# Tests for visualization functions
# library(SingleR); library(testthat); source("setup.R"); source("test-heatmap.R")
colnames(test) <- sprintf("cell_%i", seq_len(ncol(test)))
pred <- SingleR(test=test, ref=training, labels=training$label, genes="de")
test.exp <- assay(test,1)
training.exp <- assay(training,1)
test_that("We can produce heatmaps of scores with plotScoreHeatmap", {
expect_s3_class(plotScoreHeatmap(results = pred), "pheatmap")
expect_s3_class(plotScoreHeatmap(results = pred, normalize = FALSE), "pheatmap")
expect_s3_class(plotScoreHeatmap(results = pred, cells.use = 1:50), "pheatmap")
expect_s3_class(plotScoreHeatmap(results = pred, cells.use = rownames(pred)[1:50]), "pheatmap")
expect_s3_class(plotScoreHeatmap(results = pred, cells.order=seq_len(nrow(pred))), "pheatmap")
expect_s3_class(plotScoreHeatmap(results = pred, labels.use = levels(as.factor(pred$labels))[1:3]), "pheatmap")
expect_s3_class(plotScoreHeatmap(results = pred, max.labels = length(levels(as.factor(pred$labels)))-1), "pheatmap")
expect_s3_class(plotScoreHeatmap(results = pred, clusters = pred$labels), "pheatmap")
expect_s3_class(plotScoreHeatmap(results = pred, clusters = pred$labels, order.by.clusters=TRUE), "pheatmap")
expect_s3_class(plotScoreHeatmap(results = pred, show.pruned = TRUE), "pheatmap")
expect_s3_class(plotScoreHeatmap(results = pred, show.labels = TRUE), "pheatmap")
expect_s3_class(plotScoreHeatmap(results = pred, silent=TRUE), "pheatmap")
expect_s3_class(plotScoreHeatmap(results = pred,
annotation_col = data.frame(
annot = seq_len(nrow(pred)),
row.names = row.names(pred))), "pheatmap")
test_that("heatmap - 'cells.use' can be combined with annotations & annotations can be combined with eachother", {
# default labels annot still there and displayed
expect_s3_class(plotScoreHeatmap(results = pred,
cells.use = 1:50), "pheatmap")
# clusters and labels
results = pred, cells.use = 1:50, clusters = pred$labels), "pheatmap")
# annot & clusters and labels
results = pred, cells.use = 1:50, clusters = pred$labels,
annotation_col = data.frame(
annot = seq_len(nrow(pred)),
row.names = row.names(pred))), "pheatmap")
test_that("heatmap - Error is thrown when order.by = `clusters` but no clusters are given.", {
results = pred, cells.use = 1:50,
order.by = "clusters"),
"'clusters' input is required when 'order.by=\"clusters\"'")
test_that("heatmap - can pass excess pheatmap::pheatmap parameters through plotScoreHeatmap.", {
expect_s3_class(plotScoreHeatmap(results = pred, cutree_col = 3), "pheatmap")
expect_s3_class(plotScoreHeatmap(results = pred, fontsize_row = 5), "pheatmap")
expect_equal(plotScoreHeatmap(results = pred, silent = TRUE,
fontsize_row = 5, return.data = TRUE)$fontsize_row,
test_that("heatmap scores color can be adjusted, regardless of 'normalize' value", {
plotScoreHeatmap(results = pred, silent = TRUE, return.data = TRUE,
normalize = FALSE,
color = colorRampPalette(c("red", "blue"))(33))$color,
colorRampPalette(c("red", "blue"))(33))
plotScoreHeatmap(results = pred, silent = TRUE, return.data = TRUE,
normalize = TRUE,
color = colorRampPalette(c("red", "blue"))(33))$color,
colorRampPalette(c("red", "blue"))(33))
test_that("heatmap allows users to adjust breaks, legend_breaks, legend_labels", {
plotScoreHeatmap(results = pred, silent = TRUE,
normalize = FALSE,
color = colorRampPalette(c("red", "blue"))(33),
breaks = seq(-5, 5, length.out = 34),
legend_breaks = c(-5, 0, 5),
legend_labels = c("manually", "set", "labels")),
non_norm_args <- plotScoreHeatmap(results = pred, silent = TRUE, return.data = TRUE,
normalize = FALSE,
color = colorRampPalette(c("red", "blue"))(33),
breaks = seq(-5, 5, length.out = 34),
legend_breaks = c(-5, 0, 5),
legend_labels = c("manually", "set", "labels"))
expect_equal(non_norm_args$breaks, seq(-5, 5, length.out = 34))
expect_equal(non_norm_args$legend_breaks, c(-5, 0, 5))
expect_equal(non_norm_args$legend_labels, c("manually", "set", "labels"))
norm_args <- plotScoreHeatmap(results = pred, silent = TRUE, return.data = TRUE,
normalize = TRUE,
color = colorRampPalette(c("red", "blue"))(33),
breaks = seq(-5, 5, length.out = 34),
legend_breaks = c(-5, 0, 5),
legend_labels = c("manually", "set", "labels"))
expect_equal(norm_args$breaks, seq(-5, 5, length.out = 34))
expect_equal(norm_args$legend_breaks, c(-5, 0, 5))
expect_equal(norm_args$legend_labels, c("manually", "set", "labels"))
test_that("heatmap is adjusted properly when 'labels.use' yields 1 or 0 labels", {
# Should give message but still output plot
expect_warning(plotScoreHeatmap(results = pred,
labels.use = c("A")),
paste0("disabling normalization"))
suppressWarnings(plotScoreHeatmap(results = pred, silent = TRUE,
labels.use = c("A"),
color = colorRampPalette(c("red", "blue"))(33), # proximal to normalization being turned off
return.data = TRUE)$color),
colorRampPalette(c("red", "blue"))(33))
# Should give message but still output plot
expect_warning(plotScoreHeatmap(results = pred,
labels.use = c("a")),
paste0("ignoring 'labels.use'"))
nrow(suppressWarnings(plotScoreHeatmap(results = pred, silent = TRUE,
labels.use = c("a"),
return.data = TRUE)$mat)),
#### Manual Visualization Check ####
test_that("Annotations stay linked, even with cells.use, cells.order, or order.by.clusters = TRUE", {
# Make prune.call TRUE for every 10th value. (We need known order for testing annotation placement.)
pred$pruned.labels <- rep(c(rep(FALSE,9),NA),nrow(pred)/10)
#Reference plot: Every tenth cell, pruned = TRUE. Clusters from 100:1. annot from 1:100.
results = pred,
cells.order = seq_len(nrow(pred)),
# order.by = "clusters",
# cells.use = 1:50,
clusters = seq(nrow(pred),1),
show.pruned = TRUE,
annotation_col = data.frame(
annot = seq_len(nrow(pred)),
row.names = row.names(pred))),
#Reversed order: First, 11th, 21st... cell, pruned = TRUE. Clusters from 1:100. annot from 100:1.
results = pred,
# cells.order = seq_len(nrow(pred)),
order.by = "clusters",
# cells.use = 1:50,
clusters = seq(nrow(pred),1),
show.pruned = TRUE,
annotation_col = data.frame(
annot = seq_len(nrow(pred)),
row.names = row.names(pred))),
#Reference plot, but only half: Every tenth cell, pruned = TRUE. Clusters from 50:1. annot from 100:51.
results = pred,
cells.order = seq_len(nrow(pred)),
# order.by = "clusters",
cells.use = 1:50,
clusters = seq(nrow(pred),1),
show.pruned = TRUE,
annotation_col = data.frame(
annot = seq_len(nrow(pred)),
row.names = row.names(pred))),
#Reference plot, but with annot flipped 100:1 because it's rownames were flipped.
results = pred,
cells.order = seq_len(nrow(pred)),
# order.by = "clusters",
# cells.use = 1:50,
clusters = seq(nrow(pred),1),
show.pruned = TRUE,
annotation_col = data.frame(
annot = seq_len(nrow(pred)),
row.names = row.names(pred)[seq(nrow(pred),1)])),
test_that("Row and Column annotation coloring works", {
#When works:
# Clusters and Continuous are shades of the same color
# Pruned and Discrete are many discrete colors
results = pred,
cells.order = seq_len(nrow(pred)),
clusters = seq(nrow(pred),1),
show.pruned = TRUE,
annotation_row = data.frame(
Discrete = as.character(seq_len(ncol(pred$scores))),
Continuous = as.numeric(seq_len(ncol(pred$scores))),
row.names = colnames(pred$scores))),
### Prep for multi-reference checks ###
ref <- .mockRefData(nreps=8)
ref1 <- ref[,1:4%%4==0]
ref1 <- ref1[,sample(ncol(ref1))]
ref1 <- scuttle::logNormCounts(ref1)
ref2 <- ref[,1:4%%4!=0]
ref2 <- ref2[,sample(ncol(ref2))]
ref2 <- scuttle::logNormCounts(ref2)
ref2$label <- tolower(ref2$label)
combined <- SingleR(
test, ref = list(smallRef = ref1, largeRef = ref2),
labels = list(ref1$label, ref2$label))
combined_prunedRef1 <- combined
combined_prunedRef1$orig.results$smallRef$pruned.labels[1:3%%3==0] <- NA_character_
ref1.pruned <- is.na(combined_prunedRef1$orig.results$smallRef$pruned.labels)
ref1.title <- "smallRef"
ref2.title <- "largeRef"
test_that("heatmap can be made for multi-ref runs - combined", {
expect_s3_class(plotScoreHeatmap(results = combined, silent = TRUE,
scores.use = 0),
# title correct
expect_equal(plotScoreHeatmap(results = combined, silent = TRUE,
scores.use = 0, return.data = TRUE)$main,
"Combined Scores")
test_that("heatmap can be made for multi-ref runs - individual", {
expect_s3_class(plotScoreHeatmap(results = combined, silent = TRUE,
scores.use = 1),
# title correct
expect_equal(plotScoreHeatmap(results = combined, silent = TRUE,
scores.use = 1, return.data = TRUE)$main,
test_that("heatmap can be made for multi-ref runs - multiple", {
expect_s3_class(plotScoreHeatmap(results = combined,
scores.use = 0:1),
expect_s3_class(plotScoreHeatmap(results = combined,
scores.use = NULL),
plotScoreHeatmap(results = combined, silent = TRUE, grid.vars = NULL,
scores.use = NULL)),
plotScoreHeatmap(results = combined, silent = TRUE, grid.vars = NULL,
scores.use = 0:2))
test_that("heatmap multi-ref - calls & pruned calls can be selected with calls.use", {
# Individual
expect_s3_class(plotScoreHeatmap(results = combined_prunedRef1, scores.use = 1,
calls.use = 1, show.pruned = TRUE),
# Correct annotation title
expect_true("smallRef Labels" %in%
names(plotScoreHeatmap(results = combined_prunedRef1, scores.use = 1, silent = TRUE,
calls.use = 1, show.pruned = TRUE, return.data = TRUE)$annotation_col))
# Correct prune calls added
sum(plotScoreHeatmap(results = combined_prunedRef1, scores.use = 1, silent = TRUE,
calls.use = 1, show.pruned = TRUE, return.data = TRUE)$annotation_col$Pruned==TRUE))
# All
expect_s3_class(plotScoreHeatmap(results = combined,
calls.use = 1, show.pruned = TRUE,
scores.use = NULL),
# Multiple calls.use
expect_s3_class(plotScoreHeatmap(results = combined,
calls.use = 0:2, show.pruned = TRUE,
scores.use = NULL),
test_that("heatmap multi-ref - grid.vars control", {
expect_s3_class(plotScoreHeatmap(results = combined, scores.use = NULL,
grid.vars = NULL)[[1]],
expect_s3_class(plotScoreHeatmap(results = combined, scores.use = NULL,
grid.vars = list(ncol = 2)),
test_that("heatmap multi-ref - 'na.color'", {
tail(plotScoreHeatmap(results = combined, silent = TRUE, return.data = TRUE,
scores.use = 0,
na.color = "#000000")$color, 1),
test_that("heatmap multi-ref - labels with least calls/calcs are removed by 'max.labels'", {
combined$scores[[1]][1,"labels"] <- "rarelyCalc"
# Present with no trimming
expect_true("rarelyCalc" %in% rownames(plotScoreHeatmap(results = combined, silent = TRUE, return.data = TRUE, scores.use = 0,
max.labels = 40)$mat))
# The rarely picked for calculation "rarelyCalc" label should be removed.
expect_false("rarelyCalc" %in% rownames(plotScoreHeatmap(results = combined, silent = TRUE, return.data = TRUE, scores.use = 0,
max.labels = 10)$mat))
test_that("heatmap multi-ref - Other typical adjustments throw no unexpected errors", {
# Our vars
expect_s3_class(plotScoreHeatmap(results = combined,
normalize = FALSE),
expect_warning(out <- plotScoreHeatmap(results = combined,
labels.use = c("A", "a")),
"disabling normalization")
expect_s3_class(plotScoreHeatmap(results = combined,
max.labels = 3),
expect_s3_class(plotScoreHeatmap(results = combined,
clusters = g),
expect_s3_class(plotScoreHeatmap(results = combined,
order.by = "clusters", clusters = g),
expect_s3_class(plotScoreHeatmap(results = combined,
cluster_col = TRUE),
expect_s3_class(plotScoreHeatmap(results = combined,
cells.order = seq_len(nrow(combined))),
expect_s3_class(plotScoreHeatmap(results = combined,
cells.use = 1:20),
# pheatmap var
expect_s3_class(plotScoreHeatmap(results = combined,
treeheight_row = 5),
test_that("heatmap - max.labels trim when duplicate labels", {
combined_dup1 <- SingleR(
test, ref = list(smallRef = ref1, smallRef2 = ref1, largeRef = ref2),
labels = list(ref1$label, ref1$label, ref2$label))
expect_s3_class(plotScoreHeatmap(results = pred, max.labels = 10), "pheatmap")
test_that("heatmap - rows.order sets row order of heatmap and warns on missing values", {
# Combined
expect_s3_class(plotScoreHeatmap(results = combined,
rows.order = c("A","a","B","b","C","c","D","d","E","e")),
# Single (extra labels okay)
expect_s3_class(plotScoreHeatmap(results = pred,
rows.order = c("A","a","B","b","C","c","D","d","E","e")),
# Warn on missing labels
expect_warning(plotScoreHeatmap(results = pred,
rows.order = c("A","a","B","b","C","c")),
"Label(s) of Scores missing from 'rows.order' will not be plotted: D, E", fixed = TRUE)
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