row hold the values for one EOF marker.
#' If `OnDiskMSnExp` is used in `x`, a third column "fileIdx" is required,
#' that stores the file Index.
#' One or two entries are required per file for the transformation and
#' depending on the number of entries the transformation will be performed
#' either on one or both markers.
#' @param tR `numeric` a single value that defines the time (in minutes) of
#' the electrical field ramp. The default is 0.
#' @param U `numeric` a single value that defines the voltage (in kV)
#' applied.
#' Note that for reversed polarity CE mode a negative value is needed.
#' @param L `numeric` a single value that defines the total length (in mm)
#' of the capillary that was used for CE(-MS) analysis.
#' @return
#' The same class as the input class will be returned, i.e. if a `numeric`
#' is used as input a `numeric` that represents effective mobility will be
#' returned. If a `Spectra`-Object is the input, also a `Spectra`-Object
#' with transformed mobility scale will be returned. The same applies for
#' `MSnOnDiskExp`-objects.
#' The respective unit for the effective mobility is mm^2 / (kV * min)
#' @author Liesa Salzer
#' @importFrom MetaboCoreUtils convertMtime
#' @examples
#' rtime <- c(10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100)
#' marker <- data.frame(
#'     markerID = c("marker1", "marker2"),
#'     rtime = c(20, 80),
#'     mobility = c(0, 2000)
#' )
#' mobilityTransform(x = rtime, marker = marker)
#' @export

mobilityTransform <- function(x, marker,
                              tR = 0,
                              U = numeric(),
                              L = numeric()) {

    ## sanity checks
    if (!class(x) %in% c("numeric", "Spectra", "OnDiskMSnExp")) {
            "'x' needs to be of class 'numeric', 'Spectra' or 'OnDistMSnExp'",
            " but not class '", class(x), "'"
    if (missing(marker)) {
        stop("Missing data.frame 'marker' with marker information")
    if (!all(c("rtime", "mobility") %in% colnames(marker))) {
        stop("'marker' missing column 'rtime', 'mobility' or both")

    if (is(x, "numeric")) {
        FUN <- .transformNumeric
        FUN <- match.fun(FUN)
        do.call(FUN, list(x = x, marker = marker, tR = tR, U = U, L = L))
    } else if (is(x, "Spectra")) {
        FUN <- .transformSpectra
        FUN <- match.fun(FUN)
        do.call(FUN, list(x = x, marker = marker, tR = tR, U = U, L = L))
    } else if (is(x, "OnDiskMSnExp")) {
        FUN <- .transformOnDiskMSnExp
        FUN <- match.fun(FUN)
        do.call(FUN, list(x = x, marker = marker, tR = tR, U = U, L = L))

#' @name .transformNumeric
#' @title Transformation of numeric
#' @param x
#' `numeric` migration time vector in seconds.
#' @param marker
#' `data.frame` containing minimum two columns, where one holds the
#' determined migration time in minutes (here referred to as "rtime") of
#' the EOF marker in the same run in which the migration time is going
#' to be transformed and the other column the respective mobility
#' ("mobility") of the EOF markers.
#' Each row hold the values for one EOF marker.
#' If `OnDiskMSnExp` is used in `x`, a third column "fileIdx" is required,
#' that stores the file Index.
#' One or two entries are required per file for the transformation and
#' depending on the number of entries the transformation will be performed
#' either on one or both markers.
#' @param tR `numeric` a single value that defines the time (in minutes) of
#' the electrical field ramp. The default is 0.
#' @param U `numeric` a single value that defines the voltage (in kV)
#' applied.
#' Note that for reversed polarity CE mode a negative value is needed.
#' @param L `numeric` a single value that defines the total length (in mm)
#' of the capillary that was used for CE(-MS) analysis.
#' @return
#' `numeric` vector that represents effective mobility in mm^2 / (kV * min)
#' @examples
#' rtime <- c(10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100)
#' marker <- data.frame(
#'     markerID = c("marker1", "marker2"),
#'     rtime = c(20, 80),
#'     mobility = c(0, 2000)
#' )
#' MobilityTransformR:::.transformNumeric(
#'     x = rtime, marker = marker, tR = 3,
#'     U = 30, L = 90
#' )
.transformNumeric <- function(x, marker, tR = tR, U = U, L = L) {
    convertMtime(x / 60,
        rtime = marker$rtime / 60,
        mobility = marker$mobility, tR = tR, U = U, L = L

#' @name .transformSpectra
#' @title Transformation of Spectra
#' @param x
#' `Spectra`-object that stores the migration times in seconds.
#' @param tR `numeric` a single value that defines the time (in minutes) of
#' the electrical field ramp. The default is 0.
#' @param marker
#' `data.frame` containing minimum two columns, where one holds the
#' determined migration time in minutes (here referred to as "rtime") of
#' the EOF marker in the same run in which the migration time is going
#' to be transformed and the other column the respective mobility
#' ("mobility") of the EOF markers.
#' Each row hold the values for one EOF marker.
#' If `OnDiskMSnExp` is used in `x`, a third column "fileIdx" is required,
#' that stores the file Index.
#' One or two entries are required per file for the transformation and
#' depending on the number of entries the transformation will be performed
#' either on one or both markers.
#' @param U `numeric` a single value that defines the voltage (in kV)
#' applied.
#' Note that for reversed polarity CE mode a negative value is needed.
#' @param L `numeric` a single value that defines the total length (in mm)
#' of the capillary that was used for CE(-MS) analysis.
#' @return
#' `Spectra`-Object that stores the effective mobility in mm^2 / (kV * min).
#' @importFrom Spectra applyProcessing
#' @importFrom Spectra rtime
#' @examples
#' spectra_data <- Spectra::Spectra(system.file("CE-MS/CEMS_10ppm.mzML",
#'     package = "msdata"
#' ))
#' marker <- data.frame(
#'     markerID = c("marker1", "marker2"),
#'     rtime = c(20, 80),
#'     mobility = c(0, 2000)
#' )
#' MobilityTransformR:::.transformSpectra(
#'     x = spectra_data, marker = marker,
#'     tR = 3, U = 30, L = 90
#' )
.transformSpectra <- function(x, marker, tR = tR, U = U, L = L) {
    xTransf <- x
    xTransf$rtime <- convertMtime(xTransf$rtime / 60,
        rtime = marker$rtime / 60,
        mobility = marker$mobility, tR = tR, U = U, L = L

    ## Data needs to be ordered by the migration time and spectrum IDs
    ## needs to be removed to prevent errors in xcms
    xTransf <- xTransf[order(rtime(xTransf))]
    xTransf$spectrumId <- NA


#' @name .transformOnDiskMSnExp
#' @title Transformation of OnDiskMSnExp
#' @param x
#' `OnDiskMSnExp`-object that stores the migration times in seconds.
#' @param marker
#' `data.frame` containing minimum two columns, where one holds the
#' determined migration time in minutes (here referred to as "rtime")
#' of the EOF marker  in the same run in which the migration time is
#' going to be transformed and
#' the other column the respective mobility ("mobility") of the EOF markers.
#' Each row hold the values for one EOF marker.
#' If `OnDiskMSnExp` is used in `x`, a third column "fileIdx" is required,
#' that stores the file Index.
#' One or two entries are required per file for the transformation and
#' depending on the number of entries the transformation will be performed
#' either on one or both markers.
#' @param tR `numeric` a single value that defines the time (in minutes) of
#' the electrical field ramp. The default is 0.
#' @param U `numeric` a single value that defines the voltage (in kV)
#' applied.
#' Note that for reversed polarity CE mode a negative value is needed.
#' @param L `numeric` a single value that defines the total length (in mm)
#' of the capillary that was used for CE(-MS) analysis.
#' @return
#' `OnDiskMSnExp`-Object that stores the effective mobility in
#' mm^2 / (kV * min).
#' @import MSnbase
#' @examples
#' fl <- system.file("CE-MS/CEMS_10ppm.mzML",
#'     package = "msdata"
#' )
#' raw_data <- MSnbase::readMSData(
#'     files = fl,
#'     mode = "onDisk"
#' )
#' marker <- data.frame(
#'     markerID = c("marker1", "marker2"),
#'     rtime = c(20, 80),
#'     mobility = c(0, 2000),
#'     fileIdx = c(1, 1)
#' )
#' MobilityTransformR:::.transformOnDiskMSnExp(
#'     x = raw_data, marker = marker,
#'     tR = 3, U = 30, L = 90
#' )
.transformOnDiskMSnExp <- function(x, marker, tR = tR, U = U, L = L) {
    ## sanity checks
    if (!all(c("fileIdx") %in% colnames(marker))) {
        stop("'marker' missing column 'fileIdx'")

    xTransf <- x

    rt_file <- split(rtime(x), fromFile(x))

    for (i in names(rt_file)) {
        ## Filter fData(xTransf) based on file index and change rt into
        ## transformed scale
        fData(xTransf)[fData(xTransf)$fileIdx == i, ]$retentionTime <-
                x = rt_file[[i]] / 60,
                rtime = marker[marker$fileIdx == i, ]$rtime / 60,
                mobility = marker[marker$fileIdx == i, ]$mobility,
                tR = tR, U = U, L = L

        ## Data needs to be ordered by the migration time to
        ## be removed to prevent errors in xcms
        fData(xTransf)[fData(xTransf)$fileIdx == i, ] <-
            fData(xTransf)[fData(xTransf)$fileIdx == i, ][order(fData(
            )[fData(xTransf)$fileIdx == i, ]$retentionTime), ]

LiesaSalzer/mobilityTransformationR documentation built on April 3, 2022, 5:58 p.m.