# statistical analysis of covRNA: stat
# input:
# [ExprSet] ExpressionSet: assayData will be called L (non-negative
# values), phenoData Q and featureData R (default);
# or: [R, L, Q] single dataframes;
# [npermut] number of permutations;
# [padjust] multiple hypothesis testing adjustment method;
# [nrcor] number of cores that shall be used (default:all available-1);
# [exprvar] for gene filtering: may vary between 0 and 1 (=default)
# & indicates fraction of most variably expressed genes to be analysed;
# output: list of class stat:
# [pvalue], [adj.pvalue], [stat] matrices of adjusted, non-adjusted
# p-values and statistical values;
# [ngenes] number of analyzed genes;
# [adjust.method] multiple hypothesis testing adjustment method
# (default: Benjamini and Hochberg)
# [npermut] number of permutations (default: 9999)
# [call] shows called function
# statistics:
# quant-quant: correlation coefficient of normalised variables
# qual-qual: Chi-square contingency table of binary variables
# qual-quant: correlation coefficient
stat <- function(ExprSet, R=R, L=L, Q=Q, npermut=9999, padjust="BH",
nrcor=detectCores()-1, exprvar=1) {
# subfunctions:
# 1. "disj" returns the disjunctive table of a factor vector
disj <- function(fac) {
# initialise matrix with levels of the factor as columns
mat <- matrix(0, nrow = length(fac), ncol = nlevels(fac))
# set respective values to 1, the rest remains 0
mat[(1:length(fac)) + length(fac) * (unclass(fac)-1)] <- 1
# give row- and columnames to the matrix
dimnames(mat) <- list(names(fac), as.character(levels(fac)))
# return the matrix as dataframe
return(data.frame(mat, check.names = FALSE))
# 2. "normalise" normalises R/Q by the row/column weights of L
normalise <- function (mtx, weight, sumL) {
# mtx as matrix R or Q to normalise, weight as row/column weight of
# matrix L and sumL as sum of entire matrix L
# row-wise mean of mtx
mn <- 0
mn <- sum(mtx * (weight/sumL))
# row-wise variance of mtx
vr <- 0
vr <- sum((weight/sumL) * (mtx-mn)^2)
# set variances <= 0 to 1 to avoid effect
if (vr<=0) vr <- 1
# calculate standard deviation
vr <- sqrt(vr)
# normalise each column of mtx
mtx <- (mtx-mn)/vr
# 3. "calstat" permutes matrix L row- or columnwise once and counts how
# often empirical statistical values >= observed statistical value
calstat <- function(R, Rq, L, Q, Qq, o, permut, ind) {
# permut="r" indicates row-wise permutation
# permut="c" indicates column-wise permutation
if (permut=="r") {Lpermut <- L[sample(1:nrow(L)),]}
if (permut=="c") {Lpermut <- L[,sample(1:ncol(L))]}
# calculate permuted statistic of quantitative and categorical
newobsc <- t(R) %*% (Lpermut %*% Q)
newobsq <- t(Rq) %*% (Lpermut %*% Qq)
# dependent on index, decide which observed value shall be chosen
newobs <- matrix(sapply(1:prod(dim(ind)), function(x)
if (as.numeric(ind)[x]==4) as.numeric(newobsc)[x]
else as.numeric(newobsq)[x]),
# count how often permuted statistic is larger than observed one
# examine and transform data
# if ExpressionSet is missing: use single dataframes as input
if (missing(ExprSet)) {
if (missing(R)) {
R = as.data.frame(diag(x=1, nrow=nrow(L), ncol=nrow(L)))
warning("R is missing and is replaced by an identity matrix.")
if (missing(Q)) {
Q = as.data.frame(diag(x=1, nrow=ncol(L), ncol=ncol(L)))
warning("R is missing and is replaced by an identity matrix.")
if (missing(L)) {
stop("L is missing.")
if (is.matrix(L)) matL <- L else
if (is.data.frame(L)) matL <- as.matrix(L) else
stop("L has to be a dataframe or a matrix")
if (is.matrix(R)) {
tabR <- as.data.frame(R)
warning("R is transformed to a dataframe by as.data.frame().")
} else if (is.data.frame(R)) tabR <- R else
stop("R has to be a dataframe or a matrix")
if (is.matrix(Q)) {
tabQ <- as.data.frame(Q)
warning("Q is transformed to a dataframe by as.data.frame().")
} else if (is.data.frame(Q)) tabQ <- Q else
stop("Q has to be a dataframe or a matrix")
} else {
# else: transform ExpressionSet to matrix/dataframes
matL <- exprs(ExprSet)
tabR <- fData(ExprSet)
tabQ <- pData(ExprSet)
# control values of the dataframes
if (any(is.na(tabR)))
stop("NA in R")
if (any(is.na(tabQ)))
stop("NA in Q")
if (any(is.na(matL)))
stop("NA in L")
if (any(matL<0))
stop("negative values in L")
# control features of the dataframes
if (nrow(tabR) != nrow(matL))
stop("row number of R does not match row number of L")
if (nrow(tabQ) != ncol(matL))
stop("row number of Q does not match column number of L")
# filter gene by gene expression variance according to exprvar
if (exprvar != 1) {
# determine number of genes by given fraction
ngenes <- trunc(exprvar * nrow(matL))
# filter L to retain the most variably expressed genes
matL <- matL[order(rowVars(matL), decreasing=TRUE)[1:ngenes],]
# just use gene covariates in R which contain at least one annotation after
# the unsupervised filtering
whichR <- unique(which(colSums(tabR)==0))
tabR <- tabR[,-whichR]
# transform R and Q to matrices and order columns alphabetically
# R:
# init matrix
matR <- matrix(0, nrow(tabR), 1)
# init colnames of matrix
namesR <- "init"
# init indexR which will assign 1 to quantitative and 2 to
# categorical variables
indexR <- "init"
for (i in 1:ncol(tabR)) {
# if variable is quantitative: add it to new matrix
if (is.numeric(tabR[,i])) {
matR <- cbind(matR, tabR[,i])
namesR <- c(namesR, names(tabR)[i])
indexR <- c(indexR, 1)
# if variable is categorical: add disjunctive table to matrix
else if (is.factor(tabR[,i])) {
disjtabR <- disj(tabR[,i])
matR <- cbind(matR, disjtabR)
# colnames of the variables will contain variable and level name
namesR <- c(namesR, paste(names(tabR)[i], ".", names(disjtabR)))
indexR <- c(indexR, rep(2, ncol(disjtabR)))
# delete the initialisations
matR <- as.matrix(matR[,-1])
colnames(matR) <- namesR[-1]
# order the variables alphabetically
if (dim(matR)[2] !=1) {matR <- matR[, order(colnames(matR))]}
indexR <- indexR[-1]
# Q: do the same with matrix Q (see matrix R)
matQ <- matrix(0, nrow(tabQ), 1)
namesQ <- "init"
indexQ <- "init"
for (i in 1:ncol(tabQ)) {
if (is.numeric(tabQ[,i])) {
matQ <- cbind(matQ, tabQ[,i])
namesQ <- c(namesQ, names(tabQ)[i])
indexQ <- c(indexQ, 1)
else if (is.factor(tabQ[,i])) {
disjtabQ <- disj(tabQ[,i])
matQ <- cbind(matQ, disjtabQ)
namesQ <- c(namesQ, paste(names(tabQ)[i], ".", names(disjtabQ)))
indexQ <- c(indexQ, rep(2, ncol(disjtabQ)))
matQ <- as.matrix(matQ[,-1])
colnames(matQ) <- namesQ[-1]
if (dim(matQ)[2] !=1) {matQ <- matQ[, order(colnames(matQ))]}
indexQ <- indexQ[-1]
# calculate index as sum of indexR and indexQ; only index==4 is interesting,
# since the both variables are categorical (important for
# calculation of statistical values)
index <- matrix(as.numeric(rep(indexR, length(indexQ))),
nrow=length(indexR), ncol=length(indexQ))
index <- matrix(apply(index, 1, function(x) (x + as.numeric(indexQ))),
nrow = length(indexR), ncol = length(indexQ), byrow=TRUE)
# normalise quantitative variables of R and Q per column and save these
# in matRq and matQq
matRq <- apply(matR, 2, function(x) normalise(x, rowSums(matL), sum(matL)))
matQq <- apply(matQ, 2, function(x) normalise(x, colSums(matL), sum(matL)))
# results in the list result
result <- list()
# calculate observed statistic for quantitative and categorical matrices
obsc <- t(matR)%*%(matL%*%matQ)
obsq <- t(matRq)%*%(matL%*%matQq)
# if both variables are categorical (index==4), cell of obsc is taken;
# if at least one of the variables is quantitative: take obsq
obs <- matrix(sapply(1:prod(dim(index)), function(x)
if (as.numeric(index)[x] == 4) as.numeric(obsc)[x] else
as.numeric(obsq)[x]), nrow=nrow(index), ncol=ncol(index))
# create as many clusters as number of available cores-1
clus <- makeCluster(nrcor)
# export needed data to clusters
# use parLapply to count how often empirical statistical values >= obs
# in the case of row-wise permutation
countr <- parLapply(clus, rep("r",npermut), function(x)
calstat(R=matR, Rq=matRq, L=matL, Q=matQ, Qq=matQq,
o=obs, permut=x, ind=index))
countr <- Reduce(function(x,y){x+y}, countr)
# in the case of column-wise permutation
countc <- parLapply(clus, rep("c",npermut), function(x)
calstat(R=matR, Rq=matRq, L=matL, Q=matQ, Qq=matQq,
o=obs, permut=x, ind=index))
countc <- Reduce(function(x,y){x+y}, countc)
# close the clusters
# save the statistical value dependent on the index
# if both variables are categorical (index==4), the N statistic amounts to
# the already calculated statistic
# if at least one variables is quantitative, the correlation coefficient is
# computed by dividing the statistic by the sum over matrix L
result$stat <- matrix(sapply(1:prod(dim(index)), function(x)
if (as.numeric(index)[x] == 4) {as.numeric(obs)[x]}
else {as.numeric(obs)[x]/sum(matL)}),
nrow=nrow(index), ncol=ncol(index),
dimnames=list(colnames(matR), colnames(matQ)))
# calculate p-value of row-wise and column-wise permutation
# independently from each other (equation see Vignette)
pvaluer <- 2 * pmin((countr+1)/(npermut+1), (1-(countr+1)/(npermut+1)))
pvaluec <- 2 * pmin((countc+1)/(npermut+1), (1-(countc+1)/(npermut+1)))
# special case if variance of at least one variable equals zero:
# all pvalues of this variable are 1
pvaluer[which(rowVars(t(matR))==0),] <- 1
pvaluer[,which(rowVars(t(matQ))==0)] <- 1
pvaluec[which(rowVars(t(matR))==0),] <- 1
pvaluec[,which(rowVars(t(matQ))==0)] <- 1
# adjust p-values and choose maximal pvalue
adj.pvaluer <- as.numeric(p.adjust(pvaluer, method=padjust))
adj.pvaluec <- as.numeric(p.adjust(pvaluec, method=padjust))
result$adj.pvalue <- matrix(pmax(adj.pvaluer, adj.pvaluec),
# investigate if the maximum p-value is taken from row- or column-wise
# permutation and choose respective non-adjusted p-value
is.r=(result$adj.pvalue == adj.pvaluer)
pvalue <- rep(0, length(is.r))
for (i in 1:length(is.r)) {
if (is.r[i] == TRUE) {pvalue[i] <- pvaluer[i]}
else {pvalue[i] <- pvaluec[i]}
result$pvalue <- matrix(pvalue, ncol=ncol(result$stat),
# add call of the function to result
result$call <- match.call()
# add number of analysed genes to result
if (exprvar != 1) {result$ngenes <- ngenes} else result$ngenes <- "all"
# add number of permutations to result
result$npermut <- npermut
# add multiple hypothesis adjustment method to result
result$adjust.method <- padjust
class(result) <- "stat"
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