#' @export
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics strand strand<- start end
#' @importFrom S4Vectors runValue
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb seqnames Seqinfo seqlevels seqlengths
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges GRanges
#' @importFrom IRanges IRanges
mergeWindows <- function(ranges, tol, signs=NULL, max.width=NULL, ignore.strand=TRUE)
# This function merges the adjacent windows if they lie within 'tol' of each other,
# Any abundance filtering should be done beforehand. Negative values of tol refer
# to a minimum overlap. A value of zero means that the windows must be adjacent
# (i.e. non-overlapping and contiguous).
# written by Aaron Lun
# created 30 July 2013
ranges <- .toGRanges(ranges)
strs <- strand(ranges)
if (!ignore.strand && length(runValue(strs))!=1) {
# Strand-specific clustering.
forward <- as.logical(strs=="+")
reverse <- as.logical(strs=="-")
neither <- as.logical(strs=="*")
ids <- integer(length(ranges))
regs <- vector("list", 3)
collected <- 0L
if (any(forward)) {
out <- Recall(ranges=ranges[forward], tol=tol, signs=signs[forward], max.width=max.width, ignore.strand=TRUE)
ids[forward] <- out$id
strand(out$region) <- "+"
regs[[1]] <- out$region
collected <- collected + length(out$region)
if (any(reverse)) {
out <- Recall(ranges=ranges[reverse], tol=tol, signs=signs[reverse], max.width=max.width, ignore.strand=TRUE)
ids[reverse] <- out$id + collected
strand(out$region) <- "-"
regs[[2]] <- out$region
collected <- collected + length(out$region)
if (any(neither)) {
out <- Recall(ranges=ranges[neither], tol=tol, signs=signs[neither], max.width=max.width, ignore.strand=TRUE)
ids[neither] <- out$id + collected
regs[[3]] <- out$region
return(list(ids=ids, regions=do.call(c, regs)))
tol <- as.integer(tol)
max.width <- as.integer(max.width)
chrs <- as.integer(seqnames(ranges))
starts <- start(ranges)
ends <- end(ranges)
o <- order(chrs, starts, ends)
if (is.null(signs)) {
signs <- logical(length(ranges))
} else {
if (length(signs)!=length(ranges)) {
stop("lengths of 'signs' and 'ids' must be the same")
signs <- signs[o]
# Running the merge. Indices correspond with positions in 'clustered'.
out <- .Call(cxx_merge_windows, chrs[o], starts[o], ends[o], signs, tol, max.width)
out[[1]][o] <- out[[1]]
clustered <- GRanges(levels(seqnames(ranges))[out[[2]]], IRanges(out[[3]], out[[4]]),
seqinfo=Seqinfo(seqlevels(ranges), seqlengths(ranges)))
list(ids=out[[1]], regions=clustered)
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