#' Check the PDF file
#' This function checks that the PDF file does not exist to avoid
#' overwriting a plot the user has previously made.
#' This is an utility function used by \link{four_panels} and
#' \link{plot_coverage}.
#' @inheritParams four_panels
#' @author Leonardo Collado-Torres
#' @return The path to the PDF file if the file doesn't exist. It appends
#' the pdf file extension if it was absent from `PDF`.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Choose a random PDF file
#' PDF <- paste0("test_", stats::runif(1, max = 1e10))
#' ## Initially this works because the output PDF does not exist.
#' PDF <- check_pdf(PDF)
#' ## It also adds the PDF extension if the user didn't supply it.
#' PDF
#' ## Create a dummy PDF file
#' pdf(file = PDF)
#' plot(1, 1)
#' dev.off()
#' ## Now it doesn't work since the PDF file already exists.
#' testthat::expect_error(
#' check_pdf(basename(PDF)),
#' "already exists! Rename or erase it"
#' )
check_pdf <- function(PDF = "four_panels.pdf", OUTDIR = tempdir()) {
pdf_file <- file.path(OUTDIR, PDF)
if (!grepl("pdf$", tolower(pdf_file))) {
pdf_file <- paste0(pdf_file, ".pdf")
if (file.exists(pdf_file)) {
"The file",
"\nalready exists! Rename or erase it before proceeding."
call. = FALSE
#' Compute the nearest annotation to the annoated genes in brainflowprobes
#' For a given set of genomic regions, this function computes the nearest
#' annotation information using the Annotated Genes required by this package.
#' The Annotated Genes are actually provided by
#' [GenomicState::GenomicStateHub()].
#' This is an utility function used by \link{region_info}, \link{four_panels}
#' and \link{plot_coverage}.
#' @param gr A [GenomicRanges::GRanges()][GenomicRanges::GRanges-class] object.
#' @inheritParams four_panels
#' @return The [bumphunter::matchGenes()] output for the annotation information
#' using the Annotated Genes for Gencode version 31 on hg19 coordinates (subset
#' to only the coding elements if `CODING_ONLY` was set to `TRUE`).
#' @export
#' @author Leonardo Collado-Torres
#' @importFrom GenomicState GenomicStateHub
#' @examples
#' gr <- GenomicRanges::GRanges("chr10:135379301-135379311:+")
#' get_nearest_annotation(gr)
#' get_nearest_annotation(gr, CODING_ONLY = TRUE)
get_nearest_annotation <- function(gr, CODING_ONLY = FALSE) {
## Get the data from AnnotationHub
genes <- GenomicState::GenomicStateHub(
version = "31", genome = "hg19",
filetype = "AnnotatedGenes"
gr_subject <- if (CODING_ONLY) {
} else {
nearestAnnotation <- bumphunter::matchGenes(x = gr, subject = gr_subject)
#' Check or compute the region coverage from the datasets in brainflowprobes
#' This utility function checks the user-provided region data.frame coverage
#' list (`COVERAGE`) or computes a new one using \link{brainflowprobes_cov}.
#' This is used by \link{four_panels} and \link{plot_coverage}.
#' @inheritParams four_panels
#' @inheritParams brainflowprobes_cov
#' @return If `COVERAGE` is provided and all checks pass, then this function
#' returns `COVERAGE`. Otherwise, it computes a new region coverage data.frame
#' list using \link{brainflowprobes_cov}.
#' @export
#' @author Leonardo Collado-Torres
#' @examples
#' ## If all checks pass, then it returns the COVERAGE
#' stopifnot(identical(
#' get_region_cov(COVERAGE = four_panels_example_cov),
#' four_panels_example_cov
#' ))
get_region_cov <- function(
PD = brainflowprobes::pd) {
if (is.null(COVERAGE)) {
regionCov <- brainflowprobes_cov(
PD = PD,
} else {
if (!all(c("Sep", "Deg", "Cell", "Sort") %in% names(COVERAGE))) {
stop("'COVERAGE' should be a list with the elements:\n'",
paste(names(brainflowprobes::pd), collapse = "', '"), "'.",
call. = FALSE
## Keep the main ones (in case the user shuffled them)
COVERAGE <- COVERAGE[names(brainflowprobes::pd)]
if (!all(vapply(COVERAGE, is.list, logical(1)))) {
stop("Each of the elements of 'COVERAGE' should be a list of\n",
"region coverage data.frames as created by\n",
call. = FALSE
if (!all(
vapply(COVERAGE, function(x) is.data.frame(x[[1]]), logical(1))
)) {
stop("Each of the elements of 'COVERAGE' should be a list of\n",
"region coverage data.frames as created by\n",
call. = FALSE
if (!identical(
vapply(brainflowprobes::pd, nrow, integer(1)),
vapply(COVERAGE, function(x) ncol(x[[1]]), integer(1))
)) {
stop("Each of the region coverage data.frame lists in 'COVERAGE'\n",
"should have a column per each of the samples in\n",
call. = FALSE
if (length(unique(
vapply(COVERAGE, function(x) nrow(x[[1]]), integer(1))
)) != 1) {
stop("Each of the region coverage data.frames inside 'COVERAGE'\n",
"should have the same number of rows (1 row per base-pair).",
call. = FALSE
regionCov <- COVERAGE
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