
Defines functions savePairs

Documented in savePairs

savePairs <- function(x, file, param)
# This function saves all counts in 'x' into a set of gzipped files in 'dir', along with
# an index file specifying the identity of each observed chromosome combination corresponding
# to each file. This speeds up any attempt at random access. The idea is to act as a 
# convenience function if you have a matrix of counts (or whatever) and you just want to save it.
# written by Aaron Lun 
# created some time ago
# last modified 18 November 2017
    if (any(colnames(x) %in% c("anchor.id", "target.id"))) { 
        stop("colnames 'anchor.*' and 'target.*' should be changed to 'anchor1.*' and 'anchor2.*'")
    x <- .enforcePairOrder(x)
	if (file.exists(file)) { 
        unlink(file, recursive=TRUE) 

	# Need to reorder so fragments are sorted by chromosome COMBINATION.
    if (!.isDNaseC(param)) { 
        frag.out <- .splitByChr(param$fragments) 
        all.chrs <- frag.out$chr
        full.chrs <- rep(seq_along(all.chrs), frag.out$last-frag.out$first+1L)
        achr <- full.chrs[x$anchor1.id]
        tchr <- full.chrs[x$anchor2.id]
        new.o <- order(achr, tchr, x$anchor1.id, x$anchor2.id)
    } else{ 
        # For DNase-C data, the anchor IDs are assumed to be chromosome indices to 'seqlengths'.
        all.chrs <- seqlevels(param$fragments)
        achr <- x$anchor1.id
        tchr <- x$anchor2.id
        new.o <- order(achr, tchr)
        x$anchor1.id <- x$anchor2.id <- 0L
    x <- x[new.o,]

	# Identifying stretches with the same chromosome pairs.
	new.achr <- achr[new.o]
	new.tchr <- tchr[new.o]
	if (length(new.achr) > 0L) {
		is.diff <- c(TRUE, diff(new.achr)!=0L | diff(new.tchr)!=0L)
		first.in.combo <- which(is.diff)
		last.in.combo <- c(first.in.combo[-1]-1L, length(new.o))
	} else { 
        first.in.combo <- last.in.combo <- integer(0) 

	# Saving results.
	for (ax in unique(new.achr[first.in.combo])) { 
        .addGroup(file, all.chrs[ax]) 
	for (y in seq_along(first.in.combo)) {
		current <- first.in.combo[y]:last.in.combo[y]
		cur.a <- all.chrs[new.achr[current[1]]] 
		cur.t <- all.chrs[new.tchr[current[1]]]
	    .writePairs(x[current,], file, cur.a, cur.t)
LTLA/diffHic documentation built on Dec. 20, 2024, 7:06 p.m.