#' TSCANorder
#' Construct TSCAN order after exprmclust
#' This function takes the exact output of exprmclust function and construct TSCAN order by mapping all cells onto the path that connects cluster centers.
#' Users can also specify their own path.
#' @param mclustobj The exact output of the \code{\link{exprmclust}} function.
#' @param MSTorder A numeric vector specifying the order of clusters.
#' @param orderonly Only return the ordering. State or pseudotime information will not be returned
#' @param flip whether to flip the ordering
#' @param listbranch whether to list the ordering results of all possible branches in MST. Only works if MSTorder in NULL.
#' @return if orderonly = F, a vector of ordered cell names. if orderonly = T, a data frame of ordered cell names, cell states and pseudotime.
#' @export
#' @author Zhicheng Ji, Hongkai Ji <zji4@@zji4.edu>
#' @examples
#' data(lpsdata)
#' procdata <- preprocess(lpsdata)
#' lpsmclust <- exprmclust(procdata)
#' TSCANorder(lpsmclust)
TSCANorder <- function(mclustobj,MSTorder = NULL,orderonly=T,flip=F,listbranch=F) {
if (!is.null(MSTorder) & length(MSTorder) == 1) {
stop("MSTorder is not a path!")
clucenter <- mclustobj$clucenter
row.names(clucenter) <- paste0("clu",1:nrow(clucenter))
clusterid <- mclustobj$clusterid
pcareduceres <- mclustobj$pcareduceres
adjmat <- as_adjacency_matrix(mclustobj$MSTtree,sparse=FALSE)
if (is.null(MSTorder)) {
orderinMST <- 1
clutable <- table(mclustobj$clusterid)
alldeg <- degree(mclustobj$MSTtree)
allcomb <- expand.grid(as.numeric(names(alldeg)[alldeg==1]),as.numeric(names(alldeg)[alldeg==1]))
allcomb <- allcomb[allcomb[,1] < allcomb[,2],]
numres <- t(apply(allcomb, 1, function(i) {
tmp <- as.vector(get.shortest.paths(mclustobj$MSTtree,i[1],i[2])$vpath[[1]])
c(length(tmp), sum(clutable[tmp]))
optcomb <- allcomb[order(numres[,1],numres[,2],decreasing = T)[1],]
branchcomb <- allcomb[-order(numres[,1],numres[,2],decreasing = T)[1],]
MSTorder <- get.shortest.paths(mclustobj$MSTtree,optcomb[1],optcomb[2])$vpath[[1]]
if (flip) {
MSTorder <- rev(MSTorder)
} else {
edgeinMST <- sapply(1:(length(MSTorder)-1),function(i) {
if (sum(edgeinMST==0) > 0) {
orderinMST <- 0
} else {
orderinMST <- 1
internalorderfunc <- function(internalorder,MSTinout) {
TSCANorder <- NULL
for (i in 1:(length(internalorder)-1)) {
currentcluid <- internalorder[i]
nextcluid <- internalorder[i + 1]
currentclucenter <- clucenter[currentcluid,]
nextclucenter <- clucenter[nextcluid,]
currentreduceres <- pcareduceres[clusterid==currentcluid,]
if (MSTinout) {
connectcluid <- as.numeric(names(which(adjmat[currentcluid,] == 1)))
} else {
if (i == 1) {
connectcluid <- nextcluid
} else {
connectcluid <- c(nextcluid,internalorder[i - 1])
cludist <- sapply(connectcluid, function(x) {
mindistid <- apply(cludist,1,which.min)
edgecell <- names(which(mindistid == which(connectcluid == nextcluid)))
difvec <- nextclucenter - currentclucenter
tmppos <- pcareduceres[edgecell,] %*% difvec
pos <- as.vector(tmppos)
names(pos) <- row.names(tmppos)
TSCANorder <- c(TSCANorder,names(sort(pos)))
nextreduceres <- pcareduceres[clusterid==nextcluid,]
if (MSTinout) {
connectcluid <- as.numeric(names(which(adjmat[nextcluid,] == 1)))
} else {
if (i == length(internalorder)-1) {
connectcluid <- currentcluid
} else {
connectcluid <- c(currentcluid,internalorder[i + 2])
cludist <- sapply(connectcluid, function(x) {
mindistid <- apply(cludist,1,which.min)
edgecell <- names(which(mindistid == which(connectcluid == currentcluid)))
difvec <- nextclucenter - currentclucenter
tmppos <- pcareduceres[edgecell,] %*% difvec
pos <- as.vector(tmppos)
names(pos) <- row.names(tmppos)
TSCANorder <- c(TSCANorder,names(sort(pos)))
if (orderonly) {
} else {
# datadist <- dist(mclustobj$pcareduceres)
# distmat <- as.matrix(datadist)
# alldist <- sapply(1:(length(TSCANorder)-1), function(x) {
# distmat[TSCANorder[x],TSCANorder[x+1]]
# })
# ptime <- c(0,cumsum(alldist))
# ptime <- ptime/max(ptime) * 100
data.frame(sample_name=TSCANorder,State=clusterid[TSCANorder],Pseudotime=1:length(TSCANorder),stringsAsFactors = F)
if (!orderinMST) {
} else {
if (exists("branchcomb") & listbranch) {
allres <- list()
allres[[paste("backbone",paste(MSTorder,collapse = ','))]] <- internalorderfunc(MSTorder,1)
for (tmpcombid in 1:nrow(branchcomb)) {
tmporder <- get.shortest.paths(mclustobj$MSTtree,branchcomb[tmpcombid,1],branchcomb[tmpcombid,2])$vpath[[1]]
allres[[paste("branch:",paste(tmporder,collapse = ','))]] <- internalorderfunc(tmporder,1)
} else {
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